View Full Version : MAGNES strikes again.

11th July 2012, 05:44 AM
Just a few quotes from a few threads, so that the doubting Thomas' here can have some appreciation for the level of "attention to detail" Magnes is in possession of.

Skirnir if that is you, playing troll , have you lost your mind ?


I would put money on it, this is skirnir, why you hiding skirnir ?


If this is skirnir and he verifies it, he can swear at me all he wants, NO BAN !
We old buds.

From a different thread:

Well said; it would be a Pyrrhic victory that would set the advancement of his ideas back at least a generation.

Not to derail this thread, this is just more confirmation this is Skirnir, everything about him is Skirnir,

Skirnir was a leader on GIM, admit you are Skirnir and stop playing games


OK, I didn't readlize that rule number two was written as follows:

Rule 2 - NO quoting of Thunderdome content, or discussion of Thunderdome happenings in any other gold-silver.us sub-forum. What goes on in the Thunderdome STAYS in the Thunderdome. Disclosing Thunderdome content in other forum sections is an immediately bannable offense.

So I had to remove my link to the sub-forum which shall remain unnamed, which holds a thread that is of vital interest to this discussion.


Magnes is rarely wrong.

Magnes hasn't see this Skirnir guy for a few years, and he still recognized him within a short amount of time. I did a search for "Skirnir" in Magnes' posts, and the last time he brought his name up was in 2010 just after GSus was founded, and it was in reference to the historical sites like GIM ans the Aghora.

11th July 2012, 06:15 AM
I saw that admission and I thought the same. I also thought, uhuh. Says a lot about someone to stay quiet while all that crap was going on. Clearly a divisive effort. I generally don't comment on these kinds of goings on, preferring to leave it to the experts in this kind of thing but this one deserves to be acknowledged. Someones character was on trial and it turns out that the wrong one was on trial. What price peace? What price truth? These are blows to the branches but not the roots. The roots are well protected. Thank God for that.

11th July 2012, 06:29 AM
Magnes was not the first to suss fenri/Skirnir out.

11th July 2012, 06:31 AM

I sense animosity.

11th July 2012, 07:30 AM
This reminds me of Magnes for some reason...


11th July 2012, 08:34 AM
Nice work, Magnes.

Hey Fenrisulfr, there was a rumor going around that you shot yourself in the foot, literally. Any truth to that?

11th July 2012, 08:37 AM
Nice work, Magnes.

Hey Fenrisulfr, there was a rumor going around that you shot yourself in the foot, literally. Any truth to that?

I broke my third metatarsal bone from a fall; I have no idea how this business about shooting came about.

11th July 2012, 08:44 AM
I broke my third metatarsal bone from a fall; I have no idea how this business about shooting came about.

Glad to hear the rumor was false. Shooting oneself in the foot is so very ghetto.


General of Darkness
11th July 2012, 08:56 AM
I broke my third metatarsal bone from a fall; I have no idea how this business about shooting came about.

Hmmmmm, you told us at The Golden Agora that a friend of yours shot you in the foot with your AK and wasn't going to help with medical bills etc. Was that a lie?

11th July 2012, 08:58 AM
Hmmmmm, you told us at The Golden Agora that a friend of yours shot you in the foot with your AK and wasn't going to help with medical bills etc. Was that a lie?

Now that you mention it, that does sound familiar...

I'm no expert, but surely a 7.62X39 round to the foot would fuck a foot up.

11th July 2012, 08:59 AM
you wouldn't have a foot left if shot at close range with an ak.

11th July 2012, 09:00 AM
Hmmmmm, you told us at The Golden Agora that a friend of yours shot you in the foot with your AK and wasn't going to help with medical bills etc. Was that a lie?

What would possess me to do such a thing?

you wouldn't have a foot left if shot at close range with an ak.

Thank you.

11th July 2012, 09:08 AM
Edit: Nevermind

General of Darkness
11th July 2012, 09:10 AM
Now that you mention it, that does sound familiar...

I'm no expert, but surely a 7.62X39 round to the foot would fuck a foot up.

I think Skirnir actually posted a picture of his foot. It looked something like this.


11th July 2012, 09:12 AM
I sense animosity.

Aghora was before my time. I was a GIMmer through and through.

General of Darkness
11th July 2012, 09:13 AM
What would possess me to do such a thing?

So did it happen or did it not happen? If it didn't happen they you lied about it.

11th July 2012, 09:13 AM
General, I await your reply in the Thunderdome.

So did it happen or did it not happen? If it didn't happen they you lied about it.

It did not happen, and I recall this rumour about getting shot started soon after.

11th July 2012, 09:19 AM
Magnes was not the first to suss fenri/Skirnir out.

I stand corrected. Based on my search results, GoD posted and called him out as Skirnir on July 6th of 2012. Any real talk of him prior to that is back in 2010.

Bravo to the General too.

11th July 2012, 09:22 AM
I think Skirnir actually posted a picture of his foot. It looked something like this.


i wonder if they still have sensation in their big toe.

wish they would weigh in to show us how their right foot is doing.

11th July 2012, 09:23 AM
I stand corrected. Based on my search results, GoD posted and called him out as Skirnir on July 6th of 2012. Any real talk of him prior to that is back in 2010.

Bravo to the General too.

It's easy to spot certain posters, especially when one has read their posts for years on various forums.

It's fun too.


11th July 2012, 09:26 AM
I thought it was sort of obvious it was skirnir with his shakespearical talk and anime avatar :D

General of Darkness
11th July 2012, 09:26 AM
General, I await your reply in the Thunderdome.

It did not happen, and I recall this rumour about getting shot started soon after.

You've been replied too, and this was not a rumor, YOU TOLD ME. I might be a lot of things, but ONE thing that I'm NOT is a fucking liar.

11th July 2012, 09:31 AM
You've been replied too, and this was not a rumor, YOU TOLD ME. I might be a lot of things, but ONE thing that I'm NOT is a fucking liar.

This business was at least three years ago and someone circulated a rumour. I think you got your wires crossed.

General of Darkness
11th July 2012, 09:41 AM
This business was at least three years ago and someone circulated a rumour. I think you got your wires crossed.

WE TALKED ABOUT IT OVER SKYPE. Whatever, at this point I really don't give a shit. But I will give you some advise. It's better to avoid assholes like me, because sometimes you bite off more than you can chew.

11th July 2012, 09:44 AM
god has fingered fenrislfr as a liar. that's good enough for me.

11th July 2012, 09:46 AM
WE TALKED ABOUT IT OVER SKYPE. Whatever, at this point I really don't give a shit. But I will give you some advise. It's better to avoid assholes like me, because sometimes you bite off more than you can chew.

I do not either. I will also advise you - it is best not to make unfounded accusations, as the burden of proof lies upon the claimant.

General of Darkness
11th July 2012, 10:02 AM
I do not either. I will also advise you - it is best not to make unfounded accusations, as the burden of proof lies upon the claimant.

Unfortunately because I just checked, I can only go back one year in Skype, and Golden Agora is no longer and I can't seem to find any cached data, so it's basically your word against mine. But kept this in mind, I have no interest in making this shit up and there are a few reasons.

1 - I don't care enough
2 - It's not in my interest to lie
3 - Lying is against my moral compass

But number 3 negates both 1 and 2

11th July 2012, 10:10 AM
Unfortunately because I just checked, I can only go back one year in Skype, and Golden Agora is no longer and I can't seem to find any cached data, so it's basically your word against mine. But kept this in mind, I have no interest in making this shit up and there are a few reasons.

1 - I don't care enough
2 - It's not in my interest to lie
3 - Lying is against my moral compass

1 - You care enough to belabour this matter and rehash it on at least two occasions
2 - You have an incentive to save face on account of accusations already made; that bell cannot be unrung
3 - Machiavelli argues that a prince must always appear virtuous...keyword is appear...

Again, I do not think you are attempting to lie, I think you got wires crossed due to
A - the length of time that has passed
B - your inability to access the original material, be it on Skype or TGA
C - the rumour that circulated immediately after

If you want to drop it, great. If you wish to belabour this further, I will only continue to make you appear foolish and ill-tempered.

General of Darkness
11th July 2012, 10:15 AM
I will only continue to make you appear foolish and ill-tempered.



11th July 2012, 10:20 AM
god has fingered fenrislfr as a liar. that's good enough for me.

That, in combination with his reply #45 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?62037-The-Rig-Is-Up-Jim-Sinclair&p=556526&viewfull=1#post556526) to LuckyStrike posts regarding the Khazars, speaks volumes.

11th July 2012, 10:22 AM
General - prove it.

11th July 2012, 10:45 AM
I stand corrected. Based on my search results, GoD posted and called him out as Skirnir on July 6th of 2012. Any real talk of him prior to that is back in 2010.

Bravo to the General too.

You have to give credit where credit is due. As far as I can tell, Santa was the first to identify fen as Skirnir, not GoD.

I'm trying to remember a name.... Skinner comes to my mind, but my memory is fuzzy.

^ ^ ^ From a thunderdome thread on July 1st that has since been deleted.

General of Darkness
11th July 2012, 10:46 AM
General - prove it.

I can't, but I know the truth.

11th July 2012, 10:51 AM

LOLz. Just funnin'. Thanks Franks, and kudos to RealJack for the ID job.

11th July 2012, 10:52 AM
prove it.

The .gov sanctioned response?

11th July 2012, 10:54 AM
Thanks Madfranks, that was decent of you to mention. You also nailed the handle Skirnir in that same thread.

11th July 2012, 10:54 AM
Actually before this escalates, I will just let you know Fenris that I don't have beef with you. I am just playing around, and this thread is more to give Magnes some well-deserved recognition. I didn't realize that Santa and General had ID'ed you already as well.

That being said, I will tear you a new one when you finally engage me on the khazar/jewish question.

11th July 2012, 11:00 AM
Actually before this escalates, I will just let you know Fenris that I don't have beef with you. I am just playing around, and this thread is more to give Magnes some well-deserved recognition. I didn't realize that Santa and General had ID'ed you already as well.

That being said, I will tear you a new one when you finally engage me on the khazar/jewish question.

MAGNES is an anagram: SNAG'EM

Trolls be warned.

11th July 2012, 11:14 AM
Actually before this escalates, I will just let you know Fenris that I don't have beef with you. I am just playing around, and this thread is more to give Magnes some well-deserved recognition. I didn't realize that Santa and General had ID'ed you already as well.

That being said, I will tear you a new one when you finally engage me on the khazar/jewish question.


11th July 2012, 11:44 AM
Good call, Magnes.

11th July 2012, 11:52 AM
Actually before this escalates, I will just let you know Fenris that I don't have beef with you. I am just playing around, and this thread is more to give Magnes some well-deserved recognition. I didn't realize that Santa and General had ID'ed you already as well.

That being said, I will tear you a new one when you finally engage me on the khazar/jewish question.

well played ,awoke......

11th July 2012, 12:09 PM
Just a few quotes from a few threads, so that the doubting Thomas' here can have some appreciation for the level of "attention to detail" Magnes is in possession of.

Awoke, I did not read the whole thread, I am at work, there are a few attack threads on me
started by people here that are or were my friend and there are people that feed on this to
attack and insult me. I didn't start all the threads recently, event the book thread became
a pile on thread. You are not doing me a favor by starting threads like this, applies to DMac
and GeneralofTrance too.

As far as Skirnir, I know his interests , we share them, we were old friends,
so how would I miss him when we spent some time together on a tight little
forum, his avatar and name alone give him away, lol . I saw another post recently,
it is laughable it ain't Skirnir, he wants to be anonymous but how can he when his old
friends are here, lol, would you guys not be able to pick me out of a crowd on a forum
if I started posting my interests, of course you would, like the history threads and points
and the way I talk.

One day Awoke we may find each other on another forum saying hi to each other.

Lots of people especially older posters would remember Skirnir and Agora.

We were doing something right, it became a bannable offense to link or mention the forum.

Edit add, Yes Santa would remember Skirnir very well, Santa is a troll
on here from day one, a monitor, that is RealJack from gim, the cheerleader for
our bans, so you could say that RealJack and Skirnir were polar opposites
and enemies, LOL ! Skirnir built Agora with one link, 10 people joined,
we were way ahead of the game for this place Awoke. This is Agora
round II and a total replay of events. LOL !

Skirnir deserves great credit.

11th July 2012, 12:23 PM
Skirnir built Agora with one link, 10 people joined,
we were way ahead of the game for this place Awoke.

That doesn't mean a thing to me after seeing G-khan hand GIM over to the masons. No offence.

Give credit to Skirnir.

He hasn't impressed me yet. Anti-bible, anti-christ, etc. You call him an ally, so I will reserve my call and continue to see the kind of fiber he is built from.

11th July 2012, 12:24 PM
He hasn't impressed me yet. Anti-bible, anti-christ, etc. You call him an ally, so I will reserve my call and continue to see the kind of fiber he is built from.

It is therefore fortunate that your opinion is of no consequence.

11th July 2012, 12:28 PM
It is therefore fortunate that your opinion is of no consequence.

actually, it is. awoke has walked the walk around here.

11th July 2012, 12:31 PM
That goes both ways Fenris.

Or in Fenrisian: an affinity to take your opinion into consideration, when engaging in contemplation of the global conspiracy, is found wanting.

...or when engaging in contemplation of anything, for that matter.

11th July 2012, 12:33 PM
He hasn't impressed me yet. Anti-bible, anti-christ, etc. You call him an ally, so I will reserve my call and continue to see the kind of fiber he is built from.

Pro Free Speech, Pro Outing the GIM Masons

I didn't say I agree with him on all issues, get that straight.

I am speaking to history here, what happened, yes I would call him a friend
unless he joined the trolls from GIM, and I warned him in last post to him
that Joe King is Halophyte troll from GIM with many socks. When those trolls
came over to Agora we nuked their asses, no known gim trolls allowed,
we beat up MP and then banned him, LOL !

Skirnir is a young guy.

He has his own beliefs.

It is therefore fortunate that your opinion is of no consequence.
Awoke and you have a lot in common OR DID whether both of you realize it or not.

Awoke would actually be a very strong ally of Anty Ep and Blue Midnight, so relax Skirnir.

I see Skirnir is more combative now.

Edit add, after reading thread.


Way to go Real Jack, who says you weren't paying attention. LOL !

I thought it was sort of obvious it was skirnir with his shakespearical talk and anime avatar http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/smilies/cheesy.gif
A +

11th July 2012, 12:39 PM
Skirnir is one of the 'good guys', Awoke. Unless much has changed. Or unless you consider it impossible for non-christians to be 'good guys'.

11th July 2012, 12:39 PM
I see Skirnir is more combative now.

I see him as compromised.

11th July 2012, 12:42 PM
I see him as compromised.

No, I think he's just been reading a lot of Machiavelli.

11th July 2012, 12:42 PM
No that's cool Gonzo. I take Magnes' word on this. I just wonder, if he is one of the good guys, why;
A) Hide
B) Act like a douche

Just kind of strikes me funny. He knew who all you guys were the whole time he was posting here, before he admitted who he was in the sub-forum that shall remain unnamed.

General of Darkness
11th July 2012, 12:47 PM
Magnes so were you the one that shot Skirnir in the foot with his own AK?

11th July 2012, 12:47 PM
No that's cool Gonzo. I take Magnes' word on this. I just wonder, if he is one of the good guys, why;
A) Hide
B) Act like a douche

Just kind of strikes me funny. He knew who all you guys were the whole time he was posting here, before he admitted who he was in the sub-forum that shall remain unnamed.

Eh... to each his own (dammit... that reminds me of jedemdasseine... I hope he is ok wherever he is)

GoD is a good guy too and he acts like a douche from time to time.

As for the hiding thing, I speculate that Skirnir only "hid" so as to avoid past dramas being flung up in his face. As we can see, this plan didn't exactly pan out. lol

11th July 2012, 12:51 PM
gonz..THANX 4 th reminder! i hope jed also comes back and that hes well

11th July 2012, 12:57 PM
(dammit... that reminds me of jedemdasseine... I hope he is ok wherever he is)

dammit, now you made me think of Mrnhtbr2322. I hope he's ok wherever he is too. He posted a thread stating that he got "outted" where he works for "what he is", and never came back. I still pray for him.

11th July 2012, 02:42 PM
No that's cool Gonzo. I take Magnes' word on this. I just wonder, if he is one of the good guys, why;
A) Hide
B) Act like a douche

Just kind of strikes me funny. He knew who all you guys were the whole time he was posting here, before he admitted who he was in the sub-forum that shall remain unnamed.

Yep he seems to be a 1.1 he fits the profile. The goal of low tone people is to bring us all down to their level by what ever means necessary and 1.1 love to use sneaky and covert hostility as their main weapons.

11th July 2012, 03:38 PM
Edit add, Yes Santa would remember Skirnir very well, Santa is a troll
on here from day one, a monitor, that is RealJack from gim, the cheerleader for
our bans, so you could say that RealJack and Skirnir were polar opposites
and enemies, LOL ! Skirnir built Agora with one link, 10 people joined,
we were way ahead of the game for this place Awoke. This is Agora
round II and a total replay of events. LOL !

I have nothing against Fenrisulfr at all. I just have a good memory.

Now stop lying about other posters, Cupcake! Unless you have anything other than accusations, STFU!

You're baseless lying only causes your forum friends, (like Awoke) to lose their own credibility when attempting to back you up.

11th July 2012, 05:22 PM
I can't, but I know the truth.

Again with this "the Truth" thing.

What a gay thread.

11th July 2012, 06:06 PM

Santa's Coming HoHoHo (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?40111-Santa-s-Coming-HoHoHo)

I have nothing against Fenrisulfr at all. I just have a good memory.

Now stop lying about other posters, Cupcake! Unless you have anything other than accusations, STFU!

You're baseless lying only causes your forum friends, (like Awoke) to lose their own credibility when attempting to back you up.

Santa Clause, you joined as a troll and got away with a lot on here.

I have posted screen shot of your ban cheer leading against 4 of us a few times.

That is why Agora was created because of people like you.

I don't have time for you right now but I promise I will make time for you.

goyim in money ii is your real home

11th July 2012, 06:12 PM
Magnes, how about you removing the decent folks you are slandering in your signature?

Just thought I'd ask.

11th July 2012, 09:01 PM
Magnes so were you the one that shot Skirnir in the foot with his own AK?

This is reminiscent of Wolf Blitzer's strategy of repeatedly mentioning David Duke's involvement with the Klan - argument via repetition. You had your opportunity to prove your allegations, so either prove them, or bite your tongue.

No, I think he's just been reading a lot of Machiavelli.

Machiavelli laid the foundation, Musashi placed four great bricks though he claimed five, but the author of the Book of Qi divided them into thirty-six. Mushrooms were also involved.

11th July 2012, 09:10 PM
Doesn't an ancient proverb say "Ye of many words shootith thyself in the foot" or something like that?

11th July 2012, 09:18 PM
Doesn't an ancient proverb say "Ye of many words shootith thyself in the foot" or something like that?

Twain noted that verbosity has its disadvantages.

11th July 2012, 10:03 PM
gonz..thanx 4 th reminder! i hope jed also comes back and that hes well


11th July 2012, 10:03 PM
This is reminiscent of Wolf Blitzer's strategy of repeatedly mentioning David Duke's involvement with the Klan - argument via repetition. You had your opportunity to prove your allegations, so either prove them, or bite your tongue.

Machiavelli laid the foundation, Musashi placed four great bricks though he claimed five, but the author of the Book of Qi divided them into thirty-six. Mushrooms were also involved.

Did one of Musashi's bricks not meet your quality standards?

lol... Brother Magnes gets a bit testy when he asks me for a "source" for something I've posted, and I point him in the mycological direction.

As far as whether or not you've had an AK round through your foot, as the French would say: Je m'en fous. But I know how it feels to have people try to use your posts against you. I, a white man, can identify and sound out SOME hebrew words, and so on this forum there are some who think I'm a jew! lol

11th July 2012, 10:07 PM
Did one of Musashi's bricks not meet your quality standards?

It was composed of void, so I could not use it.

11th July 2012, 10:10 PM
It was composed of void, so I could not use it.


well played

11th July 2012, 10:13 PM
and enemies, LOL ! Skirnir built Agora with one link, 10 people joined,
we were way ahead of the game for this place Awoke. This is Agora
round II and a total replay of events. LOL !

Skirnir deserves great credit.
gosh that brings back memories...skirnir, JD, book, anty ep, ben shockley wildcard, mkinla, arbeitmachtfrei, naccarato, LS, mamboni, magnes, antonio, brio, rodin, ponce, marketneutral, mjk1971, and others that im probably forgetting

even Masonic Plot tried to post until he was ran off

small, but great group (maybe minus MP and ben lol), glad to see most are still around

12th July 2012, 07:49 AM
I don't have time for you right now but I promise I will make time for you.

Magnes, you poor boy.

You "make malicious destructive stories up"
about other posters, past and present
that have no basis in fact or deed,
over and over and over
Even at the risk of damaging the credibility of friends of yours, and even the credibility of this forum in its entirety.

I don't know what your end purpose or ultimate intentions are and I don't care,

but let's look at what Plato thought of this topic.

Plato's Lie In The Soul

In his famous work Republic, Plato (http://www.ancient.eu.com/plato/) discusses the concept of the `True Lie' or the `Lie in the Soul'. Through a conversation between Socrates (http://www.ancient.eu.com/socrates/) and Adeimantus (Plato's brother) Plato defines the `true lie' as believing wrongly about the most important things in one's life. The `lie in the soul' can be understood as Plato's answer to the Sophist Protagoras (http://www.ancient.eu.com/protagoras/)' famous assertion that "Man is the measure of all things", that, if one believes something to be so, it is so. Plato repudiated Protagoras' claim in virtually every one of his dialogues and Republic is no exception.
The `true lie' or `lie in the soul' can best be explained this way: If one believes, at a certain point, that eating carrots with every meal is the best thing one could do for one's health and, later, realizes that excess in anything can be a bad thing and stops the carrot-eating, that realization would have no long-term negative consequences on one's life. If, however, one believes the person one loves is a paragon of virtue and then discovers that person is a lying, conniving thief, this discovery could undermine one's confidence in oneself, in one's judgment, in other people, and even in a belief in God (http://www.ancient.eu.com/God/), in so far as finding out one is wrong about a person one was so certain of would lead one to question what other important matters in life one is also wrong about.

I'll interject here to point out that this is exactly what you are doing to your forum friends, by continuing this charade of deceptions, instead of just coming clean and ending the bullshit.

Plato, therefore, claims the `lie in the soul' is the worst affliction one can suffer from and differentiates this affliction from ordinary `lying' or from `story telling'. When one tells a lie, one knows that one is not telling the truth and when one tells a story one understands that the story is not absolute fact. When one has a lie in the soul, however, one is unaware that what they believe to be true is actually false and so they speak untruths constantly without knowing they are doing so. To believe wrongly about the most important things in one's life renders one incapable of seeing life realistically and, so, incapable of understanding the true nature of existence, of others and, especially, oneself.
In the following conversation from Republic, Plato claims that, 1, no one wants to be wrong about the most important matters in life, 2, an everyday `lie' is not the same thing as having a lie in one's soul, and, 3, that lies in words can be useful in helping friends or in the creation of mythologies which provide comfort and stability to people seeking the answer to where they came from and why they exist. The main problem with having a lie in the soul, as stated earlier, is that, when one holds such a lie, one cannot realize it. In order to recognize the lie in one's soul one must attach oneself to a philosopher and pursue wisdom. In this pursuit, one will come to understand what one's lie is and, once it is realized, will be able to leave the lie behind and move on to live a life of truth, honesty and clarity.

Magnes, you appear to be afflicted with this "Lie in the soul" that Plato speaks of.

You don't seem to realize that you're lying when you make up these malicious stories
about K-os and Zap and Solid and Dogman and Osoab and LT and myself as well as many others, and that these lies are why so many are upset with you.

This is also why the 7th Commandment states, "Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."

12th July 2012, 09:50 AM