View Full Version : can somebody summarize for me what david icke's main point is?

21st June 2012, 11:06 AM
he's been popping up again lately on shows. i'm trying to keep straight:

1) we are dna antennas that receive alien signals
2) we live in a real matrix, all of our thoughts come from pre-programmed dna messages from aliens
3) there are aliens in another dimension that feed off our fear energy
4) reptilians walk among us (not sure if these are the same as #3) and run things
5) fire is a portal to aliens seeing us (not sure if these are the same as #3 & #4)
6) there's no time or space & earth is going to go through a satanic ritual via the olympics to change the energy of earth to evil
7) people are computers controlled by the elite

from what i can gather, he's an ex-hockey player, sportscaster, and bbc news anchor. i'm trying to figure out how he got all of this inside info or what the big picture is. i listened to him for over an hour on alex jones, and it was like listening to steve quayle. i'm trying to figure out what he thinks from a succient viewpoint. it's all very rambling to me at this point.

21st June 2012, 11:12 AM
he's been popping up again lately on shows. i'm trying to keep straight:

1) we are dna antennas that receive alien signals
2) we live in a real matrix, all of our thoughts come from pre-programmed dna messages from aliens
3) there are aliens in another dimension that feed off our fear energy
4) reptilians walk among us (not sure if these are the same as #3) and run things
5) fire is a portal to aliens seeing us (not sure if these are the same as #3 & #4)
6) there's no time or space & earth is going to go through a satanic ritual via the olympics to change the energy of earth to evil
7) people are computers controlled by the elite

from what i can gather, he's an ex-hockey player, sportscaster, and bbc news anchor. i'm trying to figure out how he got all of this inside info or what the big picture is. i listened to him for over an hour on alex jones, and it was like listening to steve quayle. i'm trying to figure out what he thinks from a succient viewpoint. it's all very rambling to me at this point.

Uh.... because he's the son of god?


21st June 2012, 11:12 AM
You forgot:

8) The moon is a hollow alien base.

The guy knows a bit about the elite and politics, but overall seems nuttier than a jar of peanut butter.

21st June 2012, 11:13 AM
You forgot:

8) The moon is a hollow alien base.

shit, i thought that was john lear.

21st June 2012, 11:14 AM
shit, i thought that was john lear.

Hahahah ohhhh man. Ol' John Lear! He was a hoot (I believe on ATS maybe) a few years ago, and I can only imagine him more entertaining now.

21st June 2012, 11:15 AM
In summary, his beliefs basically are that there's a bunch of lizardlike extra-dimensional creatures that control humanity, and we need to wake up, and stop being slaves to them.

He's into channeling. People into channeling typically believe humans have all these lost/forgotten mental abilities that they are able to tap into. Icke believes we lost these abilities when these lizardlike extra-dimensional creatures took over, and we need to go back to these times.

I don't believe in all this supernatural/alien stuff myself, so, umm yeah...

21st June 2012, 11:15 AM
i went back and looked at my notes. his theories appear to be a conglomeration of:

the matrix movies + pixar's monsters inc. + they live

21st June 2012, 11:21 AM
i went back and looked at my notes. his theories appear to be a conglomeration of:

the matrix movies + pixar's monsters inc. + they live

I would add LSD to that, but sure. ;)

21st June 2012, 11:23 AM
I would add LSD to that, but sure. ;)

Or Schizophrenia, which is clinically identical.

21st June 2012, 11:35 AM
Or Schizophrenia, which is clinically identical.

Have you ever eaten acid?

21st June 2012, 11:42 AM
You guys are being far too critical,its part of the allure.

Don't even bring the hollow moon base into the discussion, I haven't been able to put that one away, yet.


21st June 2012, 11:43 AM
Have you ever eaten acid?

i have multiple times. never been schitzo, though.

21st June 2012, 11:54 AM
Have you ever eaten acid?

Yep. LONG time ago... quite a bit.
Never Schizzed out though, at least not to my awareness, just repeating what I've read about LSD and Scizophrenia.

21st June 2012, 12:23 PM
Anyway, its the people with points that will stick you.

So I don't see not having one as too threatening.

Is this social programming?


Uncle Salty
21st June 2012, 12:25 PM
In summary, his beliefs basically are that there's a bunch of lizardlike extra-dimensional creatures that control humanity, and we need to wake up, and stop being slaves to them.

Icke believes we lost these abilities when these lizardlike extra-dimensional creatures took over, and we need to go back to these times.

That pretty much sums it up. And I do believe Icke is basically correct. No one has all the details exactly, but he has the broad brush strokes spot on.

21st June 2012, 12:39 PM
Being free

Twisted Titan
21st June 2012, 03:53 PM
The is a first rate mental midget whose story is CONSTANTLY changing

I remember 3 years this prick was hyping up 2012 and planet X now that we are a stones throw away from it .....its all about the stanic ritual at the olympics rah rah rah.

He also pushing that we should send love to those who wish to enslave us

Only thing I'm sending is 45 acp or bigger to anyone who is trying to kill me and mines

Boot licking NWO lap dog

21st June 2012, 04:13 PM
He shares some of the same beliefs as David Wilcock (Source Field investigations) and a lot of his understanding (IMO) is from reading the likes of Sitchen, Daniken, Boulay, Graham Hancock. Ancient alien stuff. I've read a lot of the same stuff and its pretty interesting sh*t with a lot of science to back it up. There are also a lot of things that MS science considers irrelevant which in reality is very relevant and as yet, unexplained. I think most people should listen to Icke about his take on the cabal taking over the world and spent less on his reptile remarks. They (above authors) cover a good deal of understanding of the first tribes (Jews/Africans/whatever) and their expansion into what we have now (Illuminati/globalists)............ It clarified (or at least filled in the story) some discrepancies in religious texts that I had wondered about. Anyways, if you haven't read any of the above authors, I recommend that you do.

21st June 2012, 04:22 PM
He also pushing that we should send love to those who wish to enslave us

Has he said we should Kiss the Frogs??

I missed that one...

21st June 2012, 04:25 PM
I give Icke a lot of credit for stories like this one:

The Zionist Elephant In The Room



Hello all ... The political creed of Zionism has big ears and a long trunk and I think it's time that was pointed out. It also stampedes through our lives at every level and that needs to be said, too. It has created a pincer-movement on the human mind by hijacking staggering amounts of political, corporate, banking and media power on one side and by using the fear of being called 'anti-Semitic' if you dare to state the bloody obvious. They have been able to do this by equating in public perception that Zionism = Jewish people. It does not. Zionism is a political creed introduced by the House of Rothschild to advance the goals of the Illuminati families that are largely controlled by the Rothschilds. When people think of Zionism they think of Jewish people. When they think of Israel they think of Jewish people. That's understandable given the propaganda, but it is seriously misleading and those instant connections need to be broken if we are going to understand what's going on here. Zionism means Rothschild just as Israel means Rothschild. When we see the extraordinary number of Zionists in key positions around the world we are looking not at 'manipulating Jews', but manipulating Zionists representing the interests and demands of the Rothschilds. http://www.rense.com/1.imagesH/zprot.jpg Significant numbers of Jewish people are not Zionists and oppose that appalling creed while many Zionists are not Jewish. These include the Christian Zionists and Obama's vice-president, Joe Biden, who told Israeli television 'I'm a Zionist'. Here's the clip if you can stand it ... If, as Biden rightly says, you don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, how can it be a racial rather than a political movement? It can't. It's just made to appear like that to manipulate public perception because opposing Zionism then becomes opposing Jewish people as a whole and the 'you're a racist' card can be played over and over. Far from protecting and advancing the interests of the mass of Jewish people it has often been devastating for them and caused millions to be labelled unfairly by the actions of the Zionist elite. On the Jews Against Zionism website one feature highlights how Rothschild Zionism targeted Jews who had lived for generations in Palestine side-by-side with Arabs in peace and harmony: 'The religious Jews who by virtue of their faith, clearly contradicted Zionist nationalism, and who had lived peacefully with their Arab neighbors for generations, became unwillingly identified with the Zionist cause and their struggle with the Arabs. They requested the United Nations that Jerusalem be designated as a defacto international city. They appealed to the diplomatic corps assigned to Jerusalem -- but to no avail. They were hence confronted with the choice of either becoming a part of the Zionist State, which diametrically opposed the interests of Jews as a religion, or abandoning the land of which their forefathers were the first Jewish settlers. Let's get this straight. Zionism doesn't give a damn about Jewish people. To the Rothschilds and their Zionist gofers and thugs the Jewish people as a whole are merely cattle to be used and abused as necessary - just like the rest of the human population. The networks of the House of Rothschild were behind Hitler and the rise of the Nazi Party in the Rothschild heartland of Germany where they had changed their name from Bauer in 18th century Frankfurt and launched the dynasty that was to control global finance. After the war the Rothschilds used public sympathy for Jewish people targeted by the Nazis to press for a homeland in Palestine. This was the alleged reason for the founding of Zionism, but that is only part of it. http://www.rense.com/1.imagesH/rothcc.jpg Rothschild ______________________________________________ As I show in my books, the campaign to impose a Rothschild fiefdom in Palestine goes back at least to the earlier part of the 19th century and probably long before. It was given a massive boost with the Balfour Declaration in 1917 when the British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour declared in a letter his government's support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. This letter was sent by Balfour, an inner-circle member of an elite secret society called the Round Table, to Baron (Walter) Rothschild who funded the Round Table. Today, Rothschild Illuminati fronts like the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Royal Institute of International Affairs, and others, still answer to the Round Table which string-pulls and coordinates from the shadows. This is why Zionists in government are invariably connected with these Rothschild-controlled organisations. The Rothschilds funded the early settlers from Europe to relocate in post-war Palestine and they also funded and armed the terrorist groups, like Irgun, which bombed and terrorised Israel into existence in 1948, a campaign which forced 800,000 Palestinians to leave the land of their birth. Israel is simply the State of Rothschild and how appropriate that they paid for the construction of the Israeli parliament building, the Knesset, and the Israel Supreme Court. The name Rothschild means Red-shield and it originates with the red shield 'Star of David' symbol (not a Jewish symbol before the Rothschilds) which they displayed on their house in Frankfurt ... ... Seen it somewhere before ...? The very flag of Israel tells you who owns it. There are many reasons why the Rothschilds and their allies wanted to hijack Palestine and one was to keep the Middle East in a state of disruption and turmoil from which a global war can eventually be triggered to usher in the New World Order of world government dictatorship. The creation of Israel is a means not an end and the Rothschilds will be quite happy to leave the Jewish population to their fate if it suits them. After all, they've done it before. The world's second biggest Zionist population is in the United States and given that both America and Israel are controlled by the Rothschild networks it is not hard to fathom why that slither of land in the Middle East receives around a third of all US overseas aid. An average $3 billion a year is handed to the State of Rothschild as a result of decisions made by American administrations that are always, 'Republican' or 'Democrat', controlled by the Rothschilds. One hand of the network hands over the cash to another. This explains why the United States never talks about the arsenal of nuclear weapons stockpiled by one of the world's most trigger-happy states. Israel refuses to discuss them and the American policy, recently reconfirmed by Obama, is never to ask or bring up the subject. The last two US administrations are testament to the extent of Zionist (Rothschild) control of America and thus its foreign policy, not least with regard to Iraq, the former land of Sumer and Babylon, which according to some just happens to be part of the 'Greater Israel' that the Zionists seek to secure. The 'Bush' government was the glove-puppet of the so-called neo-cons, or neoconservatives, whose only political philosophy in truth was the interests of Zionism. At the heart of the Rothschild-controlled neocon cabal were Richard Perle (Zionist), Paul Wolfowitz (Zionist), Dov Zakheim (Zionist), Douglas Feith (Zionist), John Bolton (Zionist), Lewis Libby (Zionist), the list goes on and on. These were the people who orchestrated the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq on behalf of the Rothschilds. http://www.rense.com/1.imagesH/cartnn.jpg Economic policy was dictated through the years of Reagan-Bush, Father Bush, Clinton and most of Boy Bush by Alan Greenspan (Zionist), chairman of the privately-owned US 'central bank', the Federal Reserve. Privately owned, that is, by the Rothschilds through a network of front people and organisations. Greenspan introduced the policies of deregulation that culminated, as designed, in the free-for-all frenzy of greed by banks and financial markets in general that led to the crash in the last weeks of the Bush presidency. Greenspan resigned from the Fed before the consequences of his long-term game-plan exploded in lost homes, jobs and savings. He was replaced by Bernard Bernanke (Zionist). Greenspan was enthusiastically supported in his deregulation through successive administrations by Treasury Secretaries in the Clinton years, Robert E. Rubin (Zionist) and Larry Summers (Zionist), and also by the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the most powerful in the Fed cabal, Timothy Geithner (Zionist). When Mr. Fake Change won the presidency amid the gathering financial crisis, caused by all of the above, and others, he appointed Geithner as his Treasury Secretary and Summers as head of the White House Economic Council. Both are protégés of Robert Rubin who resigned from Citigroup earlier this year for his role in 'advising' it to the brink of collapse. Obama's Budget Director is Peter Orszag (Zionist) who headed the company that advised the Icelandic Central Bank in the prelude to the crash of Iceland's financial system. This has led to Iceland being fast-tracked into the Rothschild-created European Union to 'save' its economy. Orszag also advised the Russian Treasury when state-owned assets and resources were handed to Zionist oligarchs, including Roman Abramovich who is famous in the UK as the owner of Chelsea Football Club. Add to all this the fact that the World Bank is headed by Robert Zoellick (Zionist), who replaced Paul Wolfowitz (Zionist), and that the International Monetary Fund, or IMF, is run by Dominique Strauss-Kahn (Zionist). Anyone still doubt that the Rothschild network controls global finance and therefore the lives and choices of virtually every man, woman and child on the planet? The Rothschilds are at the heart of the Obama White House in the form of Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel (Zionist) and Chief White House Advisor David Axelrod (Zionist). Emanuel has served in the Israeli army and his father was an operative with the Rothschild terrorist group, Irgun, as it bombed Israel into being. This included the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946 that killed 91 people. http://www.rense.com/1.imagesH/deesartt.jpg Rahm Emanuel also worked closely Robert E. Rubin (Zionist) during the Clinton years to impose NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, which was designed from the start to be a stepping-stone to a North American, and eventually an American Union, along the lines of the EU. The Zionist world is very small indeed. David Axelrod ran Obama's election campaigns and now oversees his every word slavishly read from his teleprompter screens. There is little that Obama says that his Zionist handlers don't tell him or give him to say. They have also ensured that US policy for Iran and the Persian Gulf is headed by Dennis Ross (Zionist) who has served Israeli interests in successive American administrations. There will not be a cigarette paper behind the scenes between him and that trio of tyranny, Netanyahu, Lieberman, Barak, the prime minister, foreign minister and defence minister of Israel. Rothschild stooges, in other words. Zionist Mandelson works for the pyramid The most influential figure by far in the current British government is Peter Mandelson (Zionist) who continues to amass more titles and powers from the beleaguered Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Mandelson is an insider operative for the Rothschilds and has frequently accepted hospitality from his close friend and associate, Nathaniel Rothschild. This week Mandelson called for the UK to join the (Rothschild) single European currency. Meanwhile, the hapless and hopeless Gordon Brown did as he was told and appointed Ivan Lewis (Zionist) to be minister of state with responsibility for, wait for it ... British policy on the Middle East. Lewis, vice-chair of the Labour Friends of Israel, was an outspoken supporter of Israel's slaughter of the innocent in Gaza this year. Lewis said of his new job: 'My responsibility for the Middle East peace process is particularly poignant. I have never hidden my pride at being Jewish or my support for the State of Israel.' What chance do the Palestinians have of fairness and justice? None. In France, as I mentioned last week, President Sarkozy (Zionist) is a long-time asset of Mossad, the Rothschild enforcement agency masquerading as the intelligence agency of Israel. Mossad has been implicated in terror attacks and other horrors all over the world because it represents the Rothschild global agenda and not the people of Israel. http://www.rense.com/1.imagesH/nicoleon_sarkoz.jpg French President Sarkozy (Zionist Jew) _______________________________________ Look also at the Zionist (Rothschild) control of the entertainment and media industry in the form of people like Fox News President Peter Chernin (Zionist); Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Zionist); Walt Disney CEO Robert Igor (Zionist); Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (Zionist); Warner Brothers Chairman Barry Meyer (Zionist); CBS CEO Leslie Moonves (Zionist); MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Zionist); and NBC/Universal Studios CEO Jeff Zucker (Zionist). http://www.rense.com/1.imagesH/deesbrain.jpg The Rothschilds control America The Los Angeles Times columnist Joel Stein (Zionist) wrote an article proclaiming that Americans who don't think Jews (Zionists) control Hollywood are just plain 'dumb'. Stein went on: 'The Jews are so dominant. I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. But lo and behold, even one of that six, AMC President Charles Collier, turned out to be a Jew! ... As a proud Jew, I want America to know of our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood.' And not only Hollywood. Shahar Ilan, a daily features editor with the leading Israeli newspaper, Ha'aretz, wrote: 'The Jews do control the American media. This is very clear, and claiming otherwise is an insult to common knowledge'. Zionists have truly massive influence over the news media with the likes of Rupert Murdoch (Zionist) with his vast television and newspaper empire, and the Sulzberger family (Zionists) who own the New York Times. The list is enormous across television, radio, newspapers and the Internet. When you look at the number of Zionists in key positions of power and control in politics, banking, corporations, news media, Hollywood and so on, it is sobering to think that Jewish people are just 1.7% of the American population and many of those won't be Zionists. What if the same situation happened with Arab people or Chinese, Irish or even black Americans? There would be an outcry and questions asked about how one group can have so much influence over the lives of a whole nation, indeed many nations. And I stress again that, in the end, this control system leads to the Rothschilds and the spider they represent at the centre of the web. http://www.rense.com/1.imagesH/monorah.jpghttp://www.rense.com/1.imagesH/harryabrams.jpg B'nai Brith Front Man Harry Abrams ____________________________ The Rothschilds established B'nai B'rith in 1843 to prevent exposure of the global Zionist networks. The ' BB' is an offshoot of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and operates worldwide to brand as 'anti-Semitic' anyone who exposes the Rothschild operation. In 1913, B'nai B'rith launched an organisation specifically to target and defame researchers, in fact anyone, who questions, criticises or exposes Israel and the ever-gathering Zionist influence across the world. With typical irony they called it the Anti-Defamation League, better known as the ADL, and claimed it was there to protect Jewish people. As Plato said: 'This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector'. The ADL is, in fact, a sub-agency of the Israeli (Rothschild) centre for covert operations, the Mossad, which, according to a former agent, has the motto: 'By way of deception, thou shalt do war'. If that isn't the motto, it should be. The ADL is behind the introduction of 'hate laws' which are aimed at silencing dissent against Zionism or Israel. The Jewish academic, Noam Chomsky, said this of the ADL in his book, Necessary Illusions: 'The ADL has virtually abandoned its earlier role as a civil rights organization, becoming "one of the main pillars" of Israeli propaganda in the U.S., as the Israeli press casually describes it, engaged in surveillance, blacklisting, compilation of FBI-style files circulated to adherents for the purpose of defamation, angry public responses to criticism of Israeli actions, and so on. These efforts, buttressed by insinuations of anti-Semitism or direct accusations, are intended to deflect or undermine opposition to Israeli policies, including Israel's refusal, with U.S. support, to move towards a general political settlement.' The American rabbi, Michael Lerner, agrees: 'The ADL lost most of it credibility in my eyes as a civil rights organization when it began to identify criticisms of Israel with anti-Semitism, still more when it failed to defend me when I was receiving threats to my life from right-wing Jewish groups because of my critique of Israeli policy toward Palestinians (it said that these were not threats that came from my being Jewish, so therefore they were not within their area of concern).' Firstly, the ADL has never been a civil rights organisation. Its very purpose has been to take them away. Secondly, it is not there to defend anyone, Jewish or otherwise. It's there to represent the sadistic interests of the House of Rothschild and the wider Illuminati. http://www.rense.com/1.imagesH/adlhatecrime.jpg It is so important that people are aware of this background to Zionism because at the moment it is basically speeding along unchallenged through lack of awareness and fear of being dubbed 'racist'. Well, I couldn't care less what people say about me with regard to this or anything else. I want to uncover the truth, not win a popularity contest. Please, let's circulate this information as effectively as we can and bring it from the shadows to public attention. We must refuse to be intimidated into silence over this. Martin Luther King said: '... we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent.' It is time to stand up, in every sense.

Im not into the entire realm of what he speaks about, but i do enjoy a good amount of his work.

21st June 2012, 04:27 PM
Something to think about for the trasher's of Icke. How many people do you know think that some of your ideas on whats going on are crazy conspiracy batsh*t thinking? Just saying, don't throw the baby out with the bath water...........

21st June 2012, 04:45 PM
The damn joos again...

derail time?

21st June 2012, 04:49 PM

21st June 2012, 05:12 PM
You guys are being far too critical,its part of the allure..
talking of Icke on here is almost committing intellectual suicide... the problem is that not many want to know about predeluvian civilizations or debating ancient artifacts representing extra-terrestrials or UFOs sightings... so a dead end debate is almost guaranteed. This because it would add another layer of complexity to their thought processes. I generally recommend Michael Tellinger when dealing with more "mainstream crowds". However I am not too interested in how far his reptilian theory goes BUT that we are farmed by ETs isnt that far fetched. The evil we see is extremely ancient. Not 500 year old as many tend to believe.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Arthur Schopenhauer

21st June 2012, 05:16 PM
Being free

concise and straight answer...

21st June 2012, 05:27 PM
Something to think about for the trasher's of Icke. How many people do you know think that some of your ideas on whats going on are crazy conspiracy batsh*t thinking? Just saying, don't throw the baby out with the bath water...........

exactly... thats ironic...

21st June 2012, 05:27 PM
It clarified (or at least filled in the story) some discrepancies in religious texts that I had wondered about.



Uncle Salty
21st June 2012, 05:42 PM
Icke touts the Protocols of Zion and suggests Jews as part of the global conspiracy. Knowing that, he should be a god on this forum.

21st June 2012, 06:19 PM
can somebody summarize for me what david icke's main point is?

i think his main point is, he likes to sell ads talking about wierd shite.

he weaves fantasy with a little fact. sort of like a sci-fi writer.

i would say overall - he's controlled opposition.

and he's damn icky ! :)

Uncle Salty
21st June 2012, 06:21 PM
i think his main point is, he likes to sell ads talking about wierd shite.

he weaves fantasy with a little fact. sort of like a sci-fi writer.

i would say overall - he's controlled opposition.

and he's damn icky ! :)

No more controlled opposition than those who say there is a cabal of money lenders enslaving the planet with debt by using the Federal Reserve Banking system.

21st June 2012, 06:50 PM
I'd quote you cost for the artist however, "We currently do not have any tickets on-sale for David Icke."


21st June 2012, 07:02 PM
talking of Icke on here is almost committing intellectual suicide... the problem is that not many want to know about predeluvian civilizations or debating ancient artifacts representing extra-terrestrials or UFOs sightings... so a dead end debate is almost guaranteed.

If you'd watch my video on identifying Reptilians & Masons you would understand how those that go white in the face when a flying saucer is mentioned are the Reptilians.

Perhaps these entities that are causing the "dead end" are Reptilians (unbeknownst to themselves)

Folly? :)

21st June 2012, 10:43 PM
i think his main point is, he likes to sell ads talking about wierd shite.

he weaves fantasy with a little fact. sort of like a sci-fi writer.

Sounds like your describing the government's story of 9/11. Ahhh, what to believe..............

22nd June 2012, 01:05 AM
i'm trying to figure out how he got all of this inside info or what the big picture is. i listened to him for over an hour on alex jones, and it was like listening to steve quayle. i'm trying to figure out what he thinks from a succient viewpoint. it's all very rambling to me at this point.

i went back and looked at my notes. his theories appear to be a conglomeration of:

the matrix movies + pixar's monsters inc. + they live

It seems to me that one key issue people have with Icke is the question you're asking here. Basically, getting blindsided with a huge construct of thinking totally removed from anything you have previous experience with causes us to reject or ignore it. What else can you do?

What I'd like to say is that this information didn't appear out of nowhere, given to us by a lone man. No only are there many others who support Icke, but this information has been built up from very basic foundations by many people over about the last 100 years. The reason this is so hard to track is that each new source which builds on previous sources sounds unrelated to what it's building on. It's generally given in revelation style without citing the previous stuff that it evolved from.

In my view this is an organic revolution which is changing the consciousness of the planet. But we'll get to the "mumbo jumbo" in a minute. This is an account of the "positive side" of this organic growth of consciousness because I'm more familiar with it. I am not as familiar with Blavatsky and that side of things.

From what I can tell, this "positive organic growth movement" began in 1912 when Gurdjieff appeared and began bringing certain teachings to the West which he presumably learned as a student in Asia. His key teachings are contained in the book "In Search of the Miraculous, Fragments of an Unknown Teaching", written by one of his primary students and also an important person in this movement, Ouspenksy.

Gurdjieff first appeared in 1912 at the age of 35 - 49 (his date of birth is unknown). His early life is unknown before he appeared and began his teachings. It's hard for me to try to summarize his teachings here. Keep in mind that this is kind of the foundation, in my view, of this "huge construct of thinking" I mentioned earlier, so naturally it's different than what you are familiar with. It's not quite at the invisible alien level, but it's the start of a new direction. Basically he was bringing out previously hidden teachings and essentially making them public, or at least starting the process.

The teachings are broken into two areas - man, and the universe. A very rough summary is that man in his current state is basically a robot or automation, and it requires sustained conscious effort to rise out of this state. That's the whole deal with monks, yogis, and all that hardcore stuff from asia (which Gurdjieff participated in). The universe follows esoteric laws, for example the processes that go on inside of a man are the same processes that go on in the universe. For example, microcosmos and macrocosmos. Just like we have a microcosmos inside of us, like bacteria growing and all kinds of stuff happening, we are the microcosmos of the earth. The earth is alive and is a more evolved being than we are. Just as bacteria can't sense our consciousness because we are on a different level, it's the same way for us. The sun is kind of like a macrocosmos to earth, which is just a spec compared to it.

Ouspensky met Gurdjieff in 1916, and was a student of his for many years. After a few decades of being a close student, Ouspensky broke with Gurdjieff to separate himself. It wasn't like a schism but rather that he learned all Gurdjieff had to offer him, and had to reflect on whether he really believed it, what his own views were, etc. He wasn't a blind follower.

Ouspenksy's book "In Search of the Miraculous" was published posthumously in 1947. Gurdjieff's own books were confusing and unclear, but Ouspensky, being more of an intellectual, made his teachings understandable. But as the title of the book indicates, they were really fragments of an unknown teaching. (this teaching is called "The fourth way")

Moving along with our growth, another man called Boris Mouravieff published a 3 volume series called "Gnosis". In it, he addresses and corrects the system first publicized by Gurdjieff and Ouspenksy. Mouravieff writes as if he already knows the full system of which only fragments were published previously. Whereas Gurdjieff got his information from Asian sources, Mouravieff's information comes from within the Russian Orthodox church, and could be called Esoteric Christianity. It's important to know that no one has a lock on this information, because it's universal truth. Therefore, everyone's 'version' should really be pointing to the same thing. So that's how Mouravieff is able to correct Ouspensky even though the original sources of their knowledge come from completely different areas. [It should be noted that Gurdjieff didn't really think highly of Christianity, whereas Mouravieff's book is full of references to scripture]

The key information that Mouravieff gives us in his Gnosis series gives us is not only the problem of man's state, but rather the mechanics of how esoteric processes work, and the method through which it is possible to escape the fallen state described by Gurdjieff.

Mouravieff knew Ouspensky and argued that his book not be published. He said publishing fragments of knowledge was dangerous. However, since In Search of the Miraculous was published, Mouravieff published Gnosis in 1961.

At this point the foundations had been laid - previously for thousands of years we had religion for the mass public, and then each religion had a secret core of "esoteric schools" which was for the few who tackled conscious development. However, now that this esoteric information was becoming accessible to the public, a shift had occurred. So now we know that it really boils down to conscious development of man so he can both grow and fulfill his role in the universe (read the works mentioned above to understand what our role is and why we must grow).

At this point, another jump was made, however, it might not be obvious that it builds on the stuff mentioned above. This was the Ra material, channeled material from Ra. This material was channeled in 1982 - 1984. So we can see a nice little progression of jumps here so far: 1912, 1947, 1961, 1982

The Ra material is also known as the "Law of One" material, and brings in some new and important concepts. It tells us that conscious development is achieved through polarization to either serving others or serving yourself. These two paths start to show us how the previous ideas of conscious development look like in the real world: you've got the saints, the evil doers, and the masses which are neither and are less conscious than the other two. The polarization and conscious development is described in terms of colors and general universal ideas rather than in the more rigid way described by Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, and Mouravieff.

The Ra material also introduces the idea of contact with other beings which aren't human. The 4th way material described the very high beings like planets, or low ones like bacteria. However, the Ra material starts filling in the gap between humans and planets. It tells us about other physical beings like us, more advanced ones with technologies, other non-physical ones, and 'complexes' or whole societies and races with a shared consciousness. We can clearly see the relation of the Ra material with the 4th way material, because they both focus on man and the universe, and ways for man to grow and become more conscious.

Lets move along to the natural extensions of the Ra material. Here we get into the Pledian material and Cassiopaea material. At this point, the organic growth is starting to branch out and become a little more parallelized.

The Cassiopaean material was channeled material which started in 1994, and lasted for I think a decade. It builds on the Ra (and Pleiadian material which I won't discuss). It adds more important developments. First it talks about how DNA is connected to consciousness, and the mechanics of how consciousness interacts with matter by altering the quantum mechanical probable futures of particles, to nudge reality in certain ways. I'll admit I'm not as familiar with this material, but it does act as a bridge from the other channeled material, which acted as a bridge from the 4th way material.

Since the Casseopaean material occurred in modern times, with the advent of the internet, a group of people were able to form a community around it and try to figure out what it all means. There is a forum, but of course as we all know from the previous 'jumps' that have occurred, these people and their forum are not the end-all-be-all. However, the community did figure out that what the channeled material they have, which built upon other channeled, material, originally came from the 4th way writings, so they tie it back together nicely. Look at their glossary:

Now that we've discussed how we got here, from 1912, 1947, 1961, 1982, 1994, we can look at the present material in more context:

He shares some of the same beliefs as David Wilcock (Source Field investigations) and a lot of his understanding (IMO) is from reading the likes of Sitchen, Daniken, Boulay, Graham Hancock. Ancient alien stuff. I've read a lot of the same stuff and its pretty interesting sh*t with a lot of science to back it up. There are also a lot of things that MS science considers irrelevant which in reality is very relevant and as yet, unexplained. I think most people should listen to Icke about his take on the cabal taking over the world and spent less on his reptile remarks. They (above authors) cover a good deal of understanding of the first tribes (Jews/Africans/whatever) and their expansion into what we have now (Illuminati/globalists)............ It clarified (or at least filled in the story) some discrepancies in religious texts that I had wondered about. Anyways, if you haven't read any of the above authors, I recommend that you do.

The quote above, David Icke, and many others are offshoots which are bringing us new revelations, simply building upon what has already been slowly released for a century. This is the real "new age" movement. And if "new age" has stigma to it, go back and read Ouspensky's book to see exactly how precisely opposite of wishy-washy it is. From the Ra material, we understand what the elites and nwo really are. The more modern material seems to be, from what I can see, guidance on how to move forward. Do your research. Don't get trapped in a box. It's good to be critical...I recommend the critical, yet genuine, guys to go back to the foundations I gave, and follow it up the chain. There's more links than I listed here, I have more.

22nd June 2012, 03:40 AM
Who cares about David Icke and why should any one care .

People seem to attack the messenger often for some reason .

He has a message as an individual person so take it of leave it.

Its the ideas that are important and if you dont like his ideas then he is not for you.

Understanding is an individual process that dosnt have a need to attack someone elses ideas as it is maybe an egotistical threat .

You will never have peace attacking other individuals ideas ect for in the end there is only our very awareness local to oneself , nothing else matters and this awareness is shared by everyone.There is absolutely no reason to judge and hang people because that is what you become.

Life isnt a series of begrudgements one after the other but a wonderful place when you become your awareness.

And good luck on that one....................truth dont lie..............

22nd June 2012, 05:06 AM
i'm not discounting anything he said, i just find it hard to follow him or figure out what he's talking about. i've listened to several interviews where he literally didn't answer ANY questions posed to him, but instead goes on long rambling monologues where he mentions all of the the things in my original post for 20 seconds each.

22nd June 2012, 05:17 AM
Icke is no different than the "Leaked Illuminati training video". Some serious hard truths divulged, and then bundled up with some serious and deep deceptions, therefore the hard truths (Such as the elephant in the room) are dismissed as the ravings of a lunatic.

I don't know when you guys are going to figure this out, but all of these mainstream "Alternative" new sources and researchers are totally controlled. (IMO, of course)

Drudge, Jones, Makow, Rense, Celente, Sinclair, Quayle, Icke, all of the ones that our type of "Independent Thinkers" would turn to for info, controlled.

Fuck sake, they would all be DEAD if what they were saying was not meant to be leaked. TPTB do not mess around. Look at how many scientitsts have died. Look at the list of people that have died that are tied to the Clintons. Do you think that Alex Jones could not have been accicided or suicided by now? Fuck we have healthy people dying of "natural causes" while in their swimming pools, and the coroners who perform autopsies are dying shortly after the press releases.

Nothing is beyond the scope and ability of the satanic elite, to assassinate anyone they choose at any time, no matter how famous that person might be. They can make planes crash, cars burn, houses catch fire, carbon monoxide buildup, hearts stop, livers fail, anything you can imagine - The have the resources to do it.

Add to that, the fact that the satanic cabal owns and controls the MEDIA (Including the alternative media). They use it as a PR tool to placate the masses and persuade them to believe the most asinine shit you can dream up. The fucking SOS must be holding their sides from laughing so hard at the bullshit they can serve up on a platter and watch us gobble down.

In my opinion, nothing goes untouched. The only safe haven is old documentation, that is rare and hard to find and often banned. Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison, for example. It was published in 1798. Wow. Buy that fucking book and read it. www.omnicbc.com (http://www.omnicbc.com) carries it. The Plot against the Church. The International Jew. The Talmud unmasked. The Mysteries of Freemasonry unveiled. So many more. These books hold historical documentation that has not been glossed over by the controllers.

Going back to my original point: I believe most of what these "Conspiracy broadcasters" say if it gels with my textual research and historical trending, because the cabal has this sense of "honor" in which they tell us everything they are going to do before they do it. Enter stage left, Agent Alex Jones and his fellow clique of broadcasters.

They are disseminating info at the behest of the satanic elite. They are doing their job. IMO.

22nd June 2012, 07:30 AM
Icke is no different than the "Leaked Illuminati training video". Some serious hard truths divulged, and then bundled up with some serious and deep deceptions, therefore the hard truths (Such as the elephant in the room) are dismissed as the ravings of a lunatic.

I don't know when you guys are going to figure this out, but all of these mainstream "Alternative" new sources and researchers are totally controlled. (IMO, of course)

Drudge, Jones, Makow, Rense, Celente, Sinclair, Quayle, Icke, all of the ones that our type of "Independent Thinkers" would turn to for info, controlled.

Fuck sake, they would all be DEAD if what they were saying was not meant to be leaked. TPTB do not mess around. Look at how many scientitsts have died. Look at the list of people that have died that are tied to the Clintons. Do you think that Alex Jones could not have been accicided or suicided by now? Fuck we have healthy people dying of "natural causes" while in their swimming pools, and the coroners who perform autopsies are dying shortly after the press releases.

Nothing is beyond the scope and ability of the satanic elite, to assassinate anyone they choose at any time, no matter how famous that person might be. They can make planes crash, cars burn, houses catch fire, carbon monoxide buildup, hearts stop, livers fail, anything you can imagine - The have the resources to do it.

Add to that, the fact that the satanic cabal owns and controls the MEDIA (Including the alternative media). They use it as a PR tool to placate the masses and persuade them to believe the most asinine shit you can dream up. The fucking SOS must be holding their sides from laughing so hard at the bullshit they can serve up on a platter and watch us gobble down.

In my opinion, nothing goes untouched. The only safe haven is old documentation, that is rare and hard to find and often banned. Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison, for example. It was published in 1798. Wow. Buy that fucking book and read it. www.omnicbc.com (http://www.omnicbc.com) carries it. The Plot against the Church. The International Jew. The Talmud unmasked. The Mysteries of Freemasonry unveiled. So many more. These books hold historical documentation that has not been glossed over by the controllers.

Going back to my original point: I believe most of what these "Conspiracy broadcasters" say if it gels with my textual research and historical trending, because the cabal has this sense of "honor" in which they tell us everything they are going to do before they do it. Enter stage left, Agent Alex Jones and his fellow clique of broadcasters.

They are disseminating info at the behest of the satanic elite. They are doing their job. IMO.

In this world of yours awoke, you tell us who is full of sh*t and who is supplying "real" documentation. Is this any different than what you accuse TPTB of doing? I don't care about the messengers, just the message which when compared to others (and their sources) form specific truths considering there are hints from different cultures/countries contributing to a similar story. You want documentation, explain the Piri Reis map to us? That is piece of documentation that by any other scientific evaluation is over ten thousand years old. Explain the advanced mathematics of the pyramids of Giza and their sister subjects in South America using the higher mathematics that modern man didn't discover till the 19/20th century. This is the literature of history, just like the cuneiform inscriptions of the Summerians. The truth is out there, just well hidden amongst all the crap the cabal feeds us to keep us ignorant. Like Vacuum stated, " don't shoot the messenger". The only real difference I see in these discussions are the starting points of belief. Awoke and others deal with Christ time to now while Vacuum and Singular deal with things much older. It doesn't make either wrong/right, just conflicting time zones leading to the same conclusion. The Illuminati (IMO) harbor and secret the ancient knowledge of this planet. Simple observation, thousands of years of horse/buggy and yet in the last "100" years, look how we've vaulted ahead technology wise. How'd we get so smart so fast? Did the 20th century evolution stage kick in and give us space travel/macro biology/genetics/quantum theories whereas the last 5,000 years we were in a slump. I don't discount anything these days, just add it to the library and continue on...............

Silver Rocket Bitches!
22nd June 2012, 07:33 AM
I read his stuff like it's science fiction. It's a tough pill to swallow believing that those in elite circles are really reptilian shape-shifters.

Some of his stuff, like his elephant in the room article is great though.

22nd June 2012, 07:36 AM
In my opinion, nothing goes untouched. The only safe haven is old documentation, that is rare and hard to find and often banned. Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison, for example. It was published in 1798.

You can download that book in PDF form here: http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/PROOFS_OF_A_CONSPIRACY_John_Robison.pdf

22nd June 2012, 08:55 AM
You can download that book in PDF form here: http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/PROOFS_OF_A_CONSPIRACY_John_Robison.pdf

I have it in hard copy, but thank you. Hopefully some poeple here will read it.

In this world of yours awoke, you tell us who is full of sh*t and who is supplying "real" documentation. Is this any different than what you accuse TPTB of doing? I don't care about the messengers, just the message which when compared to others (and their sources) form specific truths considering there are hints from different cultures/countries contributing to a similar story. You want documentation, explain the Piri Reis map to us? That is piece of documentation that by any other scientific evaluation is over ten thousand years old. Explain the advanced mathematics of the pyramids of Giza and their sister subjects in South America using the higher mathematics that modern man didn't discover till the 19/20th century. This is the literature of history, just like the cuneiform inscriptions of the Summerians. The truth is out there, just well hidden amongst all the crap the cabal feeds us to keep us ignorant. Like Vacuum stated, " don't shoot the messenger". The only real difference I see in these discussions are the starting points of belief. Awoke and others deal with Christ time to now while Vacuum and Singular deal with things much older. It doesn't make either wrong/right, just conflicting time zones leading to the same conclusion. The Illuminati (IMO) harbor and secret the ancient knowledge of this planet. Simple observation, thousands of years of horse/buggy and yet in the last "100" years, look how we've vaulted ahead technology wise. How'd we get so smart so fast? Did the 20th century evolution stage kick in and give us space travel/macro biology/genetics/quantum theories whereas the last 5,000 years we were in a slump. I don't discount anything these days, just add it to the library and continue on...............

I am trying to figure out if you're being a prick to me or not.

Either way, I actually agree with your post. There is deep and rich history that we are uncovering slowly, that is probably being hidden from us by TPTB. The technology, the fact that all the places that have pyramids have also been found to have white mummies, etc.

You might be confused into thinking that Christians think the world started 2000 years ago, but that is not the case. Mankind has been around for who-knows-how long. Civilizations have risen and fallen. I don't claim to be able to explain all the ins and outs of ancient maps and ancient technologies, but I give creedance where it is due: We are God's creation.

You attack me and say "In this world of yours", as if I am making up the rules or something. Trust me when I say this is no world of mine. The prince of this world is the enemy of my God, our creator.

Vacuum, Serpo and others like to dip and dabble into unexplainable and interesting history/occurances.
Singular is not the same. She is illuminati, cultist, trumpeteer for the new age of reason. She knows God is real, and rejects Him.

Vacuum, Serpo and others post alternative topics and cosmic based articles out of curiousity and interest.
Singular campaigns against God Himself, as an enemy.

22nd June 2012, 11:07 AM
Serpo and others post alternative topics and cosmic based articles out of curiousity and interest.
Singular campaigns against God Himself, as an enemy.


22nd June 2012, 11:18 AM

Nonsense, she speaks on getting to know her God better.

You guys just think that's nuts, or believe in more than one.

Book, you may even include your ego in such company, not sure.

22nd June 2012, 11:23 AM

Who is God, book?

I'm not mocking you or anything... I'd seriously like your thoughts.

Just because Singular does not subscribe to the Bible doesn't mean she is the enemy of the Bible-character God. I would venture to guess that she might say that "her God" has no enemies.

There isn't anything bigger than God.

22nd June 2012, 11:23 AM
Nonsense, she speaks on getting to know her God better.

If Goldissima had any sense she would seek quiet spiritual wisdom from MNeagle.


22nd June 2012, 11:33 AM
If Goldissima had any sense she would seek quiet spiritual wisdom from MNeagle.


You know that I understand your uncomfortable feelings, Book.

Perhaps you just need to readjust your sitting pillow.

22nd June 2012, 11:34 AM
Book, you may even include your ego in such company, not sure.


Horn's avatar.

22nd June 2012, 11:50 AM
and now a word from our sponsor...


22nd June 2012, 11:55 AM
Who is God, book?

I'm not mocking you or anything... I'd seriously like your thoughts.

My thoughts? You previously posted that you read the scriptures in Hebrew and are an ordained minister and here you are now on a gold-silver forum asking me who is God.


22nd June 2012, 11:55 AM

Horn's avatar.

When all else fails, whip the horses eyes.

Is that it?

22nd June 2012, 11:59 AM
When all else fails, post a music video.


22nd June 2012, 12:01 PM
Yes, a bit of extreme uncomfortable nastiness. (Mr. Deltoid... squirms)

22nd June 2012, 12:02 PM
My thoughts? You previously posted that you read the scriptures in Hebrew and are an ordained minister and here you are now on a gold-silver forum asking me who is God.


It's a crazy world, ain't it?

I simply value your opinions.


22nd June 2012, 12:02 PM
Yes, a bit of extreme uncomfortable nastiness. (Mr. Deltoid... squirms)

The millicents have nothing on me, brother, sir

22nd June 2012, 12:09 PM
Goldie came back and did more and said more to discredit herself further.


This place is hilarious.

She was outed by being far more careful and less revealing in the past going back to gim 1,
it climaxed on here, Goldie is disinfo and very deliberate, she distorts history, it is the troll
version of history, that is how she was outed. Now she is just far more blatant.
There is an MO here, Theosophist, research it, what I posted here is very relevant,
do your own research, she is a perfect 100 % " theosophist ", Occult Trolls on the World,
and yes she does have followers here and these people do recognize each other.
A lot of what Goldie posts goes back to the same thing.


David Icke is a loon, I was much less harsher on him in past, I saw
some of his works as allegory, so did the ADL early on, they went
after him, this was years ago, at this point he has poisoned his own
well and destroyed his credibility, this is how disinfo works, conspiracy
sites online are run for this purpose, new age occult does this, they
don't care about truth, you see people on this forum doing this as
well, whether deliberate or not they claim to be awake and do this. LOL !

22nd June 2012, 12:16 PM
Goldie came back and did more and said more to discredit herself further.


This place is hilarious.

She was outed by being far more careful and less revealing in the past going back to gim 1,
it climaxed on here, Goldie is disinfo and very deliberate, she distorts history, it is the troll
version of history, that is how she was outed. Now she is just far more blatant.
There is an MO here, Theosophist, research it, what I posted here is very relevant,
do your own research, she is a perfect 100 % " theosophist ", Occult Trolls on the World,
and yes she does have followers here and these people do recognize each other.
A lot of what Goldie posts goes back to the same thing.


David Icke is a loon, I was much less harsher on him in past, I saw
some of his works as allegory, so did the ADL early on, they went
after him, this was years ago, at this point he has poisoned his own
well and destroyed his credibility, this is how disinfo works, conspiracy
sites online are run for this purpose, new age occult does this, they
don't care about truth, you see people on this forum doing this as
well, whether deliberate or not they claim to be awake and do this. LOL !

Hey Magnes!

Glad you popped in!

Let's talk about Eleusis and the ancient Mystery Schools.

22nd June 2012, 12:23 PM
Hey Magnes!

Glad you popped in!

Let's talk about Eleusis and the ancient Mystery Schools.

You are one of the biggest trolls here, you post the same "theosophist" dribble.
You troll the Christians and you sound like a spokesperson for Pike and Jews,
you copy and paste Hebrew on here, you post from some Kaballah source,
my guess, because you refuse to provide sources, you were asked twice by
me and twice by ximmy too, you openly post the " theosophist " occult voodoo
symbol, are you some noob that does not know, you claim to be knowledgable
and you have been around long enough to know better, you post to get a
reaction, Awoke burned you a new one too, last summer in August, you are
deceitful and play games on here, I stayed out of that but Awoke did a good
job outing you, you support the trolls on here too, Antonio, Santa, Joe King,
Dogman, " goldie is misunderstood ", you claim " 14 words ", what a joke, I told you the
way you talk and behave on here you ain't a Western Man, you bragg about
being a Hindu even, LOL, Hindu's have some Indo European elements to them,
long gone and evolved separately, some of your friends you support on here
troll this history, both Goldie and Serpo have done this posting about Aliens,
I'm the loon. LOL And here you are behaving like a troll again.

You have even had Jewish titles on here, you jump in past when I speak,
" I am just joking Magnes ", sure you are, your avatar is that of a pedophile,
ask Osoab if you need someone else to explain it to you.

When is Gonzo ever going to post anything Pro Western, your friends on
here that you support troll this history. And you call yourself a white man. LOL !

People were outed in the past by being far less blatant than you on here.
You know you are going to get a response.

We were friends going back, that is what is so disturbing about you.
You sound like us in the beginnings of these forums.

22nd June 2012, 12:27 PM
My thoughts? Me who is God?.


Is this some sort of Freudian slip? ;)

22nd June 2012, 12:30 PM
If Goldissima had any sense she would seek quiet spiritual wisdom from MNeagle.


.. now you just proved that your argument has absolutely no ground at all... why because I am the only women who is truly vocal on here.....there are several males in this thread which I full agree with and agree with me, yet you and Co dont go after them. Indeed they were burning more witches than sorcerers in the middle ages. I might be wrong but my intuition is often right on.

keep on bringing all your rascism and exnophobia. the NWO loves people living in fears.

22nd June 2012, 12:30 PM
Goyim worship me on Christmas Night.


22nd June 2012, 12:36 PM
...Goldie is disinfo and very deliberate...and yes she does have followers here and these people do recognize each other.


22nd June 2012, 12:38 PM
...I am the only women who is truly vocal on here...


22nd June 2012, 12:39 PM
Goyim worship me on Christmas Night.

So when they worship the Good Book, you think they're worshiping you? Is that it?

22nd June 2012, 12:53 PM
...yes she does have followers here and these people do recognize each other.

I thought maybe somebody suddenly changed this thread title to "FREE BAGELS".

:D sure got crowded fast

22nd June 2012, 12:56 PM
Goldie came back and did more and said more to discredit herself further.

how to impose censorship/suppression is something you know/do pretty well, M.... if you arent a chistian, just lay low, very low.... or else.

Distorting history? lets see.... because I said that Charles the Great, which you admire is from the Carolingian dynasty, and that carolingians and merovingians are alike, hence part of the blood lines?

22nd June 2012, 01:10 PM


22nd June 2012, 01:14 PM
Holy shit does this thread deliver! ;D


22nd June 2012, 01:22 PM
Yes Magnes used to be a witch burner in a past life and he cant quite shake it in this one.................in fact he has started burning everyone except his loyal and close followers .

Why Magnes do you go on and on and on about essentially worthless subjects ,basically attacking everything and everyone ,time and time again on general discussion .


22nd June 2012, 01:30 PM
You are one of the biggest trolls here, you post the same "theosophist" dribble.

Here ya go Magnes, I'll break it down easy for you: I am a theosophist. Not with a capital 'T', as I am not a dues-paying member of the 'Theosophical Society'.

The word has greek roots... I trust you can ascertain the meaning of the word.

I know God and have no problem with the study and knowledge of God.

You troll the Christians and you sound like a spokesperson for Pike and Jews,
you copy and paste Hebrew on here, you post from some Kaballah source,
my guess, because you refuse to provide sources, you were asked twice by
me and twice by ximmy too,

What do you mean? What source? There is only one Source, and that's the one I talk about. It's not a book or anything.

I can recommend some reading for you though, if that is what you'd like?

The last time I recall posting anything in hebrew, it was a reference to Genesis (בְּרֵאשִׁית), if I am not mistaken.

you openly post the " theosophist " occult voodoo
symbol, are you some noob that does not know, you claim to be knowledgable
and you have been around long enough to know better,

"there is no religion higher than truth" <--- can you agree with that statement, ignoring the symbols in the picture? If not, what is above Truth?

I don't claim to be knowledgeable.... {insert Socrates quote here, lol}.

you post to get a

All alchemists like reactions! ;D

Awoke burned you a new one too, last summer in August, you are
deceitful and play games on here, I stayed out of that but Awoke did a good
job outing you, you support the trolls on here too, Antonio, Santa, Joe King,
Dogman, " goldie is misunderstood ", you claim " 14 words ", what a joke, I told you the
way you talk and behave on here you ain't a Western Man, you bragg about
being a Hindu even, LOL, Hindu's have some Indo European elements to them,
long gone and evolved separately, some of your friends you support on here
troll this history, both Goldie and Serpo have done this posting about Aliens,
I'm the loon. LOL And here you are behaving like a troll again.

Awoke is a christian, and so we cannot see eye to eye because he likely has a completely different understanding of the nature of God than I do.
Post a link to the August stuff if you have a link handy.

I like all the posters you mentioned, but I like you too. I support GSUS members in general, regardless.

I stand by the 14 Words "We must secure the existence of our People, and a future for white children.". I agree with them even if David Lane was a national socialist and a 'pedophile'. (I saw a documentary about Prussian Blue and he makes some off-color comments in a phone call with them and their mother... I am not a David Lane fan, but whenever Truth is, there go I... i.e, he made a good statement with the 14 Words, so I endorse them.)

By the way, Aryans started Hinduism.... perhaps I'm merely nearer my roots?

Other posters' posts don't have much or anything to do with me and my posts.

You have even had Jewish titles on here, you jump in past when I speak,
" I am just joking Magnes ", sure you are, your avatar is that of a pedophile,
ask Osoab if you need someone else to explain it to you.

Not sure what you mean 'jewish titles'? Thread titles? Book titles? What?

Proof of claim regarding your HST pedophile reference? The guy was many things, but I do not believe "pedophile" was one of them. You will no doubt see this as some sort of slight, but in all honesty, there is some homo-erotic/pedophilic undertones in the writings of the greek philosophers, but I've not encountered such material in Hunter's work.

When is Gonzo ever going to post anything Pro Western, your friends on
here that you support troll this history. And you call yourself a white man. LOL !

Pro-Western? I speak english everyday. I use computers. Neither would exist without the West.

What about the "Western Mystery School tradition"? That is Western, and my most recent posts have been in regards to it.

I *am* a white man, and a fairly proud one at that (perhaps my race consciousness comes from my having Chiron in Gemini, :p).

I'm sorry if my being white offends you.

People were outed in the past by being far less blatant than you on here.
You know you are going to get a response.

We were friends going back, that is what is so disturbing about you.
You sound like us in the beginnings of these forums.

Outed how?

Because I recognize "as above so below"?


So I'm a mystic or a hermit. Or an agnostic-gnostic. Or a christian-bodhisattva. But I don't worship the devil or cause harm to people. And I love you Magnes. I don't care about how you feel about me. I love all you guys. If there were a way I could 'show you' what I've 'seen', you'd understand, and smile (specifically, you'd have that smile like the statues of Buddha all have, or [perhaps more to your liking] the archaic smile as seen on ancient greek art).

22nd June 2012, 02:23 PM
Holy shit does this thread deliver!


Goldissima is gonna channel Oprah any moment now!


22nd June 2012, 02:51 PM
I have it in hard copy, but thank you. Hopefully some poeple here will read it.

I am trying to figure out if you're being a prick to me or not.

Either way, I actually agree with your post. There is deep and rich history that we are uncovering slowly, that is probably being hidden from us by TPTB. The technology, the fact that all the places that have pyramids have also been found to have white mummies, etc.

You might be confused into thinking that Christians think the world started 2000 years ago, but that is not the case. Mankind has been around for who-knows-how long. Civilizations have risen and fallen. I don't claim to be able to explain all the ins and outs of ancient maps and ancient technologies, but I give creedance where it is due: We are God's creation.

You attack me and say "In this world of yours", as if I am making up the rules or something. Trust me when I say this is no world of mine. The prince of this world is the enemy of my God, our creator.

Vacuum, Serpo and others like to dip and dabble into unexplainable and interesting history/occurances.
Singular is not the same. She is illuminati, cultist, trumpeteer for the new age of reason. She knows God is real, and rejects Him.

Vacuum, Serpo and others post alternative topics and cosmic based articles out of curiousity and interest.
Singular campaigns against God Himself, as an enemy.

First, no, I am not trying to be a prick. Nor am I attacking you (defensive reaction on your part). Before we can find the truth we have to solve this line, "I don't claim to be able to explain all the ins and outs of ancient maps and ancient technologies". We can't get past our differences if we ignore or disregard very important details of our history. In Genesis 9 Ham finds Noah drunk naked and past out, gets his brothers to grab a garment and without looking cover Noah back up. When Noah awakens the next day and finds out, he flips out on Ham (Canaan) and curses him throws a lot of curses his way. Now, I've yet to have a Christian be able to answer why. We seem to be missing an important fact leading to the hatred of Canaan and its subservience to Shem and Japheth and their tribes. Still why did Noah (known by other names in different cultures) get pissed? And how was Noah able to live, what 1100 years or something like that. In the beginning of Genesis it talks of the "gods" or Nephlim or whatever. So right there as far as I'm concerned in some regards that Christianity's monotheistic view of a singular god is brought into contention by that very statement. I've talked to Jews about this as well and their "basic" response was, "We chose Abraham as our god". What, there are choices? I don't diss what you believe (thats the freedom I believe in), I just don't subscribe to anyone telling me that this is the "One" when there are too many questions that need to be answered first. The South American Olmec's share a similar history to the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians (both in astronomy and mathematics). There are carved statues in SA that represent African negros when none were there nor had they met yet. Like I said, too many unanswered questions to believe there is one truth. And I'll say once again, we shouldn't shoot the messengers whether it be Icke, Singular or you Awoke. Peace.............

22nd June 2012, 03:04 PM
There is a fear, and its a valid point (point is all).

Magnes & others know there is a here & now entity seeking to overtake them, which has as is evident (in great abundance) worked its way into all mankinds collectives and History books. It is alive, functioning in the real world. Which gives it a wicked spirit nature, ZOG if you will.

My contention (and binding code) is that there are here & now entities, us. We choose (on an Individual basis) What is, and What is not.

I will not fall behind any book or other collective piece of History as my standing point. Here and Now, I draw the line.

To silence that power, is to restrict your one and only line of defense. I know that once and for all, and and can see that Goldies, Gonzo's and my own approach is individual in nature.

I'm awaiting Book's solemn oath on the Holy Bible.

22nd June 2012, 03:24 PM
There is a fear, and its a valid point (point is all)

To silence that power, is to restrict your one and only line of defense. I know that once and for all, and and can see that Goldies, Gonzo's and my own approach is individual in nature.

Do not question authority!

22nd June 2012, 04:04 PM
Thanks vacuum, interesting stuff I'd never looked at before. You obviously took some time on this post. I appreciate it.

It seems to me that one key issue people have with Icke is the question you're asking here. Basically, getting blindsided with a huge construct of thinking totally removed from anything you have previous experience with causes us to reject or ignore it. What else can you do?

What I'd like to say is that this information didn't appear out of nowhere, given to us by a lone man. No only are there many others who support Icke, but this information has been built up from very basic foundations by many people over about the last 100 years. The reason this is so hard to track is that each new source which builds on previous sources sounds unrelated to what it's building on. It's generally given in revelation style without citing the previous stuff that it evolved from.

In my view this is an organic revolution which is changing the consciousness of the planet. But we'll get to the "mumbo jumbo" in a minute. This is an account of the "positive side" of this organic growth of consciousness because I'm more familiar with it. I am not as familiar with Blavatsky and that side of things.

From what I can tell, this "positive organic growth movement" began in 1912 when Gurdjieff appeared and began bringing certain teachings to the West which he presumably learned as a student in Asia. His key teachings are contained in the book "In Search of the Miraculous, Fragments of an Unknown Teaching", written by one of his primary students and also an important person in this movement, Ouspenksy.

Gurdjieff first appeared in 1912 at the age of 35 - 49 (his date of birth is unknown). His early life is unknown before he appeared and began his teachings. It's hard for me to try to summarize his teachings here. Keep in mind that this is kind of the foundation, in my view, of this "huge construct of thinking" I mentioned earlier, so naturally it's different than what you are familiar with. It's not quite at the invisible alien level, but it's the start of a new direction. Basically he was bringing out previously hidden teachings and essentially making them public, or at least starting the process.

The teachings are broken into two areas - man, and the universe. A very rough summary is that man in his current state is basically a robot or automation, and it requires sustained conscious effort to rise out of this state. That's the whole deal with monks, yogis, and all that hardcore stuff from asia (which Gurdjieff participated in). The universe follows esoteric laws, for example the processes that go on inside of a man are the same processes that go on in the universe. For example, microcosmos and macrocosmos. Just like we have a microcosmos inside of us, like bacteria growing and all kinds of stuff happening, we are the microcosmos of the earth. The earth is alive and is a more evolved being than we are. Just as bacteria can't sense our consciousness because we are on a different level, it's the same way for us. The sun is kind of like a macrocosmos to earth, which is just a spec compared to it.

Ouspensky met Gurdjieff in 1916, and was a student of his for many years. After a few decades of being a close student, Ouspensky broke with Gurdjieff to separate himself. It wasn't like a schism but rather that he learned all Gurdjieff had to offer him, and had to reflect on whether he really believed it, what his own views were, etc. He wasn't a blind follower.

Ouspenksy's book "In Search of the Miraculous" was published posthumously in 1947. Gurdjieff's own books were confusing and unclear, but Ouspensky, being more of an intellectual, made his teachings understandable. But as the title of the book indicates, they were really fragments of an unknown teaching. (this teaching is called "The fourth way")

Moving along with our growth, another man called Boris Mouravieff published a 3 volume series called "Gnosis". In it, he addresses and corrects the system first publicized by Gurdjieff and Ouspenksy. Mouravieff writes as if he already knows the full system of which only fragments were published previously. Whereas Gurdjieff got his information from Asian sources, Mouravieff's information comes from within the Russian Orthodox church, and could be called Esoteric Christianity. It's important to know that no one has a lock on this information, because it's universal truth. Therefore, everyone's 'version' should really be pointing to the same thing. So that's how Mouravieff is able to correct Ouspensky even though the original sources of their knowledge come from completely different areas. [It should be noted that Gurdjieff didn't really think highly of Christianity, whereas Mouravieff's book is full of references to scripture]

The key information that Mouravieff gives us in his Gnosis series gives us is not only the problem of man's state, but rather the mechanics of how esoteric processes work, and the method through which it is possible to escape the fallen state described by Gurdjieff.

Mouravieff knew Ouspensky and argued that his book not be published. He said publishing fragments of knowledge was dangerous. However, since In Search of the Miraculous was published, Mouravieff published Gnosis in 1961.

At this point the foundations had been laid - previously for thousands of years we had religion for the mass public, and then each religion had a secret core of "esoteric schools" which was for the few who tackled conscious development. However, now that this esoteric information was becoming accessible to the public, a shift had occurred. So now we know that it really boils down to conscious development of man so he can both grow and fulfill his role in the universe (read the works mentioned above to understand what our role is and why we must grow).

At this point, another jump was made, however, it might not be obvious that it builds on the stuff mentioned above. This was the Ra material, channeled material from Ra. This material was channeled in 1982 - 1984. So we can see a nice little progression of jumps here so far: 1912, 1947, 1961, 1982

The Ra material is also known as the "Law of One" material, and brings in some new and important concepts. It tells us that conscious development is achieved through polarization to either serving others or serving yourself. These two paths start to show us how the previous ideas of conscious development look like in the real world: you've got the saints, the evil doers, and the masses which are neither and are less conscious than the other two. The polarization and conscious development is described in terms of colors and general universal ideas rather than in the more rigid way described by Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, and Mouravieff.

The Ra material also introduces the idea of contact with other beings which aren't human. The 4th way material described the very high beings like planets, or low ones like bacteria. However, the Ra material starts filling in the gap between humans and planets. It tells us about other physical beings like us, more advanced ones with technologies, other non-physical ones, and 'complexes' or whole societies and races with a shared consciousness. We can clearly see the relation of the Ra material with the 4th way material, because they both focus on man and the universe, and ways for man to grow and become more conscious.

Lets move along to the natural extensions of the Ra material. Here we get into the Pledian material and Cassiopaea material. At this point, the organic growth is starting to branch out and become a little more parallelized.

The Cassiopaean material was channeled material which started in 1994, and lasted for I think a decade. It builds on the Ra (and Pleiadian material which I won't discuss). It adds more important developments. First it talks about how DNA is connected to consciousness, and the mechanics of how consciousness interacts with matter by altering the quantum mechanical probable futures of particles, to nudge reality in certain ways. I'll admit I'm not as familiar with this material, but it does act as a bridge from the other channeled material, which acted as a bridge from the 4th way material.

Since the Casseopaean material occurred in modern times, with the advent of the internet, a group of people were able to form a community around it and try to figure out what it all means. There is a forum, but of course as we all know from the previous 'jumps' that have occurred, these people and their forum are not the end-all-be-all. However, the community did figure out that what the channeled material they have, which built upon other channeled, material, originally came from the 4th way writings, so they tie it back together nicely. Look at their glossary:

Now that we've discussed how we got here, from 1912, 1947, 1961, 1982, 1994, we can look at the present material in more context:

The quote above, David Icke, and many others are offshoots which are bringing us new revelations, simply building upon what has already been slowly released for a century. This is the real "new age" movement. And if "new age" has stigma to it, go back and read Ouspensky's book to see exactly how precisely opposite of wishy-washy it is. From the Ra material, we understand what the elites and nwo really are. The more modern material seems to be, from what I can see, guidance on how to move forward. Do your research. Don't get trapped in a box. It's good to be critical...I recommend the critical, yet genuine, guys to go back to the foundations I gave, and follow it up the chain. There's more links than I listed here, I have more.

22nd June 2012, 04:41 PM
Do not question authority!

You obviously helped choreograph the thousand points of light speech.


25th June 2012, 05:34 AM
First, no, I am not trying to be a prick. Nor am I attacking you (defensive reaction on your part).

Good enough. I wasn't sure. Thanks.

Before we can find the truth we have to solve this line, "I don't claim to be able to explain all the ins and outs of ancient maps and ancient technologies". We can't get past our differences if we ignore or disregard very important details of our history.

Understand something here. I believe that there is history beyond what we know, and preceding the bible, etc. I think this earth has gone through a multitude of cycles in which the population/inhabitants possibly reached higher pinnacles of technology than what we know now. I think know only the smallest fraction of history, which is filtered down to us by the satanic elite. The truths of the past are not mine to know with certainty. (White people built all pyramids all over the world, etc?)

In Genesis 9 Ham finds Noah drunk naked and past out, gets his brothers to grab a garment and without looking cover Noah back up. When Noah awakens the next day and finds out, he flips out on Ham (Canaan) and curses him throws a lot of curses his way. Now, I've yet to have a Christian be able to answer why. We seem to be missing an important fact leading to the hatred of Canaan and its subservience to Shem and Japheth and their tribes. Still why did Noah (known by other names in different cultures) get pissed?

I don't spend alot of time in the OT. I would be faking it if I tried to tell you the reasoning behind this, because I don't read it and don't really dwell on it.

And how was Noah able to live, what 1100 years or something like that. In the beginning of Genesis it talks of the "gods" or Nephlim or whatever. So right there as far as I'm concerned in some regards that Christianity's monotheistic view of a singular god is brought into contention by that very statement.

There have been theories that the earth had a "bubble" or a sheild of water surrounding it, around the outside of the atmospere, which would have sheilded the earth from most radiation and kept the planet pretty much equally temperate all over the globe from what I understand. In those conditions it is theorized that men could live to be hundreds (or more) years old.
This would also explain the great flood, when the water fell from the firmament to the earth.

I've talked to Jews about this as well and their "basic" response was, "We chose Abraham as our god". What, there are choices?

Yes well the jews (Kabbalistic/Tulmudistic ones) reject God the Father and practice idoltry through judaism. I have touched on this apostacy a number of times. Search my threads for the term "Yahwehism" if you're really interested.

I don't diss what you believe (thats the freedom I believe in), I just don't subscribe to anyone telling me that this is the "One" when there are too many questions that need to be answered first. The South American Olmec's share a similar history to the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians (both in astronomy and mathematics). There are carved statues in SA that represent African negros when none were there nor had they met yet.

Regardless of the possibilities that could have occured throughout history (Rising/falling nations, extinctions, etc), and regardless of extra-terrestrial possibilities, and regardless of supernatural possibilites, regardless of Nephilem, regardless of African statues in South America: my faith is that simply everything is God's creation.
I don't know how many cycles we have gone through, building up to advanced ages of technology and then destroying ourselves or having an external force bring us back to caveman statues, etc.

The bottom line is that there can be only one single Creator and God, and this time around He came to earth in the flesh as Jesus to give us another chance, because we were too stupid to follow the basic guidelines He laid out for us. Whatever preceded us before is non-consequential, in the spiritual sense.
The Lord created us and wants us to choose Him, and because we're screwing up again, He had to come in the Flesh to give us a "reset", for lack of better term. A "clean slate" so to speak.

Like I said, too many unanswered questions to believe there is one truth. And I'll say once again, we shouldn't shoot the messengers whether it be Icke, Singular or you Awoke. Peace.............

I am not shooting messengers: I am combating workers of deception.
There is a difference between pondering possibilites, and directly working against the Lord.

25th June 2012, 07:36 AM
I am not shooting messengers: I am combating workers of deception.
There is a difference between pondering possibilites, and directly working against the Lord.

This is my major roadblock. How do we know what is real deception and what is not? Are you "sure" you are fighting for the "right" side and how (beyond faith) do you prove it? I relate it to, walking into a bar and witnessing a fight not knowing what its about, yet, picking a side and saying they are in the right and the other side is wrong. We don't have an answer yet on who exactly is the bad guys nor the definition of "Lord/God". Almost every culture has a different answer about the "truth" whether it be spiritually or everyday workings of the world. I'm sure my definition of God is different than yours, yet it doesn't make me right and you wrong or vise versa. We are all messengers looking for answers and anyone that thinks they know the "truth" is arrogant and presumptuous. Though I will have to agree that evil intentions are easily spotted in some instances, not all are working against the Lord.............

25th June 2012, 07:42 AM
How do we know what is real deception and what is not? Are you "sure" you are fighting for the "right" side and how (beyond faith) do you prove it?

Watch out for the people ripping ten holes in other people right now.

Those are guaranteed to be on the bad team at the end.

25th June 2012, 08:02 AM
I am not shooting messengers: I am combating workers of deception.
There is a difference between pondering possibilites, and directly working against the Lord.

This is my major roadblock. How do we know what is real deception and what is not? Are you "sure" you are fighting for the "right" side and how (beyond faith) do you prove it? I relate it to, walking into a bar and witnessing a fight not knowing what its about, yet, picking a side and saying they are in the right and the other side is wrong. We don't have an answer yet on who exactly is the bad guys nor the definition of "Lord/God". Almost every culture has a different answer about the "truth" whether it be spiritually or everyday workings of the world. I'm sure my definition of God is different than yours, yet it doesn't make me right and you wrong or vise versa. We are all messengers looking for answers and anyone that thinks they know the "truth" is arrogant and presumptuous. Though I will have to agree that evil intentions are easily spotted in some instances, not all are working against the Lord.............

The proof is simply observed by taking stock of the intensity of the attack on all of Christianity.
Christianity is under attack world wide. In the 3rd world Countries, the Christians are raped and murdered and mutilated, or kidnapped and tortured to death. In the 1st world Countries, the Christians are spiritually raped and murdered with babylonian talmudism and kabbalism injected into their souls through the 5th column. False doctrines are being foisted upon unsuspecting, good-intending people, leading them to spiritual annihilation.

You may or may not believe in "God" or "the devil", but you can sure-as-shit believe that the global elite know that the devil is real. What is amazing is that they choose to worship and serve him. All because of his empty lies and false promises.

The attack on Christianity goes on unabated, world wide, and the people are blinded to it.
Look at the holohoax. More Christians died in that than anyone else. Do they talk about that? No. The synagogue of satan continually reminds us that 6 million jews died, even though they know those numbers are unworkable.

Proof is all around you, by simply looking at how aggressively the Christian Church is being destroyed from within and without.

Proof on a personal level is something else entirely. When you hit rock bottom some day, Blink, and you finally humble yourself enough to admit that you need God to help you through whatever it is, and you turn to Jesus and ask Christ to act in your life, you will get your proof that is undeniable.

He will answer, and you will know it.

25th June 2012, 10:21 AM
The proof is simply observed by taking stock of the intensity of the attack on all of Christianity.
Christianity is under attack world wide. In the 3rd world Countries, the Christians are raped and murdered and mutilated, or kidnapped and tortured to death. In the 1st world Countries, the Christians are spiritually raped and murdered with babylonian talmudism and kabbalism injected into their souls through the 5th column. False doctrines are being foisted upon unsuspecting, good-intending people, leading them to spiritual annihilation.

You may or may not believe in "God" or "the devil", but you can sure-as-shit believe that the global elite know that the devil is real. What is amazing is that they choose to worship and serve him. All because of his empty lies and false promises.

The attack on Christianity goes on unabated, world wide, and the people are blinded to it.
Look at the holohoax. More Christians died in that than anyone else. Do they talk about that? No. The synagogue of satan continually reminds us that 6 million jews died, even though they know those numbers are unworkable.

Proof is all around you, by simply looking at how aggressively the Christian Church is being destroyed from within and without.

Proof on a personal level is something else entirely. When you hit rock bottom some day, Blink, and you finally humble yourself enough to admit that you need God to help you through whatever it is, and you turn to Jesus and ask Christ to act in your life, you will get your proof that is undeniable.

He will answer, and you will know it.

Thing is, its not "just Christianity" that gets the boot. Muslims are being attacked, everyone attacks the Jews, you get Buddist monks being trashed, the Falun Gong get the sh*t whacked outta them. Seems to me that religion, no matter the denomination is getting thumped these days. You've chosen a side and thats fine by me. My discussion isn't about converting or subverting, just statement of my opinion (which really is all these posts and threads are about). I appreciate the depth that you prove your points and consider them when I weigh my decisions. IMO, I think "all" religions have something to contribute to the truth, yet they operate on a limited amount of knowledge. Compare them all as a whole and you will see the similarities between them. Each one has truth in it. As for "when" I hit rock bottom, don't quite know what that is. Monetary broke, being in a jail cell, suffering a chronic illness, close family members dying, etc., but, I've experienced a lot and lived through it with the help of family/friends or just myself. If God helped you through tough times, all the power to you and your relationship with him/her/it. I've heard of a lot of people saved through their faith in God. I don't belittle it or disbelieve that something happened. But, I will say, I don't put "blind faith" into my rationale without solid evidence...........

25th June 2012, 11:09 AM
Thing is, its not "just Christianity" that gets the boot. Muslims are being attacked, everyone attacks the Jews, you get Buddist monks being trashed, the Falun Gong get the sh*t whacked outta them. Seems to me that religion, no matter the denomination is getting thumped these days. You've chosen a side and thats fine by me. My discussion isn't about converting or subverting, just statement of my opinion (which really is all these posts and threads are about). I appreciate the depth that you prove your points and consider them when I weigh my decisions. IMO, I think "all" religions have something to contribute to the truth, yet they operate on a limited amount of knowledge. Compare them all as a whole and you will see the similarities between them. Each one has truth in it. As for "when" I hit rock bottom, don't quite know what that is. Monetary broke, being in a jail cell, suffering a chronic illness, close family members dying, etc., but, I've experienced a lot and lived through it with the help of family/friends or just myself. If God helped you through tough times, all the power to you and your relationship with him/her/it. I've heard of a lot of people saved through their faith in God. I don't belittle it or disbelieve that something happened. But, I will say, I don't put "blind faith" into my rationale without solid evidence...........

the root core of war comes from stating : my rule is the only one valid, others are trash.. :(

Islam was created as reaction against 2 religions fighting for being the one... oblivion isnt far away

25th June 2012, 02:28 PM
I don't put "blind faith" into my rationale without solid evidence..........

If all is known, faith is not required.

It needs to be exercised in the real world by the recipient to be of any use, you cannot keep it.

Absolution in regards to faith is a simple myth.

(ie: say 10 hail mary's, and you're good to go)

Good stuff btw, blink

26th June 2012, 05:54 AM
Islam was created by a bloodthirsty warlord who was a false prophet that changed his own religious rules in order to reflect whatever it was that he desired for his kingdom at the time.

Learn something here (http://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Muhammad-Differences-Surprising-Similarities/dp/1591852919/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1340715213&sr=8-1&keywords=jesus+and+muhammad)

26th June 2012, 06:55 AM
Thing is, its not "just Christianity" that gets the boot. Muslims are being attacked, everyone attacks the Jews, you get Buddist monks being trashed, the Falun Gong get the sh*t whacked outta them. Seems to me that religion, no matter the denomination is getting thumped these days. You've chosen a side and thats fine by me. My discussion isn't about converting or subverting, just statement of my opinion (which really is all these posts and threads are about). I appreciate the depth that you prove your points and consider them when I weigh my decisions. IMO, I think "all" religions have something to contribute to the truth, yet they operate on a limited amount of knowledge. Compare them all as a whole and you will see the similarities between them. Each one has truth in it. As for "when" I hit rock bottom, don't quite know what that is. Monetary broke, being in a jail cell, suffering a chronic illness, close family members dying, etc., but, I've experienced a lot and lived through it with the help of family/friends or just myself. If God helped you through tough times, all the power to you and your relationship with him/her/it. I've heard of a lot of people saved through their faith in God. I don't belittle it or disbelieve that something happened. But, I will say, I don't put "blind faith" into my rationale without solid evidence...........

I agree. My take is that it's not "just" Chistianity either. It's all religions. Though it's not really religion so much as it is FAITH or TRUST in GOD.

And the single greatest enemy of FAITH is DECEPTION.

That's why it sucks so bad to lie or slander others. Each are a type of deception intended to elevate
oneself above others. Or even to elevate one's social cause if it's attached to one's self image. Those who lie are of the Synagog of Satan.

Every time anyone of us lies or slanders or deceives, we work in league with Satan. And yes, that means we
are ALL part of the problem at times, since never telling a lie is somewhat like never killing a bug.

26th June 2012, 07:06 AM
Though it's not really religion so much as it is FAITH or TRUST in GOD.

Faith lives and breathes, Trust has more interest bearing on the borrower of the Faith, and where religion comes in.

IMO it is religion, maybe TRUST in GOD.

Trust is held, as are religions, And created between men.

Faith not & generated by the individual.

3rd April 2016, 09:15 PM
Sofia Smallstorm's latest interview; it's around 1.5 hour. I could only get through about 20 mins, then started skipping ahead to see if it got more interesting, and the several places I skipped to, Icke was still on about electromagnetic fields, holograms, illusions, all his standard fare which just never really worked for me; too esoteric.

David Icke 3/23/16

Planning another World Tour (https://www.davidicke.com/world-tour) in the fall of 2016, David Icke is one indefatigable "peerer-into-the-matrix," as I will put it. Lucid, articulate and a great performer, he is a treat to watch or listen to, and I had the lucky opportunity to talk to him here about his new book, Phantom Self (https://www.davidicke.com/article/355675/phantom-self-a-limited-number-of-david-ickes-new-book-now-available-only-through-davidicke-com), and the concepts he has now brought out. The "phantom self" is a multilayered, inauthentic shell we all have (or have had), built from the mistruths and false ideas peddled to us by the bogus non-reality we've grown up in. The book's subtitle is (And How to Find the Real One), which is our Infinite Self, awake and aware. We have been manipulated, explains David, to obscure and forget our infiniteness and power, so starting with this discussion, let's guide ourselves to let the layers go, be real, and thereby make a whole new reality! Also visit DavidIcke.com


Listen here (http://aboutthesky.com/images/stories/audio/SSmallstorm_podcast_043_03-23-16.mp3)


3rd April 2016, 09:19 PM
David does some regular and short vlogs via his YT. I've watched a couple and they can be ok because they are on point for such a short video.

He's said some interesting things against people in power but I haven't heard of anyone raiding his house, stealling his papers and computers. Perhaps it has happened. I am a very irregular watcher of his material. I might if I happen upon it, but I don't seek it out. I leave him for the newcomers to partial awakenings.

Would be unusual if he hadn't had some run ins with TPTB. I still suspect he is LHO.

4th April 2016, 04:51 AM
Summerise truth ........hahahaha

4th April 2016, 12:14 PM
of course magnes is gone since about a while...

but nevermind, please keep in mind he admires "Charles the great" (bloodlines merovingian/carologian), Constantine (early freemason) and Plato (the father of sacred geometry)

Funny... here is an address for you, Magnes:

Red Cross Constantine | The Grand Lodge of Texas
Red Cross of Constantine (wiki)
The Red Cross of Constantine, or more formally the Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Appendant Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and of St John the Evangelist, is a Christian Order of Freemasonry.

Constantine, Masonry and Christianity

so now you all know why Magnes and Co just hate when I start stirring the pot: freemasons behind the draft of the bible. And of course pointing to all the Numbers (in the bible), gets me into trouble even more. LOL


Goldie came back and did more and said more to discredit herself further.


This place is hilarious.

She was outed by being far more careful and less revealing in the past going back to gim 1,
it climaxed on here, Goldie is disinfo and very deliberate, she distorts history, it is the troll
version of history, that is how she was outed. Now she is just far more blatant.
There is an MO here, Theosophist, research it, what I posted here is very relevant,
do your own research, she is a perfect 100 % " theosophist ", Occult Trolls on the World,
and yes she does have followers here and these people do recognize each other.
A lot of what Goldie posts goes back to the same thing.


David Icke is a loon, I was much less harsher on him in past, I saw
some of his works as allegory, so did the ADL early on, they went
after him, this was years ago, at this point he has poisoned his own
well and destroyed his credibility, this is how disinfo works, conspiracy
sites online are run for this purpose, new age occult does this, they
don't care about truth, you see people on this forum doing this as
well, whether deliberate or not they claim to be awake and do this. LOL !

4th April 2016, 12:20 PM

5th April 2016, 02:30 PM
Seems like even evangelists could very soon begin to endorse Icke's work

and why are we in this mess? because people prefer to address **their concerns of the now** while shrugging at or ridiculing those who can see beyond.


Prophecy So Scary Even LA Marzulli Wanted to Avoid It! It's Happening!!
josh tolley show http://joshtolley.com/


even AJ admits THE BIGGER PICTURE when saying that we are not dealing with people anymore. In fact we never have....


10th April 2016, 12:44 PM
sure, seriously investigating masonic knowledge gets one branded as an NWO supporter by those who do not know that masons have INVERTED that knowledge to take over the world. That non-inverted knowledge is KEY to freedom and enlightenment.

But here is David explaining the money scam.


of course magnes is gone since about a while...

but nevermind, please keep in mind he admires "Charles the great" (bloodlines merovingian/carologian), Constantine (early freemason) and Plato (the father of sacred geometry)

Funny... here is an address for you, Magnes:

Red Cross Constantine | The Grand Lodge of Texas
Red Cross of Constantine (wiki)
The Red Cross of Constantine, or more formally the Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Appendant Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and of St John the Evangelist, is a Christian Order of Freemasonry.

Constantine, Masonry and Christianity

so now you all know why Magnes and Co just hate when I start stirring the pot: freemasons behind the draft of the bible. And of course pointing to all the Numbers (in the bible), gets me into trouble even more. LOL


23rd April 2016, 11:12 PM
well been reading some interesting bat shit crazy stuff again. This links into a couple other threads. Listening to the Luna Wave podcasts by Crrow777.
I mentioned I skipped the sequence of his podcasts because I wanted to pull in a couple interesting interviews into other threads in a timely way.

Well the one I skipped was an interview with a guy who has been delving into HatyBov. I started this thread and abandoned it (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?86615-HattyBov-Russian-investigator-of-the-universe&highlight=luna) because of bat shit crazy.

BUT. this guy has been trying to interpret the writings of this guy - in russian just to put it out there. It obviously reads like Sci Fi, but IMO a lot of sci fi is so on the money some times you have to wonder. I find these things compelling because of material I have read elsewhere that appears to have no relation to any other thing, unless of course one person had read all of these different things and was seeing that a little bit of this goes with a little bit of that.

On the face of it you would just conclude that the guy read a lot of sci fi and his writings are just a mash up of the various scifi stories he has read. I can relate to that. When you look at other things, observations, images and artifacts that have been found, you might start to wonder.

Lunar wave, holographic moon fascade, planets in our system that appear to have been destroyed, the remnants that now form asteroid belts. The search for water on other bodies - especially other moons. The vernal equinox annual reset - trigger of the cycle to recommence/repeat. Talk of a firmament around the thing we live on. Operation fishbowl - interesting name in context. Not going to the moon. Energy grid - Bruce Cathie. Black cube. Harmonics. Saturn as the original sun. Sol as a electrical body not nuclear. There is a lot of gnostic stuff in there as well.

David Icke says Reptilian brain. Hattybov/hatybov says Arachnid brain. Both say elites. I find that interesting or curious. LAdy gaga superbowl Bowie tribute anyone?

We could be inside the black cube. I throw more on that concept in the other thread when I get a chance. Remembering that Space Oddesy had a black monolyth as they called it. And there was something inside? A universe I think. Maybe it should have been represented by a black cube instead.

26th April 2016, 06:32 AM
New Sofia Smallstorm interview wth DI; SCROLL DOWN: http://www.aboutthesky.com/podcasts

8th May 2016, 11:43 AM
simply BRILLIANT.... Have teary eyes every time I watch this one.

keep fighting???

David Icke - Do You REALLY Want to Know This??


12th July 2016, 08:47 AM
many would recognize openly that David Icke is on it, but they wont dare face to be mocked for Icke's take on the reptilians. Considering that there is indeed "a" reptilian brain ruling the planet and that the Gnostics identified the archons as inter-dimensional beings INcapable of creativity, hence need to parasite life... well it isnt far fetched anymore.

Personally, the shape shifting issue, true or not (unless I see it myself) , doesnt bother me because spiritually, it is what is happening, we are being harvested for our souls. And because humans as a whole never address this metaphysical aspect (instead look at darwin for an answer), the situation went bad to worse..... will a collective darwinian suicide win over?

Icke does a lot more good for the WHOLE planet that any other politician(s). I feel sorry that his health is affected by is RA so bad


Conspiracy theorist who believes in race of shape-shifting aliens is selling out shows in Australia
July 12, 20166:46am


Icke, 64, believes the attacks on the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers were part of a wider plan to control the public.

He believes they were manufactured by America to establish what he calls “order out of chaos”. He says the attacks were used to justify the war on terror, a war that is ongoing today.

“Wherever you look, it doesn’t make sense,” he told news.com.au. “The story of how those planes were flown and who flew them makes no sense at all.

“How those buildings came down makes no sense, either. It’s not just me saying it, it’s experts in those fields saying it.”

Specifically, Icke says he takes exception with small details of the White House story on how events unfolded.

“How many people realise that on that same day, September 11, 2001 — of all days, of all years — there were a series of military exercises involving planes being hijacked, including one scenario of a plane being flown into a building in Washington?

“It took a lot of planes that would’ve been in a position to respond away from New York City. And you’ve got responders saying: ‘Is this real or is this exercise?’ It completely bewildered them. Pinch me, ouch, yes, it actually is real.”

He said a story about a hijacker’s passport being found near the World Trade Center after the attacks convinced him he was listening to a tall tale.

“I remember hearing a BBC newsreader (above) tell me, without laughing, that the FBI had found a passport of one of the hijackers right next to one of the twin towers. It’s ridiculous.

“I remember thinking: ‘Hold on a minute, it’s paper. You see that fireball, laws of physics, anybody?’”

In the years after September 11, Icke wrote Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster. During a talk in 2007, Icke said there was not “one strand” of September 11 that makes sense but journalists swallow the story without questioning it.

“The official version of events gets given to the journalist and it gets passed on virtually undiluted to the public. And so you sell your manufactured movie to the people and ... crucially you want people to be afraid. Then you can play your sting.”

Icke said the planes flying in to the towers sparked a war that “will likely not end in our lifetimes” in which America can target any country they like “as a terrorist state” and “go in and conquer it”.

Conspiracy theories about September 11 are nothing new. Plenty have been aired and debunked before. Icke says those theories are spouted by amateurs who damage his reputation by association.

“There are people in the alternative media that do shoot from the hip, they say this, that and the other without any evidence. I wish they wouldn’t.”..........


When Icke began his Worldwide Wake Up Tour on Saturday in Perth, those in attendance heard him speak at length about smart technology.

His most recent book, Phantom Self, looks at a world leading rapidly down the path of human microchipping. It’s a path that worries him deeply.

“What’s happening is we are being systematically led — ‘here kitty, kitty, kitty’ — down a road to having technology inserted inside us,” Icke told news.com.au. “This is where it’s going and it’s so blatant when you can see it.

“Stage one: you get people addicted to technology they can hold. That addiction is global, it’s extraordinary. You see people with a smart phone put it down and then look at it straight after they put it down.

“Stage two is what they call wearables. The google glasses, the smart watches. Stage three is implantables. They will be as common as wearables and holdables within three or four years.”

So what’s the conspiracy? Icke says holdables and wearables got us addicted to technology only for inplantables to be used to control the human brain and “hijack” the way we perceive the world.

“The human brain is a biological computer. It blatantly is. It’s a biological version of a computer system. If you look at the brain, it processes information in the form of electrical activity. If you can get technology into the body and hack in to the biological information processing system, you can remotely dictate someone’s sense of reality.”

“Transhumanists say that by putting technology inside us we are going to be super human but we’re actually going to be sub-human. We will become computer terminals.”

I told Icke I could understand how he joined the dots on a number of his theories but asked him if one theory in particular was holding him back, making all of his other theories less believable.........



12th July 2016, 08:58 AM
Is it possible that he meant that the international banker is the shape shifting reptilian?

Such that we only exist in a one dimensional country dimension, yet they are able to exist and render from a different plane?

this though would lend creedence to the notion that our souls are nothing but purchase points in dollars...

12th July 2016, 09:14 AM
reptilians and archons are said to be binary life forms or entities, while humans are trinary, so have the ability to create. We thus become a "asset" for them to "replicate". Transhumanism without the trinary input is really SATANIC, after earth they will find another world to parasite from scratch. We clearly are on the verge of becoming them. We have more or less 10 years to stop them.

which politician is going to SAY this?


12th July 2016, 09:39 AM
binary huh, that would explain their international bank transfers in this our modern age.

No wonder they'd never be capable of publicanisms.

the same holds true of much of the republic's citizenry.

12th July 2016, 11:18 AM
lizard brain doesn't mean shapeshifting creatures with leathery skin and eyes that blink sideways and long slithery tongues. It means that base instinct part of the brain. The part that is fight or flight. A part that operates on limited if any reasoning and compassion or empathy for other creatures. At that level those aspects are not required because it is all about survival instinct. Animals operate there, although more social animals have some higher levels. Herd or flocking animals.

Many people operate at that low level and appear to either ignore, do not have or cannot function at higher levels. The instinct is only survival and it is get whats needed, fight for it and nothing else matters.

I didn't realise he was here in Australia. I don't know that I would go and see him. I'm suspicious of the guy to some degree. Mainly because he has an old association with TV. I don't know how long he was on tv but a kids show he was on had a lot of hidden stuff in it. I don't think that came from him, but the people who designed and lead presented the show. Maybe thats part of his awareness. I don't know.

I do agree that man has a force/energy that others don't have but want or are trying to obtain the ability of making. I don't think it is something we make, but receive. Tumbleweed has posted on this from the bibles recording of this. God breathing life and soul into the body, which was called man. The point to note here is that the word "man" does not mean all two legged upright walking creates that can be described as homoerrectus. Man is not a generic term of 2 legged beings. Man is a specific name of a specific type that received not only life/animation but a soul. There are a lot of 2 legged upright walking beings that are not like that but are all called man.

I think the darwinism stuff is designed to cause that mixing. It creates a kind of camouflage in the mind allowing them to mix/hide.

Crowley wrote about this in his works. He called it the magic being - the soul. And he said you could take over the shell - meat jacket/shirt if you drove out the magic spirit. But you had to do it in vitro < 3 months/1st trimester. The creatures with animation but no soul were called homoculus (?).

It makes me think of the blade runner movie when I think about this topic. Created beings that looked like "man" and who had a fixed life span and no after life and the eyes were how you could tell.

13th July 2016, 07:31 AM
It makes me think of the blade runner movie when I think about this topic. Created beings that looked like "man" and who had a fixed life span and no after life and the eyes were how you could tell.

thats the whole point, Glass. "they" cannot reincarnate (nor have an after life) since they are binary, and also why they need to parasite to replicate. We cannot get rid of this evil, just be aware of it and free ourselves from it. Somehow they have taken over the reincarnation process. But in the Greater Scheme of ALL Things, they are doing their job, to TEACH us about free will and empathy, natural and immutable divine laws... infinite awareness

there lies the metaphysical twist.

If we continue fighting, we just enable them since they feed off of fear and inner fragmentation. On the other hand, "they" must allow the truth to be out there (but also counter it by media news manipulation), so human can also opt to become "them" (willingly).

The end game is approaching fast

ps: icke is genuine, imho. one doesnt need to pay to go see him, he also delivers everything free of charge.



He believes 9/11 was faked and shape-shifting alien lizards are ruling the world. So why ARE thousands of Australians attending David Icke's 'crazy 12 hour sold-out seminars'? Because they are not as dumb as you are, mate
‘Thousands of Australians are paying up to $140 to attend a 12-hour seminar held by a strange conspiracy theorist who believes the world is run by shape-shifting alien lizards.

David Icke, a former BBC journalist, is currently travelling with his World Wide Wake Up Tour and will deliver 12 hour long seminars in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney later this month.

Icke’s most bizarre theories include claims that the September 11 attacks were faked and that world leaders are actually reptiles and part of a group called the Babylonian Brotherhood.’


Can You Handle The Truth? The Awakening May Be Coming To A City Near You
13 July 2016 GMT

‘There are very few speakers who can sell out arenas around the world. Even fewer can keep the audience captivated on every word for over nine hours. The short list includes David Icke; the once-mocked alternative researcher and entertaining presenter, who recently kicked off his first speaking tour in five years.

“Since the early nineties, David Icke has made it his life’s mission to inform his readers and fans of an impending global fascist state,” says his website.

“The goal all along has been to create a global Orwellian centralized dictatorship, dictating to and controlling the lives, in detail, of every man, woman and child on the planet,” he says in a video promoting his events.’


13th July 2016, 03:11 PM
I think it is also a mistake to consider the brain itself a higher functioning device. If one such a David Icke relies on higher brain functions only. The connection to soul's being is an untennable one in this dimmension. No others but the owner of the "meatshell" himself has given access to.

To think otherwise is succumbing to forces beyond your control, which of course non-profitable to you lizard brains..

Cause really that's all your brain boils down to, u dirty muslims... :)

14th July 2016, 12:02 PM
there is a vid in which icke explains that consciousness exists outside the brain and a higher self is needed to connect with it... look for it

the problem is that arguing with "circular or linear thinking" makes one repeat oneself over and over, and the debate doesnt more forward. But at least his success in australia is unprecedented this time, to the point that mainstream media have to give it a shot.


comment from dailymail.uk posted yesterday
To reduce all that David Icke has to say to the level of ‘lizards controlling the world’ is like Einstein receiving a school report saying ‘Albert is quite good at physics, but needs to tame his rather unruly hairstyle’. Read one of David’s many amazing books, containing mind blowingly detailed research – which can all be backed up if you care to check it out – then make an INFORMED judgement on what this man has to say. Seen him speak on the Isle of Wight earlier this year; the guy is a living legend. He is an incredibly good speaker, and yet humblingly self-effacing when it’s time to take a bow. Hats off to him for having the courage of his convictions and the selflessness to devote his life to enlightening others. Big respect always, David.

where are the politicians speaking about the topic of zionism? Just like he does in those 2 vids below

I think it is also a mistake to consider the brain itself a higher functioning device. If one such a David Icke relies on higher brain functions only. The connection to soul's being is an untennable one in this dimmension. No others but the owner of the "meatshell" himself has given access to.

To think otherwise is succumbing to forces beyond your control, which of course non-profitable to you lizard brains..

Cause really that's all your brain boils down to, u dirty muslims... :)

14th July 2016, 04:40 PM
I still think alot of the human condition/psyche has to do with some sort of genetic deja vu and a time when the worlds went into collision cataclysm.

Ofcourse the moon is a dry blood beast most humans have an inate sense of it as alien. Now if there were manipulators onboard they would be quite A-physical race and take their homes in Argentinia. ._.

14th July 2016, 07:51 PM
In the duality of things and the universe being electrical in nature it would be reasonable to expect the existence of an anode and a cathode. If the Sol gives energy to the system, then the moon draws it away. And the Earth is just that, the earth and balance to the system.

The moon is known for emitting a cooling light, taking heat from that which is warm. If the Sol were to be blocked so that it's energy did not arrive and warm, yet the moon was still clear to draw energy and warmth to it, eventually the balance would shift and the preponderance of a negative flow would dominate.

17th July 2016, 05:33 AM
http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/7a4302dc107e3e0150d7f5b167e61e0e2d83906c-88x88.jpg (http://crazzfiles.com/the-morning-show-mongrels-david-icke-accuses-tv-hosts-of-abuse-after-heated-interview/)The Morning Show Mongrels: David Icke accuses TV hosts of ‘abuse’ after heated interview (http://crazzfiles.com/the-morning-show-mongrels-david-icke-accuses-tv-hosts-of-abuse-after-heated-interview/)July 15, 2016
7 Comments (http://crazzfiles.com/the-morning-show-mongrels-david-icke-accuses-tv-hosts-of-abuse-after-heated-interview/#comments)

NOTE: This is a classic reflection of how ridiculous & utterly stupid the main stream media are In Australia. People from other countries don’t understand how[...]Read More » (http://crazzfiles.com/the-morning-show-mongrels-david-icke-accuses-tv-hosts-of-abuse-after-heated-interview/)

17th July 2016, 04:09 PM
Why would he expect any thing else? We follow US tv style here to a T. Its dominated by Rupert and his cable. He pretty much dictates what shows the non cable networks can have. Monopolies are illegal but you know, it's just the law. Doesn't mean anything.

17th July 2016, 08:44 PM
http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/7a4302dc107e3e0150d7f5b167e61e0e2d83906c-88x88.jpg (http://crazzfiles.com/the-morning-show-mongrels-david-icke-accuses-tv-hosts-of-abuse-after-heated-interview/)The Morning Show Mongrels: David Icke accuses TV hosts of ‘abuse’ after heated interview (http://crazzfiles.com/the-morning-show-mongrels-david-icke-accuses-tv-hosts-of-abuse-after-heated-interview/)

July 15, 2016
7 Comments (http://crazzfiles.com/the-morning-show-mongrels-david-icke-accuses-tv-hosts-of-abuse-after-heated-interview/#comments)
NOTE: This is a classic reflection of how ridiculous & utterly stupid the main stream media are In Australia. People from other countries don’t understand how[...]Read More » (http://crazzfiles.com/the-morning-show-mongrels-david-icke-accuses-tv-hosts-of-abuse-after-heated-interview/)

What a WO-man, this is why he charges for his meetings, 0 hecklers...

I just cant see a guy saying what he is saying to not expect, or having some wearwithall to deal with before claiming abuse.

18th July 2016, 08:00 AM
which politician(s) dare go down that road???

ignore and trash icke because he raises the very possibility that we are controlled by a "reptilian brain feeding off of fear" ... or alien reptilians or even archonic entities?

Fans forked out up to $140 to attend the World Wide Wake Up seminar -- for a 12H presentation = VERY CHEAP!!


9/11 was an inside job, governments control the weather and reality is an illusion: A look inside one of the 12-hour 'lectures' by world-leading conspiracy theorist David Icke drawing huge crowds in Australia

‘The world is controlled by a global government that manipulates the weather and creates natural disasters to control the population, and America is behind 9/11 and responsible for ISIS.

Vaccination is ‘destroying our children’s immune systems’ and poisoning them with chemicals, while ‘reality is just an illusion.

These are just some of the dozens of outlandish conspiracy theories David Icke touches on during his 12-hour long seminars, one of which was held in Sydney on Saturday.’

By Freya Noble for Daily Mail Australia
Updated: 02:49 EST, 16 July 2016
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3693049/Crowds-queue-Sydney-hear-conspiracy-theorist-David-Icke-s-12-hour-lecture.html#ixzz4ElxBBlen

18th July 2016, 09:18 AM
"9/11 was an inside job, governments control the weather and reality is an illusion: A look inside one of the 12-hour 'lectures' by world-leading conspiracy theorist David Icke drawing huge crowds in Australia

‘The world is controlled by a global government that manipulates the weather and creates natural disasters to control the population, and America is behind 9/11 and responsible for ISIS.

Vaccination is ‘destroying our children’s immune systems’ and poisoning them with chemicals, while ‘reality is just an illusion."

Yep, he's a nutbag alright. Just look at these "outlandish" conspiracy theories. Wait a minute, they kinda remind me of the ones we discuss here......

29th July 2016, 08:55 AM
10 years ago, we warned about WW3, civil unrest, etc


2nd November 2016, 01:54 PM
In summary, his beliefs basically are that there's a bunch of lizardlike extra-dimensional creatures that control humanity, and we need to wake up, and stop being slaves to them.

He's into channeling. People into channeling typically believe humans have all these lost/forgotten mental abilities that they are able to tap into. Icke believes we lost these abilities when these lizardlike extra-dimensional creatures took over, and we need to go back to these times.

I don't believe in all this supernatural/alien stuff myself, so, umm yeah...


2nd November 2016, 02:08 PM

Pure gold!!

Twisted Titan
2nd November 2016, 03:20 PM
You have the personal power to awaken your inner Godman/woman and elevate the vibration of The Planet and be its saviour.
Just listen to the spirit guides,ascended masters and avatars that will guide you.

That nonsense is gonna put you on the wrong side of eternity....Believe It.

midnight rambler
2nd November 2016, 03:28 PM
I've never gotten that impression from David Icke.

FWIW, I had the opportunity to go listen to David Icke put on an all day presentation (someone gave me a free ticket, wouldn't have gone otherwise) in 2004. All he did was present info, he never came across as 'new age' and not once did he offer any info which was at odds with the teachings of Jesus. TT I think you're way off here.

You have the personal power to awaken your inner Godman/woman and elevate the vibration of The Planet and be its saviour.
Just listen to the spirit guides,ascended masters and avatars that will guide you.

That nonsense is gonna put you on the wrong side of eternity....Believe It.

Twisted Titan
2nd November 2016, 05:31 PM
Fastest way to find out about a person ask them 2 questions

1 Who is Jesus Christ?
2 who is Jesus Christ to you personally?

If you were to ask mr.Icke you would get some convoluted wonky answer on a par with the above.

You wont get
1 He is the way,the truth and the life
2 my personal savior.

Mr.Icke has made a ton of money and accolades hacking at the branches of evil .

But he will NEVER strike The Root.

2nd November 2016, 06:18 PM
Fastest way to find out about a person ask them 2 questions

1 Who is Jesus Christ?
2 who is Jesus Christ to you personally?

If you were to ask mr.Icke you would get some convoluted wonky answer on a par with the above.

You wont get
1 He is the way,the truth and the life
2 my personal savior.

Mr.Icke has made a ton of money and accolades hacking at the branches of evil .

But he will NEVER strike The Root.

If someone cannot or will not speak the name of Jesus Christ, reverently, they are useless.


Twisted Titan
3rd November 2016, 01:58 AM
Whats funny is Icke was a big fan of Archanya S alias DM Murdock

As a matter a fact he leaned on her heavily for his early books and peter josef from the infamous zeitgeist movies.

Just last year this woman was reduced to begging for money on the internet to heal her cancer cause she didnt know jesus.

She died on December 25 2015 the irony of that day was not lost on me.

Where was all of her fellow new age gurus?
Where were all the white wizards???
Where were the lords of light and ascended masters?
Where was all the god men of science?
Where was all healing crystals and magic stones?
Where was the annunaki,buddha,krishna,shiva,zeues,Gia eh?

God is not mocked and he will make a example of those who Blaspheme him


3rd November 2016, 06:52 AM
Whats funny is Icke was a big fan of Archanya S alias DM Murdock

As a matter a fact he leaned on her heavily for his early books and peter josef from the infamous zeitgeist movies.

Just last year this woman was reduced to begging for money on the internet to heal her cancer cause she didnt know jesus.

She died on December 25 2015 the irony of that day was not lost on me.

Where was all of her fellow new age gurus?
Where were all the white wizards???
Where were the lords of light and ascended masters?
Where was all the god men of science?
Where was all healing crystals and magic stones?
Where was the annunaki,buddha,krishna,shiva,zeues,Gia eh?

God is not mocked and he will make a example of those who Blaspheme him


The New Age "Law of Attraction" should have healed her...or did she just not "believe" strongly enough? :rolleyes:

Who founded the first hospitals? Not witches! Not Druids!

3rd November 2016, 07:28 AM
do you really think that the whole bible is the word of God perhaps, when it was written by man and over a 400 year time frame?

Waiting for a savior is no better than doing yoga and ignore the negative. ALL belief systems have this problem... and each of these systems preaches to be the only one, do you see the pattern here?

most people will attack/trash icke because of his reptilians theory (aka nephilim in the bible and the archons which the gnostic warned about) I call this myopia, different names for describing the same problem.

Icke only condones "self and infinite awareness" , there is nothing wrong with that. Obviously you are still not aware that all the numbers in the bible are SACRED GEOMETRY.


You have the personal power to awaken your inner Godman/woman and elevate the vibration of The Planet and be its saviour.
Just listen to the spirit guides,ascended masters and avatars that will guide you.

That nonsense is gonna put you on the wrong side of eternity....Believe It.

3rd November 2016, 08:00 AM
Christianity is no more less than mass control... wait for your savior and avoid self-responsibility. The Revelation is pure predictive programing. This attack is irrational because Icke on his website (daily headlines) addresses ALL topics.

I challenge you to go there and debunk the level of info he provides.

The battle has always been the same for 2000 years: is God his entire creation OR an Entity separates from his creation.

Separation implies that materialism and spirituality are two different realms. While God being his entire creation implies that everything is the expression of God.

But yeah, evil loves it when we keep everything separated (so divide and rule) Monotheism is therefore a deception.

The law of attraction is kind of a scam because it is the Law of Polarity that governs the law of attraction. And polarity emanates from the Law of Light. Light itself being dual, a particle and a wave. The duality of Light is well documented on the net.

Also CT, your sense of Reality is pretty poor, otherwise you'd know that materialism is but an illusion, the slit experiment proved it

If the law of attraction is all you have to fight what is called new age, then you have lost already... let me/us know when you can explain all the numbers (numerology) in the bible

there is no difference with the greek mythology portraying zeus holding a lightening in his hand and jesus speaking of God as the Light Or the cult of Horus/Sun in ancient egypt. Just different cultures with different explanations.

Light/Electricity is all there is and it is connecting everything, every particle to one another. So yes God IS is entire creation. Scientifically proven.

Time for the merging of spirituality and science.

The New Age "Law of Attraction" should have healed her...or did she just not "believe" strongly enough? :rolleyes:

Who founded the first hospitals? Not witches! Not Druids!

3rd November 2016, 08:11 AM
nonsensical gibberish deleted



This lunatic claims to be the 35,000 year old "Lemurian warrior Ramtha," who talks just like Goldissima! In reality, she is the con-artist J.Z. Knight, who has taken so many people with her "Ramtha's School of Enlightenment" that she lives the luxury-life of a queen. Suckers have handed over piles of cash to fund all that plastic surgery seen in the first video.

3rd November 2016, 09:13 AM
I do not care what you think CT

Light/Electricity is all there is and it is connecting everything, every particle to one another. So yes God IS is entire creation. Scientifically proven.

Time for the merging of spirituality and science. and thats the only Truth out there. You go after new age but in the mean time forget that the bible is filled with knowledge today deemed new age.


meanwhile, Icke sez:


Twisted Titan
3rd November 2016, 09:48 AM
Icke only condones "self and infinite awareness" , there is nothing wrong with that. Obviously you are still not aware that all the numbers in the bible are SACRED GEOMETRY.

Self and infinate awareness? Pray tell how is one suppose to attain this?
Your not even aware of what is around the very next corner until you turn. But that is just where new agers like to play in the grey zone because they can always say some fluffy mumbo jumbo to get them out of there fix.

I remember this buffoon icke actucally said (or better yet told by the others) that THE MOON IN THE SKY IS NOT REAL what is his proof? Nothing nada zippo. But we are to believe every seaman since the dawn of time just happens to guess when the tides rise and fall

As for sacred geometry in the bible is it there?
Of course it is....all over no doubt.
Here is the difference though.

Sacred geometry didnt lead me to The Book
The Book stood on its own and will continue to Stand until Heaven and earth pass away.

But we are told Signs and wonders will confirm for those WHO BELIEVE.

So what you and other new agers marvel at that leaves you slack jawwed about discovering something hidden ...is just chalked up as another statement of the obvious to those who know The Shepards voice

3rd November 2016, 01:15 PM
Actually, I forgot to answer the question...

Q: can somebody summarize for me what david icke's main point is?


3rd November 2016, 01:31 PM
I do not care what you think CT

Of course you don't care! You live in a fantasy world of your own creation. Where New Age sewage replaced facts and the truth.

Like I said, you talk just like the proven con-artist in the videos above. Why is that?

3rd November 2016, 01:38 PM
The New Age "Law of Attraction":

Little girls cause their own molestation!


This is why I staunchly oppose all New Age sewage. This is what New Age religions teach and believe.

Twisted Titan
3rd November 2016, 02:08 PM
Yep neal donald walsh said something a little bitt similar in conversations with god
Something about a nice getting molested by a uncle but in the end she was "okay" with it.

Utter nonsense that is above the obscence

18th February 2017, 06:37 AM
This is a good all encompassing wrap up. I've not watched a lot of icke, some bits here and there.

First half covers material I've posted a fair bit about.
Mans vision limitation to the spectrum of visible light and how things exist outside our visual range.
That sometimes you can get a glimpse into these spectrums due to some kind of cross over of fluctuations.
We characterize these as spirits, ghosts, demons etc.
Talks about human brain limitations - our loss of ability to sense higher and lower frequencies
Talks about web of perception control - lower frequencies where the demons live and higher frequencies where we used to live but have been dragged lower toward the demons
I see correlations with the material of hatybov

Second Half gets in to the moon.
Talks about the world ruler control methods - snakes, ancient material, pharohs depicted as cobras
Talks about the moon being hollow
Nasa experiments suggest moon is hollow
Moon makes no sense, it's size, location, composition proximity makes no sense
Reminds me of the recent video I posted where the presented discovered the moon craters are hexagonal
The hexagon is the 3d cube in 2d representation - hexahedron
I've started thinking about the geometric shape of a spiders web.... its kind of hexagonal..


6th March 2017, 05:54 PM


8th March 2017, 12:31 PM
New age is for sure a deception when it comes down the law of attraction because it FAILS to explains on purpose why the Law Of (electric) Polarity rules the law of attraction... yep, meditate and evil will go away will catch up with all the new agers are some point - and many christians by the same token (just go to church and pray)

same does not attract same but OPPOSITES... because electric polarity is female/negative and male/positive... HAHAHA, well seriously... that is why divide and rule is working so well. ;D

what also you seem to ignore... so keep fighting your own self , just like new agers?

Nobody can escape the Laws of Light... aka electricity. Awfully new age... science is now new age. ROFLOL

Not grasping this is fundamentalism, really. BUt I am guessing that you take eve made of adam rib literally, right? Well no sorry, this is a metaphor for female and male sexes, that the Mind (masculine) gave life to Matter (feminine) ... Matter gives life to both genders... the Law of Gender explained by the (new age) bible. And the war on genders that the NWO wages on us, using sexuality... a human brain being both masculine and feminine, left and right hemispheres respectivively...

the war on sexuality is METAPHYSICAL and things will get worse before they get better - until we get this.

new age sewage ??? Nope it is in the bible!!!

The New Age "Law of Attraction":

Little girls cause their own molestation!

This is why I staunchly oppose all New Age sewage. This is what New Age religions teach and believe.

8th March 2017, 12:35 PM
Book, please provide a few good links explaining the numbers (aka sacred/living geometry) in all religions, then I will start taking your pictures seriously.

You all chase me for being able to NOTICE something that is there since the beginning of time. Sure, keep on turning a blind eye to the elephant in the room. The NWO loves it.

8th March 2017, 08:33 PM
Book, please provide...then I will start taking your pictures seriously.

Where's your brief summary Goldi?

Re: can somebody summarize for me what david icke's main point is?