View Full Version : What do you make of this?

2nd July 2012, 01:59 PM
An engineer attached to AE911truth has started showing up at our weekly breakfast meetings. This weekend he showed up with a document title, "Dakota Report". Now, heres what he said, " an envelope was delivered to AE911truth in May and for some reason it wasn't till last week that it was opened. Here is part of what they found. Forgive me. I'm not very computer literate and it was sent to my mac from a pc in 2 large pdf files. Frustratingly much later and talking to my Mac buddy (expert) and sending him the files that could be made up small enough to load onto this forum. Unfortunately, the pages were scanned in and there wasn't much he could suggest. The font was really small scanned in. Anyways, I kinda figured some of it out and bare with me and my archaic way of doing it. It should be readable. If there is further interest, I'll convert the other half. The second half includes operations undergoing right now and their terms for coming out as well as the last of the air swap shit...........

2nd July 2012, 02:01 PM
Next bunch............

2nd July 2012, 02:02 PM

2nd July 2012, 02:03 PM

2nd July 2012, 02:04 PM
and the last of pt.1.........

2nd July 2012, 02:19 PM
That first half is interesting if there is validity behind it. Do you know if it is up on AE911truth? This might save you the trouble of posting. Or is this something that is being shelved from public view?

2nd July 2012, 02:31 PM
That first half is interesting if there is validity behind it. Do you know if it is up on AE911truth? This might save you the trouble of posting. Or is this something that is being shelved from public view?

The last part explains their (writers motivation). All I can attest to is the validity of the engineer who gave it to me. He's from AE911truth and was here a couple months ago when Richard Gage did his presentation on "Explosive Evidence". The envelope was delivered to their (AE) office and as the engineer friend of ours said of the seceratary, "she must have been on a off week", then it sat on Richard's desk for a couple more (he supposedly doesn't read that much and his desk is piled with shit). So when a couple of staff opened it and read through it they didn't quite know what to think and sent it out. The second half talks about who they (the authors) sent this copy to and what they plan to do with it (exposing it publicly). Thats all I know for now. It's not posted as of yet (or ever will be). AE deals with the truth they can prove. This (at this time) is not verifiable at this time because the authors choose to remain hidden till a deal can be struck. The deal is outlined in the second part. If your interested I'll start pt.2, it'll take me a bit though...............

2nd July 2012, 03:06 PM
Here's the rest of it. Was bored and this has got the good stuff in it.......

2nd July 2012, 03:07 PM

2nd July 2012, 03:08 PM

2nd July 2012, 03:09 PM
whistle while you load..........

2nd July 2012, 03:10 PM
couple more left............

2nd July 2012, 03:11 PM
And finally the proposal..........

Thats it, have at er'

8th July 2012, 12:52 PM
WOW. i guess reading this makes us category 2 individuals?? where the hell is Wide Awake Airfield Ascension Island??

what about Black Star???


8th July 2012, 01:01 PM
WOW. i guess reading this makes us category 2 individuals?? where the hell is Wide Awake Airfield Ascension Island??

what about Black Star???


7°58'6.56"S 14°23'41.15"W Copy and paste into google search.

