21st June 2012, 11:44 AM
ARES NOTE - I is not me, I copied this from the blog it was posted on. Link at the bottom. I take no credit for this compilation.
This is something I put together from a March 2009 press conference where gun walking/tracing was announced not only as an issue very important to the president, but directed by the president in conjunction with Attorney General Eric Holder:
Now we know why Obama issued executive privilege this morning to keep Holder from having to release documents about Fast and Furious.
This is something I put together from a March 2009 press conference where gun walking/tracing was announced not only as an issue very important to the president, but directed by the president in conjunction with Attorney General Eric Holder:
Now we know why Obama issued executive privilege this morning to keep Holder from having to release documents about Fast and Furious.