View Full Version : Exclusive: Undercover Reporter Infiltrates Security Firm to Expose London Olympics

General of Darkness
2nd July 2012, 07:23 AM
This is very very interesting.



2nd July 2012, 07:34 AM

2nd July 2012, 08:11 AM
Summary in text.

June 27, 2012

PLEASE share this article with your friends and throughout the numerous social media outlets. This story is being suppressed throughout the mainstream media and it is up to us to break this blackout!
Note: The original YouTube video was first marked to private and now is unlisted. We will soon be re publishing the interview onto YouTube and will put the video in this article. Stay tuned.

Thankfully there are at least two other places that you can listen to it, here and here.

During an episode of BCFM’s Friday Drivetime host Tony Gosling interviewed an apparent undercover journalist who appeared on the show under the psudonym, “Lee Hazledean” and exposed a wide array of stunning facts in regards to the security run up to the 2012 London Olympics.

The whistleblower, who claimed to be a well known journalist for a London TV Show, revealed that he had infiltrated the notorious private security company G4S which is currently running security in the lead up to the Olympics.

Some of the more stunning accusations made include lax security procedures that have possibly left the Olympics open to a terror attack, a plan for the full scale evacuation of the entire city of London, and the purchase of 200,000 casket linings that are currently on standby.

Hazledean also claimed that G4S employees consider the public scum of the earth and routinely brag that they are above police control.

“In fact, I was asked to be a would-be terrorist on the final training day and I was given a knife, a gun and an IED, and on all three occasions throughout the day I got through the metal detector and I also got through the x-ray machine scanner,”
During his training he was asked to carry weapons through screening and was able to get them all past security on every occasion.

Tony Gosling put together a huge description for the interview which can be read below:

The 2012 London olympics start in 4 weeks time. Exclusive interview with investigative journalist Lee Hazledean who is training undercover as a security guard for the London olympics with private security firm G4S. Lee is a filmmaker and investigative TV journalist. He has also been involved in major stories on the IRA and how British Army infiltrated the organisation and carried out false flag operations. He has managed to get undercover as part of the security team at the 2012 Olympics with G4S.

He has found there is a media black out on all major news outlets to do with the Olympics unless the story is broken in a news paper or foreign news agency it’s unlikely to see the light of day. Security training and officers are so appaling that the safety and security of the London 2012 Olympics are in jeopardy.

A few example’s: The security training is woefully inadequate run by a training company called Contemporary International. Lee has been assigned to work in a PSA (Pedestrian Screening Area) the main security for the stadiums. During an exercise he was asked to pose as a would-be terrorist and managed to get knives, guns and IED’s through security screening on every occasion and every exercise.

The X-Ray operators have only two days of training, they aren’t trained properly and miss the most obvious prohibited items gun’s, knives, IED’s, ammunition etc. Bag and physical searchers again are missing dangerous weapons, trainees can’t use vital security equipment like the HHMD (Hand Held Metal detectors) they can’t even communicate properly with the public on a basic level.

Worryingly the ‘Rapiscan’ walk through metal detectors don’t work properly and aren’t sensitive enough to pick up large knives, ammunition and other metallic threats. He was told that they would be set to go off only after 50 people have walked through to limit queuing time and to get spectators into the venue. So a Terrorist if they basically queued up would probably get through wearing a suicide vest.

G4S are dragging the job centres to recruit the long term unemployed for security officers regardless of how suitable they are for the role. In classes there are drug deals going down, people can’t speak any English whatsoever and others who find people with disabilities offensive and are constantly making disabled jokes. People with no security experience are being rushed through training for their SIA licenses.

People who haven’t even completed their SIA licenses yet are being picked to be Team Leaders over highly trained security officers, ex soldiers and ex police. Being a team leader is an important role as the first and last line of defence. Lee is concerned that weapons or worse will be getting into the games.

However, what’s more disturbing is that uniforms are already going missing or being stolen from the uniform distribution centre/training facility. The training facility is an accurate mock-up of the actual security measures at the Olympic venues.

Lee has witnessed several people taking photos on their mobile phones in the training facility and whilst they have been a few people caught by trainers most aren’t noticed. Even when they are caught they are just told to delete the photos and they continue on the training. We know that terrorists take surveillance photos to gain intelligence.

Contemporary International claim that they have mobile phone ‘jammers’ in the facility, however trainers admitted to Lee that there were no ‘jammers’ at all, it was a verbal deterrent. The training facility is a non sporting Olympic venue and a terrorist target. Therefore G4S can’t even secure a school let alone the Olympic Venues.

Also there are plans for the evacuation of London, G4S are going to be at the forefront, as well as 100,000 troops coming in via Woolwich barracks made up of regular British Forces, American regular army and European troops.

Lee was not told why there would be any need for an evacuation of the whole of London, they just said it was to be a “defining moment in the history of London”. This could just be a precaution but the public should be made aware of the foreign invasion which is taking place right now.

The troops are being held across London in various barracks once they’ve been through Woolwich. Lee also had this information confirmed by an army doctor who was shocked at all the foreign troops coming into London. There is also a shipment of what are being described as casket linings, each casket can hold four or five people and 200,000 casket linings have been delivered we believe from America.

This could all be precautionary in the event of a major terrorist attack. Also we were shown videos of drones attacking targets in Afghanistan and were told that drones will be patrolling the sky’s over London during the Olympics carrying out surveillance and search and destroy missions if necessary.

Lee believes there is something fundamentally wrong with how the security for the Olympics is being implemented by G4S. With exactly 4 weeks to go until the games Lee feels he needs to expose the inadequate security in place in the hope that it can be improved so that the London 2012 Olympics can be a safe environment for spectators and Athletes alike, and not a cause for national and international embarrassment for Great Britain.
Perhaps the most startling points made in the over 40 minute long interview is the fact that at the same time that G4s is running completely lax security procedures, at least 100,000 military troops, including American and other European nations on top of Great Britain, are there and the plans for an evacuation have been put on the table.

“A lot of UN troops being posted in and around London,”
How Hazledean found out about the plans for an evacuation was absolutely stunning as he literally claimed that most of the time in training was spent on the evacuation plans rather than the Olympics themselves!

“The security guards used for the Olympics will be at the forefront of getting the public out of London.”

“They seem quite serious about it, they’ve spent a lot of time on this.”
On top of that, the whistleblower claimed that security uniforms are openly going missing which could easily be used by either real terrorists or, more likely, by rogue western intelligence agents bent on carrying out a false flag to bring in a full scale world government style police state.

“They’re not training them properly…it’s quite open to a terrorist attack very easily and I don’t say that lightly,”
It was also claimed that employees of G4S have also been filmed taking pictures of secure areas and were just verbally reprimanded rather than further interrogated as to why they are taking pictures in a known secure area.

These revelations correlate with claims throughout the last year that a major false flag will take place sometime during the 2012 London Olympics.

Whether or not this actually happens remains to be seen (as of now there is no way to even confirm what was said by the whistleblower) but just based on the interview above honest police and security agencies that aren’t actually planning this attack should be working like sixty to figure out what is actually going on.


3rd July 2012, 09:54 AM
This is just a PR Cheerleader piece for TPTB. Blah blah blah about lax security policies and crappy training, leaving the olympics "open to a terrorist attack".

I personally assume that there will be a PTB sponsored FF attack. I have no doubts. In fact, I will be damned surprised if they don't carry one out.

This is cointelpro imo.

3rd July 2012, 10:40 AM
This is just a PR Cheerleader piece for TPTB. Blah blah blah about lax security policies and crappy training, leaving the olympics "open to a terrorist attack".

I personally assume that there will be a PTB sponsored FF attack. I have no doubts. In fact, I will be damned surprised if they don't carry one out.

This is cointelpro imo.

I would agree, the exception being that he said they spent more time training for the evacuation of London than actual security procedure.
Odd at the least.

3rd July 2012, 11:02 AM
I would assume that the reason for that is because the FF event will be a nuke, so evacuation will be the only option.

3rd July 2012, 11:58 AM

Im FORCED to buy healthcare!


3rd July 2012, 12:07 PM
I would assume that the reason for that is because the FF event will be a nuke, so evacuation will be the only option.

No doubt, an event like that would destroy the EU and collapse the economies of Europe. So what's the "solution" after this happens?

3rd July 2012, 12:20 PM
find out where the royal family will be. if they're going to be around, nothing will happen.