View Full Version : Whining Jew Web Censors Knock ZionCrimeFactory & ProThink Offline - For a Day

25th June 2012, 06:16 AM


Of course, they were web hosting with a company owned by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts - namely, GoDaddy.

Hosting a website blowing the whistle on Jewish Criminality - at a company owned by Zionist Jews.

That it was shut down was fairly predictable.

Rule of Thumb for Serious Whistle-blowing websites - ALWAYS have a backup website hosted & ready to go. Plan on being shut down - it is a Compliment to your work, a sign that you are having an impact.

What I wonder is - why are Mike Delaney & ZCF email accounts tolerated at Yahoo & Hotmail ?

I wonder if it's because that allows TPTB to monitor their activities ?

25th June 2012, 06:15 PM
What I wonder is - why are Mike Delaney & ZCF email accounts tolerated at Yahoo & Hotmail ?

I wonder if it's because that allows TPTB to monitor their activities ?

You wonder correctly!!

It's happening more and more.

25th June 2012, 07:06 PM
I'm pretty sure GS-US is hosted by GoDaddy! :o

25th June 2012, 07:54 PM
I'm pretty sure GS-US is hosted by GoDaddy! :o

So the database will get lost/corrupted again?

25th June 2012, 07:57 PM
So the database will get lost/corrupted again?

No idea. I know that GoDaddy is a huge web hosting company... maybe we haven't popped up on their radar yet?
In any case, I hope JQP considers moving us to another hosting service.

25th June 2012, 08:01 PM
No idea. I know that GoDaddy is a huge web hosting company... maybe we haven't popped up on their radar yet?
In any case, I hope JQP considers moving us to another hosting service.

Is the database backed up twice a day by either JQP, madfranks, or you and stored offsite from GoDaddy?

25th June 2012, 08:05 PM
Is the database backed up twice a day by either JQP, madfranks, or you and stored offsite from GoDaddy?

JQP is the only one who has access to the server... he'd be the one to ask about backups. I'm sure he does backups, I'm just not sure how often.

Twisted Titan
25th June 2012, 11:22 PM
I sure do hope so

Survialblong just got slammed really bad over the last several months ( FBI put a cookie on their website and a recent DDOS attack)

I would hate to see us bombbed by Scanners

26th June 2012, 12:59 AM
Are any members backing up the site? You wouldn't be able to restore the forum from such a backup, but at least you'd have the posts and could put up a static copy.

26th June 2012, 06:37 AM
Are any members backing up the site? You wouldn't be able to restore the forum from such a backup, but at least you'd have the posts and could put up a static copy.

i did a back-up recently using HTTrack, but it didn't work right. it's supposed to create links on the local hard drive so the entire website can be viewed off-line.

sometimes it (HTTrack) works, sometimes it doesn't.

as it turns out, i backed up ZCF about a week ago - and that back-up worked right.

i'm learning to do that with most good Youtube videos of the "Whistleblowing" category.

26th June 2012, 01:24 PM
I think we need to ditch GoDaddy. This is a different site than the two above. This is the guy that did the DHS insider.

it's an infowars article.

‘Obama Truth Team’ Orders GoDaddy To Shut Down Website (http://www.infowars.com/obama-truth-team-orders-godaddy-to-shut-down-website/)

Information deemed “maliciously harmful to government”

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
A political website that contained stinging criticism of the Obama administration and its handling of the Fast and Furious scandal was ordered to be shut down by the Obama campaign’s ‘Truth Team’, according to private investigator Douglas Hagmann, who was told by ISP GoDaddy his site contained information that was “maliciously harmful to individuals in the government.”

Hagmann, CEO of Hagmann Investigative Services, Inc., a private investigative agency serving a roster of Fortune 500 clients, was given 48 hours by GoDaddy to find a new home for his website before it was deleted.

Hagmann was told the reason for the shut down was because the website featured “morally objectionable” material. After GoDaddy refused to identify the complainant, only saying that it was not “any official government agency,” further investigation by Hagmann revealed that the order came from a group tied to Obama campaign headquarters.

Speaking with the chief investigator in the GoDaddy Abuse division, Hagmann discovered, “Ultimately it was found that the complaint originated ostensibly with a group associated with the campaign to re-elect Barack Hussein Obama.”

Turning to his contacts within government, Hagmann then spoke with another source who confirmed that the ‘Obama Truth Team’ was responsible for the shut down order.

“I’m laying this right on the doorstep of the Obama Truth Team,” said Hagmann.

The ‘Obama Truth Team’ is an outreach of the Obama 2012 re-election campaign (https://my.barackobama.com/page/s/report-an-attack?source=em12_20120526_sc_tt&utm_medium=email&utm_source=obama&utm_campaign=em12_20120526_sc_tt) that urges supporters to “help fight back against the attacks on President Obama and his record” by reporting supposed misrepresentations and lies. However, as ABC News reported (http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/05/obama-campaign-truth-team-conflates-smears-with-criticisms-citing-disputed-study/), the ‘Truth Team’ has mischaracterized legitimate criticism as smears in an effort to chill dissent against Obama. It has also been caught fibbing on a number of other occasions (http://www.newsmax.com/US/Obama-truth-team-fibbing/2012/06/02/id/441008).

The same methods of intimidation were also very much in force during the 2008 campaign season. Under the guise of the ‘Obama Truth Squad’, influential public figures in Missouri including St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, and Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, promised to “respond quickly, forcefully, and aggressively” to “lies” about Obama.

As ABC News highlighted (http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2008/09/attacking-obama/), this helped to create a chilling atmosphere in which “Missourians might be afraid of being prosecuted for criticizing Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.”

This is by no means the first time political websites have been shut down on a whim with no due process after official pressure is brought to bear on ISPs.

In December 2010 Amazon responded to pressure (http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/12/how_lieberman_got_amazon_to_drop_wikileaks.php) by Sen. Joe Lieberman and the Department of Homeland Security by axing the Wikileaks website from its servers.

GoDaddy itself is not renowned for its support for free speech. The company lost 37,000 accounts last year (http://www.techspot.com/news/46791-godaddy-loses-over-37000-domains-due-to-sopa-stance.html) over its initial failure to oppose the controversial Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA).

Despite the fact that his son was getting married on the same weekend, Hagmann was eventually able to move his website - HomelandSecurityus.com (http://www.homelandsecurityus.com/) - to another server before it was deleted by GoDaddy.

“It took an incredible number of man hours and it was a tedious (and costly) process, but I have successfully moved my site out of reach,” Hagmann told us.

Hagmann noted that his story from last month about a DHS inside source warning of coming mass civil unrest (http://www.infowars.com/high-level-insider-dhs-preparing-to-start-a-civil-war/), which went viral on the Internet, was one of the primary reasons behind the effort to shut down his website.

Hagmann is now warning that any independent website which forcefully dissents against the Obama administration could be targeted next.

“I respectfully ask that you spread the word – that the Obama “Truth Team” is out in full force, scouring any U.S. based web sites of any size or influence (yet small enough to be pushed around) that contains any information deemed “objectionable” to the Obama re-election campaign. Perhaps it’s already too late. Regardless, people need to wake up now and listen to what we’ve been saying. There might not be a tomorrow,” Hagmann told us in an email.

Watch a video about the Obama Truth Squads below.


26th June 2012, 02:45 PM

i tried typing that link out.


"7. suspension of services; breach of agreement

You agree that, in addition to other events set forth in this Agreement:
Your ability to use any of the services provided by Go Daddy is subject to cancellation or suspension in the event there is an unresolved breach of this Agreement and/or suspension or cancellation is required by any policy now in effect or adopted later by ICANN;
Your registration of any domain names shall be subject to suspension, cancellation or transfer pursuant to any ICANN adopted specification or policy, or pursuant to any Go Daddy procedure not inconsistent with an ICANN adopted specification or policy (a) to correct mistakes by Go Daddy or the registry operator in registering any domain name; or (b) for the resolution of disputes concerning any domain name.

You agree that your failure to comply completely with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any Go Daddy rule or policy may be considered by Go Daddy to be a material breach of this Agreement and Go Daddy may provide you with notice of such breach either in writing or electronically (i.e. email). In the event you do not provide Go Daddy with material evidence that you have not breached your obligations to Go Daddy within ten (10) business days, Go Daddy may terminate its relationship with you and take any remedial action available to Go Daddy under the applicable laws. Such remedial action may be implemented without notice to you and may include, but is not limited to, cancelling the registration of any of your domain names and discontinuing any services provided by Go Daddy to you. No fees will be refunded to you should your Services be cancelled or terminated because of a breach.

Go Daddy's failure to act upon or notify you of any event, which may constitute a breach, shall not relieve you from or excuse you of the fact that you have committed a breach."

So what rule is it that the website broke ?


that is one Opaque User Agreement.

26th June 2012, 02:52 PM
i tried typing that link out.


"7. suspension of services; breach of agreement

You agree that, in addition to other events set forth in this Agreement:
Your ability to use any of the services provided by Go Daddy is subject to cancellation or suspension in the event there is an unresolved breach of this Agreement and/or suspension or cancellation is required by any policy now in effect or adopted later by ICANN;
Your registration of any domain names shall be subject to suspension, cancellation or transfer pursuant to any ICANN adopted specification or policy, or pursuant to any Go Daddy procedure not inconsistent with an ICANN adopted specification or policy (a) to correct mistakes by Go Daddy or the registry operator in registering any domain name; or (b) for the resolution of disputes concerning any domain name.

You agree that your failure to comply completely with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any Go Daddy rule or policy may be considered by Go Daddy to be a material breach of this Agreement and Go Daddy may provide you with notice of such breach either in writing or electronically (i.e. email). In the event you do not provide Go Daddy with material evidence that you have not breached your obligations to Go Daddy within ten (10) business days, Go Daddy may terminate its relationship with you and take any remedial action available to Go Daddy under the applicable laws. Such remedial action may be implemented without notice to you and may include, but is not limited to, cancelling the registration of any of your domain names and discontinuing any services provided by Go Daddy to you. No fees will be refunded to you should your Services be cancelled or terminated because of a breach.

Go Daddy's failure to act upon or notify you of any event, which may constitute a breach, shall not relieve you from or excuse you of the fact that you have committed a breach."

So what rule is it that the website broke ?


that is one Opaque User Agreement.

I think the last line says it all. They will do whatever they want.

26th June 2012, 03:06 PM
I think the last line says it all. They will do whatever they want.

Martin Luther warned us many centuries ago. "On the Jews and their lies".

As it turns out, i have a great-grandfather and a great-great-grandfather who were Lutheran ministers.

but the Lutheran Church today is not even a shadow of what Martin Luther created. I am on the mailing list for a Lutheran pseudo-church, and the Pastor, on the one occasion when she mentioned Martin Luther's honesty about the Jews, made fun of Martin Luther.

the church manager is - a Zionist Jew.

i suspect, if i wanted an honest Lutheran church to attend, i would have to start it myself.

26th June 2012, 03:30 PM
This is the hosting provider Zerohedge uses:


26th June 2012, 05:12 PM
I did pm JQP this thread to call this to his attention.

26th June 2012, 10:49 PM
I'm pretty sure GS-US is hosted by GoDaddy! :o'

GSUS is NOT hosted by GoDaddy. We were in the past, but when we moved to VBulletin, I changed to a VBulletin specialist hosting comapny.