View Full Version : Silver Shield will be on Coast to Coast soon....

28th June 2012, 01:15 PM


Preserving Freedom


George Noory

Chris Duane (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/duane-chris/58258)

Founder of the Sons of Liberty Academy, Christopher Duane (http://dont-tread-on.me/), is a U.S. Marine and venture capitalist who became a self-made millionaire by age 30. He'll discuss why movements such as Occupy and the Tea Party don't get to the heart of what changes are needed to preserve freedom and independence from the forces of the world that prey on ignorance and insecurity.

dont-tread-on.me (http://dont-tread-on.me/)

28th June 2012, 02:25 PM
Wow! That'll be cool to hear him on C2C!

It makes me realize anyone of us could do that same if we really wanted it.

For a lot of us who followed SS and watched him develop his academy, it is pretty cool to see him find a level of success with it.

Celtic Rogue
28th June 2012, 02:36 PM
Awesome.... keep us posted!

28th June 2012, 05:54 PM
Good for him. It doesnt matter if you agree with everything Chris says, what matters is he is doing what he thinks is right.

midnight rambler
28th June 2012, 06:01 PM
It doesnt matter if you agree with everything Chris says, what matters is he is doing what he thinks is right.

The exact same thing could be truthfully said of the Lucifer worshiping BLTs as well. lol

The heart of the matter is that SS does precisely what he thinks is right for his well crafted revenue stream scheme.

28th June 2012, 06:11 PM
The exact same thing could be truthfully said of the Lucifer worshiping BLTs as well. lol

The heart of the matter is that SS does precisely what he thinks is right for his well crafted revenue stream scheme.

Good to see you back midnightrambler.

28th June 2012, 06:15 PM
What is "Coast to Coast"?

28th June 2012, 06:19 PM
The exact same thing could be truthfully said of the Lucifer worshiping BLTs as well. lol

The heart of the matter is that SS does precisely what he thinks is right for his well crafted revenue stream scheme.

I agree, and I disagree. I agree, simply believing in what you're doing doesn't make it right. But I disagree, making money is not evidence that he's "scheming" anyone. SS is waking people up, that's definitely a good thing, and the fact that he's making money on it is even better, it means there is a market of people willing to pay for his teaching. Since when did making money on the market become a sin?

I would also like to say, good to see you posting again.

28th June 2012, 06:19 PM
What is "Coast to Coast"?



Coast to Coast AM is a North American (U.S. and Canada) late-night radio talk show that deals with a variety of topics, but most frequently ones that relate to either the paranormal or conspiracy theories. The program is distributed by Premiere Networks, both as part of its talk network and separately as a syndicated program. The program currently airs seven nights a week 1:05 a.m. – 5:00 a.m. Eastern Time (10:05 p.m. – 2:00 a.m. Pacific Time).

28th June 2012, 06:22 PM
What is "Coast to Coast"?

"Alternative" radio program that is actually on broadcast radio stations. ufo's, angels, demons, teotwawki, ghosts, etc. sometimes some decent interviews. Bob Chapman (RIP) did interview with George Noory at least once.

KSFO out of San Fransisco has podcasts up for a week for all their programming.

midnight rambler
28th June 2012, 06:25 PM
the fact that he's making money on it is even better

So re-packaging someone else's work and presenting it as his own (for a fee) without any compunction whatsoever is okay with you??

Do you so eagerly support other PAY-triots for profit?

Alex Jones and Steve Quayle are 'waking people up' as well, as is Barry Soetoro. lol

28th June 2012, 06:29 PM
coast to coast whole show is 3 hours. 1st hour is news, second hour guests, 3rd hour sometimes guest and the remainder open lines. most likely he will get 15 minutes, tops, as he's not a big name.

28th June 2012, 06:33 PM
Since when did making money on the market become a sin?

Good question.

If you give something for free, it is not considered "valuable" to most people. If you charge for it, it has an explicit value, and therefore people tend to pay closer attention to (get their money's worth). So, a point could be made that by Silver Shield charging for his series, he's doing more for the cause than by not charging for it.:)*#*

He put a lot of effort into building that course material, and I am sure that he is putting a lot of effort into marketing. Why shouldn't he make money on it?

I am really excited and proud of him for getting on a program like that! I used to download Coast to Coast mp3's and listen to them every day. I also burned them onto CD's and gave them to my dad so that he could listen as well. Ah, the good old days. I still have a dozen or so CD's from 2003-2004.

28th June 2012, 07:12 PM
So re-packaging someone else's work and presenting it as his own (for a fee) without any compunction whatsoever is okay with you??

Do you so eagerly support other PAY-triots for profit?

Alex Jones and Steve Quayle are 'waking people up' as well, as is Barry Soetoro. lol

I'm glad to see you back too, midnight. Good sig lines. I read the piece on Anosognosia. Interesting.

28th June 2012, 07:45 PM
If you give something for free, it is not considered "valuable" to most people. If you charge for it, it has an explicit value, and therefore people tend to pay closer attention to (get their money's worth). So, a point could be made that by Silver Shield charging for his series, he's doing more for the cause than by not charging for it.:)*#*

He's shutting down his subscription service to the public, and maintaining what he has right now to be his insiders in a few days. They are going to try to organize and develop real life communities to live in. I'm currently debating this, but I don't like that I need to pay a fee to join, and then give up my personal information right away. I'm unsure what to do. I really want to be part of a real life community very badly. All the locations he told me about they are considering are from Ohio, and eastward which I think is a TERRIBLE idea....


So I dunno. Do I join up and try to convince them to go to the Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska region? These regions are dirt cheap where you can purchase a lot of land and its easy for someone with a small income like me to setup a self sufficiency situation.

Percent White Population by County:

McCook, Nebraska is actually a pretty cool little place from my research and I'd love to check it out. It's 97.5% White! Check this out:


Southwest Nebraska is basically the whitest, safest, cheapest, and one of the freest parts of the country. The only problem seems to be water and soil quality.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
28th June 2012, 08:10 PM
Good for him. He's waking a lot of people up and starting communities away from the system. I'd venture to say he's a visionary.

midnight rambler
28th June 2012, 08:42 PM
Wanna participate in a clusterfuck while losing your ass in the process? Join someone in their *vision* of a 'survival community' (ESPECIALLY someone with a 'PAY-triot for profit' track record). lol (Who's going to bear the development costs for infrastructure such as roads, drainage, etc.? It's difficult enough to get folks in an established development to pay for road maintenance - forget about people paying 2-3 times what the raw land costs for their lot in a development that isn't complete. No, those 'survival communities' are pipe dreams for the rubes who haven't thought things through.)

Wanna turn your own community into a sustainable survival community? That's doable, read what Catherine Austin Fitts has to say on those matters. Or check out Will Allen's Growing Power videos. People are working toward self-sustainability all over, one doesn't need to join a 'survival community' - that'd be a huge mistake. Think about this - if the g-men have a boner for only one community member the whole community goes down and who would care? They're just a bunch of anti-social 'survivalists'.

28th June 2012, 08:46 PM
Wanna participate in a clusterfuck while losing your ass in the process? Join someone in their *vision* of a 'survival community' (ESPECIALLY someone with a 'PAY-triot for profit' track record). lol

Wanna turn your own community into a sustainable survival community? That's doable, read what Catherine Austin Fitts has to say on those matters.

I know, I think it's fishy. That's why I mentioned it. I think I'm just as smart, just not the overt leader with a crap load of followers. I think pretty much anyone on this forum is too.

28th June 2012, 09:28 PM
So re-packaging someone else's work and presenting it as his own (for a fee) without any compunction whatsoever is okay with you??

If I wrote an essay discussing Jefferson's or Jackson's take on central banking, am I simply repackaging someone else's work? It's very, very rare that people come up with their own theories 100% on their own (Mises was a great visionary in that regard). Most of us stand on the shoulders of those who proceeded us. And if one can take what they've learned through others, add value to it, and sell it for a price that people are freely willing to pay, then yes, no problem with it.

That being said, I don't want you to get the wrong impression. I was turned off from SS back when silver was peaking at close to $50 and he was still pushing wildly for everyone to buy buy buy (I think SS could have learned a thing or two from sparky, lol). I just don't begrudge a man for making a living by providing valuable information to people willing to pay for it.

28th June 2012, 11:13 PM

Preserving Freedom


George Noory

Chris Duane (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/duane-chris/58258)

Founder of the Sons of Liberty Academy, Christopher Duane (http://dont-tread-on.me/), is a U.S. Marine and venture capitalist who became a self-made millionaire by age 30. He'll discuss why movements such as Occupy and the Tea Party don't get to the heart of what changes are needed to preserve freedom and independence from the forces of the world that prey on ignorance and insecurity.

dont-tread-on.me (http://dont-tread-on.me/)

29th June 2012, 12:33 AM
Wanna participate in a clusterfuck while losing your ass in the process? Join someone in their *vision* of a 'survival community' (ESPECIALLY someone with a 'PAY-triot for profit' track record). lol (Who's going to bear the development costs for infrastructure such as roads, drainage, etc.? It's difficult enough to get folks in an established development to pay for road maintenance - forget about people paying 2-3 times what the raw land costs for their lot in a development that isn't complete. No, those 'survival communities' are pipe dreams for the rubes who haven't thought things through.)

Wanna turn your own community into a sustainable survival community? That's doable, read what Catherine Austin Fitts has to say on those matters. Or check out Will Allen's Growing Power videos. People are working toward self-sustainability all over, one doesn't need to join a 'survival community' - that'd be a huge mistake. Think about this - if the g-men have a boner for only one community member the whole community goes down and who would care? They're just a bunch of anti-social 'survivalists'.

I agree, a 'survival community' seems like a precarious thing to get into. Society dislikes you, the government is out to get you, traitors on the inside are looking to stab you in the back and take a lot of your money in the process.

I can't think of a good community to get into except family. Or possibly orders or societies, don't know much about those though.

Twisted Titan
29th June 2012, 12:41 AM
The Rule of 33%

33% of the people will love and support you no matter what you do.

33% of the people have a neutral opinion but can be swayed by how you present yourself and what you do.

33% of the people will despise everything you do no matter what it is . They will find fault.

Your job as individual in the public domain is to bring the 33% that hold a nuetral opinion to the side of those that love you. with 66% you are able to effectly move in the effort of your endevaors with a very high degree of success.

Thats it.

SS is doing the above to best of his abilty and I commend him on that.

29th June 2012, 01:04 AM
222 views, 22 posts.... oh doh. not any more

29th June 2012, 04:28 AM

Preserving Freedom


George Noory

Chris Duane (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/duane-chris/58258)

Founder of the Sons of Liberty Academy, Christopher Duane (http://dont-tread-on.me/), is a U.S. Marine and venture capitalist who became a self-made millionaire by age 30. He'll discuss why movements such as Occupy and the Tea Party don't get to the heart of what changes are needed to preserve freedom and independence from the forces of the world that prey on ignorance and insecurity.

dont-tread-on.me (http://dont-tread-on.me/)

I don't remember SS saying the bolded. I thought he was a trust fund kid working at the family business (car dealerships?) Could be C-C's hyping.

Either way, never trust a man with two first names.

29th June 2012, 05:13 AM
As I recall reading somewhere, a great many "sovereigns" of late are fashionably going by their "2 first names" as you call it. Their "3rd or surname" is conveyed verbally as well as in signed documents such as "Chris Duane, family: Simpkin." and I've even seen some examples on the net of documents generated and signed by these type folk in this parsed out manner.

In that example, the last name is already a permutation of "kin of the Sim family." If one were to chase back the family tree to the original "Simpkin" immigrant family, one might find an early recordation(s) in some dusty church record. Said recordations might be generated by the DOB/baptism or DOM/marriage or DOD/death mass celebration of said kin/family of "Sim."

As best I can ascertain, this going by "2 first names" nascent trend is an effort to individualize, stand on ones own 2 feet per se', instead of carry around a surname's legacy baggage. An extreme example of "surname baggage" would be Charles Milles Manson......


29th June 2012, 06:35 AM
The exact same thing could be truthfully said of the Lucifer worshiping BLTs as well. lol

The heart of the matter is that SS does precisely what he thinks is right for his well crafted revenue stream scheme.

I hear you MR.......(Good to see you back!)

But im at the point where i dont care about sheeple who cant think! I have discernment, I can see when things dont add up, so i have no problem listening to peoples stuff who i might not agree with. My intuition guides me, and is never wrong. I dont get money sucked out of me from PAY-triot's, but that doesnt mean i dont listen to the free stuff and use my own judgement.

If others cant read through the lines to see reality, then i cant help them with that, and never will.

Im SICK to DEATH of trying to help people see reality, i dont care anymore. Im already the most educated prisoner in the concentration camp.

3rd July 2012, 07:07 PM
BUMP. Just a reminder for tonight.

3rd July 2012, 07:10 PM
i should call in and troll him. i lost all respect for him when he started spamming everyone here via pm to buy his shit. the people here wrote half of his shit FOR HIM. asshole.

General of Darkness
3rd July 2012, 07:13 PM
BUMP. Just a reminder for tonight.

Ah cool. 10PM to 2AM Pacific time.

General of Darkness
3rd July 2012, 07:14 PM
i should call in and troll him. i lost all respect for him when he started spamming everyone here via pm to buy his shit. the people here wrote half of his shit FOR HIM. asshole.

Chad, no shit. He never PM'd me, I wonder if it was because I was being myself and called him out on his shit. But I'd still listen in, if I'm awake.

3rd July 2012, 08:31 PM
Chad, no shit. He never PM'd me, I wonder if it was because I was being myself and called him out on his shit. But I'd still listen in, if I'm awake.

huh, maybe he didn't pm everyone then, i just assumed he did. anyway, i found it extremely low class to pimp the people who helped you write your material for money. i put him on ignore after that. i'll probably listen too.

3rd July 2012, 10:09 PM
"A Prophet is NEVER accepted in his own land and by his own people and family."

While I wouldn't say that SS is a prophet by any stretch, I don't fault him for learning from us, putting together the organization he did, and pming people here to get a jump-start and also getting feedback on his articles. His organization isn't necessarily something I'd join, and undoubtedly he's not right on everything, maybe not even 100% right on anything. But I like that he's taking action.

Whenever you take action you will either improve things or make them worse, depending on your ignorance. So there is a danger in taking action. I think we should try to continue to fight ignorance here on the forum, keep asking the questions and looking for the true answers (not necessarily the easy ones). Hopefully people like SS can keep learning from us and we keep learning from them, and the actions we take will be in the right direction.

4th July 2012, 01:00 AM
Ok, I think he's coming up in about 1 minute.

4th July 2012, 01:15 AM
Do you have to pay to hear it?

4th July 2012, 01:19 AM
Do you have to pay to hear it?

No, it's live radio. You can either tune in on your local AM or FM radio, or you can listen to a radio station that streams their radio online. I'm listening to


Click "listen live"

4th July 2012, 01:26 AM
I'm recording now, so if you miss it, I'll post a YouTube version ASAP tonight (within 3 hours.)

4th July 2012, 01:35 AM
He started off a little shaky at first but I think he's off to a good start. In the first 20 minutes he's hit on:

1) Dollar collapse is certain and the biggest event in human history. There is nothing that can be done to stop it
2) Money is debt, it's a ponzi scheme
3) Discussed history of derivatives, and how the system is leveraged
4) The Rothchilds and Rockefellers own the central banks, which own all of us
5) The military is funded to secure natural resources to make profits. Through them, we spread debt and death

He briefly mentioned his academy only once, in passing.

George seems quite interested in the discussion.

4th July 2012, 01:40 AM
He's telling people about the Rothschilds, that's all I care for...


Fuck you Plastiki Jesus. I'm not your slave.

4th July 2012, 02:34 AM
GSUS/GIM1 Cliff Notes but good stuff none the less.

4th July 2012, 03:34 AM
YouTube link is up at top/original post.

midnight rambler
4th July 2012, 07:24 AM
The Rothchilds and Rockefellers own the central banks, which own all of us

This demonstrates that SS clearly does not get it. Legal fictions (something that in reality does not exist) can only deal with legal fictions and therefore CANNOT 'own' flesh and blood living souls. Fuck the notion of any legal fiction 'owning' me. How fucking asinine. It appears SS is caught up in the illusion.

We are in a spiritual battle, there can be no denying that. Did Mr. "I'm an expert on money and banking" happen to mention that??

General of Darkness
4th July 2012, 08:37 AM
I missed the show, did he mention the jews?

4th July 2012, 08:48 AM
I just downloaded the mp3s, will listen later today.

midnight rambler
4th July 2012, 09:15 AM
The Rothchilds and Rockefellers own the central banks, which own all of us

And another thing - anyone who thinks it's merely "the Rothchilds and Rockefellers" who own the central banks is grossly mistaken.

4th July 2012, 09:17 AM
This demonstrates that SS clearly does not get it. Legal fictions (something that in reality does not exist) can only deal with legal fictions and therefore CANNOT 'own' flesh and blood living souls. Fuck the notion of any legal fiction 'owning' me. How fucking asinine. It appears SS is caught up in the illusion.

We are in a spiritual battle, there can be no denying that. Did Mr. "I'm an expert on money and banking" happen to mention that??

When he says the banks own all the debt and by extension own all of us, he's not that far off. Proverbs 22:7, "the borrower is servant to the lender". The evil system in place right now is designed so that all our money is created as debt, making it very difficult to live without debt.

There seems to be a lot of bad vibes about SS around here, maybe I missed something. Like, I didn't know he PM'ed a lot of members trying to sell his stuff. Personally, he did contact me and offered me a free membership at his site, which I was not able to accept because I didn't have the time to devote to his academy. He seems like a decent fellow to me.

midnight rambler
4th July 2012, 09:35 AM
making it very difficult to live without debt.

I don't have any outstanding debt. It's a choice, and it's not that difficult - provided one hasn't been sucked into the illusion (still another choice).

maybe I missed something.

I'm thinking you missed the plagiarism stuff.

4th July 2012, 09:39 AM
I'm thinking you missed the plagiarism stuff.

Maybe I did. Did he plagiarize copyrighted work?

midnight rambler
4th July 2012, 09:47 AM
Maybe I did. Did he plagiarize copyrighted work?

It has to be copyrighted to qualify as plagiarized?? ??? How'd you arrive at that??

I know of at least one instance where he glommed onto an unattributed article on the 'net and sent it over to Lew Rockwell for publishing on that site attributed to SS himself. lol (yes, I ran down the original posting and it was NOT attributed to SS). The guy apparently has HUGE ego.

4th July 2012, 11:10 AM
Hi Rambler. Glad to see you.

4th July 2012, 11:11 AM
It has to be copyrighted to qualify as plagiarized?? How'd you arrive at that??

If we have a great thread on some topic and someone takes what he learned and shares it with others, he's a plagiarist? Isn't that what this site is about, sharing ideas? How could anyone be able to take what they've learned here and share it if there's an implicit claim on what everyone here has said as their "intellectual property" which can't be shared without their consent? That sounds like a good way to stifle the truth rather than spread it.

Do you get upset when people promote Biblical values because the ideas they promote are not their own, and they're "plagiarizing" the Bible?

I know of at least one instance where he glommed onto an unattributed article on the 'net and sent it over to Lew Rockwell for publishing on that site attributed to SS himself. lol (yes, I ran down the original posting and it was NOT attributed to SS). The guy apparently has HUGE ego.

Well, you're right about that, it is dishonest to take a complete, written and published article from someone else and claim it as your own. Ideas, though, not so much.

4th July 2012, 11:24 AM
The Rule of 33%

33% of the people will love and support you no matter what you do.

33% of the people have a neutral opinion but can be swayed by how you present yourself and what you do.

33% of the people will despise everything you do no matter what it is . They will find fault.

I guess the 1% you left out is me.

I made the call that he was full of shit when I showed him proofs of the conspiracy and the conspirators, and he still denied it. The names Rothschild and Rockerfeller have become flagship names that are as popular as the names Bilderburg, Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations.

SS will not touch on the root of the conspiracy, which is the synagogue of satan, and that screams "Suspect!!" to me.

Another thing I would like to mention is the fact that when he started his academy up, he was totally fucking broke. Now his bio says he's a self made millionare? From the academy? He must have some other irons in the fire, because I can't see the academy being an all star hit. At the time it came out I was pretty keen to get involved in stuff like that, as I was sponging up info as fast as I could, and I know I wasn't interested in the academy as a pay-site.

I also don't remember him telling us he was a marine.

midnight rambler
4th July 2012, 11:48 AM
I guess the 1% you left out is me.

I made the call that he was full of shit when I showed him proofs of the conspiracy and the conspirators, and he still denied it. The names Rothschild and Rockerfeller have become flagship names that are as popular as the names Bilderburg, Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations.

SS will not touch on the root of the conspiracy, which is the synagogue of satan, and that screams "Suspect!!" to me.

Another thing I would like to mention is the fact that when he started his academy up, he was totally fucking broke. Now his bio says he's a self made millionare? From the academy? He must have some other irons in the fire, because I can't see the academy being an all star hit. At the time it came out I was pretty keen to get involved in stuff like that, as I was sponging up info as fast as I could, and I know I wasn't interested in the academy as a pay-site.

I also don't remember him telling us he was a marine.

Of course the BLTs are the very heart of the problem, and anyone who fails to make the connection is either controlled opposition or just plain stupid - imo.

4th July 2012, 11:49 AM
Indeed, you put it perfectly Rambler.

4th July 2012, 11:51 AM
if ss is smart enough to be a self made millionaire, i would go with controlled opposition.

4th July 2012, 12:45 PM
Good show.


4th July 2012, 03:00 PM
Another thing I would like to mention is the fact that when he started his academy up, he was totally fucking broke. Now his bio says he's a self made millionare? From the academy? He must have some other irons in the fire, because I can't see the academy being an all star hit. At the time it came out I was pretty keen to get involved in stuff like that, as I was sponging up info as fast as I could, and I know I wasn't interested in the academy as a pay-site.

My memory is typically very bad, but . . . I seem to remember that he was a self-made millionaire and then lost it all somehow.

5th July 2012, 01:32 AM
Just listened to the whole show. Crazy that a guy who joined GIM the same time I did is on C2C.

Is SS really making money with that "academy"? People pay for that? Really?

5th July 2012, 01:35 AM
Just listened to the whole show. Crazy that a guy who joined GIM the same time I did is on C2C.

Is SS really making money with that "academy"? People pay for that? Really?

Most of the money comes from Homeland Security Offices.

5th July 2012, 10:43 AM
Interesting thread and opinions!

I listened to the entire interview. In the past when I read SS's website I always noticed his big ego and him sounding like his way was the only way. Big deal if he got out of real estate at the height, if you don't owe on the property why sell it? He seemed to miss that point. He also lumped in too many "everybody" and "nobody" into the interview––Wrong!!

His interview and academy is playing to the peeps that don't know anything. Of course he could have became a millionaire from it. A million is not that much money!!

As far as him getting on C2C . . . it's all about marketing and becoming an "Authority" on something. Pick any subject, delve into it, educate yourself and then get folks to pay you. It's really not that difficult, it takes time, persistence and the ability to market yourself. I have no problem with him making money from his investment; I just don't like some of his perspectives and advice.