View Full Version : deceptive new age movement
30th June 2012, 01:41 PM
First off, allow me to reiterate that I always look deeply into any kind of patterns that I see around me, because patterns always tell the truth. The Truth is of course dual by nature as we always can look at a glass half-full/empty before making any conclusions. And 90% the time, truth will be found in the middle.
so what is wrong with the new age?
It claims that at some point there will be a sudden rise of vibrations that will illuminate the whole planet's inhabitants. That it will be a widespread event. We will all seeing the Light at the same time.
I already have heard that one before... The problem is that any "collective awakening saving the planet" is the ultimate delusion as it goes against "personal-responsibility".
whether you choose to revere either a tree, an ocean, saint/gods or God... just do not impose it upon others. Doing otherwise will just get one the opposite reaction.
30th June 2012, 01:49 PM
i think of NEW AGE as the " Age of Aquarius " crap for a new generation
30th June 2012, 01:51 PM
What he said:
30th June 2012, 03:40 PM
What he said:
David could very well be a controlled opposition, but I dont see him as a major fraud either. I dont ask him perfection. However from I see all around me that there is no medium I agree 100% with.
30th June 2012, 04:14 PM
I see all around me that there is no medium I agree 100% with.
That's just the revelation that needs to be enforced on everyone,
Nobody has it 100% correct.
Don't doubt me for a second... :)
30th June 2012, 04:31 PM
Ps. I forgot to mention thru my travels of finding the 100% success rate course of action when reaching any target.
Another example of the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci numbers in nature is the falcon, specifically the peregrine falcon. The peregrine falcon has fixed eyes, like an owl. This falcon is a meat lover, so when it comes to eating field mice or picking seeds from a bush, the peregrine falcon will prepare for attack. Soaring at speeds up to 320 kilometers per hour, the peregrine falcon readies to spiral down. The falcon keeps its prey in its sight until it is slaughtered. Nature compensates for its fixed eyes with the Golden Spiral. That’s right, the Golden Spiral. When a peregrine falcon catches its prey, it swoops down in a spiral which we call the Golden Spiral. Tilting its head at a 40° angle, the falcon can keep an eye on its prey. As you can see in the picture below, the falcon starts out making wide turns and quickly narrowing its distance from itself to the prey by closing in on the spiral.
Its the curve at the end that need be executed with a grace & beauty that only comes from blind faith.
1st July 2012, 02:10 PM
We should publish a book with a conglomeration of our findings, what would be a good title? It's all in the title. :)
I'm thinking something with Decepti- in it.
I mean isn't that what the Theosophists do?
They take something from everything, because not one supplies the entire 100% for them.
Isn't that basically being unfaithful to all, or self imposed towards a fault?
3rd July 2012, 09:08 PM
Is he on crack? I cal people like that circle talkers, Brainwashing weak minded folks.
3rd July 2012, 10:37 PM
I cal people like that circle talkers, Brainwashing weak minded folks.
Into Circle Walking, you mummed?
This stuff is ancient.
3rd July 2012, 10:57 PM
These guys are religious...
3rd July 2012, 11:17 PM
Zap's night out. :)
5th July 2012, 12:56 PM
LOL Horn :)
5th July 2012, 05:13 PM
LOL Horn :)
See what he was doing there in the beginning was mumming, or mimicking those with large egos.
Yes, its kinda disturbing. :o
8th July 2012, 09:39 PM
That's just the revelation that needs to be enforced on everyone,
Nobody has it 100% correct.
Don't doubt me for a second... :)
right 100% certainty cannot exist because Reality demands a gazillion pieces to be put together to be witnessed, and all we have is our own subjectivity to make it happen. But some came very close to these 100%, like fibonacci for example.
8th July 2012, 10:44 PM
But some came very close to these 100%, like fibonacci for example.
This Sufi dude is spinning fairly close, then?
Though some might call you a slave if you followed him.
Sorry, this guy sounds like a New Age movement even though he's ancient.
8th July 2012, 10:51 PM
8th July 2012, 11:12 PM
9th July 2012, 12:15 PM
i think of NEW AGE as the " Age of Aquarius " crap for a new generation
More like the "Age of Babylon" my friennd.
9th July 2012, 07:55 PM
This Sufi dude is spinning fairly close, then?
Though some might call you a slave if you followed him.
Sorry, this guy sounds like a New Age movement even though he's ancient.
which guy are you speaking of: the suffi or fibonacci? I am a little confused here
I think that calling 4000+ year old theories "new age", is is kinda deceptive too. okay I used "new age"in thread title, but now I realize it was/is wrong.
9th July 2012, 07:58 PM
krishnamurti is a big fav of mine when it comes down to the strict essentials in terms of philosophy and spirituality.
and he is right when stating that human misery emerges with the propensity to follow whatever leaders. Herds are nothing good. The radical revolution he talks of comes from within.
will listen to this vid later, tnx for posting
edit: when it started playing I realized that I have seen that vid several years ago. Yes, all those things we invent ourselves to escape "personal responsibility".... thats why I am tired of hearing of any "group" being victimized or persecuted. Whether true or not is irrelevant as the right behavior is to have the appropriate response and mindset that can prevent persecution from happening in the first place, because when persecution takes hold it is going to eventually back fire and more will claim being 'persecuted" as a result and more genocides will be committed. The complete spin.
9th July 2012, 07:59 PM
there is no such a thing as "new age" ... really. Come on, calling 4000+ year old theories "new age", is is kinda deceptive too. Well it does sound better than , regurgitated old and ancient stuff that is/has relevance today,
As an example name!
9th July 2012, 08:26 PM
More like the "Age of Babylon" my friennd.
speaking to all christians here: when are you going to start a thread attempting to establish where Jesus Christ was between 16 and 30 years of age... and what was he doing. because nothing really satisfying is said in the Bible about this time frame.
(Some say he was in egypt, attending mystery schools and some claim he was in india studying pantheism... )
Everything comes from old theories, everything. Look at Socrates/Plato/Aristotle. All western philosophies derive from them.
10th July 2012, 06:11 AM
which guy are you speaking of: the suffi or fibonacci?
You are dividing and conquering my New Age movement.
Is yours very large? I mean I just can't see this "New Age movement" that you speak of as being "tied together" unionized in any fashion.
I might be mistaken, but who is stating this?
It claims that at some point there will be a sudden rise of vibrations that will illuminate the whole planet's inhabitants.
10th July 2012, 06:29 AM
krishnamurti is a big fav of mine when it comes down to the strict essentials in terms of philosophy and spirituality.
and he is right when stating that human misery emerges with the propensity to follow whatever leaders. Herds are nothing good. The radical revolution he talks of comes from within.
will listen to this vid later, tnx for posting
edit: when it started playing I realized that I have seen that vid several years ago. Yes, all those things we invent ourselves to escape "personal responsibility".... thats why I am tired of hearing of any "group" being victimized or persecuted. Whether true or not is irrelevant as the right behavior is to have the appropriate response and mindset that can prevent persecution from happening in the first place, because when persecution takes hold it is going to eventually back fire and more will claim being 'persecuted" as a result and more genocides will be committed. The complete spin.
Krishamurti is fraud philosophy. "Do not have systems" - he sets up schools. "Do not listen to gurus" - he rambles on and on to his followers. "do not get sucked into love of money" - he produces some 70 books plus audio cassettes for major profit. "man is irrational" - WRONG-O pal, the past few thousand years of history prove man works on pursuing self interests, this is inherently rational.
Good grief...these gurus, Krishnamurti is not alone here, speak as if they are talking within a vacuum. Forgetting real people, real history and reality.
A solid start on a path to enlightenment starts this way - consider every single person out there that is claiming to be a spiritual leader as being completely full of shit. You'll get a lot further than the other route - listening to gurus take you in circles. Step back and smell the bullshit!
10th July 2012, 06:42 AM
Krishamurti is fraud philosophy. "Do not have systems" - he sets up schools. "Do not listen to gurus" - he rambles on and on to his followers. "do not get sucked into love of money" - he produces some 70 books plus audio cassettes for major profit. "man is irrational" - WRONG-O pal, the past few thousand years of history prove man works on pursuing self interests, this is inherently rational.
Good grief...these gurus, Krishnamurti is not alone here, speak as if they are talking within a vacuum. Forgetting real people, real history and reality.
A solid start on a path to enlightenment starts this way - consider every single person out there that is claiming to be a spiritual leader as being completely full of shit. You'll get a lot further than the other route - listening to gurus take you in circles. Step back and smell the bullshit!
"Do not listen to gurus" you say.
Are you sure you're not Krishnamurti?
10th July 2012, 07:10 AM
Krishamurti is fraud philosophy. "Do not have systems" - he sets up schools. "Do not listen to gurus" - he rambles on and on to his followers. "do not get sucked into love of money" - he produces some 70 books plus audio cassettes for major profit. "man is irrational" - WRONG-O pal, the past few thousand years of history prove man works on pursuing self interests, this is inherently rational.
Sorry i dont think he is a fraud since his philosophical takes have been out there for about 1000s of years. He didnt invent anything at all, just phrase it in a more accessible modern language. Ancient religions and myths essentially work with allegories, and we need men like him to decipher them. K. has also delved into esotericism at a very early age and ran away from The Theosophical Society when he realized their agendas.
K has a message and if some people see him as a guru it is THEIR problem, not his. I only bought 3 books and watched perhaps his most essential speeches on youtube. If one sets something into motion that turns out being successful, there is nothing one can do about that. Yes I too believe that Man is rational, but rationality will always depends on one's knowledge. There is no irrational behavior per see as people always use what they know or think to be (un)true.
But let me tell you this: if one is aware that electro-magnetism rules the entire universe (brain/neurons included) and shows us why the polarization of thoughts is damaging to the "whole", then one's sense rationality will adjust systematically to this ultimate reality. This is my level of understanding in this time and pace. There is no happiness possible when one is over-polarized.
Good grief...these gurus, Krishnamurti is not alone here, speak as if they are talking within a vacuum. Forgetting real people, real history and reality.
K isnt a guru, but a successful thinker despite himself. Thats the way I see it and I wont reject success if this would happen to me.
A solid start on a path to enlightenment starts this way - consider every single person out there that is claiming to be a spiritual leader as being completely full of shit. You'll get a lot further than the other route - listening to gurus take you in circles. Step back and smell the bullshit!
spiritual or intellectual, it doesnt matter, we all have our favorites... the only problem I can see is is that we shouldnt stay stuck with any of them. And thats K's ultimate bottom line. There isnt any original thoughts, all the thoughts belong to the Universe/God, we just happen to convey His Mind - one way or another. And without opposing/comparing thoughts there is no way for us to see what He means.
Christians may think they got it all, but so do other faiths' followers... so time to sit down and see where view converge and possibly diverge. IMHO.
Krishnamurti claims that anybody who lacks a good sense of observation cannot understand his true deep motivation and intentions. All social fights are the result of this... makes sense to me.
10th July 2012, 09:34 AM
Man is not rational. Machines are rational. Machines(Systems) are created by Man to compensate for his inherent irrationality.
Man is not a machine. He creates machines. When I say machine, I mean Man made systems. A system is the process that allows
Man to exist in the state of delusion that he's rational.
Man is so irrational that he comes to believe these systems that he created are in fact, Him. Which of course is insane.
So insane that Man is all too willing to commit any and all atrocities to protect His favorite systems, who He believes to be Himself.
Man would kill His own offspring to uphold even the worst system, which indeed has been found to be killing His own offspring.
Man is fucking Insane.
Not rational. Insane.
That's not to say He doesn't exhibit brief moments of genius, though. The genius to create some new system by which
to continue His delusions.
I intuitively "feel' this to be the case. :)
10th July 2012, 09:38 AM
Man is not rational. Machines are rational. Machines(Systems) are created by Man to compensate for his inherent irrationality.
Man is not a machine. He creates machines. When I say machine, I mean Man made systems. A system is the process that allows
Man to exist in the state of delusion that he's rational.
Man is so irrational that he comes to believe these systems that he created are in fact, Him. Which of course is insane.
So insane that Man is all too willing to commit any and all atrocities to protect His favorite systems, who He believes to be Himself.
Man would kill His own offspring to uphold even the worst system, which indeed has been found to be killing His own offspring.
Man is fucking Insane.
Not rational. Insane.
That's not to say He doesn't exhibit brief moments of genius, though. The genius to create some new system by which
to continue His delusions.
I intuitively "feel' this to be the case. :)
Maybe you're just crazy?
10th July 2012, 09:45 AM
Maybe you're just crazy?
Of course I am. :)
Bacteria are more sensible than people. OO)~
10th July 2012, 10:33 AM
Of course I am. :)
Bacteria are more sensible than people. OO)~
Haha. I enjoyed your post, by the way... but perhaps when you say "Man" you really mean "Man's Ego".
I can see how the two would get confused or used in place of one another.
Just my modest .02
10th July 2012, 12:19 PM
Man is not rational. Machines are rational. Machines(Systems) are created by Man to compensate for his inherent irrationality.
I see where you are coming from santa but rationality doesnt mean being cold and detached. To me it means being balanced while maintaining a reasonable amount of skepticism. Because everything is hyper-polarized in societies, people tend to see rationality as an emotion-free bubble or even a psychopathic trait. I just beg to differ. :) You and I dont agree on the definition, it seems.
Man is not a machine. He creates machines. When I say machine, I mean Man made systems. A system is the process that allows
Man to exist in the state of delusion that he's rational. Man is so irrational that he comes to believe these systems that he created are in fact, Him. Which of course is insane.
However I think you are overreacting to something else, santa. We all are the projections we create for ourselves and everything mirrors what/who we are. The Universe is holographic by nature. Maybe is this something you need to come to term with - at some point. Thats why projecting fear/insanity is very dangerous.
So insane that Man is all too willing to commit any and all atrocities to protect His favorite systems, who He believes to be Himself. Man would kill His own offspring to uphold even the worst system, which indeed has been found to be killing His own offspring. Man is fucking Insane.
I think you are confusing "ignorance (induced or not)" with "irrationality". Again man always acts rationally (according to what he believes to be true or not) . More knowledge will always make one more rational (ie balanced). IMHO.
Not rational. Insane. That's not to say He doesn't exhibit brief moments of genius, though. The genius to create some new system by which to continue His delusions. I intuitively "feel' this to be the case. :)
Santa, I have chosen to believe in the goodness and genius of man. Believe that genius is very widespread but contained because of few at the top managing the educational system. Such a conspiracy doesnt make you right nonetheless because this very conspiracy is a grand illusion and like any other one will end up crashing down, regardless of the price to pay for it.
In my view it is insane/delusional to believe in the power of an illusion.
10th July 2012, 05:29 PM
"Do not"
A Do-do Guru is much more sensible IMO.
And a do what you've known to do since birth, better.
Its the "What to do Nots" that man learns from men, and makes much less sense.
10th July 2012, 07:57 PM
What he said:
David Icke Debunked (Full Movie)]
definitely worth watching. Well the guy who speaks in this vid did a great job at trying... trying only... nice but unsuccessful attempt. Trashing 1000's years of hidden knowledge because the Nazis were interested in is where he lost me. The Nazi sword is soo cliche.
From what I am getting is that Icke has improved a lot as a public speaker and writer. He made several mistakes that help his opponents debunk him... do not know what I have to do with the 'reptilians' yet but the possibility that we are farmed by aliens is not far fetched if we look at how we treat our fellow humans and animals. As above so below. If we abase our consciousness, we shouldnt be surprised if the same is done to us. (that's why I am 90% vegan)
after 10mins I figured that he was either a christian or an atheist... I had to wait til the last 5mins for him to urge viewers to reconcile with the Bible. Since his logic is christian, the debunking only offers one sided critique. Thats a major pitfall... any religious devout could do this about another belief system, but that wouldnt make her/him coherent.
It has been eons that the elites have it "right" and attacking what they know because knowledge was used against us, will never make anybody right but dumbing down populations is for sure extremely evil.
The more one gets closer to the truth the more one realizes that Truth always offers more free will to do either good or evil, hence can be perceived as ambiguous and even threatening. Truth very often destroys. Thats why most people tend to stay away from too different points of view, which could initiate a crack in their own belief system. Somebody who is confident in his beliefs will never bash and resort to calling names.
Using coercion to have people's consent is criminal. All the elites deserve a slow death in confinement/jail. I am sure the term "new world order" has been used every time a civilization was going down the drain.... so yes, the new world order could also happen benevolently but lead to a very different outcome.
There is a unification force that is at work in the entire universe and the elites know this, this very force is also written in our DNA/RNA. So it is very easy for people to agree with anything (or falling into the trap) that aims at "pacifying and unifying" humans... the only rock bottom line is "how" to do it... only the intent can define the ethics behind anything.
10th July 2012, 09:22 PM
I still have no idea what you mean by a new age movement that promises global altruism.
Anything approaching altruism with a "searching method" or religion would be false,
IMO, it cannot be sought, the search itself would be found to be in vain.
11th July 2012, 04:45 AM
I still have no idea what you mean by a new age movement that promises global altruism.
Anything approaching altruism with a "searching method" or religion would be false, IMO, it cannot be sought, the search itself would be found to be in vain.
that is where the so-called new age fails and is deceptive.... like any other religion promising peace and harmony if you become a follower that the "group" will help the illumination happen . In my thread starting post, I said: I heard that one before. I dont believe in "critical mass" to provoke a shift. Look at history... revolutions never were successful. So the change can only happen "one soul at the time"
The daily battle with our own ego(s) makes altruism a vain word. We can be altruistic at times but not continually. The others mirror our ego(s). I wouldnt say that a "searching method" is vain, IMO, but that everything has to be "experienced" for the search to be worthy. That's why most (if not all) spiritual models have disappointing outcomes. They cannot be organized as the teachings are always outweighed by life experiences . The elites know this and always make sure that models succeed one another. So they stay on top of it as they always are several waves ahead.
This is my understanding..
11th July 2012, 08:01 PM
I wouldnt say that a "searching method" is vain, IMO, but that everything has to be "experienced" for the search to be worthy.
Worthy of?
Most all adult life seeking is done in vain, or in reaction to stimuli.
If you look at life on an objective timeline, the object is to stop seeking.
Or as if when you were found(ed) at birth.
Communication (feeling) is what drives us into the unknown, the unknown is the goal.
11th July 2012, 10:21 PM
Worthy of?
oops, sorry.....that everything has to be "experienced" for the search to be worth going through
Most all adult life seeking is done in vain, or in reaction to stimuli.
If you look at life on an objective timeline, the object is to stop seeking.
Or as if when you were found(ed) at birth.
Communication (feeling) is what drives us into the unknown, the unknown is the goal.
right, I can agree with this too.... but kinda stick to my earlier posting. :)
drive us into the unknown? Thats pretty irresistible, isnt it? Though I dont think it is possible to stop seeking from within as the question "who I am" cannot be avoided.
I'd rather think that there is a drive to reunite with the Source/Light/God especially in monotheistic doctrines as they view God separated from his creation. For more pantheistic views, it is the immersion into the Unknown/Detachment.... I can see the bottle half full and empty here.
well I see yin and yang everywhere these days, even in every words I say :)
12th July 2012, 05:59 AM
drive us into the unknown? Thats pretty irresistible, isnt it? Though I dont think it is possible to stop seeking from within as the question "who I am" cannot be avoided.
Drives as an engine, I mean. "Sends us" would have been better there.
You could spend a lifetime on that "who I am" question, and still not be complete without someone else filling the blanks... ;)
Or get busy contacting it. "It" as being founded, and all that is needed.
Ps. There is that ~ line between the ying and yang, I like to think of it as a road, or portal, not a fence... lol
12th July 2012, 09:02 PM
Drives as an engine, I mean. "Sends us" would have been better there.
You could spend a lifetime on that "who I am" question, and still not be complete without someone else filling the blanks... ;)
Or get busy contacting it. "It" as being founded, and all that is needed.
Ps. There is that ~ line between the ying and yang, I like to think of it as a road, or portal, not a fence... lol
anyone believing in reincarnation agrees that answering the question "who am I?" takes many lives. Aint it intriguing... buddhism says that it takes 49 days for a soul to be reincarnated and the pineal gland appears 49 days after conception. ... the 3rd eye or crown chakra validated by sciences.
this line between yin and yang is too thin/fragile to resemble a fence.... I see it as a rope which we all walk on at our own risk .... exciting Id say :)
12th July 2012, 09:54 PM
I think its better to just close your eyes than listen to the above.
13th July 2012, 12:42 PM
actually, I listened to it... quite good and saved in my favorites...
when you get a chance find some vedic chants on youtube...
13th July 2012, 12:54 PM
actually, I listened to it... quite good and saved in my favorites...
when you get a chance find some vedic chants on youtube...
Now your pushing it, I'm working as a mason in the field (with concrete) currently...
13th July 2012, 01:18 PM
will surely use pineal gland activation as a soft background music for a hypnosis session at some point.
here are 2 sample vedic chants but there are so many out there., second link is by Ravi Shankar
ps: I love arabic classical music and also gregorian chants :)
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