View Full Version : List of banned GIMmers

28th June 2012, 05:45 AM
I am cleaning up the files on my computer and I stumbled upon some golden GIM stuff I had saved, such as "Ruthless Defaulter"s last post, and a list of GIMmers that had been banned by the cultists.

I am not keeping any of this stuff, so I thought I would post the list here just for fun, to spark some memories or whatever.
The list is only up to date based on whenever it was that I created it (Feb 2nd, 2010), so there are likely some names missing.

Anty Ep
Black Blade
End of Hope
General of Darkness
I am me, I am free
JoeSixPack (JohnQPublic)
Large Sarge
Mick Silver
Ponce Cuba
R MacDonald
Real Money Now
Rush Mountmore (Brewtech)
Shasta Gold
Silver Wolf
Sukhoi Fan (Midnight Rambler)

Ahh screw it. I will also post a screen cap for memories sake, just before the SHTF at GIM.



I also have the original post Ruthless Defaulter on Joe Stack's suicide letter before he crashed his plane.
I think Ruthless Defaulter was Midnight Rambler, wasn't it?

I also have the GIM fasting thread.

28th June 2012, 05:54 AM
i remember being banned at GIM2.

i don't remember being banned at GIM. i remember the interesting coincidence where it was shut down right after some interesting revelations about the Cartel.

i thought maybe they were putting pressure on G-Khan to turn over server logs & he just refused to cooperate.

28th June 2012, 05:56 AM
Well you made my list of banned members at the time, so I suppose you must have been bro.

28th June 2012, 06:15 AM
I was banned before you guys showed up.

And for 50 dollars I could have been a founder.

28th June 2012, 06:18 AM
i was banned from gim for fighting with midnight rambler (sukohi fan). then i got banned from gim2 as well :( or should i say :D

Large Sarge
28th June 2012, 06:42 AM
quite a list there,

28th June 2012, 07:40 AM
I was banned before you guys showed up.

And for 50 dollars I could have been a founder.

Wow, I didn't know you went back that far. I joined GIM in 2006.

mick silver
28th June 2012, 07:43 AM
i was banned for two weeks for asking why gaillo was banned . never thought you could be ban for asking

28th June 2012, 08:07 AM
I will update the list then, since there ar members missing.
If you were posting under a different handle, inform me of it.

For the record, it's funny, I couldn't STAND Sukhoi Fan, but I really seemed to like /get along with Midnight Rambler.

BigJon, you were posting as BigJon back then? I see BigJosh on the list...

28th June 2012, 08:10 AM
Also, I made this list myself, so there are undoubtedly some members that I missed.

28th June 2012, 08:27 AM
Wow, I didn't know you went back that far. I joined GIM in 2006.

I went to a meeting of goldbugs where I met Scorpio, G-Khan, SkyVike, couple other people who I can't remember. Everybody was tired of being kicked around by vronsky and company where you could be banned for almost any reason. Skyvike was taking money and G-Khan said he would administrate it and the date was about march or april 2002. I would have anteed up the money, but I was newly laid off from my job after 26 years. Was not real sure how I would cope and didn't feel much like spending any money for such a venture.

They emailed me when they set up the site and I joined right up. I'm kind of hazy on the date, but think it was around may/june 2002. That first site ran for about a year and then the database got corrupted and G-Khan couldn't fix it, so they took the whole site down and restarted again with everybody having to go through the registration process all over.

28th June 2012, 08:33 AM
Oh lord, that avatar! That's worth it right there, memories.....

I also shit you not, I had a dream last night that Book as Tome as he was once known, banned me from the deuce........

I don't post on the deuce....

28th June 2012, 08:38 AM
Skyvike was taking money and G-Khan said he would administrate it and the date was about march or april 2002. I would have anteed up the money, but I was newly laid off from my job after 26 years. Was not real sure how I would cope and didn't feel much like spending any money for such a venture.

What sort of "Venture" was that?
As far as they led us to believe, GIM was merely a chat forum with no money to be made. Are you telling us you knew it wa a datamining project, owned and operated by the .gov and FMC?

Oh lord, that avatar! That's worth it right there, memories.....

My old one with the Obama Joker facepaint on his shoe?

28th June 2012, 08:39 AM
My old one with the Obama Joker facepaint on his shoe?

Yessir Awoke, that avatar as well as some others will forever symbolize GIM for me.

Agamemnon going down the shitter also brings back the smiles ;)

28th June 2012, 08:47 AM
i was banned for two weeks for asking why gaillo was banned . never thought you could be ban for asking

Near the end, it was standard procedure to get banned if you asked why another member was banned.

28th June 2012, 08:56 AM
What sort of "Venture" was that?
As far as they led us to believe, GIM was merely a chat forum with no money to be made. Are you telling us you knew it wa a datamining project, owned and operated by the .gov and FMC?

My old one with the Obama Joker facepaint on his shoe?

Don't get your panties in a knot. By venture I mean spending money.

There were no motives to make money as far as I know. We just wanted a place where we could post freely, without so much unreasoning censorship.

28th June 2012, 09:06 AM
I wish Wildcard / mumwaldee was still around

28th June 2012, 09:22 AM
I was banned in just 2 posts. I mentioned this website. BANNED FOR 2 YEARS!

28th June 2012, 09:44 AM
Shami - That was from the Duece though, right?

BigJon - I'm always on gaurd! lol.

28th June 2012, 10:12 AM
I think I joined like 3 months after GIM started. In all those years I was never banned. Then again, in all the years GIM was there, i maybe made 1000 posts total. I'm not the vocal sort. More of a "good listener". 10 years from now if GSUS is still here I'll still not have the post count that some guys seem to accrue in a month. You guys just keep talking and I'll just sit back and listen. Thanks

28th June 2012, 11:08 AM
Shami - That was from the Duece though, right?

BigJon - I'm always on gaurd! lol.

Yeah, GiM2. I never had any issues on GiM1.

28th June 2012, 11:18 AM
I was IP blocked from the deuce since day one.


28th June 2012, 11:24 AM
I've only ever had one handle for GIM, Bigjon.

I got perma-banned by skyvike for calling out a member. All I did was tell the truth that scorpio got mad when everybody only posted in Genl Disc and not over at his baby the PM sect. I think this happened in 2005, Large Sarge was there and rodin too.

When I started there I knew Jews were victims and nice people. But the evidence started to pile up and I started posting about it and the Jews screamed like mad. When I screamed back skyvike gave me a month off, then a little later after I found out about the USS Liberty and put a link to the Liberty site in my sig line skyvike invented a new rule that you couldn't have any links in your sig line unless you owned the site. He had a link to his site in his sig line.

I am a member at GIM2, but I hardly ever post there.

28th June 2012, 11:47 AM
I was banned once from GIM and returned to stay until the April Fools Day massacre.

On GIM2 I lasted about 2 weeks before being banned for calling out a PatColo pretender who was posting total tripe and crapping all over PatColo's good name. Fuck GIM2. Fuck Skyvike, Fuck them all. Fakes, phonies, frauds, hypocrits, sellouts all of them. There isn't a place in hell hot enough for them. If there is a G-d in heaven they will get what they so richly deserve some day.

28th June 2012, 12:57 PM
I was banned there (GIM1) 4 times... the last one a perma.
Damn proud of it too! ;D

28th June 2012, 01:11 PM
I was banned once from GIM and returned to stay until the April Fools Day massacre.

On GIM2 I lasted about 2 weeks before being banned for calling out a PatColo pretender who was posting total tripe and crapping all over PatColo's good name. Fuck GIM2. Fuck Skyvike, Fuck them all. Fakes, phonies, frauds, hypocrits, sellouts all of them. There isn't a place in hell hot enough for them. If there is a G-d in heaven they will get what they so richly deserve some day.

The custom of substituting the word "God" with G-d in English is based on the traditional practice in Jewish law of giving God's Hebrew name a high degree of respect and reverence. When written or printed, God's Hebrew name (and many of the stand in names used to refer to God) cannot be erased or destroyed. (See below)

There is no prohibition in Jewish law against writing out or erasing the word "God" in English. However, many Jews have afforded the word "God" with the same level of respect as the Hebrew equivalents. Because of this, many Jews substitute "God with G-d so that they can erase or dispose of the writing without showing disrespect to God. Some Jews also use G!d in the same way, utilizing the exclamation point to convey their enthusiasm for Judaism and God.


Please post like a goy in this thread.
Mkay? Thnx.

I'm with you on the whole "fuck them" part.

28th June 2012, 02:03 PM

Please post like a goy in this thread.
Mkay? Thnx.

I'm with you on the whole "fuck them" part.

"Post like a goy" LOL LOL LOL That's rich!

28th June 2012, 02:27 PM
I remember getting banned there once around jan/feb 08 when the first schism occured and the Golden Agora was formed. I called out Infidel for reposting all of MarketNeutrals articles from the agora back onto GIM

29th June 2012, 04:36 AM
I updated the list with your names.

29th June 2012, 07:34 AM
i am proud to say i was banned as well!

29th June 2012, 07:37 AM
Added your name. Were you banned under the handle "JDRock"?

29th June 2012, 07:42 AM
Added your name. Were you banned under the handle "JDRock"?

prolly jd rockinfeller...thanx

Black Blade
29th June 2012, 08:06 AM
I used to post at the old GIM and all was fine - unitil I let it slip that I am Native American and that didn't sit well with one of the mods. Scorpio or maybe Skydyke permabanned me. Kind of funny now when I think of it. Even the Great Kahn had enough of their BS and he quit in disgust over all the senseless banning more so than the other GIM issues (he sort of banned himself). Their problem is that they have "too many chiefs and not enough indians" in that at least one or more mods have a "God Complex" - that is to say they find that they have power and they like it - they really like it. And they weild that power indicriminately and often out of some sadistic joy. I don't post at GIM2 and rarely if ever even go there as the best posters have either been banned or left on their own.

29th June 2012, 09:00 AM
I used to post at the old GIM and all was fine - unitil I let it slip that I am Native American and that didn't sit well with one of the mods. Scorpio or maybe Skydyke permabanned me. Kind of funny now when I think of it. Even the Great Kahn had enough of their BS and he quit in disgust over all the senseless banning more so than the other GIM issues (he sort of banned himself). Their problem is that they have "too many chiefs and not enough indians" in that at least one or more mods have a "God Complex" - that is to say they find that they have power and they like it - they really like it. And they weild that power indicriminately and often out of some sadistic joy. I don't post at GIM2 and rarely if ever even go there as the best posters have either been banned or left on their own.

First of all their real problem is that the a members of the FMC and work for the government.

Did you post there under the same handle?

I will add your name as BlackBlade until you tell me otherwise.

Black Blade
3rd July 2012, 05:33 PM
Yep, I posted as Black Blade at the old GIM for a couple years. I also posted as Black Blade at the old USAGOLD forum for a decade or so when they had a forum. I never posted at Gold Eagle because Vronsky would ban everyone eventually so I really saw no point in it. The only place I ever got banned was GIM tho and for the most odd reason.

3rd July 2012, 05:39 PM
I joined in 2008 (JoeSixPack), and was permabanned the day before the April Fool's Massacre. I was banned for posting links to this new site!

General of Darkness
3rd July 2012, 05:49 PM
I joined in 2008 (JoeSixPack), and was permabanned the day before the April Fool's Massacre. I was banned for posting links to this new site!

Fucking Idiocracy. They permanbanned you from a site they were shutting down. Ahhhhhhhh those jew cockblowers just suck at life in general.

3rd July 2012, 07:03 PM
Also, I made this list myself, so there are undoubtedly some members that I missed.

Yeah, I was banned there too. I'll try to find the pic of why it happened,,,

4th July 2012, 04:30 AM
Post edited to add JQP and Steyr

4th July 2012, 06:46 AM
My one and only sock, Rush Mountmore, was banned from the deuce for 2 years, likely for the same reason and at the same time as Shami - for linking to this site.

It may have just been a sacrificial puppet to serve a purpose (and/or to prove a point), so I won't feel bad if RM doesn't get added to the list.

4th July 2012, 06:54 AM
Added Rush Mountmore.

What about Sukhoi Fan? I thought I remembered him getting banned.
Who was he? (Other name)

4th July 2012, 07:29 AM
Suk was Midnight Rambler, and yep, he was banned a few times on GIM.

I got lucky, never got a ban on GIM, but I did on GIM-2, which some remember and I dont put much thought into.

Only the second ban I've ever had from any internet forum :)

4th July 2012, 08:00 AM
Apologies to Shami and Heim, but GIM2 doesn't cut the mustard for this list. They would have banned their own mothers from the deuce.

4th July 2012, 08:15 AM

I got banned on GIM for posting this in an image thread:


I was banned another time or two as well for bullshittish reasons.

4th July 2012, 08:17 AM
I discovered GIM in about 2004. A lot of the intrigue is new to me. I was never banned.

My modus was to reintroduce the "old landmarks" and provide a few words from the bible or history that echoed, explained or predicted some point that was being rumintated.

They had a habit of moving all my stuff to a back room. Now they call it the doghouse, and of course, no one wants to go to the doghouse.

You can add Hypertiger to your list of the banned. I backed him into a corner, once, and his best "out" was to call me a "Son of Satan". Banned for two weeks.

4th July 2012, 08:41 AM
Apologies to Shami and Heim, but GIM2 doesn't cut the mustard for this list. They would have banned their own mothers from the deuce.
Yeah, even I was banned from Deuce. I was back after my two years was up and posted a few times. It seemed they had invented a couple of new strategies for censorship. Moving threads to the dog house is one. Making a break in the new post list, so that posts having been made before the cut didn't appear on the list, was another... I didn't hang around for long enough to know for certain whether this was an attempt at censorship, but it felt like it...

4th July 2012, 08:49 AM
Neuro, without doubt is was censorship! For fuck's sake, you couldn't mention another members name on that forum in the end, because it was against the "No calling out" rule.

Gonzo - Added.
Hypertiger - Added.

4th July 2012, 08:51 AM
I just re-read that post that I put up in the OP, and boy, is it tame.

I wish I had a copy of the "Has GIM become anti-GIMetic?" thread I started. I raped Scorpio and Skyvike repeatedly in that thread. Magnes probably has it.

4th July 2012, 09:15 AM
I joined in 2008 (JoeSixPack), and was permabanned the day before the April Fool's Massacre. I was banned for posting links to this new site!

Glad you posted.
I was only at GIM for a year and didn't post much so the link was the only way for me to know about here.

4th July 2012, 01:10 PM
A lot of old names. I miss them. All.

5th July 2012, 11:03 AM
Even Agamemnon?