View Full Version : Fond memories of September 11, 2001 where they go?

old steel
11th July 2012, 09:51 AM
On September 11, 2001, the New Jersey Highway Patrol arrested two terrorists who blew up a truck on the George Washington Bridge. It was on TV. Today, it never happened, Dan Rather swears he never reported it, nobody saw it, the police don’t exist, the dispatcher who you will hear is no longer on earth.

A day later their arrest records were gone, the forensic evidence was gone, the terrorists arrested on 9/11, the only ones for sure, were gone but we have proof, incontrovertible proof that at least one truck with explosives was used on 9/11 and the terrorists were arrested, proof from police and news.

We have other evidence from NYPD saying they found an identical truck trying to destroy the Lincoln Tunnel.

Scientists will tell you that special explosives were used on 9/11 yet no official investigation was ever conducted into analyzing samples from the largest crime scene in history.

If they can get away with this in broad daylight they can get away with anything.

Guess we're totally screwed then, eh?


11th July 2012, 10:02 AM
Pretty much. Thats why "they" can be so honest about the corruption/fraud on Wall street with no one going to jail. Its why a non-american can be potus, its why we can kill innocent people in third world countries and get away with it because we call it "demoncracy" and everyone swallows the kool-aid. Its also why they can feed us frankenfoods and push "legal" toxic drugs onto us. I say we're screwed and they didn't even use lube.......