View Full Version : Justice for Joy - A sad aspartame story

General of Darkness
5th July 2012, 02:09 PM
This makes me sad and I'm sending it to everyone that will listen.


5th July 2012, 02:23 PM
I would rather be poor than make millions with this product

General of Darkness
5th July 2012, 02:35 PM
I would rather be poor than make millions with this product

Serpo, let's not forget Rumsfelds involvement.


General of Darkness
5th July 2012, 02:42 PM

Aspartame Side Effects

There are over 92 different health side effects associated with aspartame consumption (http://www.sweetpoison.com/articles/0706/aspartame_symptoms_submit.html). It seems surreal, but true. How can one chemical create such chaos?
Aspartame dissolves into solution and can therefore travel throughout the body and deposit within any tissue. The body digests aspartame unlike saccharin, which does not break down within humans.
The multitude of aspartame side effects are indicative to your genetic individuality and physical weaknesses. It is important to put two and two together, nonetheless, and identify which side effects aspartame is creating within you.
Aspartame Side Effects

The components of aspartame can lead to a number of health problems, as you have read. Side effects can occur gradually, can be immediate, or can be acute reactions.

Aspartame Information:


Aspartame Side Effects

Aspartame Case Histories (http://www.sweetpoison.com/aspartame-side-effects.html/aspartame-case-histories.html)

Artifical Sweeteners (http://www.sweetpoison.com/aspartame-side-effects.html/artifical-sweeteners.html)

Phenylalanine (http://www.sweetpoison.com/aspartame-side-effects.html/phenylalanine.html)
Phenylketonuria (http://www.sweetpoison.com/aspartame-side-effects.html/phenylketonuria.html)

Message Board Forum:

Think you are having an aspartame reaction? Join Dr. Hull's aspartame message board forum and communicate with others!

Ask Dr Hull Forum (http://www.askdrhull.com/forum/viewforum.php?id=8)

According to Lendon Smith, M.D. there is an enormous population suffering from side effects associated with aspartame, yet have no idea why drugs, supplements and herbs don’t relieve their symptoms. Then, there are users who don’t ‘appear’ to suffer immediate reactions at all. Even these individuals are susceptible to the long-term damage caused by excitatory amino acids, phenylalanine, methanol, and DKP.
Adverse reactions and side effects of aspartame include:

blindness in one or both eyes
decreased vision and/or other eye problems such as: blurring, bright flashes, squiggly lines, tunnel vision, decreased night vision
pain in one or both eyes
decreased tears
trouble with contact lenses
bulging eyes

tinnitus - ringing or buzzing sound
severe intolerance of noise
marked hearing impairment

epileptic seizures
headaches, migraines and (some severe)
dizziness, unsteadiness, both
confusion, memory loss, both
severe drowsiness and sleepiness
paresthesia or numbness of the limbs
severe slurring of speech
severe hyperactivity and restless legs
atypical facial pain
severe tremors

severe depression
personality changes

palpitations, tachycardia
shortness of breath
recent high blood pressure

diarrhea, sometimes with blood in stools
abdominal pain
pain when swallowing

Skin and Allergies
itching without a rash
lip and mouth reactions
aggravated respiratory allergies such as asthma

Endocrine and Metabolic
loss of control of diabetes
menstrual changes
marked thinning or loss of hair
marked weight loss
gradual weight gain
aggravated low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
severe PMS

frequency of voiding and burning during urination
excessive thirst, fluid retention, leg swelling, and bloating
increased susceptibility to infection
Additional Symptoms of Aspartame Toxicity include the most critical symptoms of all
irreversible brain damage
birth defects, including mental retardation
peptic ulcers
aspartame addiction and increased craving for sweets
hyperactivity in children
severe depression
aggressive behavior
suicidal tendencies

Aspartame may trigger, mimic, or cause the following illnesses:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Post-Polio Syndrome
Lyme Disease
Grave’s Disease
Meniere’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Mercury sensitivity from Amalgam fillings
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

These are not allergies or sensitivities, but diseases and disease syndromes. Aspartame poisoning is commonly misdiagnosed because aspartame symptoms mock textbook ‘disease’ symptoms, such as Grave’s Disease.
Aspartame changes the ratio of amino acids in the blood, blocking or lowering the levels of serotonin, tyrosine, dopamine, norepinephrine, and adrenaline. Therefore, it is typical that aspartame symptoms cannot be detected in lab tests and on x-rays. Textbook disorders and diseases may actually be a toxic load as a result of aspartame poisoning.
Ever gone to the doctor with real, physical symptoms, but he/she can’t find the cause? Well, it’s probably your diet, your environment, or both.

Aspartame is the common denominator for over 92 different health symptoms at the root of modern disease. (http://www.sweetpoison.com/articles/0706/aspartame_symptoms_submit.html) The Aspartame Detoxification Program demonstrates the most effective way to reverse disease symptoms is removing the underlying cause - aspartame.

I counsel aspartame victims worldwide and have witnessed nine out of 10 clients restore their health by following the Aspartame Detoxification Program. Begin with detoxifying your body of all residual chemical toxins from aspartame's chemical make up of phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol and their toxic by-products, and see if any adverse health symptoms remain. Try the Aspartame Detoxification Program, and within 30 days your symptoms should disappear.


Remove all sugar-free products with aspartame from your diet.
Learn to 'read' your body. Begin recording any health changes.
Get a hair analysis.
Be happy with yourself.
Restore depleted nutrients.
Exercise and get plenty of rest.
Eat 75% raw foods at every meal.
Drink water, water, water.
Get control of your life.

I designed this Ten Step Program to help protect your health and the health of those you love from being seduced by the sugar-free diet craze. Wishing you good health.
What can you do about aspartame side effects?

Set an example by changing your diet.

Tell everyone you know.
Talk to the schools and day care centers. Offer to speak at parent-teachers meetings.
Contact your local, state, and Federal government representatives.
If you see someone with a diet drink, ask if they have had any of the typical aspartame side effects.
Spread the word at your work.
Distribute the Aspartame Consumer Safety Network and Pilot's Hotline
Tell your doctor about the scientific research available proving the negative side effects of aspartame.
Register a complaint with the FDA, the FAA, the NutraSweet Company about aspartame poisoning.
Return all food products with aspartame, opened or unopened, to your grocer. Tell him/her the products make you sick. The grocer can return them to the manufacturer for a store refund. The manufacturer should get the message. So, will the grocer.
Spread the word on computer networks.
Publish articles in newsletters at your church, place of work, or neighborhood association.
Set a personal example for health and wellness.

5th July 2012, 03:40 PM
I recently had a discussion with a super liberal friend where I argued that the market could provide better consumer protection than the FDA, and he told me the FDA "basically protects us from ourselves". Wow, I need to show him this video.

5th July 2012, 04:08 PM
I can tell from experience this stuff is toxic. I was a heavy consumer of aspartame laced products and suffered incredible problems with it. It took several years after stopping my consumption to recover, including a fair bit of treatment to try and recover from the effects of it. There are still lingering issues but these are fairly minor these days.

I also found that weight gain occurs when using this stuff, which is 100% the opposite of how products are branded which contain it. I hate that the stuff is in everything. It is in all the chewing/bubblegums now, regardless of whether the product is branded sugar free, they all contain it. Children being big consumers of bubblegums and of course adults who are cleaning their teeth with chewing gums.

It's bad shit.

5th July 2012, 04:30 PM
I recently had a discussion with a super liberal friend where I argued that the market could provide better consumer protection than the FDA, and he told me the FDA "basically protects us from ourselves". Wow, I need to show him this video.

The FDA is just there to make sure Big Pharma doesn't have any competition. Big Pharma has invested wisely in corrupt politicians and agencies like the FDA. Has nothing to do with safety.

General of Darkness
5th July 2012, 05:19 PM
I'm having a hair analysis in the next two weeks just to take a look at what the heck is in my body. I'll post the results.

Twisted Titan
6th July 2012, 03:02 AM

6th July 2012, 04:58 AM
Serpo, let's not forget Rumsfelds involvement.


Yes well aware of that bastard, how do these people live with themselves, I just dont understand.

6th July 2012, 05:04 AM
Lets make bucks off our fellow human beings even though it is poison ,just goes to show you the make up of these evil, despicable , treacherous, lying, conniving, revolting,septic, type of person we are dealing with..........

and thats on a good day...........

6th July 2012, 05:08 AM
I can't see the videos, but I want to say that Aspartame was originally intended to be a designed bio weapon, and also Aspartame is essentially the waste matter of a bacteria that eats fecal matter.

So it is basically the poo from a bug that eats poo.

General of Darkness
7th July 2012, 08:03 AM
Within 48 hours of stopping ALL aspartame consumption, my internals feel gutted with occasional sharp pains. But I'm starting to feel better, I've been flushing my system with gallons of water. I'm leaving for training in 100+ heat, so I'm going to keep hydrating.

7th July 2012, 08:08 AM
What were you consuming?? I'll barely even let my kids even have bubble gum if it has that crap in it!

Keep up the detox!

General of Darkness
7th July 2012, 07:24 PM
What were you consuming?? I'll barely even let my kids even have bubble gum if it has that crap in it!

Keep up the detox!

Just got home.

Your mind would explode. It's everywhere. REDBULL with no sugar = Aspartame.

I'm starting to feel better, but I have a headache which I can only assume came from detoxing. With drinking all the water over the course of a few days, my skin feels better and I'm starting to feel better.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to go load up on raw food.

7th July 2012, 07:39 PM
Within 48 hours of stopping ALL aspartame consumption, my internals feel gutted with occasional sharp pains. But I'm starting to feel better, I've been flushing my system with gallons of water. I'm leaving for training in 100+ heat, so I'm going to keep hydrating.

Be careful with too much water it can flush out your electrolytes and essential minerals.

Also, Monster Energy Drink (all flavors) contain Sucralose, which is also aspartame, and Rock Star is owned by the jew michael weiner (savage)'s son.

If I am going to drink energy drinks it is just regular Red Bull, it's sad when sugar is the healthy alternative.

7th July 2012, 07:59 PM
Avoid all sweeteners completely unless it is the following:

Raw honey (http://www.swansonvitamins.com/YS014/ItemDetail)
Grade B organic maple syrup (http://www.amazon.com/NOW-Foods-Healthy-Certified-Multi-Pack/dp/B0041TXHS8/ref=sr_1_2?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1341716759&sr=1-2&keywords=Grade+B+organic+maple+syrup)
Stevia (herb (http://www.amazon.com/Pure-Green-Stevia-Powder-Promotion/dp/B0073YGCIU/ref=sr_1_41?ie=UTF8&qid=1341716688&sr=8-41&keywords=stevia+powder) and concentrate (http://www.amazon.com/Planetary-Herbals-Stevia-Concentrate-2-Ounce/dp/B001G7R7VG/ref=sr_1_4?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1341716720&sr=1-4&keywords=stevia+concentrate) forms only) <-----Not the extract!!!
REAL sugar cane (Heavenly Organics (http://www.heavenlyorganics.com/productsho/sugar.aspx) or Rapunzel's Rapadura (http://www.amazon.com/Rapunzel-Organic-Whole-24-Ounce-Packages/dp/B001E5DZIO/ref=pd_sim_sbs_gro_1))

These are the only sweeteners I know of that are safe for the human body, in moderation.

9th July 2012, 06:46 AM
Do a distilled water fast, GoD. You will not regret it. Two weeks.

NOTHING will detoxify your body like a ZERO-CALORIC INTAKE distilled water fast.

General of Darkness
9th July 2012, 06:48 AM
Do a distilled water fast, GoD. You will not regret it. Two weeks.

NOTHING will detoxify your body like a ZERO-CALORIC INTAKE distilled water fast.

Wouldn't I need to take supplements to replace the lack of minerals etc?

9th July 2012, 06:59 AM
Your body already has enough minerals and proteins, vitamins and nutrients, along with poisons and toxins that is needs to live for 30+ days without food.

People are under the misconception that by doing a strict distilled water fast, you will be suffering from a lack of this or that, but the reality is your body has all those above-mentioned things stored for emergencies. In fact, each and every cel has those stores. The cells in your eyeballs, your liver, your skin, any cell you can think of: has storage of all required vitamins, minerals, nutrient and protiens, etc.

Yes, distilled water fasting will strip you down, but you have enough stores to get through at LEAST a 20 day (if not 30 day or longer) fast, and once you go back onto food you have the opportunity to replenish your body ON A CELLULAR LEVEL with the choice ingredients that you select. It's essentially a clean slate for your body.

If you are interested I will tell you more. I have covered this in the past, but not for a while. In fact I think the best info I posted on fasting was lost with GIM.

9th July 2012, 07:07 AM
I just want to expand on that post with a couple more things:

1) A strict water fast will force every cell in your body to relinquish its stores as your body goes through the fast. After about 7 days, you enter the healing phase, where your body starts to really focus all it's energy on fixing whatever is wrong with it, such as killing cancers, repairing tendon damage, eliminating arthritis, etc.

2) As the cells begin to relinquish the stored up goods, the bads are released first. This detox is super-intense, happens at the 48 hour mark, and lasts about 6 to 8 hours. It feels like an intense flu, accompanied with extreme nausea, watering mouth, dizziness, etc. It will pass. It's a good thing. It only happens once, on your first fast. You're relaseing poisons and toxins into your bloodstream that you have been carrying since you were a child.

3) Fasting is a natural human condition that our bodies are designed for. We are built to go extended periods without food. Don't let Burger King fool you. When animals are critically wounded or sick, they will fast and heal. Fasting heals the body and kills any and all diseases.

There are a ton of books out there on this.

General of Darkness
9th July 2012, 07:13 AM
I just want to expand on that post with a couple more things:

1) A strict water fast will force every cell in your body to relinquish its stores as your body goes through the fast. After about 7 days, you enter the healing phase, where your body starts to really focus all it's energy on fixing whatever is wrong with it, such as killing cancers, repairing tendon damage, eliminating arthritis, etc.

2) As the cells begin to relinquish the stored up goods, the bads are released first. This detox is super-intense, happens at the 48 hour mark, and lasts about 6 to 8 hours. It feels like an intense flu, accompanied with extreme nausea, watering mouth, dizziness, etc. It will pass. It's a good thing. It only happens once, on your first fast. You're relaseing poisons and toxins into your bloodstream that you have been carrying since you were a child.

3) Fasting is a natural human condition that our bodies are designed for. We are built to go extended periods without food. Don't let Burger King fool you. When animals are critically wounded or sick, they will fast and heal. Fasting heals the body and kills any and all diseases.

There are a ton of books out there on this.

So you only drink distilled water for a week?

9th July 2012, 07:25 AM
Correct, and absolutely NOTHING else (Not even toothpaste or chewing gum).

A week won't do you any good though, other than cleansing your colon. But other than that it will be fruitless.

After one week, your body is JUST STARTING to enter into the healing phase, and you need to give it at least a week in that phase if you have tennis elbow or whatever. It depends on the severity of the afflictions, plus remember that your body will be healing things inside you that you don't even know about.

9th July 2012, 07:25 AM
I'm starting to feel better, but I have a headache which I can only assume came from detoxing.

It could be caffiene withdrawal. I used to get a headache every Sunday and couldn't figure out why. When I decided to stop drinking pop with my lunch at work, I got a terrible headache for 3 days and then felt much better. I never thought I was addicted to caffiene until that helped me put two and two together.

9th July 2012, 07:28 AM
If you are addicted to caffiene, you can avoid the headaches by jumping fully into a pure water fast. You will not get headaches from caffiene withdrawl.

Sorry, just sayin...

But first time fasters have to remember the detox that hits about 48 hours into their first fast.

9th July 2012, 07:28 AM
Avoid all sweeteners completely unless it is the following:

Raw honey (http://www.swansonvitamins.com/YS014/ItemDetail)
Grade B organic maple syrup (http://www.amazon.com/NOW-Foods-Healthy-Certified-Multi-Pack/dp/B0041TXHS8/ref=sr_1_2?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1341716759&sr=1-2&keywords=Grade+B+organic+maple+syrup)
Stevia (herb (http://www.amazon.com/Pure-Green-Stevia-Powder-Promotion/dp/B0073YGCIU/ref=sr_1_41?ie=UTF8&qid=1341716688&sr=8-41&keywords=stevia+powder) and concentrate (http://www.amazon.com/Planetary-Herbals-Stevia-Concentrate-2-Ounce/dp/B001G7R7VG/ref=sr_1_4?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1341716720&sr=1-4&keywords=stevia+concentrate) forms only) <-----Not the extract!!!
REAL sugar cane (Heavenly Organics (http://www.heavenlyorganics.com/productsho/sugar.aspx) or Rapunzel's Rapadura (http://www.amazon.com/Rapunzel-Organic-Whole-24-Ounce-Packages/dp/B001E5DZIO/ref=pd_sim_sbs_gro_1))

These are the only sweeteners I know of that are safe for the human body, in moderation.

How about homemade molasses from organically grown sweet sorghum? We are going to try making some this fall - if we get enough rain to grow the sorghum.

9th July 2012, 07:31 AM
It could be caffiene withdrawal. I used to get a headache every Sunday and couldn't figure out why. When I decided to stop drinking pop with my lunch at work, I got a terrible headache for 3 days and then felt much better. I never thought I was addicted to caffiene until that helped me put two and two together. Yep!

Coffee, tea, most soft drinks, if used regularly and then stopped, will give most a headache for a few days of withdraw.

9th July 2012, 07:49 AM
If you are addicted to caffiene, you can avoid the headaches by jumping fully into a pure water fast. You will not get headaches from caffiene withdrawl.

Sorry, just sayin...

But first time fasters have to remember the detox that hits about 48 hours into their first fast.

I actually quit pop because of the sugar and the easy calories that go with it. I had no idea I was addicted to caffiene. I had no other symptoms. At least none that I recognized.

I've been planning to try a modified paleo diet this summer. I will do the water fast first to start with a clean slate.

9th July 2012, 07:51 AM
Well you are doing yourself a favor Horseshoe. Search out info on HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) and you will never want to drink pop again. I look at every pop like a can of poison.

They should put a skull and crossbones on the cans/bottles afiac.

9th July 2012, 11:19 AM
Well you are doing yourself a favor Horseshoe. Search out info on HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) and you will never want to drink pop again. I look at every pop like a can of poison.

They should put a skull and crossbones on the cans/bottles afiac.

So true! Soda has either HFCS or the diet has aspartame. Both horrible for you. We haven't bought soda in over a year and I never drank it much anyway. I love water!!!

FYI, they have gum at sprouts with no aspartame.

9th July 2012, 11:27 AM
How about homemade molasses from organically grown sweet sorghum? We are going to try making some this fall - if we get enough rain to grow the sorghum.

Molasses is the one sugar that is up in the air. I have heard some intelligent people say it's good, and others say it's bad. I take a little in supplement form, and use it in very small amounts here and there, but since I'm unsure about it I didn't list it.

19th July 2012, 12:24 PM
Unhealthy Foods: SWEET Poison http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/feed-icon-12x12.gif (http://gold-silver.us/forum/911BodyResQ_Articles.rss)

"Aspartame poisoning & aspartame side effects. Are you killing yourself with the artificial sweetener aspartame? "

By:Abby Campbell Share on tumblr (http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250&winname=addthis&pub=maximumfatloss&source=tbx-250&lng=en&s=tumblr&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.911bodyrescue.com%2FUnhealthy-Foods-Aspartame-Poisoning-%26-Aspartame-Side-Effects.html&title=Maximum%20Fat%20Loss%20-%20Unhealthy%20Foods%20%7C%20Aspartame%20Poisoning %20%26%20Aspartame%20Side%20Effects&ate=AT-maximumfatloss/-/-/50085e94dd5a8c08/1/4ffb131b8b62f55f&frommenu=1&ips=1&uid=4ffb131b8b62f55f&ufbl=1&ct=1&tt=0&captcha_provider=recaptcha)Share on facebook (http://gold-silver.us/forum/#)Share on twitter (http://gold-silver.us/forum/#)Share on email (http://gold-silver.us/forum/#)More Sharing Services (http://gold-silver.us/forum/#)

If you think you are saving on calories by using aspartame, you may be. But, you will be shortening the quality of your life if not putting your life in serious harm’s way. Please read this article as it is very important that you understand what you are putting into your body. Though aspartame has been approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), it is considered one of the most unhealthy foods (http://gold-silver.us/forum/Dieting-Plans-Maximize-Fat-Loss-Diet-Meal-Plans.html) you can consume.
What is aspartame?
Some of you may know it better as an artificial sweetener (a replacement for sugar) by the brand names of NutraSweet, Equal, Same, or Spoonful. All of these brands are unhealthy foods and subject your health to aspartame poisoning.


What products contain aspartame?
It is in 6,000+ ingestible products around the world. Avoid these unhealthy foods:

carbonated soft drinks
powdered drink mixes
chewing gum
dessert mixes
puddings and fillings
frozen desserts
some vitamins
sugar-free cough syrups and cough drops


Why is aspartame so harmful?
Since it’s release in mid-1983, aspartame side effects have increased from 10-80 percent depending on which disease it is. It is most notable in mimicking diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Systemic Lupus which are both autoimmune diseases. Multiple Sclerosis affects the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) while Systemic Lupus attacks the body’s cells and organs caused by chronic inflammation. Most of the clinical and reported symptoms aspartame is attributed to are neurological or are connected to the nervous system. Please see this report by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS):


When aspartame was fully marketed in the United States in 1983, many Americans switched from regular sugar-laden sodas to the zero calorie diet drinks believing that they were doing something good for their health. Six months later, there was an extreme rise in disease: 10 percent brain cancer, 30 percent diabetes, and 60 percent lymphomas. The statistics are staggering according to Dr. Jim Bowen, Biochemist. Further, those statistics were from 1984 when 6.9 million pounds of aspartame were consumed. Currently, 90+ million pounds are being consumed in the United States per year.
Experts on the product:

Dr. H.J. Robert, Board Certified Internist, says that in 1988, 80 percent of voluntary complaints to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) were on food and additives that contained aspartame. (These are complaints that did not need to be submitted.)

Dr. Ralph S. Walton, Psychiatrist, says that aspartame impacts biogenic amines, or neurotransmitters in the brain. Essentially, it looks like this:


Arthur Evangelista, FDA Investigator, states that aspartame causes a slow accumulation of toxins that disrupt normal brain activity and endocrine and within the endocrine system (which is also controlled by the brain).

Dr. Russell L. Blaycock, Board Certified Neurosurgeon, says that some people are more resistant than others to its obvious toxic effects, but even the resistant ones will build up a subtle toxicity where over many years will produce obvious diseases. He also states that:

Why is aspartame so dangerous?
It is a very highly crafted poison, a chemical or molecule made up of three different components:

Phenylalanine Isolate = 50 percent is a POISON that floods the brain lowering the seizure threshold and depleting seratonin.

Methylated Aspartic Acid = 40 percent is an extreme excito-toxin, implemented in vast brain damage, including the common neuro-degenerative diseases.

Methyl Esther-Formaldehyde-Formic Acid-Carbon Monoxide Toxic Axis = 10 percent, when swallowed, becomes methyl alcohol, also known as methanol or wood alcohol. The methyl quickly converts to formaldehyde in the body which causes severe damage to the neurological system, the immune system, and the DNA (even in low doses)

What can I do if I've been using aspartame?
First of all, you can ban the product from your body. Say “no” to any foods that contain it. When you shop for foods, be smart and read labels. If the product contains the chemical, try to find another product that is a healthier choice. There are natural sweeteners that are much less harmful to your body such as Stevia. It comes in powder and liquid and is a natural herb that contains no calories and does not affect blood glucose levels like aspartame. Live healthy by avoiding aspartame poisoning.



19th July 2012, 12:36 PM
Victoria Inness-Brown’s family was addicted to diet soda. After researching the effects of aspartame, she strongly believed the artificial sweetener might one day lead to their illness or even their early deaths.
So she decided to perform her own aspartame experiment -- with 108 rats for 2 years and 8 months. Daily, she fed some of the rats the equivalent, for their body weight, of two-thirds the aspartame contained in 8-oz of diet soda.
Eleven of the females who took aspartame -- 37 percent -- developed tumors, some of massive size.
For details and photos of Inness-Brown’s amazing experiment, click the link below.


19th July 2012, 01:20 PM
i recently had a discussion with a super liberal friend where i argued that the market could provide better consumer protection than the fda, and he told me the fda "basically protects us from ourselves". Wow, i need to show him this video.

fuck him.

19th July 2012, 01:39 PM
Within 48 hours of stopping ALL aspartame consumption, my internals feel gutted with occasional sharp pains. But I'm starting to feel better, I've been flushing my system with gallons of water. I'm leaving for training in 100+ heat, so I'm going to keep hydrating.

Consider trying Bikram Yoga.