View Full Version : for people with dogs in the heat

4th July 2012, 09:15 AM
saw this on facebook, thought it might help enzo and the others.

take an ice cream bucket + fill with water and chicken or beef stock, then add carrots, treats, toys, etc. and freeze. the dogs can eat/play with it in the backyard to keep from getting dehydrated/overheated.


4th July 2012, 09:16 AM
THAT's Cool, Chad. Thanks.

4th July 2012, 09:18 AM

General of Darkness
4th July 2012, 09:31 AM
EDIT - Keep in mind dogs don't sweat like we do to cool ourselves down. If you spray them with water under their entire body that really helps a lot.

Thanks Chad, but since we train over the summer in Bakersfield we'll have training up to 100 degree temps.

What I recommend is godog, it's like Gatorade for dogs.



This actually works pretty good, but like anything, if you keep your dogs cooler then it's a non issue. So being preemptive is the key.

I got this and used it on Enzo during obedience training, because it's usually a lot longer, and it worked like a charm. Keep in mind a black dog when they're in direct sunlight during the summer can have a coat temperature over 160 degrees. I put this on Enzo, sprayed it down with water and after the session he was cool under the Chilly Buddy, and was cooler than when I got him out of his crate.


4th July 2012, 09:41 AM
i hooked up a medium size solar panel to one of those coolers that are designed to run off the car battery.

makes a nice little "cool" cubby hole for the chickens, for when they are stuck in their coop.

i suppose the same thing can be done for dogs, but you would need a bigger cooler, or to take the guts from one cooler & transplant it to another enclosure.

4th July 2012, 04:23 PM
I was wondering how the ice block was going to deter dogs in heat. I know turning the hose on them can sort them out but chucking a 2 kilo block of ice at them might not be the best thing.

4th July 2012, 04:35 PM
Please say you 'saw' it here!! http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?48699-A-Dog-s-Anguish&p=542747#post542747 (post 6)

4th July 2012, 04:42 PM
I was wondering how the ice block was going to deter dogs in heat. I know turning the hose on them can sort them out but chucking a 2 kilo block of ice at them might not be the best thing.

Lol! My first thought when reading the title was not weather related....

4th July 2012, 05:06 PM
My dog just got bitten by a bee or wasp. Is there anything I can do to help him? It's on his back paw area, and he's limping around on 3 legs....

4th July 2012, 05:09 PM
My husband moved an old hay bale intending to toss it into the trailer, & he got bitten by something 4 times. I didn't see it, but he thinks there's a nest of them in the hay bale. What kind of biting insect, we're not sure. But dog decided to pee on it & was promptly stung, poor guy.

General of Darkness
4th July 2012, 05:16 PM
My dog just got bitten by a bee or wasp. Is there anything I can do to help him? It's on his back paw area, and he's limping around on 3 legs....

First off make sure that you've take the stinger out and then get some over the counter Benadrill (sp.) And depending on his weight you might give him 1/2 a tablet and put some ice on it.

4th July 2012, 05:21 PM
I can't tell where he got stung, other than his foot area, he's licking both top & bottom; so I can't really look for a stinger. Miniature schnauzer, so only 18 lbs.

4th July 2012, 05:26 PM
Please say you 'saw' it here!! http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?48699-A-Dog-s-Anguish&p=542747#post542747 (post 6)

holy smokes, i was upstaged!

4th July 2012, 05:26 PM
I can't tell where he got stung, other than his foot area, he's licking both top & bottom; so I can't really look for a stinger. Miniature schnauzer, so only 18 lbs.

If you can not see or find a stinger it probably was wasps that did the dirty deed! Not sure about wasp stings and also not sure if this 'Wife's tale" really works. But several places that I have worked, when someone was stung (bees) wet chewing tobacco was place on the sting site. Said to draw out the fire/poison.

Edit: Have not used myself, so can not say, but it is said to help.

4th July 2012, 05:30 PM
I've read meat tenderizer is good for stings, and I have a bunch of it. But I don't know that it would be good for him to lick it off?

4th July 2012, 05:35 PM
I've read meat tenderizer is good for stings, and I have a bunch of it. But I don't know that it would be good for him to lick it off?

Hell woman they eat anything we eat! I would think it would not hurt the dog. Maybe you can can put a paste on the sites and cover with cloth to keep pooch from licking right away? Sort of like a tourniquet but not tight?

4th July 2012, 05:55 PM

Just some general advice. He's trying to sleep now, I'll keep an eye on him for another 10-15 then head to the neighbor's BBQ.

4th July 2012, 06:03 PM
Lol! My first thought when reading the title was not weather related....



4th July 2012, 07:03 PM
If you still need it you can give 1mg per pound of Benadryl. I think they have a topical too. Good luck! Poor guy!

4th July 2012, 11:21 PM
For your bitten dog, you can try adding these calming drops to his water. It is basically an herbal tincture.

Might help him normalize. Reviews of this product are overwhelmingly positive.


5th July 2012, 09:25 AM
For your bitten dog, you can try adding these calming drops to his water. It is basically an herbal tincture.

Might help him normalize. Reviews of this product are overwhelmingly positive.


i have that stuff and it didn't seem to help my cats.

MN, i've read that applying a baking soda/water paste to a sting or mosquito bite helps. might try that nnext time. i keep childrens liquid benedryl in my pet first aid kit along with some metacam. (http://www.petcarerx.com/medications/guides/11708/metacam) the metacam is great for inflamation and pain. i like to have it for snake bites also.

5th July 2012, 11:13 AM
Hell woman they eat anything we eat!

Careful. Onions or Chocolate can kill a dog.

5th July 2012, 12:22 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSco8jGJBKs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S6VlG4shU8&feature=player_embedded#)


The embedded vid doesn't work and the link above takes me to something about obama's birth certificate.

MN, how is your dog?

5th July 2012, 12:33 PM
The embedded vid doesn't work and the link above takes me to something about obama's birth certificate.

MN, how is your dog?

It's fixed now.
