View Full Version : The Rig Is Up....Jim Sinclair

4th July 2012, 03:31 AM
The Rig Is Up
July 3, 2012, at 5:16 pm
by Jim Sinclair in the category General Editorial | Print This Post | Email This Post

My Dear Friends,

Gold will go to and above $3500. This is the most important message I have sent you since 2001.

There are very few of us dynamic thinkers that see everything as a trend constantly in motion. Anyone can be a static thinker, quoting recent economic figures or news headline (MSM), and coming up with a usually wrong opinion.

The change today is that the "Rig Is Up."

The Bank of England turning their backs on Barclays, the company who did their bidding, will be the event in time marking the trend change.

Many of us in our areas of activity will successfully fight the Riggers. The many complaints that so many of you kindly sent in to fight manipulation released the Kraken in me.

The Kraken is back in its cage where it belongs. The paper trail is there. The worm has turned. Even more importantly is that this fight in the $1540 gold price area was not for regaining the old high in gold. The six attempts to kill gold, supported by some gold writers looking for favors from the riggers was a now failed attempt to keep gold from trading above $3500.

The battle to stop gold has been lost.

The start, like all starts towards the old high and well above, should be slow with more unfolding drama. It will build on itself but gold will trade at and above $3500. I am now as certain of this as I was over ten years ago when I told you gold was headed for $1650. I knew that as fact and to me from $248 gold was trading at $1650.

My job now is to define gold’s full valuation for you when it occurs. The timing is no less than one year from now to a maximum of three years from now. I believe I will be able to do that for you.

This is the most important message I have written you since early in 2001. I write this with total intellectual and spiritual certainty.



5th July 2012, 08:43 PM
I have this urge for a mini-rant on Sinclair's "intellectual and spiritual certainty" anti-rigging/lawsuit strategy against stock manipulators, starting with:

5th July 2012, 09:18 PM
Why don't I believe this anymore? Has this guy been right at all about anything lately?

6th July 2012, 12:02 AM
The question: Why does somebody WANT me to see this message now, at this time?

6th July 2012, 12:58 AM
What is so odious about someone advising people to buy physical gold?

6th July 2012, 03:56 AM
What is so odious about someone advising people to buy physical gold?

Because Her Seligman is controlled opposition.

6th July 2012, 04:52 AM
Rubbish Ive followed Sinclair for years and he has carried many gold bugs through the hard times.
Who ever he maybe ect ect I like the guy and his honesty.

Sinclair has been respected on this forum for years and now because some people have some grief with him dosnt mean we shouldn't hear what he says.

Sinclair has helped keep me sane( ) in dealing with the gold market and he always said it was going to 1650 for a long time and nobody else did.

Now gold has gone up we can start bashing Sinclair because of his family history and he probably is a spoiled brat but at the same time I believe him to be a genuine person.

So every time from now on if I publish a Sinclair article its to get bashed...............

A broad range of understanding is important and its the message as Ive always said thats important.

6th July 2012, 05:33 AM
Since I have learned about the intrinsic value of PM's, which was merely back in 2007, I have been hearing this kind of shit every 3 months for the last 5 years.

It seems like avery quarter some "goldbug" releases another article stating that PM's will shoot to the moon "by the end of this year" or whatever.

I have heard of $3000 gold, $5000 gold, some have even said $10,000 gold. Spare me. Silver got to $49.99, and the cabal supressed it. Now after holding at $33 for a while, we are down to the high 20's, and I know the shit is worth $80 imo. It's all so rigged, and when jews write articles like this it just starts to grate on my nerves.


6th July 2012, 06:43 AM
i continue buying silver, but it makes no sense to me anymore. maybe it suppressed, but with every person in the money world talking about what a steal it is and how it's going to $100 or whatever, you'd think it would be higher than $27. it's as if everyone is talking about how undervalued & awesome ferarris are, but you could buy one for $10,000. if it's so awesome and undervalued, why doesn't one billionaire just buy a shitload of it?

6th July 2012, 06:49 AM
i continue buying silver, but it makes no sense to me anymore. maybe it suppressed, but with every person in the money world talking about what a steal it is and how it's going to $100 or whatever, you'd think it would be higher than $27. it's as if everyone is talking about how undervalued & awesome ferarris are, but you could buy one for $10,000. if it's so awesome and undervalued, why doesn't one billionaire just buy a shitload of it?

They did... they called 'em the Hunt Brothers.

6th July 2012, 06:51 AM
They did... they called 'em the Hunt Brothers.

the hunts bought contracts and were taking delivery though. i'm talking about somebody just calling up tulving, apmex, monarch, provident, all of it and just clearing them all out, no paper games that they can change the rules on like volker did with the hunts. why doesn't someone just clear out physical inventory if it's so undervalued?

6th July 2012, 07:04 AM
Good question Chad.

6th July 2012, 07:09 AM
the hunts bought contracts and were taking delivery though. i'm talking about somebody just calling up tulving, apmex, monarch, provident, all of it and just clearing them all out, no paper games that they can change the rules on like volker did with the hunts. why doesn't someone just clear out physical inventory if it's so undervalued?

Allow me to wax biblical....

Ezekiel 7:19

They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

6th July 2012, 07:16 AM
yeah, but we're not they're yet ezekiel wise.

it is the question no one will ever answer for me. i've even emailed a few of them, no answer. if silver is so undervalued, why not just take physical delivery of large sums of it? why not just do it?

6th July 2012, 08:55 AM
... if silver is so undervalued, why not just take physical delivery of large sums of it? why not just do it?

"The coming of the lawless one[s] is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who are perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

The ignorance of PMs is only a tiny part of the 'strong delusion'.

Hatha Sunahara
6th July 2012, 09:01 AM
The price of silver and gold is held hostage to the 'paper silver' and 'paper gold'. There are unlimited quantities of this paper metal. Paper gold and silver are the 'naked shorts' that the big banks sell. There is no silver or gold behind it. Just a promise to deliver, or pay in cash. The volume of these paper forms of the metals is many multiples of the volume of physical gold or silver being traded. So the price of silver is determined by these paper transactions, not by the transactions of the real metal. There is a game being played with the price. The big banks have to suppress the price of PMs to prop up the dollar, which is sinking in value. They do that by selling whatever quantity it takes to keep the price down. So the market is full of paper, and the price of the actual metal follows the price of the paper, because it is the paper supply (infinite) that outstrips the demand for physical.

Sinclair describes this game, but it is complex, and only a handful of people understand what is going on. He is telling us now that the big banks are going to have their day of reckoning with their paper obligations. They are running a ponzi scheme with paper gold and silver. When this Ponzi scheme becomes apparent, the people who bought the paper metal will want to redeem in physical, but will be offered cash. When they refuse the cash, or when the investors catch on to this Ponzi scheme, the big banks will not be able to sell paper metal any longer and the price of physical will be determined by the supply and demand of the physical metal, not the paper metal.

What Sinclair is telling us is that we are close to this point. He has a wealth of understanding of what is going on. He doesn't control the markets. He only watches and reports. His advice to buy physical metal invites you to buy and hold, which is to wait out the outcome of this reckless game being played by the banks. He sees opportunity in the springing back of the real metal price. I see it too. So those whose faith is weak, please hold your nose and wait. If you own physical metal, you'll come out on top. You just have to wait it out.


old steel
6th July 2012, 10:08 AM
Allow me to wax biblical....

Ezekiel 7:19

What about the stumbling block of fractional reserve central banking and paper money?

Guess those prophets back then weren't really prophets or they would have warned us about the real dangerous stumbling blocks used to control everyone as slaves.

6th July 2012, 10:20 AM
What about the stumbling block of fractional reserve central banking and paper money?

Guess those prophets back then weren't really prophets or they would have warned us about the real dangerous stumbling blocks used to control everyone as slaves.

I'm no apologist, but there's this:

Proverbs 11:1

A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is his delight.

And of course, the only time that Jesus ever really got violent was in condemnation of the moneychangers.

Funny enough, the Bible doesn't have too much to say about automobiles or the Internet either. ;D

6th July 2012, 12:47 PM
Guess those prophets back then weren't really prophets or they would have warned us about the real dangerous stumbling blocks used to control everyone as slaves.

Even if they had been blatant about it, most won't heed [listen]. You'd think the Israelites that left Egypt would have been able to appreciate what they had seen with their own eyes, but one in a million [estimate] of them made it into Canaan.


old steel
6th July 2012, 01:05 PM
Sorry but the whole Jewish fairy tales bible thing is something i don't subscribe to.

6th July 2012, 02:50 PM
Sorry but the whole Jewish fairy tales bible thing is something i don't subscribe to.

Me either.

That said, the Bible is still a book that is quite important to mankind, as it is by leaps and bounds the most printed book on Earth.

There are some real gems of wisdom in the Bible if you wade through the horseshit.

6th July 2012, 03:41 PM
Me either.

That said, the Bible is still a book that is quite important to mankind, as it is by leaps and bounds the most printed book on Earth.

There are some real gems of wisdom in the Bible if you wade through the horseshit.

there are a lot of factors for Bible scholars to deal with.

how does the Bible maintain accuracy of Transcription - and Translation - after many many generations have gone by ?

how to protect those with the task of writing the most accurate version possible, from nefarious influences who wish to censor parts of the Bible they don't like ?

as far as i know, KJV (KJV 1610 ?) is a good version.

did they have paper in 30 AD or 100 AD to write on ?

6th July 2012, 03:41 PM
Please refrain from smearing the inspired word of God even if passed on via oral tradition of politically motivated King James and other humans over centuries.

It's the only Book whose precepts, poetry, prophecy and more some of us trust.

Deliberately offending sincere, struggling, ridiculed all over this place Christians on this thread/forum is not required in order to make a point of one's disbelief in what others hold sacred.

Thank you.



Vellum has been the media of choice for many centuries' of scribes. I have a goatskin relic I treasure, containing illuminated script, and bars of early musical notation.


6th July 2012, 03:47 PM
somebody answer my fucking question :D

6th July 2012, 03:55 PM
Please refrain from smearing the inspired word of God even if passed on via oral tradition of politically motivated King James and other humans over centuries.

It's the only Book whose precepts, poetry, prophecy and more some of us trust.

Deliberately offending sincere, struggling, ridiculed all over this place Christians on this thread/forum is not required in order to make a point of one's disbelief in what others hold sacred.

Thank you.



Vellum has been the media of choice for many centuries' of scribes. I have a goatskin relic I treasure, containing illuminated script, and bars of early musical notation.


Forgive me beefsteak. I do not mean to offend, but my point was in part that the Bible itself can offend, and I cannot endorse all of it (including but not limited to: impregnating one's daughters à la Lot, or forcing a raped woman to marry her attacker).

And gunny, if you really wanna know the Bible, the translations are not superior to the original.

mick silver
6th July 2012, 04:00 PM
chad i have wonder the same thing myself . if i had billion why not buy gold an silver

6th July 2012, 07:07 PM
somebody answer my fucking question :DI just want to see if you have me on ignore. I will say it again, they are deluded.

6th July 2012, 07:12 PM
I just want to see if you have me on ignore. I will say it again, they are deluded.

i don't have you on ignore.

6th July 2012, 07:25 PM
How does the Bible maintain accuracy of Transcription - and Translation - after many many generations have gone by? How to protect those with the task of writing the most accurate version possible, from nefarious influences who wish to censor parts of the Bible they don't like ?

All "versions" have errors, having been translated by men. That is why the Holy Spirit was promised - to guide us into all truth. It is a self-authenticating text.



6th July 2012, 07:49 PM
Hmm, how did a thread about gold turn into fighting over imaginary friends?

GOLD I can believe in.

6th July 2012, 09:03 PM
Hmm, how did a thread about gold turn into fighting over imaginary friends?

Thanks, drafter...your post actually made me laugh....

you nailed it...Sinclair is an Imaginary friend ... in elitist spades. Ayup, you nailed it!


6th July 2012, 09:31 PM
You guys are interesting to read late on a Friday night. Which reminds me... time to let the dogs out to shit before going to bed.

6th July 2012, 09:53 PM
let me take a swing at that rhetorical Q of yours, k? Several "reasons" come to mind as to why not.

1) Can't buy gonzo amounts if one is a billionaire...it raises the price one oneself. HOWEVER, Bass of the University of Texas endowment fund did...and took delivery...made headlines...not exactly a stealth move.

2) Gonzo amounts are only available in "individual odd lots"....that is unless one can help topple a Ghadaffi, or a Chavez and haul it off soon thereafter. Some individuals and nations ARE trying by buying physical gold production at the mine portal so to speak...Eric Sprott I believe has spoken to that reality.

3) Can't make money with gonzo gold until it is sold. Profit taking/Selling gonzo amounts would drive prices down on oneself.

4) Storage issues, lost opportunity costs, transportation, security of....

5) What geographical Political persuasion is your hypothetical billionaire? Western?

6) Short of clocking some adversary with a 400t/o good delivery bar, what good is it to a billionaire? Owning gold isn't much fun if you have other power plays to amuse yourself, while forking over huge chunks of wealth.

Look at the grief poor little old Oprah has gotten herself into, buying her Daddy's $475,000 barbershop in foreclosure.

7) Can't cloak buying footprint, nor selling footprint if one is a billionaire.

8 ) Charlie Munger won't come to your birthday bash if word gets out you bought Gold.

Need more responses? Yours truly could noodle s'more about it and come up with others I s'pose.....


6th July 2012, 10:32 PM
Since I have learned about the intrinsic value of PM's, which was merely back in 2007, I have been hearing this kind of shit every 3 months for the last 5 years.

It seems like avery quarter some "goldbug" releases another article stating that PM's will shoot to the moon "by the end of this year" or whatever.

I have heard of $3000 gold, $5000 gold, some have even said $10,000 gold. Spare me. Silver got to $49.99, and the cabal supressed it. Now after holding at $33 for a while, we are down to the high 20's, and I know the shit is worth $80 imo. It's all so rigged, and when jews write articles like this it just starts to grate on my nerves.



7th July 2012, 09:24 AM
let me take a swing at that rhetorical Q of yours, k? Several "reasons" come to mind as to why not.

1) Can't buy gonzo amounts if one is a billionaire...it raises the price one oneself. HOWEVER, Bass of the University of Texas endowment fund did...and took delivery...made headlines...not exactly a stealth move.

2) Gonzo amounts are only available in "individual odd lots"....that is unless one can help topple a Ghadaffi, or a Chavez and haul it off soon thereafter. Some individuals and nations ARE trying by buying physical gold production at the mine portal so to speak...Eric Sprott I believe has spoken to that reality.

3) Can't make money with gonzo gold until it is sold. Profit taking/Selling gonzo amounts would drive prices down on oneself.

4) Storage issues, lost opportunity costs, transportation, security of....

5) What geographical Political persuasion is your hypothetical billionaire? Western?

6) Short of clocking some adversary with a 400t/o good delivery bar, what good is it to a billionaire? Owning gold isn't much fun if you have other power plays to amuse yourself, while forking over huge chunks of wealth.

Look at the grief poor little old Oprah has gotten herself into, buying her Daddy's $475,000 barbershop in foreclosure.

7) Can't cloak buying footprint, nor selling footprint if one is a billionaire.

8 ) Charlie Munger won't come to your birthday bash if word gets out you bought Gold.

Need more responses? Yours truly could noodle s'more about it and come up with others I s'pose.....


thanks beef, good observations.

7th July 2012, 01:19 PM
the hunts bought contracts and were taking delivery though. i'm talking about somebody just calling up tulving, apmex, monarch, provident, all of it and just clearing them all out, no paper games that they can change the rules on like volker did with the hunts. why doesn't someone just clear out physical inventory if it's so undervalued?

i tried that once, just by loading up my shopping cart and loading it with all available inventory.

1 ounce gold rounds (Eagles, Maple Leafs, Krugs), 10 ounce bars, kilo bars, etc.

at APMex.

it only came to about $10 Million.

granted i didn't put every variety of gold in the shopping cart.

it's a fun exercise anyway. it sure gets the APMex chat check out clerk excited.

9th July 2012, 06:38 AM
somebody answer my fucking question :D

Why don't you Email Sinclair and Celente and those guys with that question. Or Donald Trump for that matter. I'm not being a jerk, I am being serious.

9th July 2012, 06:43 AM
Why don't you Email Sinclair and Celente and those guys with that question. Or Donald Trump for that matter. I'm not being a jerk, I am being serious.



will let you guys know if i hear anything back.

9th July 2012, 06:46 AM
Awesome Chad. Thanks!

9th July 2012, 05:26 PM
Sorry but the whole Jewish fairy tales bible thing is something i don't subscribe to.

What is jewish about the Bible?

9th July 2012, 05:40 PM
What is jewish about the Bible?

For starters, the Old Testament. Then, there is the issue of the protagonist, an alleged 'King of the Jews' and the meme of the Jews being the 'chosen people'. Then, there are the various Israeili flags I see hanging from at least three churches in the area, and I even saw one hanging from a residence.

What's even more pathetic is that so many Europeans fell for this kosher baloney and became fanatics, like the accursed Constantine among others. Those that did not were eventually converted at the point of a sword, as were my ancestors.

In passing, those that, in order to defend Xtheism, conflate its trappings that have been commingled with various cultures over the centuries with the religion itself are not fooling everyone.

9th July 2012, 06:05 PM
For starters, the Old Testament. Then, there is the issue of the protagonist, an alleged 'King of the Jews' and the meme of the Jews being the 'chosen people'. Then, there are the various Israeili flags I see hanging from at least three churches in the area, and I even saw one hanging from a residence.

What's even more pathetic is that so many Europeans fell for this kosher baloney and became fanatics, like the accursed Constantine among others. Those that did not were eventually converted at the point of a sword, as were my ancestors.

In passing, those that, in order to defend Xtheism, conflate its trappings that have been commingled with various cultures over the centuries with the religion itself are not fooling everyone.

Go address 2 threads in the religion section

1) 50 Bible Reasons Why The Jews Are Not Israel

2) The Identity Challenge

Your knowledge of your Bible is that of a typical judeo, as in not very good.

10th July 2012, 01:12 PM
The word "jew" is not even IN the bible until the book of Esther, which is the 19th book of the OT.

See my posts in this thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?60222-Good-Friday-The-day-the-Jews-killed-God&p=531034&viewfull=1#post531034)

10th July 2012, 03:21 PM
I'm still waiting............

I used to think the people known as jews today were the same people as the Israelites of the OT. Keyword of course being "used to", and I have proven this to be the biggest lie ever told. Nobody so far that I have pressed on this issue can disprove that, including members on this forum yet Fenris will make this comment and gonzo will thank him about something which I have PROVEN to be a lie.


10th July 2012, 06:07 PM
I'm still waiting............

I don't give a dead rat's dying shit about those threads, that accursed tome, nor your patience.

10th July 2012, 06:24 PM

10th July 2012, 06:29 PM
The word "jew" is not even IN the bible until the book of Esther,

If you recently used Google to search for the word “Jew,” you may have seen results that were very disturbing. We assure you that the views expressed by the sites in your results are not in any way endorsed by Google. We’d like to explain why you’re seeing these results when you conduct this search.
A site’s ranking in Google’s search results relies heavily on computer algorithms using thousands of factors to calculate a page’s relevance to a given query. Sometimes subtleties of language cause anomalies to appear that cannot be predicted. A search for “Jew” brings up one such unexpected result.
If you use Google to search for “Judaism,” “Jewish” or “Jewish people,” the results are informative and relevant. So why is a search for “Jew” different? One reason is that the word “Jew” is often used in an anti-Semitic context. Jewish organizations are more likely to use the word “Jewish” when talking about members of their faith. The word has become somewhat charged linguistically, as noted on websites devoted to Jewish topics such as these:


Are the Hindu mentioned?

10th July 2012, 06:34 PM


10th July 2012, 06:34 PM
I'm still waiting............

I used to think the people known as jews today were the same people as the Israelites of the OT. Keyword of course being "used to", and I have proven this to be the biggest lie ever told. Nobody so far that I have pressed on this issue can disprove that, including members on this forum yet Fenris will make this comment and gonzo will thank him about something which I have PROVEN to be a lie.


Sometimes I thank a post because I agree with certain portions or aspects of it.

Correct, modern day khazars are not the hebrews of yore.

However, most christians today are drinking lots and lots of khazar jew koolaid.

Christianity is a good deal of the reason why the white aryan man is not in the place he once was...


Not in my book.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
10th July 2012, 06:37 PM
My guess is the people in positions to purchase that much silver don't want to purchase that much silver as it would expose a system that allows them to run abated on a path of avarice. It'd be like killing the golden goose.

Most of your prominent financial analysts are nothing more than masters of misdirection. Jim Sinclair included.

10th July 2012, 07:41 PM
My guess is the people in positions to purchase that much silver don't want to purchase that much silver as it would expose a system that allows them to run abated on a path of avarice. It'd be like killing the golden goose.

One would expect a 'tragedy of the commons' scenario to eventually come about; that is why cartels eventually crumble.

10th July 2012, 07:56 PM
I don't give a dead rat's dying shit about those threads, that accursed tome, nor your patience.

Meaning "yeah Lucky, intellectually I can't hang"

10th July 2012, 07:59 PM
Meaning "yeah Lucky, intellectually I can't hang"

I shall clarify: 'It does not please me to discuss anything with people who use strawman tactics, even while being facetious'

10th July 2012, 08:04 PM
I shall clarify: 'It does not please me to discuss anything with people who use strawman tactics, even while being facetious'

Meaning "anything to avoid having my arguments destroyed by you, I will avoid this topic at all costs"

11th July 2012, 04:07 AM
It's cool Lucky. Don't forget this is a thread on Silver rigging.

The fact that he will not discuss the truths that we know is flattering. The truth can not be argued with.

If anything, this demonstrates to me that Fenris is likely not a sock puppet. Any returning member on a mission would delve into the jew talk, in attempt to obfuscate and decieve.

11th July 2012, 04:55 AM
The fact that he will not discuss the truths that we know is flattering. The truth can not be argued with.

There is no such thing as the truth, or your truth, in this case as is typical, you are mistaken.

11th July 2012, 05:21 AM
There is no such thing as the truth, or your truth, in this case as is typical, you are mistaken.

Are you telling us the truth...?

11th July 2012, 05:23 AM
There is no such thing as the truth, or your truth, in this case as is typical, you are mistaken.

Refute my research on the synagogue of satan. Don't just sit there and talk shit. Show me where I am wrong.

11th July 2012, 04:34 PM
Don't just sit there and talk shit. Show me where I am wrong.

In truth, I did show you where you were wrong.

With regards to "jews in the bible" (which was being discussed) you finished the discussion with post #43 of this thread.

12th July 2012, 05:12 AM
I hardly finished the discussion. I linked you to info/posts that I am not willing to re-type.

If I were to reiterate the plethora of information I have posted on the "jews" (and those who say they are, but are not) and the tribes of Israel, and the 5th column, and the BLT's, and jewish freemasonic communism, and everything related: It would take me thousands and thousands of posts.

Where am I wrong, regarding the "jewish" conspiracy?

12th July 2012, 05:31 AM
Where am I wrong, regarding the "jewish" conspiracy?

In supposing that your conspiracy replaces truth of a jewish bible.

12th July 2012, 05:43 AM
When did I say that?
What are you talking about when you say "the jewish bible"? The Torah? The Talmud?

12th July 2012, 05:52 AM
When did I say that?
What are you talking about when you say "the jewish bible"? The Torah? The Talmud?

The hebrew bible is called the Tanakh. The Torah is just the first five books. The Tanakh is the old testament. The Talmud is a "mixtape" of sneaky rabbis over hundreds of years, discussing and debating reams of minutia of jewish law... a multi-century exercise of sophistry.

The Talmud is the embodiment of the current mind of world jewry. It is a reflection of their soul.

As far as Horn goes, I think he's just bein' regular ol' horny Horn.


12th July 2012, 06:09 AM
The (Jewish) Tanakh is the old testament.

This is what I'm talking about.

What are we talking about?

12th July 2012, 06:26 AM
I'm still waiting............

I used to think the people known as jews today were the same people as the Israelites of the OT. Keyword of course being "used to", and I have proven this to be the biggest lie ever told. Nobody so far that I have pressed on this issue can disprove that, including members on this forum yet Fenris will make this comment and gonzo will thank him about something which I have PROVEN to be a lie.


Maybe I should be speaking with this guy?

Of course they aren't the same people... nobody lives 2000 plus years.

Who would want to disprove the obviousness of mortal men?

12th July 2012, 06:40 AM
Maybe I should be speaking with this guy?

Of course they aren't the same people... nobody lives 2000 plus years.

Who would want to disprove the obviousness of mortal men?


12th July 2012, 06:50 AM


Some believe that Methuselah's extreme age is the result of an ancient mistranslation that converted "months" to "years", producing a more credible 969 lunar months, or 78½ years,[13] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methuselah#cite_note-12) but the same calculation applied to Enoch would have him fathering Methuselah at the age of 5[14] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methuselah#cite_note-13) using numbers from the Masoretic Text. Another commentator[15] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methuselah#cite_note-14) suggested that the Genesis 5 numbers "might for convenience have all been multiples of 5 or 10". If the Septuagint numbers are divided by 10, Enoch's 165 when he fathered his son would be 16½ years, and Methuselah's 969 when he died would be 96.9 years.

Is like the white guy who listens to wrap music & acts black.

Some might say he is blacker than black...

12th July 2012, 07:02 AM
The hebrew bible is called the Tanakh. The Torah is just the first five books. The Tanakh is the old testament. The Talmud is a "mixtape" of sneaky rabbis over hundreds of years, discussing and debating reams of minutia of jewish law... a multi-century exercise of sophistry.

The Talmud is the embodiment of the current mind of world jewry. It is a reflection of their soul.

As far as Horn goes, I think he's just bein' regular ol' horny Horn.


I know what the talmud is, but because it supercedes the Scriptures (In their opinion and practice) I refer to it as their bible.

This is what I'm talking about.

What are we talking about?

You are being cryptic. You accused me of being "mistaken as usual" when I was talking about how Fenris didn't want to engage Nordic on a discussion of the jewish question. I was talking about how Fenris was ignoring the truths that Nordic was posting.

There is no such thing as the truth, or your truth, in this case as is typical, you are mistaken.

So I call you out on that. How and where am I mistaken? Do you even have a clue what you're talking about?

12th July 2012, 07:08 AM
I know what the talmud is, but because it supercedes the Scriptures (In their opinion and practice) I refer to it as their bible.

In practice, this is pretty close to true. The Talmud is practically their 'bible'.

You are being cryptic. You accused me of being "mistaken as usual" when I was talking about how Fenris didn't want to engage Nordic on a discussion of the jewish question. I was talking about how Fenris was ignoring the truths that Nordic was posting.

I think the gist of it is that you are saying that the bible isn't jewish and Horn is saying it is.

So I call you out on that. How and where am I mistaken? Do you even have a clue what you're talking about?

Apparently, Horn is of the belief that the bible is jewish. I can certainly understand why he would think that way.

12th July 2012, 07:21 AM
So I call you out on that. How and where am I mistaken?

Awoke, You are not saying anything that could be mistaken, currently. Nothing at all.

When you say THE truth you are mistaken, as there is only Truth.

Now even if jews were infiltrated and are not the same jews of yesteryears they are still "jewish".

A resultant Bible (with its infiltrated OT) & their history in antiquity prior to only proves similar lineage traits, or taints as some might put it.

12th July 2012, 07:45 AM
I can appreciate that.

For the sake of clarity, please outline the difference between "truth" and "the truth".

12th July 2012, 08:02 AM
I can appreciate that.

For the sake of clarity, please outline the difference between "truth" and "the truth".

You can't escape Truth.

Methinks Horn is being a tad hypertigerian.

12th July 2012, 08:12 AM
I can appreciate that.

For the sake of clarity, please outline the difference between "truth" and "the truth".

Tough question, but there is a big difference.

Truth is, objective includes the entire gamut.

The truth, is an expression typically delivered from point of view which may or may not necessarily be true.

12th July 2012, 08:12 AM
You can't escape Truth.

Methinks Horn is being a tad hypertigerian.

Truth is, He caught me on that one & it stuck... :)

12th July 2012, 08:15 AM
Tough question, but there is a big difference.

Truth is, objective includes the entire gamut.

The truth, is an expression typically delivered from point of view which may or may not necessarily be true.

It doesn't happen often, but every now and then, Horn'll make a post that I well might have made myself, nearly verbatim.

12th July 2012, 08:28 AM
Truth is, objective includes the entire gamut.

The truth, is an expression typically delivered from point of view which may or may not necessarily be true.

Well Horn, afaic based on the studies I have committed to so far (and I am never done researching) I would say that "the truth" and "truth" are one-in-the-same, when people like Nordic speak on the khazar/jewish conspiracy.

12th July 2012, 08:43 AM
It doesn't happen often, but every now and then, Horn'll make a post that I well might have made myself, nearly verbatim.

Kentucky gene pool,

However fortunate, or unfortunate that might be...

12th July 2012, 08:50 AM
Kentucky gene pool,

However fortunate, or unfortunate that might be...

haha, do you too hail from the dark and bloody ground of the bluegrass?

12th July 2012, 08:50 AM
when people like Nordic speak on the khazar/jewish conspiracy.

Truth in that regard would still not deny the truth in past & present day jewish Babylonia.

So let it be, when it was written.

14th July 2012, 08:32 AM
somebody answer my fucking question :D

Maybe your answer is here:


there are four links in the fourth comment by FOFOA which I am reading know which provide a LOT of food for thought.

"You're a silverbug Jonathan, amirite? Silver medalist? Going for the silver in the big game are we? There can only be one winner. There are four separate links in there. Please come back and make your case for why it is a noble pursuit to go for second after reading them. ;D "