View Full Version : BOMBSHELL: Proof Obama and Holder knew about gun walking in 2009

21st June 2012, 11:44 AM
ARES NOTE - I is not me, I copied this from the blog it was posted on. Link at the bottom. I take no credit for this compilation.

This is something I put together from a March 2009 press conference where gun walking/tracing was announced not only as an issue very important to the president, but directed by the president in conjunction with Attorney General Eric Holder:


Now we know why Obama issued executive privilege this morning to keep Holder from having to release documents about Fast and Furious.


21st June 2012, 01:45 PM
Lawyer weasel words to cover their own asses. If you work for the federal government you can say "The president directed us...". Still pretty damning.

21st June 2012, 02:15 PM
Was waiting for him to say at the end of the statement,

"All this will require in that the end price of the weapons will need to increase for the inflation."

Twisted Titan
21st June 2012, 04:42 PM
All I can say is......Thank God I got mines already cause I'm not giving them up for Sh!t

21st June 2012, 04:56 PM
@ 2:58 watch Mr. Napalitano touch his face and rub his nose. This is known psychologically to be a tell tale sign of someone who is being dishonest, or just plain lying their criminal asses off.