View Full Version : Fukushima Alert: SFP #4 Cooling System Failed! Update 6/30/12

30th June 2012, 03:08 PM
Published on Jun 30, 2012 by MsMilkytheclown
[Reactor4] Coolant system of SFP4 stopped. Tepco is still investigating the cause.
Published on Jun 30, 2012 by NibiruMagick2012

Around 6:24 of 6/30/2012, alarm was given for the system trouble in the coolant system of SFP4. Coolant system of SFP4 was automatically stopped. No water leakage was confirmed.
The water temperature of the SFP4 was 31℃ when the coolant system was stopped. Tepco estimates it's raised at 0.486℃ /h. Currently Tepco is investigating what stopped the coolant system. Tepco will update by email when they obtain further information.
Received at 8:19.


spent fuel pool, as you probably know, has been under demolition for the last few days. I hope they get it fixed ASAP or we will have a real "problem" in the world. Keep your geiger counters on and please report any peaks in radioactivity.
Thank you to nibirumagick2012 for the report.

3rd July 2012, 03:18 PM
Interview w/Yoichi Shimatsu "REACTOR 4 WENT DOWN, MASSIVE COVER UP!"

Published on Jul 3, 2012 by OURpage0o
Interview with Yoichi Shimatsu - A Free Lance Journalist Based in Hong Kong.
It is worth a watch/listen and read.

I have problems with Rense, and sometimes Yoichi Shimatsu makes mistakes. However, this video is from rense.com. It sounds plausable. If it's true we've all been screwed yet again! What do you think? De ja vu ૅ.ે
Here is the article that goes with it: