View Full Version : Netanyahu implicated in nuclear smuggling from U.S. — big story in Israel

12th July 2012, 04:05 PM
Netanyahu implicated in nuclear smuggling from U.S. — big story in Israel

by Philip Weiss on July 6, 2012 66

The Israeli press is picking up Grant Smith's revelation from FBI documents that Benjamin Netanyahu was part of an Israeli smuggling ring that spirited nuclear triggers out of the U.S. in the 80s and 90s.

Arutz Sheva, the nationalist Israeli press:

Declassified FBI documents from a 1985-2002 investigation implicate Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in an initiative to illegally purchase United States nuclear technology for Israel’s nuclear program.

Netanyahu was allegedly helped by Arnon Milchan, a Hollywood producer with ties to Israeli prime ministers and U.S. presidents.

The original story was broken by Grant Smith at antiwar.com, "Netanyahu worked inside nuclear smuggling ring":

On June 27, 2012, the FBI partially declassified and released seven additional pages [.pdf] from a 1985–2002 investigation into how a network of front companies connected to the Israeli Ministry of Defense illegally smuggled nuclear triggers out of the U.S.* The newly released FBI files detail how Richard Kelly Smyth — who was convicted of running a U.S. front company — met with Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel during the smuggling operation. At that time, Netanyahu worked at the Israeli node of the smuggling network, Heli Trading Company. Netanyahu, who currently serves as Israel’s prime minister, recently issued a gag order that the smuggling network’s unindicted ringleader refrain from discussing “Project Pinto.”

The Hebrew paper Ma'ariv, in translation:

According to FBI documents released by the United States, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was involved in smuggling in the 70s from the U.S. components of Israeli nuclear program, and assisted by the businessman Arnon Milchan, who according to previous publications was a former Mossad agent.

The documents, declassified in part by the FBI after partial classification removed, describe the findings of the investigation has been performed between the years 1985 to 2002 on about how a network of front companies a U.S. security firm illegally smuggled equipment used for weapons seeds out of the U.S.


General of Darkness
12th July 2012, 09:08 PM
With jews you lose.

Netanyahu implicated in nuclear smuggling from U.S. — big story in Israel http://mondoweiss.net/images/authors/philweiss-36.png
by Philip Weiss (http://mondoweiss.net/author/philweiss) on July 6, 2012 66 (http://mondoweiss.net/2012/07/netanyahu-implicated-in-nuclear-smuggling-from-u-s-big-story-in-israel.html#comments) 191sharesFacebook (http://mondoweiss.net/2012/07/netanyahu-implicated-in-nuclear-smuggling-from-u-s-big-story-in-israel.html#)
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The Israeli press is picking up Grant Smith's revelation from FBI documents that Benjamin Netanyahu was part of an Israeli smuggling ring that spirited nuclear triggers out of the U.S. in the 80s and 90s.
Arutz Sheva, the nationalist Israeli press (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/157571#.T_b2wsXAGb8):

Declassified FBI documents from a 1985-2002 investigation implicate Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in an initiative to illegally purchase United States nuclear technology for Israel’s nuclear program.

Netanyahu was allegedly helped by Arnon Milchan, a Hollywood producer with ties to Israeli prime ministers and U.S. presidents.
The original story was broken by Grant Smith at antiwar (http://original.antiwar.com/smith-grant/2012/07/03/netanyahu-worked-inside-nuclear-smuggling-ring/).com, "Netanyahu worked inside nuclear smuggling ring":

On June 27, 2012, the FBI partially declassified and released seven additional pages (http://www.irmep.org/ila/krytons/06272012_milco_mdr.pdf) [.pdf] from a 1985–2002 investigation into how a network of front companies connected to the Israeli Ministry of Defense illegally smuggled nuclear triggers out of the U.S.* The newly released FBI files detail how Richard Kelly Smyth — who was convicted of running a U.S. front company — met with Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel during the smuggling operation. At that time, Netanyahu worked at the Israeli node of the smuggling network, Heli Trading Company. Netanyahu, who currently serves as Israel’s prime minister, recently issued a gag order that the smuggling network’s unindicted ringleader refrain from discussing “Project Pinto.”
The Hebrew paper Ma'ariv, in translation (http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=iw&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nrg.co.il%2Fonline%2F1%2FART2%2 F383%2F864.html%3Fhp%3D1%26cat%3D404%26loc%3D1):

According to FBI documents released by the United States, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was involved in smuggling in the 70s from the U.S. components of Israeli nuclear program, and assisted by the businessman Arnon Milchan, who according to previous publications was a former Mossad agent.
The documents, declassified in part by the FBI after partial classification removed, describe the findings of the investigation has been performed between the years 1985 to 2002 on about how a network of front companies a U.S. security firm illegally smuggled equipment used for weapons seeds out of the U.S..

12th July 2012, 09:25 PM

12th July 2012, 10:06 PM
Hell, I was under the impression that the entire US Nuclear arsenal is contractually managed by an Israeli Corporate Management Firm.
Can't remember the name of it, but it's based in South Africa and CEO'd by an American ZioChristian wack job.

And this one Company not only manages the entire US Nuc arsenal, but most of the "Western Ally's" nuclear arsenal as well.

Seriously, the entire western worlds nuclear arsenal is currently being "managed" by a predominantly Israeli affiliated privately held management corporation.

13th July 2012, 10:18 AM
thanks for reminding me that antiwar.com is worth paying attention to....

I think many israelis know that they are used as human shields in case of a war. They arent all as gullible.

13th July 2012, 10:50 AM
Hell, I was under the impression that the entire US Nuclear arsenal is contractually managed by an Israeli Corporate Management Firm.
Can't remember the name of it, but it's based in South Africa and CEO'd by an American ZioChristian wack job.

And this one Company not only manages the entire US Nuc arsenal, but most of the "Western Ally's" nuclear arsenal as well.

Seriously, the entire western worlds nuclear arsenal is currently being "managed" by a predominantly Israeli affiliated privately held management corporation.

They just want to be really sure that their Samson Option works really well.


13th July 2012, 11:21 AM
Snake farmers are typically the ones who'll find something to do with shed skin.

13th July 2012, 11:45 AM
Snake farmers are typically the ones who'll find something to do with shed skin.

Safe sex is important.

13th July 2012, 11:50 AM
Safe sex is important.

Stay on topic please,,,!