View Full Version : Will Americans elect a president who buys an elevator for his cars?

23rd June 2012, 10:04 PM
Will Americans elect a president who buys an elevator for his cars? Kelly McParland (http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/author/kmcparland/) Jun 21, 2012 – 8:00 AM ET | Last Updated: Jun 20, 2012 12:51 PM ET
http://nationalpostcomment.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/limo0621.jpg?w=620 REUTERS/Larry Downing (
But will it hold the limo?

This is going to seem trivial, because it probably is, but as soon as I saw this (http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/britney-spears-mitt-romney-own-matching-55000-car-elevators-2012206) I thought Mitt Romney’s hopes of being president just got a lot slimmer.
According to an Us Magazine exclusive, Mitt Romney has purchased a $55,000 car elevator for a house he bought in La Jolla California. Us being a celebrity magazine, it had to point out that Britney Spears has an identical elevator in her home. The magazine’s in-depth coverage notes:

Brad Davies of American Custom Lifts describes the elevator on their website as a “dream for auto aficionados who like to maintain a hands-on relationship with their machines.”
Says creator Brad Davies, “They’re the ultimate in luxury.”
In addition to Spears, “a lot of celebrities have the elevators!” says Davies.
Being paired with Britney Spears is bad enough, but will Americans vote for a guy who has a car elevator worth more than most of them make in a year (if they’re employed)? Romney, the Republican nominee, has battled his wealth all the way through his campaign. He took considerable heat when he revealed his wife had “a couple of Cadillacs”, and when he offered to bet Texas Gov. Rick Perry “ten thousand bucks” during a dispute on a televised debate.
Romney hasn’t tried to hide his wealth, but he hasn’t seemed overly comfortable with it either, trying to portray himself as just another guy who understands the problems of everyday Americans, when he is clearly nothing of the sort. The home he bought in La Jolla cost him $12 million, and he’s only now getting around (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/07/garden/mitt-romney-the-candidate-next-door.html?_r=2&pagewanted=1&ref=garden)to renovating it, even though he bought it four years ago. There’s no big hurry when you already own a couple of other residences (http://www.forbes.com/sites/luisakroll/2012/05/16/mitt-romneys-personal-property-ups-and-downs/) around the country.
So the guy owns a big house. Big deal. So do lots of people. But a car elevator? Maybe he should have waited until after the campaign for that one.
National Post


23rd June 2012, 10:19 PM
Of course they will. Something like this looks great on a (p)residential resume.

"Celebrity Worship" is the Amerikwan religion.

Twisted Titan
23rd June 2012, 10:29 PM
The elected one was that was born in Africa........cant get much worse then that.

23rd June 2012, 10:41 PM
What is it about liberals who call for liberty and America being the land of opportunity. Yet they can't stand it when someone is actually successful. I'm not rich. But I hope to be one day. And I hope a bunch of liberals don't come around trying to take my earnings away from me.

Let me ask, just where did Obama get his wealth? He has a house in Chicago worth well over a million dollars, yet he's never held a job or owned a business. And didn't Obama get his education for free compliments of the American taxpayers, because he was some poor kid from Kenya or wherever... Now, he's worth millions? How's that happen?

24th June 2012, 08:16 AM
I couldn't give two craps if the guy has an elevator for his cars. For Effs sake, of all the things to be concerned with right now, I have a hard time believing that people will get their panties twisted over something like this.

24th June 2012, 08:29 AM
I couldn't give two craps if the guy has an elevator for his cars. For Effs sake, of all the things to be concerned with right now, I have a hard time believing that people will get their panties twisted over something like this.

It's just the L/R paradigm propaganda pushing pinheads to divert from real issues. I know that and you know that but just goes to show who knows what.

24th June 2012, 11:12 AM
it's just the l/r paradigm propaganda pushing pinheads to divert from real issues. i know that and you know that but just goes to show who knows what.


24th June 2012, 11:18 AM
i'm voting for holy underwear. :D