View Full Version : Hebrew to be Polands second language?

11th July 2012, 05:22 AM
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See the Google translation below

Hebrajski drugim językiem urzędowym w Polsce?43 minuty temu
Do Polski wróci trzy miliony Żydów, a język hebrajski stanie się drugim językiem urzędowym w naszym kraju? Takie przynajmniej postulaty wysuwa Ruch Odrodzenia Żydowskiego w Polsce podczas pierwszego kongresu tej organizacji w Berlinie - podaje serwis tvp.info. Ruch powstał w ramach działalności izraelskiej artystki Yael Bartana.
http://gold-silver.us/forum/image001.jpg@01CD5AAE.B6DA46A0 (http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/kraj/hebrajski-drugim-jezykiem-urzedowym-w-polsce,5180864,12339216,artykul-fotoreportaz-duzy.html)
Fot. Getty Images/FPM
Ruch Odrodzenia Żydowskiego w Polsce uruchomił swoją stronę internetową, na której można przeczytać jego postulaty. Jego członkowie chcą, by powrót Żydów do Polski był sfinansowany przez podniesienie podatków, Senat został przekształcony w Izbę Mniejszości, a Polska zerwała konkordat z Watykanem. Ponadto domagają się ustanowienia hebrajskiego drugim językiem urzędowym. Symbolem organizacji jest logo, które powstało z połączenia polskiego godła z gwiazdą Dawida.
Podczas berlińskiego kongresu nie Ruch Odrodzenia Żydowskiego w Polsce nie przyjął jednak swojego statutu, ani nie wybrał władz. Mimo to jego twórcy nie ukrywają, że chcą, by artystyczna działalność przełożyła się na politykę.
– Obiektywnie mówiąc, to jest fantazja. Co nie wyklucza faktu, że motywacja do tej fantazji może być pozytywna – ocenił w rozmowie z serwisem tvn.info były ambasador Izraela w Polsce prof. Szewach Weiss.

Here is the Google translation:

Hebrew second official language in Poland?
43 minutes ago
To go back three million Polish Jews and the Hebrew language will become the second official language in our country? At least that puts the demands of the Jewish Renaissance Movement in Poland during the first congress of this organization in Berlin - gives service tvp.info. Movement was established in the activities of the Israeli artist Yael Bartana.

Jewish Renaissance Movement in Poland launched its website (http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=263374509561), where you can read his message. Its members want the return of Jews to Polish was financed by raising taxes, the Senate was transformed into the House of Minorities, and Poland broke the Concordat with the Vatican. In addition, demand for the establishment of a second official language of Hebrew. The symbol of the organization is a logo that was created from a combination of Polish national emblem, the Star of David.
At the Berlin Congress, not the Jewish Renaissance Movement in Poland, however, did not accept its statutes, nor the government has not chosen. Despite this, the authors admit that they want to artistic activity translated into policy.
- Objectively speaking, this is a fantasy. What does not exclude the fact that the motivation for this fantasy can be positive - said in an interview with the service tvn.info former Israeli ambassador in Poland, prof. Shevach Weiss.

11th July 2012, 05:28 AM
i thought there weren't any jews left in poland.

11th July 2012, 05:30 AM
give 'em a break.... they're Polacks.


11th July 2012, 05:51 AM
The friend who sent me this is Polish and has family and friends and ties in Poland. He keeps in touch with them and pays attention to what is happening there.

He was telling me that the SOS is apparently coming to the realization that the piece of land they have murdered Palistinians for, is not all they thought it was cracked up to be. It seems they are unhappy with having to manufacture irrigation systems and all the other aspects of living in a rocky/sandy area of the desert.

He says they are beginning mass emigration from Israel and are spreading out all over Europe again. They are not content with that piece of desert. As usual.

11th July 2012, 05:52 AM
Also take into consideration that there is a movement afoot to make Hebrew the second language.

That would demonstrate the level of threat is beyond just a laughing matter, IMO.

11th July 2012, 06:01 AM
so, whose going to be the "poland" boogeyman next door now? austria? lol with that one.

11th July 2012, 06:06 AM
Denmark is interpreted to mean the mark of Dan (D'n). Dan was one of the lost 10 tribes. Many English towns have ties to this tribe as well. Any town with a d_n in the suffix is supposed to be derived from this tribe.



11th July 2012, 06:48 AM
Denmark is interpreted to mean the mark of Dan (D'n). Dan was one of the lost 10 tribes. Many English towns have ties to this tribe as well. Any town with a d_n in the suffix is supposed to be derived from this tribe.



"Any town with a d_n in the suffix is supposed to be derived from this tribe."

This is complete hogwash palani. Next up tell me about the black pope's secret plan to enslave us all. Or how Krishnamurti is the best guru...

Good grief. :rolleyes:

11th July 2012, 06:55 AM
This is complete hogwash palani.

The topic is Hebrew and Judah was only a small part of the Hebrew population. Maybe you have a theory you would like to share as to where these other 10 tribes ended up? New York?

11th July 2012, 01:06 PM
Maybe you have a theory you would like to share as to where these other 10 tribes ended up? New York?

Hahaha! Without a doubt!