View Full Version : GEAB N°66 is available! Red alert / Global systemic crisis – September-October 2012:

20th June 2012, 05:32 PM
So doom on?

GEAB N°66 is available! Red alert / Global systemic crisis – September-October 2012: When the trumpets of Jericho ring out seven times for the world before the crisis (http://www.leap2020.eu/GEAB-N-66-is-available-Red-alert-Global-systemic-crisis-September-October-2012-When-the-trumpets-of-Jericho-ring-out_a11079.html)

The progression of world events unfolds in accordance with the anticipations mapped out by LEAP/E2020 during these last few quarters. Euroland has finally come out from its political torpor and short-termism since François Hollande’s election (1) as France’s president and the Greeks have just confirmed their willingness to resolve their problems within Euroland (2) thus contradicting all the Anglo-Saxon media and Euro sceptics’ “forecasts”. From now on, Euroland (in fact the EU minus the United Kingdom) will therefore be able to move forward and create a true project of political integration, economic efficiency and democratization over the 2012-2016 period as LEAP/E2020 anticipated last February (GEAB N°62 (http://www.leap2020.eu/GEAB-N-62-Contents_a9184.html%29). It’s positive news but, for the coming six-month periods, this “second Renaissance” of the European project (3) will really be the only good news at world level.

All the other components of the global situation are in fact pointed in a negative, even catastrophic, direction. Here again, the main media are starting to echo a long-standing situation anticipated by our team for summer 2012. Indeed, in one form or another, more often on the inside pages than in big headlines (monopolized for months by Greece and the Euro (4)), one now finds the following 13 topics:

1. Global recession (no engine of growth anywhere / end of the myth of the “US recovery”) (5)
2. Growing insolvency of the Western banking and financial system and henceforth partially recognized as such
3. Growing frailty of key financial assets such as sovereign debts, real estate and CDSs underpinning the world’s major banks’ balance sheets
4. Fall off in international trade (6)
5. Geopolitical tensions (in particular in the Middle East) approaching the point of a regional explosion
6. Lasting global geopolitical blockage at the UN
7. Rapid collapse of the whole of the Western asset-backed retirement system (7)
8. Growing political divisions within the world’s “monolithic” powers (USA, China, Russia)
9. Lack of “miracle” solutions as in 2008 /2009, because of the growing impotence of many of the major Western central banks (Fed, BoE, BoJ) and States’ indebtedness
10. Credibility in freefall for all countries having to assume the double load of public and excessive private debt (8)
11. Inability to control/slow down the advance of mass and long-term unemployment
12. Failure of monetarist and financial stimulus policies such as “pure” austerity policies
13. Quasi-systematic ineffectiveness henceforth of the alternative or recent international closed groups, G20, G8, Rio+20, WTO,… on all the key topics of what is no longer in fact a world agenda absent any consensus: economy, finances, environment, conflict resolution, fight against poverty…

http://www.leap2020.eu/photo/art/default/4431469-6660648.jpg?v=1340130187 Major indices (stock exchanges and oil) in May 2012 - Source: MarketWatch, 06/2012

According to LEAP/E2020, and in accordance with its already timeworn anticipations, just like Franck Biancheri (http://www.franck-biancheri.eu/%E2%80%99s) from 2010 in his book “The World Crisis: The path to the World Afterwards (http://www.amazon.fr/Crise-mondiale-route-monde-dapr%C3%A8s/dp/2919574000)”, this second half of 2012 well really mark a major inflection point of the global systemic crisis and the answers to it.

In fact, it will be characterized by an event which is very simple to understand: if, today, Euroland is able to address this period in a promising fashion (9), it’s because, these last few years, it has gone through a crisis of an intensity and depth unequalled since the beginning of the European construction project after the Second World War (10). From the end of this summer all the other world powers, led by the United States (11), will have to face an identical process. It’s at this cost, and only at this cost, that they will subsequently, in a few years, be able to start a slow recovery towards the light.

But today, after having tried all means of delaying the payment on the due date, the hour of payment arrives. And, as with everything, the ability to put off the inevitable comes at a high price, namely the bigger shock of adjusting to the new reality. In fact, it’s a question of the endgame for the world of before the crisis. The seven blasts of the trumpets of Jericho marking the September October 2012 period will cause the “Dollar Wall’s” last sections and the walls which have protected the world as we know it since 1945 to collapse.

The shock of the autumn 2008 will seem like a small summer storm compared to what will affect planet in several months.

In fact LEAP/E2020 has never seen the chronological convergence of such a series of explosive and so fundamental factors (economy, finances, geopolitical…) since 2006, the start of its work on the global systemic crisis. Logically, in our modest attempt to regularly publish a “crisis weather forecast”, we must therefore give our readers a “Red Alert” because the upcoming events which are readying themselves to shake the world system next September/ October belong to this category.

http://www.leap2020.eu/photo/art/default/4431469-6660651.jpg?v=1340130258 American household % change in median and mean net worth (2001-2010) (dark green: median / light green: mean) - Sources: US Federal Reserve, 06/2012

In this GEAB issue, we expand on our anticipations for seven key factors in this September-October 2012 shock, the seven blasts of the trumpets of Jericho (12) marking the end of the world before the crisis. Four Middle Eastern geopolitical factors and three economic and financial elements are involved at the heart of the coming shock:

1. Iran/Israel/USA: The war too far will really happen
2. The Assyrian bomb: the Israeli-American-Iranian match put to the Syria-Iraq powder keg
3. The AfPak chaos: the US army and NATO, hostages in an exit from an increasingly difficult conflict
4. The Arab Autumn: the Gulf countries swept away in the turmoil.
5. United States: « Taxargeddon » will begin from summer 2012 – The US economy in free-fall by autumn
6. Major bank insolvencies due in September-October 2012: The City-Wall Street version of Bankia
7. The untenable irresponsibility of QE in summer 2012 - the US, British and Japanese central banks out of the game

In addition, we expand on our clear recommendations on how to minimize the impact of the shock in preparation on one’s own situation whether an individual or a business or public service decision maker. We also offer this month’s GlobalEurope Dollar Index.

Finally, LEAP/E2020 announces the resumption of its political anticipation training next autumn, which will henceforth take place on line to satisfy the demand coming out of the four corners of the planet. If GEAB is a “fish”, an end product of anticipation, with this training, we hope to teach a growing number of people to “fish” for direction in the troubled waters of the future. Because hopes that the endgame of the world before the crisis leads to the building of a better world after the crisis, it seems essential to us to build the anticipation capacities of as many people as possible. In fact, it’s this absence of anticipation which for the most part has caused the mistakes at the current crisis’ origin.

This training will be organized in partnership with the non-profit Spanish foundation FEFAP (Fondacion por Educacion E Formacion has Politica Anticipation) recently set up thanks to a donation from Franck Biancheri (13).


(1) Henceforth discussions, salutary especially if they are frank and wide-ranging, will be concerned with the long-term average, political integration and the new institutions needed. By the end of summer, the evidence that the Euroland dimension is core will prevail and make it possible to circumvent the difficulty of the 27 country institutions which are in such a state of decay and British omnipresence today that it’s not possible at this stage to entrust them with the important task of setting up Euroland governance. The Holland-Merkel problem sticks much closer to this reality than a “common institutions” divergence or “intergovernmental approach”. The Brussels institutions also belong to the world before the crisis and are unfit to found the Europe of after the crisis. Sources: Deutsche Welle (http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/why-germany-must-give-up-power-to-save-the-euro-a-837063.html), 11/06/2012; Spiegel (http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/why-germany-must-give-up-power-to-save-the-euro-a-837063.html), 06/05/2012; El Pais (http://elpais.com/elpais/2012/06/10/inenglish/1339348398_447029.html), 10/06/2012; La Tribune (http://www.latribune.fr/opinions/tribunes/20120610trib000703073/cette-germanisation-de-l-europe-qui-fait-peur.html), 10/06/2012

(2) Who, in exchange, will make the country’s difficult adjustment after 30 lost years within the EU more tolerable, lost because they were wasted without any modernization of the Greek State at stake. Source: YahooNews (http://fr.news.yahoo.com/soulag%C3%A9s-europ%C3%A9ens-tendent-main-%C3%A0-gr%C3%A8ce-vot%C3%A9-leuro-223746614.html), 18/06/2012

(3) MarketWatch (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/switzerland-should-join-the-euro-2012-06-14of) 14/06/2012 is even predicting Switzerland’s inevitable integration in Euroland… as LEAP already did some time ago.

(4) As diversion strategies oblige!

(5) Sources: Bloomberg (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-06-14/o-neill-s-brics-risk-hitting-wall-threatening-g-20-growth.html), 15/06/2012; Albawaba (http://www.albawaba.com/business/euro-crisis-arab-economy-429414), 12/06/2012; ChinaDaily (http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2012-06/05/content_15476745.htm), 05/06/2012; CNNMoney (http://money.cnn.com/2012/05/11/news/economy/achutan-recession/index.htm), 11/05/2012; Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/9311190/Global-slump-alert-as-world-money-contracts.html), 04/06/2012; MarketWatch (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/china-doomsayer-sees-crash-coming-2012-04-05?pagenumber=1), 05/04/2012

(6) Source: Irish Times (http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/breaking/2012/0412/breaking52.html), 12/04/2012; CNBC (http://www.cnbc.com/id/47734099), 08/06/2012

(7) Sources: WashingtonPost (http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/fed-americans-wealth-dropped-40-percent/2012/06/11/gJQAlIsCVV_story.html?wprss=rss_business), 11/06/2012; Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/pensions/9325041/UK-pension-performance-among-worst-in-developed-world.html), 11/06/2012; TheAustralian (http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/treasury/pensions-blowout-a-risk-to-future-fund-aaa-rating/story-fn59nsif-1226396079751), 15/06/2012; Spiegel (http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/institutional-investors-desperately-seek-investment-opportunities-a-836975.html#spRedirectedFrom=www), 06/05/2012; ChinaDaily (http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2012-06/15/content_15508446.htm), 15/06/2012

(8) In two years, there has been disarray in the world diplomatic diary.

(9) On this subject, LEAP/E2020 anticipates questions of defence being introduced into the middle of the political integration debate. Just like the Euro was created at the centre of a complex agreement involving strong French support for German unification against the pooling of the Deutsche Mark, the political integration which emerges will involve the “German signature” pooling in return for a form of pooling (at least for the Euroland core) of the French nuclear deterrent. The French leaders will thus discover three things: that the security/defence issue is a major concern for their Euroland partners contrary to appearances (in particular due to the fact of the rapid loss of credibility in US protection), that there is no reason that a complex and difficult debate should be sparked off by this new phase of integration in Germany alone (France also will have to get involved), and finally that public opinion is not against this kind of very practical approach unlike incomprehensible legal texts (as in 2005). As regards defence, we are already seeing a major change: France is turning away from any significant partnership with the United Kingdom without proclaiming it high and low to focus on co-operation with Germany and the continent’s countries. The fact that the United Kingdom always promises and never keeps to its commitments as regards European defence (latest: the joint aircraft carrier development is called into question by the British decision not to adapt its aircraft carrier to accommodate French aircraft) has been finally analyzed for what it was, namely an uninterrupted attempt to prevent the emergence of a European defence. And the drastic reductions in British defence capabilities for budgetary reasons, have made it an increasingly less attractive partner. Sources: Monde Diplomatique (http://blog.mondediplo.net/2012-05-15-La-Royal-Navy-laisse-tomber-les-catapultes), 15/05/2012; Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/8556054/We-should-share-aircraft-carrier-say-French.html), 06/06/2012; Le Point (http://www.lepoint.fr/monde/paris-et-berlin-veulent-vite-relancer-l-europe-de-la-defense-14-06-2012-1473496_24.php), 14/06/2012

(10) A shock amplified in collective European and world psychology by the Europeans’ incapacity during this period to prevent itself from being used by City and Wall Street media wise, in order, on one hand, to, divert attention from their own difficulties and, on the other, to try and “break” this emerging Euroland which was jostling the post-1945 established order.

(11) A country which has seen its inhabitants’ wealth reduced by 40% between 2007 and 2010 according to a recent US Federal Reserve study. A reminder that, in 2006, when we explained in the first GEAB issues that this crisis was going to cause a 50% fall in American households’ wealth, most “experts” considered this anticipation totally absurd. And that’s for 2010. As we have said, US households can expect a further fall of at least 20%. This reminder aims at stressing that one of the greatest difficulties of anticipation work is the immense inertia of opinion and the absence of experts’ imagination. Each reinforces the other to give the impression that no major negative change is just round the corner. Source: WashingtonPost (http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/fed-americans-wealth-dropped-40-percent/2012/06/11/gJQAlIsCVV_story.html?wprss=rss_business), 11/06/2012; US Federal Reserve (http://www.federalreserve.gov/pubs/bulletin/2012/PDF/scf12.pdf), 06/2012

(12) For more information on the story of the trumpets of Jericho: see Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jericho)

(13) It must be one of the very rare players to have brought money into the Spanish banking system these last few weeks. Proof of a convergence between analysis and action.

General of Darkness
20th June 2012, 05:51 PM
Damn is it time for panic sex?

20th June 2012, 05:54 PM
Damn is it time for panic sex?

Not a clue myself. I know these guys are dooming, but I do not remember their track record. I really don't follow them all that much.

20th June 2012, 06:03 PM
Damn is it time for panic sex?

If you need to ask, you haven't read the FAQ! ;D

What is panic sex?

Panic sex, or panic-induced intercourse, is meant to be the last sexual experience of your existence.

When should panic sex be initiated?

Panic sex should only be initiated when there is no further point to trying to survive, typically due to an impeding calamity or disaster.

What is the point of panic sex?

These are potentially your last moments on earth; how else did you plan on spending them?

What are the some common aspects of panic sex?

Panic sex is typically short lived and physically aggressive. Hair-pulling, biting and brusing are all too ever common during panic sex.

What is the difference between panic sex and traditional sex?

Traditionally, panic happens AFTER sex. Panic sex allows the panic to take place DURING sex.

How do I pick a panic sex partner?

Since time is of the essence, be realistic in alloting only as much time as necessary for picking your partner. You could miss your opportunity!

Can my panic sex partner be pre-arranged?

If you typically spend most of your life in one centralized location, your sex partner could be pre-arranged, time allowing.

Will I have enough time for panic sex?

Some people find themselves in a situation that calls for an immediate fight or flight. In these certain instances, panic sex may not be an option.

How much time should be dedicated to panic sex?

You should take as much time as you need to finish the deed.

Events that commonly trigger panic sex include:

Comets, tidal waves, a pole-shift, wars, sirens, oil spills, martial law, plagues, riots, evacuations, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods

What are common events misconstrued as being a call for panic sex?

Losing your job, losing a loved one, and news of "Planet X" are not events to panic over. Although it may seem like the end of the world, your physical existence is most likely not in jeopardy.

Can panic sex be pleasurable?

It most certainly should be your last, most pleasurable experience.

What are the pros and cons of having panic sex?

PROS: No need for condoms or fear of commitment!
CONS: Your judgement may have been clouded of this actually being the time for panic sex.

How can I plan for my panic sex experience?

Since it is spotaneous, panic sex cannot be well planned. The time, place and partner would typically be at random.

Can practicing panic sex help?

Although you can pretend that any intimate moment is a genuine panic sex encounter, practice cannot truely prepare you.

What if I finished panic sex and I'm still alive?

If there's still time left for another round of panic sex, you should either use it or lose it.

How many people can partake in panic sex?

Although the most common number of people is two, panic sex sandwiches and orgies are also common, as there is no limit to the number of people who can participate.

Is panic sex just some rediculous made-up idea from people who don't get any?

Panic sex has been scientifically proven to be a common reaction to fear-induced events. (no citing)

Are there people who just can't break themselves to have panic sex?

Some people have reportedly been only able to shoot guns during a real panic sex trigger event.

What if it's too cold to have panic sex?

Yes, some people have complained about this. Temperature should never be an excuse to not have panic sex.

Is there an early-warning system set up for the need for panic sex?

The Panic Sex Advisory System (in the works) is a world-wide real-time monitoring system of events that warrant potential panic sex.


20th June 2012, 06:09 PM