View Full Version : Alex Jones
20th June 2012, 11:16 AM
Protector of the poor innocent joos.
20th June 2012, 11:17 AM
20th June 2012, 12:34 PM
20th June 2012, 01:47 PM
Notice this:
When a caller calls AJ about fluoride or 9/11 and is skeptical, the caller gets a 10 minute diatribe about how issues like these are multi dimensional and multi-layered. He goes on about how you cant just judge what you see, and that you have to have a historical analysis along with a bunch of other data points to fully understand it.
Then when someone calles about the evil 'J' word, he instantly flips to such a child like mental state where everything is black and white, single layered and one dimensional. THIS is where the tell tale signs are.
If Jews are 1.7% the population, yet own and control 80% of the media, music and sports; i would think that in itself would only require a simple black and white assessment. But this is an assessment AJ does not want to make.
Here is the question we should be asking: If Jews own the world, WHO SOLD IT TO THEM?
SOMEBODY or SOMETHING wants these people running the show. Gee, i wonder why......Because you cannot be critical of their actions, without being labeled anti-semetic.
Twisted Titan
20th June 2012, 01:54 PM
Here is the question we should be asking: If Jews own the world, WHO SOLD IT TO THEM?
Nobody.....They stole, lied and murdered their wicked way to the can't deal honestly with dishonest they will eventually bring you to ruin
20th June 2012, 02:04 PM
That was a great post, Sui, but TA nailed it with the response. AJ is a crypto, pure and simple.
20th June 2012, 02:13 PM
Not to get all religious but AJ is stirring up the masses for a battle against the elite and against government. Out of chaos will come the NWO. Ultimately it's about creating an environment for the arrival of the anti-christ (first as a peacemaker, then as a tyrant) ultimately leading to satan's domination of the entire world and whatever people are left.
Back on point - AJ is stirring the pot and aggitation is what the globalists want and need to bring on the conflict that leads to martial law and the NWO and global governance
20th June 2012, 02:36 PM
Here is the question we should be asking: If Jews own the world, WHO SOLD IT TO THEM?
Nobody.....They stole, lied and murdered their wicked way to the can't deal honestly with dishonest they will eventually bring you to ruin
Yet the top was already full of evil, wicked murderers, and has been LONG before families like the Rothschilds were even around?
21st June 2012, 05:39 AM
The conspiracy stretches back to the days of babylon, and possibly beyond. The bloodlines stay true to themselves imo.
21st June 2012, 06:12 AM
in time of great deception, truth is everywhere.... if Jones' website delivers 80% of the truth, thats fine with me, it is up to you/us to take the piece here and there to see through the fog....
but equating anarcho-capitalism to "masonery" , merely shows that the NWO brainwashing, divide and conquer, is doing great.
21st June 2012, 06:18 AM
sorry TT, cant agree with you here... one needs to be two to tango.... this is a rule that will never change. Usury is as old as mankind and prohibited by many religions, and I sustain that , the intent to enslave us all was born along with the financial system since day 1.
21st June 2012, 07:12 AM
in time of great deception, truth is everywhere.... if Jones' website delivers 80% of the truth, thats fine with me, it is up to you/us to take the piece here and there to see through the fog....
but equating anarcho-capitalism to "masonery" , merely shows that the NWO brainwashing, divide and conquer, is doing great.
If you think Jones is pushing 80% truth then I have an Arabian movie studio to sell you.
This is part of the reason nothing comes from 'conspiracy' centered websites. That 20% you think you can sift through as lie distorts your perception of the other 80% you then think is truth.
Keep away from all Snake Oil Salesmen. Sharp folks 100 years ago knew that. Today, we have the internet and no brains.
21st June 2012, 10:36 AM
If you think Jones is pushing 80% truth then I have an Arabian movie studio to sell you.
This is part of the reason nothing comes from 'conspiracy' centered websites. That 20% you think you can sift through as lie distorts your perception of the other 80% you then think is truth.
Sorry AJ is not the only site I get my news from... I get the missing 20% elsewhere. Thinking that one can get all the truth in one "view" is delusional whatsoever. Yin and Yang, is just about that, the quest for the truth is motivated by a black/white dot representing ignorance, misinformation or disinfo. It has always been like this and always will. And I think motivating people by exposing the banksters/fluoride/GMOs/nuclear industry/corruption is enough for many people to do their home work. Asking,demanding a source to be 101% truthful and laziness in thinking go well along in the end. Just like waiting for whatever savior/leader/guru/thinker, etc... taking personal responsibility is key.
Keep away from all Snake Oil Salesmen. Sharp folks 100 years ago knew that. Today, we have the internet and no brains.
look at who controls education...
edit: but when I see that this thread is inviting jew bashing again, I cannot see any dialogue possible as what is happening is much older than the 1st testament.
21st June 2012, 10:40 AM
look at who controls education...
Your ilk: Luciferians.
21st June 2012, 10:45 AM
If you think Jones is pushing 80% truth then I have an Arabian movie studio to sell you.
This is part of the reason nothing comes from 'conspiracy' centered websites. That 20% you think you can sift through as lie distorts your perception of the other 80% you then think is truth.
Keep away from all Snake Oil Salesmen. Sharp folks 100 years ago knew that. Today, we have the internet and no brains.
But i thought Propaganda is 90% truth?
If AJ is controlled opposition (Which he is) then what he says is happening is likely 90% truth. Its what he says we should do about it that gives away the 10% that is lies. It is his solutions that tell you who he works for.
21st June 2012, 10:49 AM
It is also who he omits from his reports that shows you who he really works for.
21st June 2012, 11:32 AM
To sacrifice a jew, is in the age old tradition.
It fixes everything. :rolleyes:
21st June 2012, 08:11 PM
LOL, I got 51 seconds into it before I had to stop. As soon as agent Jones cut in and said "Let me say something here", I was done. Fuck AJ.
21st June 2012, 09:15 PM
But i thought Propaganda is 90% truth?
If AJ is controlled opposition (Which he is) then what he says is happening is likely 90% truth. Its what he says we should do about it that gives away the 10% that is lies. It is his solutions that tell you who he works for.
I think many of you dont see the big picture, while AJ being a controlled opposition could be true, the NWO must allow a certain amount a truths to be out in the open, this in order to obtain the consent from the masses, the freedom to choose must remain optional... thats why they have gotten away with it for so long. It is an Universal rule....
21st June 2012, 09:34 PM
Your ilk: Luciferians.
Lucifer in latin means light... something is definitely wrong with your vocabulary. Or maybe, should you ask yourself why the meaning of this word changed as soon as christianity appeared. interesting... huh? The search for the light became evil all of a sudden....
now if you mean that satanists are all those who arent christians... indeed, you live in fear
21st June 2012, 09:52 PM
Lucifer in latin means light... something is definitely wrong with your vocabulary. Or maybe, should you ask yourself why the meaning of this word changed as soon as christianity appeared. interesting... huh? The search for the light became evil all of a sudden.... now if you mean that satanists are all those who arent christians... indeed, you live in fear Goldie, I am glad you are posting, you have a lot of " controversial " positions, let people get to know you better. Don't go soft on me okay.
look at who controls education...
Your ilk: Luciferians. Goldie outed herself on here in a more blatant way for being called on trolling Key Western History. Some people here, you will never see them post anything Pro Western and they do share some similarities to Goldie. They share common denominators, they hang around Anti Christian, Anti Western forums and this is where they rip off many of their posts and ideas. The Key History that both Goldie and Skyvike trolled, plus many of my related threads. Plus Dogman also turns everything upside down, the Muslims were some of the greatest civilization destroyers, library burners, librarian killers, the Monks ran all of this, the Libraries, the saving of books, Classics, etc , in addition to the above thread, who saved what, More on the destroyers. Masons/NWO love Muslims to destroy the West, multiculturalism is being used as a battering ram to destroy The West, many of these people that troll this history are all for it, as groups attack us they promote hedonism, nihilism, and singular me, ignore the gangs after you.
22nd June 2012, 07:12 AM
Lucifer in latin means light... something is definitely wrong with your vocabulary. Or maybe, should you ask yourself why the meaning of this word changed as soon as christianity appeared. interesting... huh? The search for the light became evil all of a sudden....
now if you mean that satanists are all those who arent christians...
Oh, please tell me how long latin was around before Christ was around.
indeed, you live in fear
On the contrary, I live in the exact opposite of that, because of my faith in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is the satanists/occultists such as yourself who should be trembling in fear.
Let me give you a hint: Your side loses in the end.
God wins.
Silver Rocket Bitches!
22nd June 2012, 08:41 AM
I recall a interview a little while back where AJ was interviewing David Iche. In that interview Iche went off on the Zionists and AJ actually agreed with him saying that once you do the research it leads you to the Zionists or something along those lines. Interesting that he'll flop around when convenient. One thing's for sure, you won't see him with his bullhorn raging against the lobbyists of AIPAC.
22nd June 2012, 12:05 PM
I recall a interview a little while back where AJ was interviewing David Iche. In that interview Iche went off on the Zionists and AJ actually agreed with him saying that once you do the research it leads you to the Zionists or something along those lines. Interesting that he'll flop around when convenient. One thing's for sure, you won't see him with his bullhorn raging against the lobbyists of AIPAC.
He likes having a radio show.
22nd June 2012, 05:20 PM
Goldie, I am glad you are posting, you have a lot of " controversial " positions, let people get to know you better. Don't go soft on me okay.
at least I show consistency :)
why dont you show a thread with an "subtle exchange" with this GIM founder for a change? Then I would start to believe you. But that, you are unable to produce as there there never were any on GIM. What I say can be found all over the net, but that you obsessively keep mentioning this founder is the absolute evidence that you have nothing valid. My websites are down since a long while, so I am not even promoting all these ideas one way or another for the general public... your case is sooooo weak that you surely must be self-hypnotizing yourself every day, so you can sound even more convincing.
Did you ever try to investigate "dark/missing matter" and the functions of 'black holes"... and their roles in the universe. If you ever could do this, then maybe we would find some common grounds.
what I have tried to demonstrate 2 years ago a little bit undiplomatically I admit, is that sciences are religious beliefs still are nemesis on many fronts. Nothing has changed under the sun.... 2000 years and counting.
Bye Dear
22nd June 2012, 05:42 PM
Oh, please tell me how long latin was around before Christ was around.
You are changing the topic, I am talking of a translation that was twisted here... The Roman Church used to speak in latin when the Bible started being put together. I am fine with the word "satan" to name the Devil though. It just would be interesting to know "why" this translation failure.
22nd June 2012, 05:57 PM
You are changing the topic, I am talking of a translation that was twisted here... The Roman Church used to speak in latin when the Bible was about to be put together. I am fine with the word "satan" to describe evil though. It just would be interesting to know "why" this translation failure.
Theosophists even hate the OT, but your Madam Blantantsatanski, recognizes
a truth, both OT and NT were written by the " heathens " " the greeks " in their
" heathen " language, she hates the Greeks, and she goes on to call her movement
" theo " " sophist " forever smearing those two words by associating it to her
Occult movement which is one of the main factors in influencing and restarting
" the modern occult " , you are a " theosophist " to a T, and more blatant on
here recently, I mentioned this on gim 1 in Zeitgeist thread as you were ripping
off and corrupting Plato, and I mention this in that thread you out yourself in,
Greg Braden the man that sees demons and Mr Lucifer himself, trolling Christian
and Western history turning everything upside down attacking Constantine/Romans.
I tell people to do their own research, give them some basic sources, as you
mock everyone here. Some of your posts are ridiculous, LOL , smearing yourself
and those that support you further, LOL . Everything about you fits.
Goldie wants everyone to ignore the Jews but she wants you to support RP , LOL .
Charles the Great saved Latin, and The West, and Literature and created a true
Renaissance with a period of great advancement in European History, we read and
write the way we do because of him, Goldie on here calls him a " Mason " , LOL ,
as she cavorts with Skyvike and Blatantsky witch whose name I deliberately chose
not to spell right.
22nd June 2012, 05:59 PM
You are changing the topic, I am talking of a translation that was twisted here... The Roman Church used to speak in latin when the Bible was about to be put together. I am fine with the word "satan" to describe evil though. It just would be interesting to know "why" this translation failure.
I agree that "Satan" works as a fair name for evil, meaning "adversary".
The concept of Lucifer, the highest angel, falling from heaven complicates things.
After all, Jesus is the "*Light* of the World", and Lucifer and Jesus have both been called the "morning star".
The Mormons think they are brothers.
Perhaps christians need to ask WHY God permits Satan/Lucifer.
Everything that ever was, is, and will ever be is a single thought in the mind of God.
22nd June 2012, 06:08 PM
I agree that "Satan" works as a fair name for evil, meaning "adversary".
The concept of Lucifer, the highest angel, falling from heaven complicates things.
After all, Jesus is the "*Light* of the World", and Lucifer and Jesus have both been called the "morning star".
The Mormons think they are brothers.
Perhaps christians need to ask WHY God permits Satan/Lucifer.
Everything that ever was, is, and will ever be is a single thought in the mind of God.
Ying and yang, = Dark and light!
Some religions/beliefs in the world strive for balance. You can not have good without evil/bad! There is evil that matches the good and a never ending fight/war is going on to try and keep it that way. Several teachings revolve around that thought.
I do not hold to any one religion, I do believe there is one god that created everything, I just can not say that one belief is above the others and that one is the only one to believe in. The majority of current and old belief's all share the same core values and or teachings at the basic level if you go back into their beginnings.
You have to have evil to have good in the world, and human nature will be sure too see that it will stay that way.
Sorry for bending the topic!
22nd June 2012, 06:11 PM
Perhaps christians need to ask WHY God permits Satan/Lucifer.
Isn't this the conundrum for all religions. "Why does god permit"
22nd June 2012, 06:30 PM
22nd June 2012, 06:42 PM
You are changing the topic...
The topic of my thread is Alex Jones the joo protector.
22nd June 2012, 07:24 PM
sorry Book, I was sticking to the thread as much as possible... when the same people began their circus. Maybe was I wrong to answer, I understand, then the spin started
22nd June 2012, 07:32 PM
sorry Book...
We cool Goldy.
22nd June 2012, 07:47 PM
Magnes, did my invitation to investigate "black holes and dark matter" strike a nerve? Why do astrophysicists have begun to regard them as the "wombs" of the Universe? Any idea? Eventually this will prompt one to re-examine the word "darkness". Nothing is permanently steady by definition in the Universe (its its very nature) and it is a very trick one as it also affects all our materialistic and spiritual perceptions. This is because of the electromagnetic component, positive and negative which holds everything together, from our body cells (neurons included) to the galaxies... and that IS the very shabby secret which the elites would hate us to assimilate. Thats why they are so bent on "divide and conquer", a diversion. In no way this does refute the existence of God. Far to the contrary. Even Jesus advocated to leave everything behind - because there is no fight to win... the deception is monumental.
I dont care about which race/culture/group is behind any cabal, just pointing at the individuals and exposing their deeds is enough... the race./culture sword is a deception if one looks closer. However, it remains to be seen as to which culture/race has harmed the most, since mankind has ever existed. I am sure that the monopoly of evil would make every race/culture evenly guilty. The country I come from in EU, has genocided 10 millions of africans for rubber a century ago and nothing at all is said about it in schools. The killing was ordered by a king Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, from the bloodline, should you be interested in knowing.
And sorry, Charles the Great is from the mason-merovingian/carolingian blood line that you like it or not (which schools have told the truth since the victors rewrite history?). Plato knew about Atlantis, that you like it or not... and I could go on and on... have a good evening.
you are welcome to find me in the religion forum to continue this debate... if you wish.This thread has been enough derailed
22nd June 2012, 10:40 PM
I must compliment you lot on an amusing thread.
25th June 2012, 06:02 AM
Perhaps christians need to ask WHY God permits Satan/Lucifer.
To avoid contributing to the derailment of this thread, I will link you to these posts which are just tow of many in which I address this point.
Post #103 in this thread (
Post #228 in this thread (
There are other threads in which I have talked about this as well.
26th June 2012, 07:32 AM
To sacrifice a jew, is in the age old tradition.
If Alex Jones were crypto he would be promoting the sacrifice.
26th June 2012, 07:43 AM
no kidding Jones is a fear-monger, who over-states the problem of the American police state. since he does this consistently, i conclude that it is his standard practice.
compared to Jones, i'd rather talk about Herpes, or Oozing Puss-filled Sores - neither of which i have ever posted about.
26th June 2012, 09:53 AM
no kidding Jones is a fear-monger, who over-states the problem of the American police state. since he does this consistently, i conclude that it is his standard practice.
Regardless, I wouldn't take the America's growing police state lightly. Rights and Freedoms are slowly (these days quickly) disappearing. I wouldn't call it over-state (been to an airport lately), hows those TSA highway checkpoints working out?, all we hear about is drones drones and more drones and armor vehicles, noise cannons, indefinite detentions, CIA/Mossad covering google/facebook, need I go on? IMO, nobody can overstate what is happening right now. I'm not saying I'm a big AJ fan, but, people need to wake up to the realities and he's not all that far off base on this matter.............
26th June 2012, 10:12 AM
AJ does a god job as exposing a lot of the police state "goings ons", but never addresses the head of the octopus. In fact, he vehemently protects the head of the octopus.
That's another reason why I think he is doing it with their blessing.
26th June 2012, 10:14 AM
i think i've figured out jones' purpose. his job is to inflame rednecks, half-awake people, 'mericans, whatever you want to call them for the coming civil war. they need "patriot people" out in the streets shooting at some point. jones' job is to fire them up/supply them.
6th January 2019, 06:17 AM
Adam Green on Wayne Madsen's history with AJ/Infowars.
1h 12m:
8th January 2019, 08:59 AM
Adam Green interviews an AJ/Infowars fan. Just started listening; Adam notes at the beginning, he's 'debating' Owen Schroyer of Infowars tomorrow
1h 39m,
End Times
8th January 2019, 02:42 PM
Adam Green interviews an AJ/Infowars fan. Just started listening; Adam notes at the beginning, he's 'debating' Owen Schroyer of Infowars tomorrow
1h 39m,
You can't deprogram a Jonestown cultist. If they had any sense, they'd have seen through Jones long before.
30th August 2019, 11:33 PM
Adam Green on AJ show, 12m:
31st August 2019, 12:18 AM
You can't deprogram a Jonestown cultist. If they had any sense, they'd have seen through Jones long before.
I was an "AJ cultist" back around '04-05; gradually listened less & less; IIRC by around '08 I couldn't stand the sound of his voice, + his nonstop fear mongering -- even commercial breaks were no 'break' coz he did voiceover for most ads, in his spooky voice & muzak.
So I deprogrammed; but as Adam G often points out, AJ's changed alot too in even the recent ~10 years; now Mr. Saudis & Chicomms; way more (((sold out))) than even in the '00s. :rolleyes:
Many (incl me) have been recent fans of TruNews (, anti-zio Christian jootube news show; but Kyle/Renegade observed this bit from them this week, clip inside:
TruNews Sounds Like JewNews Kvetching About Evil “Nazis” and Their Gas Chambers (
August 28, 2019
renegade ( 12 Comments (
30th July 2020, 08:59 PM
Apparently PBS Frontline just aired an AJ docu; in this vid Adam Green deconstructs, 91m:
31st July 2020, 06:06 AM
Apparently PBS Frontline just aired an AJ docu; in this vid Adam Green deconstructs, 91m:
The same channel that has given us so many 'well researched' documentaries on the 'Holohoax'. Too bad they won't come out and name him as a tool, controlled op.
31st July 2020, 07:32 AM
I watched Adam's vid above after I posted it here; certainly worthwhile time spent. :)
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