View Full Version : Gates and Monsanto Go After Milk

27th June 2012, 06:09 PM

Gates and Monsanto Go After Milk

David Peters Special to Salem-News.com In the near future, human development can potentially be dictated by corporate America, through the Bill & Malinda [sic] Gates Foundation and their $8.3 U.C. Davis grant.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Monsanto's head of the FDA's food safety division is threatening to get rid of raw (real) milk, and the real reason for this may have reared its ugly head.
The following is certainly not a scientific assessment of Gates' project but it is clear he is intending to genetically engineer milk and is looking at altering immunity itself.


Bill Gates just gave an $8.3 million grant to develop GMO Designer Humans. By simply altering, deleting, or adding certain gut bacteria (genes) and fungi, corporations can create “Designer Human Consumers” in the near future, and Bill Gates wants to do just that, starting by “spiking” the milk that a toddler drinks. Gates and corporations he licenses, could potentially make a human short, tall, smart, dumb, submissive, aggressive, autistic, savant, healthy, or constantly in need of pharmaceutal [sic] drugs, or depend on WINDOWS computer based assistance for the rest of their life.

Worst of all, Gates could potentially control how long you live. In the near future, human development can potentially be dictated by corporate America, through the Bill & Malinda [sic] Gates Foundation and their $8.3 U.C. Davis grant. http://mills.ucdavis.edu/large-multicampus-gates-foundation-project-initiated

Are these genetically engineering people? And with what authority? With unlabeled GMOs, how would anyone defend themselves against their immune system being permanently deregulated by genetically engineered milk? What safe milk would be left if the FDA manages to ban raw milk, or should one say, non-industrial milk not contaminated by pesticides, GMOs, hormones, antibiotics, and the Crohn's bacterium? If GE-milk was approved, there could be constant changes to the milk, subjecting people to whatever genetically engineered unknowns Gates may wish to try out on people.

While Gates is looking to genetically engineer milk and perhaps gut bacteria itself, a significant study has just shown that normal bacteria-rich yogurt which supports the person's own gut bacteria (their immune system) equals or even outdoes AIDS drugs. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3056109/
Gates' work would genetically engineer the milk that goes into the yogurt (as well as into cheeses, ice cream, cottage cheese, cream, butter, cream cheese, etc) which might genetically engineer the bacteria that is in the gut (thus genetically engineering the person's immune system, which is primarily comprised of gut bacteria).
The yogurt study is tremendously good news for Africa and for all AIDS patients, both medically and financially, but the NIH article ends by mentioning Gates:

For such a change in mindset to occur [using an incredibly inexpensive and locally available simple food like yogurt to treat AIDS], and for data to be appropriately obtained to gauge the degree to which probiotic food can provide relief, governments (in developed and developing countries) and organizations such as WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation may have to take a lead role.

But the lead Gates is apparently taking is to undermine the yogurt [and potentially the people's immune systems], rather than just making sure people have healthy food. Gates' project might even rescue AIDS drugs by ruining yogurt and people's chances to simply get well on their own by supporting their immune system. Gates is likely aware that this is revolution that is occurring in health - the human body plus real food is curing diseases (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ad5HRNSzh8). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ad5HRNSzh8 Gates' project would impact both the body's ability to repair itself and a central food it uses to do so.
Here's the donation and the project will be led by Washington University in St. Louis - that's Monsanto territory. Jeff Gordon at Washington University will lead the work. http://gordonlab.wustl.edu/ Showing a photo of a poor African kid, once again.

"Researchers at the University of California, Davis, will join in an international research effort to develop new ways to diagnose, treat and prevent malnutrition in infants and children around the world."

Since when does one need a way to diagnose malnutrition? Or a complex biotech way to "treat" it? Or to find a way to prevent it? Beyond seeing thin children and extrapolating from that they need real food and making sure they get it? It is crucial to emphasize "real food" which is to say organic food, because genetically engineered "non-food" and processed "non-food chelates or bind the nutrients so they can't be used by the body but simply pass through.
This chelation of nutrients is argument enough for not genetically engineering milk but it also puts the lie to Gates' stated intention to deal with malnutrition since he would be increasing it. Countries could be sucked into paying large sums for Gates' special milk for malnourished children, only to find the children couldn''t get the nutrients out of it, couldn't be "nourished" by it. This would be truly MAL-nourished.
The WHO, funded by Gates, pushes AIDS drugs but has done nothing about clean water and good food. With Gates' project, they can subvert the same dairy product that shows promise to heal AIDS in Africa and can alter (?) the very immune systems of children (and thus people) who simply need food and water. (Africa is being squeezed dry of water (http://www.grain.org/es/article/entries/4516-squeezing-africa-dry-behind-every-land-grab-is-a-water-grab) with water mining (http://www.grain.org/es/article/entries/4516-squeezing-africa-dry-behind-every-land-grab-is-a-water-grab#box%201) and Gates who says he care about poor children, is involved in the move toward giant agribusiness plantations in Africa which are the primary users of that water.)


27th June 2012, 06:13 PM
I haven't drank milk in 20 years. My kid, did for about 2 years but he is done too.

27th June 2012, 06:20 PM
I haven't drank milk in 20 years. My kid, did for about 2 years but he is done too.

Love the stuff, doff abt 2-3 gallons a week, and that is cutting back from what I used to drink, good stuff!

27th June 2012, 06:53 PM
Bill Gates couldn't even come up with a decent operating system. He designed his original DOS program from CP/M features. He copies. THAT IS ALL HE DOES.

27th June 2012, 06:55 PM
I haven't drank milk in 20 years. My kid, did for about 2 years but he is done too.

Try raw milk. It may change your opinion. People have reactions to "milk" since the pasteurization process kills the enzymes which break lactose down properly. They are in the milk for a reason. That's where this lactose intolerance comes from.

27th June 2012, 08:14 PM
Same here cebu, only more like 30 plus years. Hated it so much as a child that told the teachers at school and camp that i was allergic to the stuff. Parents never forced me to drink it. Don't really care about the health aspects since i drink alcohol and such. Just always thought milk was gross. My wife uses that almond milk stuff in her cereal. I don't eat cereal either.

27th June 2012, 08:38 PM
Bill Gates couldn't even come up with a decent operating system. He designed his original DOS program from CP/M features. He copies. THAT IS ALL HE DOES.

I thought he tricked some guy into selling him DOS for 10k.

Either way, I always thought Gates was a crypto.

27th June 2012, 08:43 PM
I thought he tricked some guy into selling him DOS for 10k.

Either way, I always thought Gates was a crypto.

He's Illuminati. His father (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_H._Gates,_Sr.) is a popular eugenicist. Bill Gates isn't an entrepreneur: He was selected for his role from birth.

27th June 2012, 08:45 PM

What about all the work he does trying to destroy the world?

28th June 2012, 11:25 AM
Awesome thread. Thanks for posting the OP.

Fucking bastards, planning on altering comsumers DNA without constent or warning, by poisoning their milk supply? When are people going to take up arms?

Twisted Titan
28th June 2012, 01:07 PM
He's Illuminati. His father (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_H._Gates,_Sr.) is a popular eugenicist. Bill Gates isn't an entrepreneur: He was selected for his role from birth.

never knew about his dad............. good info to know