View Full Version : Unethical Human Experimentation in the U.S. and Canada

24th June 2012, 06:12 AM
Instead of hijacking freespirits thread,
http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?61804-justice-what-justice-!-Journalist-finds-Homolka-in-Guadeloupe-with-3-kids&p=551275&viewfull=1#post551275 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?61804-justice-what-justice-%21-Journalist-finds-Homolka-in-Guadeloupe-with-3-kids&p=551275&viewfull=1#post551275)
got into talking about high level criminals that the media hides their connections to Masons,
did some searches and ran into this.

This is what I was searching, MK ULTRA, Mulroney, Cameron,
Cameron's partner was Mulroney father in law, never have I
seen an MSM source cover this but you always hear about
Cameron, why ? What happened in Canada is one of the key
revealing stories of MK ULTRA, including the murder of US Military
personnel, and most likely the murder of Cameron himself when
the projects were coming to a close. MKULTRA was so brutal
most of the records were destroyed, Colby was involvled with it,
reported on it, he was also Mr Phoenix in Vietnam and his partners
went on to operate in South America and Iraq running death squads,
Colby was also involved with Franklin Coverup with DeCamp, and was
murdered, was he trying to be helpful or was he trying to stop
outings pretending to be helpful ? What happened to those kids ?
His conscience got to him ?

All the above connections are directly related, including what is going on today.

All of this revolves around murderers with no conscience.

It has also been speculated, George Bush Sr involved here,
that American Prisoners of War in Vietnam kept were used
in human experimentation, Bush taking orders directly from
Rockefellers who owned the Commies in USSR. Sound nuts
but they do worse with these documented cases shown.

Good lead to a lot of related issues.


Unethical Human Experimentation in the U.S. and Canada (http://www.abusedenials.com/?page_id=862)

Most of the information contained in this section comes from Wikipedia.

The U.S. government, and its subsidiary country, Canada, have been host to unethical human experimentation before, during and after WWII. While much of this illegal and immoral activity was sponsored by the CIA, a sizable amount was sponsored by the various individual and combined resources of the U.S. Military/Industrial complex. It is an absolute fact that connections between these types of activity and the Canadian Intelligence community existed and that much of this type of research in Canada was done with the help and acceptance of this intelligence community. It is probable, though, that some of this work was done in a clandestine manner, a signature procedure of the CIA.

Project PAPERCLIP was initiated in order to bring German (Nazi) scientists to North America before they could be taken to the Soviet Union or the U.K., as the U.S. did not want anybody else to have access to top-secret research, investigations and results. While many of the scientists who were brought to the States from Germany were central to rocketry, ballistics and nuclear research, some were involved in medical experimentation on unwitting subjects, such as PoWs, children and babies, the mentally challenged and others politically identified as expendable. While members of the Nazi Party were forbidden to enter the U.S., special arrangements were made to alter the records of these criminals, allowing them entry. These scientists and researchers were then placed in various locations and programs throughout the entire U.S. scientific and military research community, continuing their secret and highly-classified work of the war. Some of these medical experimenters were reputed to have worked on Canadian subjects.

Many types of experiments were performed including the deliberate infection of people with deadly or debilitating diseases, exposure of people to biological and chemical weapons, human radiation experiments, injection of people with toxic and radioactive chemicals, surgical experiments, interrogation/torture experiments, tests involving mind-altering substances, and a wide variety of others. Many of these tests were performed on children and mentally disabled individuals. In many of the studies, a large portion of the subjects were poor racial minorities or prisoners. Often, subjects were sick or disabled people, whose doctors told them that they were receiving “medical treatment”, but instead were used as the subjects of harmful and deadly experiments.

One such series of experiments was conducted in Winnipeg in 1953, when several sprayings over the city was done by the U.S. Army. One of the chemicals used in part of the spraying program was Zinc cadmium sulfide, a compound currently implicated as causative in certain medical conditions.

This type of program was a continuation of Operation Dew (I and II) of 1952, and remained classified until 1997. This program evolved into Operation LAC (Large Area Coverage) of 1957/58, and was overseen by the Chemical Corps.

In 1962, Project SHAD, (Shipboard Hazard and Defense), a part of the larger Project 112, was started. From 1963 to 1969 as part of the U.S. Army performed tests, several U.S. ships were sprayed with various biological and chemical warfare agents, while thousands of U.S. military personnel were aboard the ships. The personnel were not notified of the tests, and were not given any protective clothing. Chemicals tested on the U.S. military personnel included the nerve gases VX and Sarin, toxic chemicals such as zinc cadmium sulfide and sulfur dioxide, and a variety of biological agents.

Project 112 ran from 1962 until 1973 and concerned itself with biological and chemical weapons experimentation. Every branch of the U.S. Military contributed to this research. The existence of this project was officially denied until 2000.

Among the projects involved in interrogation and mind-control techniques are the following:
Project MKULTRA’s intentionally oblique CIA cryptonym is made up of the digraph MK, meaning that the project was sponsored by the agency’s Technical Services Division, followed by the word ULTRA (which had previously been used to designate the most secret classification of WWII intelligence). Other related cryptonyms include MKNAOMI and MKDELTA.

A precursor of the MKULTRA program began in 1945 when the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was established and given direct responsibility for Operation PAPERCLIP, which was designed as a program to recruit former Nazi scientists. Some of these scientists studied torture and brainwashing, and several had just been identified and prosecuted as war criminals during the Nuremberg Trials.

Several other secret U.S. government projects grew out of Operation PAPERCLIP. These projects included Project CHATTER (established 1947), and Project BLUEBIRD (established 1950), which was renamed Project ARTICHOKE in 1951. Their purpose was to study mind-control, interrogation, behavior modification and related topics.

From 1947 until 1953, Project CHATTER was run by the U.S. Navy with the intention of developing interrogation techniques involving truth serums.

In 1950, the CIA initiated Project BLUEBIRD, whose stated purpose was to develop “the means to control individuals through special interrogation techniques”, “way[s] to prevent the extraction of information from CIA agents”, and “offensive uses of unconventional techniques, such as hypnosis and drugs”. The purpose of the project was outlined in a memo dated January 1952 that stated, “Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self preservation?” The project studied the use of hypnosis, forced morphine addiction and subsequent forced withdrawal, and the use of other chemicals, among other methods, to produce amnesia and other vulnerable states in subjects. In order to “perfect techniques for the abstraction of information from individuals, whether willing or not”, Project BLUEBIRD researchers experimented with a wide variety of psychoactive substances, including LSD, heroin, marijuana, cocaine, PCP, mescaline, and ether. Project BLUEBIRD researchers dosed over 7,000 U.S. military personnel with LSD, without their knowledge or consent. More than 1,000 of these soldiers suffered from several psychiatric illnesses, including depression, as a result of the tests. Many of them tried to commit suicide.

Operation Midnight Climax was an operation initially established by Sidney Gottlieb and placed under the direction of Narcotics Bureau officer George Hunter White under the alias of Morgan Hall for the CIA as a sub-project of Project MKULTRA.

The project consisted of a web of CIA-run safe houses in San Francisco, Marin, and New York. It was established in order to study the effects of LSD on unconsenting individuals. Prostitutes on the CIA payroll were instructed to lure clients back to the safe houses, where they were surreptitiously plied with a wide range of substances, including LSD, and monitored behind one-way glass. Several significant operational techniques were developed in this theater, including extensive research into sexual blackmail, surveillance technology, and the possible use of mind-altering drugs in field operations.

In 1964, MKULTRA was renamed MKSEARCH. The project attempted to produce a perfect truth drug for use in interrogating suspected Soviet spies during the Cold War, and generally to explore any other possibilities of mind control.

Another MKULTRA effort, Subproject 54, was the Navy’s top secret “Perfect Concussion” program, which was supposed to use sub-aural frequency blasts to erase memory, however the program was never carried out.

Because most MKULTRA records were deliberately destroyed in 1972 by MKULTRA chief Sidney Gottlieb and in 1973 by order of then CIA Director Richard Helms, it has been difficult, if not impossible, for investigators to gain a complete understanding of the more than 150 individually funded research sub-projects sponsored by MKULTRA and related CIA programs, thus making a full investigation of claims impossible.

However, many records did survive the purge. News of the story began to leak following a landmark story by New York Times reporter Seymour Hersh on illegal CIA domestic surveillance. This report triggered Senate Subcommittee hearings which investigated MKULTRA, and brought Operation Midnight Climax to light.

In 1957, with funding from a CIA front organization, Dr Ewan Cameron of the Allan MemorialInstitute in Montreal, Canada began MKULTRA Subproject 68. His experiments were designed to first “depattern” individuals, erasing their minds and memories—reducing them to the mental level of an infant—and then to “rebuild” their personality in a manner of his choosing. To achieve this, Cameron placed patients under his “care” into drug-induced comas for up to 88 days, and applied numerous high voltage electric shocks to them over the course of weeks or months, often administering up to 360 shocks per person. He would then perform what he called “psychic driving” experiments on the subjects, where he would repetitively play recorded statements, such as “You are a good wife and mother and people enjoy your company”, through speakers he had implanted into blacked-out football helmets that he bound to the heads of the test subjects (for sensory deprivation purposes). The patients could do nothing but listen to these messages, played for 16–20 hours a day, for weeks at a time. In one case, Cameron forced a person to listen to a message non-stop for 101 days. Using CIA funding, Cameron converted the horse stables behind Allen Memorial into an elaborate isolation and sensory deprivation chamber which he kept patients locked in for weeks at a time. Cameron also induced insulin comas in his subjects by giving them large injections of insulin, twice a day for up to two months at a time.

His work was inspired and paralleled by the British psychiatrist William Sargant at St Thomas’ Hospital, London, and Belmont Hospital, Surrey. Sargant was also involved in the Intelligence Services and experimented extensively on his patients without their consent.

It was during this era that Cameron became known worldwide as the first chairman of the World Psychiatric Organization as well as president of the American and Canadian psychiatric associations. Cameron had also been a member of the Nuremberg Medical tribunal in 1946–47.

Several of the children who Cameron experimented on were sexually abused, in at least one case by several men. One of the children was filmed numerous times performing sexual acts with high-ranking federal government officials, in a scheme set up by Cameron and other MKULTRA researchers, to blackmail the officials to ensure further funding for the experiments.

Cameron regularly traveled around the U.S. teaching military personnel about his techniques (hooding of prisoners for sensory deprivation, prolonged isolation, humiliation, etc.), and how they could be used in interrogations.

In Canada, in 1984, it was learned that not only had the CIA funded Dr Cameron’s efforts, but perhaps even more shockingly, the Canadian government was fully aware of this, and had later provided another $500,000 in funding to continue the experiments. This revelation largely derailed efforts by the victims to sue the CIA as their U.S. counterparts had, and the Canadian government eventually settled out of court for $100,000 to each of the 127 victims. None of Dr. Cameron’s personal records of his involvement with MKULTRA survive, since his family destroyed them after his death from a heart attack while mountain climbing in 1967.

In 1963, the CIA had synthesized many of the findings from its psychological research into what became known as the KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation handbook, which cited the MKULTRA studies, and other secret research programs as the scientific basis for their interrogation methods. This first manual, dated July 1963, is the source of much of the material in the second manual (there are seven manuals in total). KUBARK was a CIA cryptonym for the CIA itself. The cryptonym KUBARK appears in the title of a 1963 CIA document KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation which describes interrogation techniques, including, among other things, “coercive counterintelligence interrogation of resistant sources”. This is the oldest and most abusive manual, such as two references to the use of electric shock.

A private study, the Milgram Experiment, whichfocusedon obedience to authority figures, was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale university psychologist Stanley Milgram. These tests measured the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience. Milgram first described his research in 1963 in an article published in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology.

more ...

27th June 2012, 04:50 AM
I watched this a couple weeks ago. Beware little tidbits of disinfo thrown in there IMO.

I'd like to know for sure what kind of sick electro/frequency induced shit they are using on the populations now for mind control.


Twisted Titan
27th June 2012, 11:54 AM

Twisted Titan
27th June 2012, 12:01 PM


27th June 2012, 12:06 PM
Horrible shit!

Despite these well-documented atrocities, all we ever hear about from the mainstream (regarding human experiments) is Mengele and concentration camp experiments. ::)

mick silver
27th June 2012, 12:51 PM
i watch a movie about this a few years back . i seen were all the scientists were rounded up and brought here . that were all of nasa stuff came from

27th June 2012, 12:53 PM
i watch a movie about this a few years back . i seen were all the scientists were rounded up and brought here . that were all of nasa stuff came from

You're talking about "Operation Paperclip" - U.S. roundup of German scientists following WWII. Verner Von Braun was one of the scientists relocated to the U.S.

As I recall, the USSR got quite a few too.

mick silver
28th June 2012, 11:51 AM
back up fpr more looks