View Full Version : The Great Taboo

13th July 2012, 07:15 PM
Havent watched the full thing yet, but looks decent so far


Twisted Titan
14th July 2012, 04:06 AM
The greatest Taboo?

The day you realize it is not you who needs them......but it is them who need you.

Twisted Titan
14th July 2012, 10:42 PM

15th July 2012, 01:20 AM
works for me

16th July 2012, 03:23 AM
I'd posted a new thread on this by accident, locked now & points here.

remarks in OP:

New vid critical of zion/organized-jewry, broad ranging, just watching now, 81 mins but great editing, fast moving & compelling from the start, and balanced in that they give much time to Jewish anti-zion/izzy activists as well as the facts. Their angle seems to be, all Jewish voices & sources throughout.

I've watched the whole thing now, terrific. :) Certainly a good choice for propagating around the more sheeple oriented forums, or pointing friends/fam to etc- it's smartly inoculated from the usual smears due to its using virtually all jewish clips & ZSM sources.

16th July 2012, 03:35 PM
This is a good video.....Worth watching.

12th November 2012, 05:31 AM
I only just learned of this vid, speech was in 2/12, posted to YT 4/12,

Highlights from Rick Sanchez's address to the ADL (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLEaiIq1sIQ)


30th December 2012, 04:53 PM
I just went to find this vid, it's been almost totally expunged! You know how in the YT search box, it auto-fills suggestions as you type your search? For "The Great Taboo", it plays dumb until you've typed the whole name! So it found this one copy, uploaded in Sept, 75 views currently!



and it crashed a few mins into playing for me... wonder if they yanked it as I watched? will try again now...

here's a vimeo copy, found through video.google.com,
The Great Taboo on Vimeo (http://vimeo.com/45860694)

Twisted Titan
31st December 2012, 04:00 AM
So rick is on bended knee begging to kiss that menorah that elliot "statutory rape" spitzer and marv " pink pantie" albert did.

How come La Raza didnt help him? Or thats right Raza was formed from zionist money

31st December 2012, 05:27 AM
Thanks for the vids Pat. That was truly a sickening display of bootlicking by Sanchez.

3rd January 2013, 04:56 AM
'nother Sanchez grovelling to a rabbi vid. Found at http://johnfriendsblog.blogspot.com/2012/12/end-of-year-notes.htm

Skip the first 4 mins to spare yourself the rabbi's solo babblings,
Rick Sanchez talks with Shmuley Boteach about his Comments that caused his CNN Removal #2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAIzE9d2Q-c)

http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/silhouette48-vflLdu7sh.png (http://www.youtube.com/user/AngelnetJSE?feature=watch)AngelnetJSE (http://www.youtube.com/user/AngelnetJSE?feature=watch)·21 videos (http://www.youtube.com/user/AngelnetJSE/videos)

Uploaded on Jan 14, 2011
On Thursday January 13, 2011, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach talked with former CNN host Rick Sanchez at Manhattan's Carlebach Synagogue about the comments that caused his removal from CNN in October 2010.

Sanchez apologized for how his words were construed, and for making the comments at all. Sanchez explains his comments about Jon Stewart and talks more about his own feelings as a child of immigrants who worked his way to the top.

Rabbi Boteach said he did not believe Sanchez' comments were anti-Semitic, nor does he take issue with believing that Jews are not an oppressed minority in this country. Rabbi Boteach elicited tears from Sanchez when he talked of his his feelings of jealousy at those who were born with advantage, and when he reminisced about his father's hard work and life as he worked to give Rick the edge he used to rise through the ranks.

Sanchez recognizes Jewish suffering and persecution, and admires their drive and determination to rise above it. He explained that his comments were not about Jews, but about a two tier system in media; those who worked for it, as he did, and those who have the advantages of family, friends or contacts who helped propel them.

He admits that he was wrong in calling Jon Stewart a bigot, as he was reacting to Stewart's rant on Sanchez. Sanchez realizes his ultimate guilt is being too thin skinned. Boteach told Sanchez that if he could not handle criticism by Stewart, or anyone for that matter, he was in the wrong field of being in the public eye. "I know people who would pay good money to have Stewart make fun of them for the full 30 minutes of his show just to get attention," Boteach said.

I guess there's 6 parts to this thing, above is #2, I don't have the stomach to watch any more but find them at
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Rick+Sanchez+talks+with+Shmul ey+Boteach+about+his+Comments+that+caused+his+CNN+ Removal

2nd July 2013, 05:41 PM
Paula Deen Blames ‘the Jews’ For Firing (http://www.codewit.com/celebrity-gosssip/8970-paula-deen-blames-the-jews-for-firing)

Published on Saturday, 29 June 2013 16:35

Celebrity chef Paula Deen

Celebrity chef Paula Deen, embroiled in controversy this week over allegations of racism, added two cups of gasoline to the fire this morning when she blamed her troubles on Jewish people.

Deen, 66, was a guest of morning host Dave Garver on Atlanta radio station WTMI when she claimed “Jew executives” deliberately abandoned her in the wake of the controversy, which stemmed from a discrimination lawsuit filed by a former employee against her company.

The Georgia-born Southern-cooking maven is doing damage control in the media after admitting that she had used racial epithets in the past and had once planned a slavery-themed wedding. The ensuing backlash has led to Food Network dropping her show and several sponsors cutting ties.

When Garver asked Deen if she expected to return to the Food Network or to another network once the controversy died down, Deen said, “I don’t know, Dave. The whole situation is very stressful and very upsetting to me.

“I hosted one of the Food Network’s most popular shows. We had great ratings, great cookbooks, the fans loved me. But as soon as this N-word thing came up, the greedy Jew executives at the Food Network dropped me faster than a baked potato on a summer day.”
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A shocked Garver responded: “I’m sorry, but did you say greedy Jew executives?”

“Yes I did, Dave,” Deen responded. “I made those Jews all this money and they still stabbed me in the back. As soon as it looked like their profits would be affected, they told me I was no longer needed. That’s Jew loyalty for ya'll.”

Deen also had harsh words for the companies that have ended their relationships with her.

“It is heartbreaking but not surprising to see these sponsors leave me,” she said. “Target, Walmart, (diabetes drug maker) Novo Nordisk, Caesars Entertainment, Smithfield Foods. What do all these companies have in common? They’re owned and run by Jews.”

Garver attempted to change course by bringing up Deen’s recent appearance on NBC’s Today show, where she said she never intended to hurt anyone.

“I thought you were being very sincere when you went on the Today show and apologized,” Garver said. “You cried and seemed remorseful. You even asked anyone without sin to cast the first stone at you.”

“I was genuine when I said I was sorry,” Deen said. “It’s funny that this whole problem comes from the N-word because I honestly have no problem with black people. I have black employees. I have a black friend. I will even use the same bathroom as a black person.

“It’s the Jews I can't stand. Not even my accountant is a Jew. I don’t think Seinfeld is funny. I'd even prefer an Oriental over a Jew any day.”

When Garver asked Deen if her comments about Jews would further harm her public image, Deen sounded dismissive.

“It doesn't matter because Jews have it in for Southern Christian white people like me,” she added. “I suppose if I was an Oriental transgender lesbian prostitute with seven half-breed kids from Mexico, they’d forgive me.”

When contacted by phone, a publicist for Deen said she could not comment on the radio interview because she had just "parted ways" with her client.

SOURCE: dailycurrant


Twisted Titan
2nd July 2013, 06:22 PM
Stick a fork in her cause she is done now.

2nd July 2013, 06:49 PM

While funny, that article is fake.

19th January 2015, 02:43 AM
@ DDukes:

CNN fires Jim Clancy after 34 years over tweeting row with Jewish activists. Welcome to Press Freedom in Zio-America! (http://davidduke.com/cnn-fires-jim-clancy-34-years-tweeting-row-jewish-activists-welcome-press-freedom-zio-america/) January 17, 2015 at 1:52 pm

By. Dr. Patrick Slattery – Yesterday CNN fired one of its star reporters after he got into a tweeting argument with Jewish activists (http://www.jta.org/2015/01/16/news-opinion/united-states/cnns-jim-clancy-resigns-after-controversial-israel-tweets), including Oren Kessler of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundation_for_Defense_of_Democracies). The FDD is a neocon propaganda organization lavishly funded by billionaire Jewish Zionists like Roland Arnall, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roland_Arnall) Charles Bronfman (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Bronfman), and Michael Steinhardt (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Steinhardt). Jim Clancy’s CNN biography page was promptly deleted, but to see how little loyalty from CNN 34 years of hard work will get you, please refer to this archived snapshot of his page (http://web.archive.org/web/20141024094843/http://edition.cnn.com/CNN/anchors_reporters/clancy.jim.html).

http://davidduke.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/jim-clancy-500x260.jpg (http://davidduke.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/jim-clancy.jpg)

For those of you interested in the tweets involved, the website israellycool.com (http://www.israellycool.com/2015/01/08/this-is-cnn-jim-clancy-goes-on-anti-israel-rant/) (which I guess means “Israel is really cool”) has preserved the comments, with some annotation and perhaps selective editing. It is hard to see what the big deal is. It starts with Clancy making the questionable claim that Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons weren’t actually mocking Mohammed but rather those who distort his words. A rather mild bruhaha ensues, which includes Clancy correctly pointing out that his opponents were hasbara (Israeli public relations) agents.

I don’t really know what passes for etiquette on Twitter, but Clancy never said anything really that insulting. He did suggest that “You and the Hasbara team need to pick on some cripple on the edge of the herd.” That predictably prompted a Jewish organization that promotes inclusion of people with disabilities throughout the Jewish community (http://www.rudermanfoundation.org/programs/inclusion) to protest the use of the word “cripple” to CNN President Jeff Zucker (a fellow Zionist), who promptly fired Clancy.

One might ask whether Clancy was on one of his trips to North Korea when CNN fired Rick Sanchez simply for saying that there were a lot of people at CNN a lot like Jon Stewart (i.e. Jewish). Or perhaps he thought that his 34 years of service to CNN was enough to give him some modicum of job security.

At any rate, it seems pretty obvious that this whole Twitter spat was intended to give CNN a pretext for firing Clancy, who came into the Zionist’s cross hairs due to his deviation from the Israeli propaganda line, as you can see in the reaction that this Zionist website gave to an interview that Clancy conducted with a former Israeli ambassador. (http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/cnns-jim-clancys-jaw-droppingly-awful-interview-about-palestinian-unification-deal)



24th January 2016, 07:12 PM
"Digger for Truth", a youngish UK guy I think:



How Many Jew-Wise People Are There in the World? (http://renegadetribune.com/how-many-jew-wise-people-are-there-in-the-world/)

January 24, 2016 (http://renegadetribune.com/how-many-jew-wise-people-are-there-in-the-world/) Digger for Truth (http://renegadetribune.com/author/digger/) 2 Comments


I’m sure that’s a question we often ask ourselves. Initially I just thought about how many people in the world who are ‘awake’ to a general conspiracy; but then I thought this starts getting into grey areas, such as ‘the Globalists’ ‘the elite powers’, etc. Surely anyone with a tad of common sense will know that there are forces at play beyond the government, even if these idiots do actually vote.

But I suppose even the question How many Jew-wise people are there in the world? is still up for interpretation. What exactly does it mean to be Jew-wise? There is jew-wise and jew-wise. Our grandparents may have said “Oh those pesky Jews, up to their monkey business“, or your work mate knowing that the Jews control the money markets and are up no good with their trading methods. But the question really means – who is reasonably awake to the comprehensive shenanigans of Jewish perfidy?

So before we look at any figures; here are some guidelines for people qualifying as being Jew-wise. I have split their levels of knowledge into two groups:

JW person A

Generally aware of zionism and a global zionist plot.
Aware that israel had some involvement in 9-11.
Aware that elite Jews are running the money markets.
Aware that there are questions around their holocaust narrative and that it is strange that people are incarcerated in 17 countries just for asking questions about it.
Aware that the Palestinians are greatly suffering under the israeli occupation.
Are aware that international Jewry have political clout over America and many Western nations.

JW person B

They know fully that International Jewry carried out 9-11 and London 7/7 bombings, The Madrid train bombing, etc.
They are aware IJ were responsible for the black slave trade; as well as poisoning the wells causing the Black Death in Europe.
They know without question that ‘the’ holocaust is a big fat kosher lie – it never happened, that 6 million Jews were not gassed. There were no DEATH camps.
That IJ are behind all these additional false flags/hoaxes such as: Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, London beheading, Paris shootings, etc.
That IJ are behind the pornography trade, alcohol trade, gambling, peadophile rings, GM/junk food, chemtrails, smart meters, sea/river/steam pollution, etc.
They have a general understanding of how ‘usury’ works and how IJ monopolises every trade.
They have read sufficient amounts of [I]The Babylonian Talmud and realise the implications of this perverted mindset on society.
They have read The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion and are aware this most definitely is not a forgery, but an architectural game plan for IJ to dominate the world.

And what irritates the hell out of me, is that there are so many people who are awake at this level who are gardeners, cleaners, school children, single mums, grannies, scaffolders, general office clerks, printers, car mechanics, labourers. Yet all those so-called people working in government ‘intelligence’ with all their data collection and high tech gadgetry, still haven’t worked it out. FUCKING SELLOUT TRAITORS…….argggghhh.

As a wild guess, I would suggest the amount of JW person B types are between 5-10 million. And JW person A types between 50-80 million. ?????

The reason I have come up with these figures is because of the following:

I am aware milliions of Muslims across the world know about a zionist plot.
A recent survey stated that in France alone 16% of people were aware of a zionist conspiracy. And this is representative of international awareness; and growing rapidly.
My day to day conversations with people on the street, picking up that people are aware of Jews being the troublemakers of society. This awareness has increased during my time as an activist. The more people suffer, the more people are independently searching on the internet for answers to why they are suffering and more importantly who is the cause of their suffering.
Attending Palestinian demonstrations and watching the numbers increase and observing the honestly of the placards and chanting.
The incredible amount of blog/websites exposing Jewish hegemony.
The main stream press as our barometer, panic-stricken about the exponential global awakening. There isn’t a day now that they screech about the rise in “anti-Semitism”.

But I really haven’t got a clue. Those figures are a total guess.

Perhaps we should write into these government intelligent agencies and ask them. I’m sure they’re keeping a track on the JW stats.

I have heard rumours that quarter of a billion people are awake to some degree (Illuminati, global agenda level). That is 1 in 28 people if we believe that 7 billion are on the planet (I don’t think there are 7 billion people myself). Quarter of a billion seems a bit much to me. But still, these rumours indicate that we are talking enormous amounts of people waking up.

People talk about a critical mass awakening, I think this is inevitable, but what is this critical mass going to be? What sort of figures? I would suggest it is going to have to be above quarter of a billion person B types before any real shift happens.

I think this will happen sooner than any of us can imagine, due to the exponential growth of awakening. I’m sure there are probably computer programmers or statisticians who would be able to calculate pretty accurately when this will happen. I bet International Jewry know exactly when this date is and have something planned before this mass awakening will materialise. A nice little surprise for us; some special event, such as world war three, or a global virus, or a plague which will destroy all crops. Something which will be so life threatening, that worrying about whether the holocaust happened or not will be the last thing on our minds.

That is why it is essential that we stop these demonically-driven maniacs in their path as soon as we can.

And on that note – the next question should be:

How many of these JW people are doing something about it?

Again these people can be split into two camps:

Person A

Reading heaps of books about the conspiracy.
Watching endless hours of scary youtube videos.
Reading copious amounts of interesting articles.
Casually telling their friends about it and the occasional person at work.
Meeting up with other JW pals to moan about the Jews.
Pop along to their local Pro Palestine demo.
Talking about all the things they plan to do.
Putting all their energy into the endless symptoms of the agenda and not the root cause.
Leaving it all up to their church, mosque and God to sort out. Allahu Akbar and turn the other cheek mindset.
Waiting for someone else to save the day for them. Some hero in the Truth movement, or some save-the-day politician (messianic complex).

Person B

Actively going out of their way to get the Truth shared.
A devotee to the Truth – taking risks, having inconvenience.
Using all their life experiences and skill sets towards getting the Truth out there.
Actually achieving things, beyond just talk.
Realising the Truth discovers you and this is one’s spiritual obligation, that we are in a spiritual war.

Person A – 10-79+ million Person B – 3000-8000

If these guesses are in anyway accurate – this is a sad reflection on the level of activism, that 1 in 80000 people are willing to get off their arse and actually do something about this tyranny. I hope I’m very wrong on this. Because if these figures are any way accurate, then think of our potential. That if enough of us pulled our fingers out and braved up – our suffering could realistically be over in a matter of weeks! In just six weeks we could begin the process of our global freedom.

It’s not the amount of people waking up that is necessarily important –

it is the amount of people braving up.

Answers in the comments for estimates please…


24th January 2016, 07:30 PM
check this South African White guy's YT channel too: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA6tXYyxM-S-gJ1pJw8nWpA/videos

44 mins:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5ZPStX7cPTI/mqdefault.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZPStX7cPTI) 43:58
Teaching Whites about Jews (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZPStX7cPTI)

4 months ago

15th June 2016, 01:07 AM
A 98 min medley of poisekuted peeps who spoke the twoof about da dinjooz.



What do famous people think about Zionist Jews? (100 MINS)
Out of Time 5,418 views
Published on Jun 1, 2016
A series which took the Internet by storm of people you will recognise from Politicians, Journalists, Authors, Actors, Musicians and many more speaking about Zionism.The objective is to give a oppurtunity for their voices to be heard. An extra hour special that comes without music requested by many people done in a recent poll.

If it was informative you can upload and Share this video to somebody you know.

Peace & Blessings

15th June 2016, 10:17 AM
Stick a fork in her cause she is done now.Oh the irony, a well-cooked cook.

24th June 2017, 10:53 AM
bump-- I just dug up this thread to find the OP vid again, my message is: scroll through this, and note the former youtube/vimeo carcasses! :o

Me thinks they doth protest too much... something to hide? (((:(??)))

EDIT: I grabbed the YT url in my reply 8 above, thinking that coz the thumbnail appears, the vid would still be there.... but look what happens when you hit PLAY, and/or go to the URL,

I just went to find this vid, it's been almost totally expunged! You know how in the YT search box, it auto-fills suggestions as you type your search? For "The Great Taboo", it plays dumb until you've typed the whole name! So it found this one copy, uploaded in Sept, 75 views currently!



and it crashed a few mins into playing for me... wonder if they yanked it as I watched? will try again now...

here's a vimeo copy, found through video.google.com,
The Great Taboo on Vimeo (http://vimeo.com/45860694)


25th June 2017, 10:40 AM
Paula Deen Blames ‘the Jews’ For Firing (http://www.codewit.com/celebrity-gosssip/8970-paula-deen-blames-the-jews-for-firing)

Published on Saturday, 29 June 2013 16:35

Celebrity chef Paula Deen

Celebrity chef Paula Deen, embroiled in controversy this week over allegations of racism, added two cups of gasoline to the fire this morning when she blamed her troubles on Jewish people.

Deen, 66, was a guest of morning host Dave Garver on Atlanta radio station WTMI when she claimed “Jew executives” deliberately abandoned her in the wake of the controversy, which stemmed from a discrimination lawsuit filed by a former employee against her company.

The Georgia-born Southern-cooking maven is doing damage control in the media after admitting that she had used racial epithets in the past and had once planned a slavery-themed wedding. The ensuing backlash has led to Food Network dropping her show and several sponsors cutting ties.

When Garver asked Deen if she expected to return to the Food Network or to another network once the controversy died down, Deen said, “I don’t know, Dave. The whole situation is very stressful and very upsetting to me.

“I hosted one of the Food Network’s most popular shows. We had great ratings, great cookbooks, the fans loved me. But as soon as this N-word thing came up, the greedy Jew executives at the Food Network dropped me faster than a baked potato on a summer day.”
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A shocked Garver responded: “I’m sorry, but did you say greedy Jew executives?”

“Yes I did, Dave,” Deen responded. “I made those Jews all this money and they still stabbed me in the back. As soon as it looked like their profits would be affected, they told me I was no longer needed. That’s Jew loyalty for ya'll.”

Deen also had harsh words for the companies that have ended their relationships with her.

“It is heartbreaking but not surprising to see these sponsors leave me,” she said. “Target, Walmart, (diabetes drug maker) Novo Nordisk, Caesars Entertainment, Smithfield Foods. What do all these companies have in common? They’re owned and run by Jews.”

Garver attempted to change course by bringing up Deen’s recent appearance on NBC’s Today show, where she said she never intended to hurt anyone.

“I thought you were being very sincere when you went on the Today show and apologized,” Garver said. “You cried and seemed remorseful. You even asked anyone without sin to cast the first stone at you.”

“I was genuine when I said I was sorry,” Deen said. “It’s funny that this whole problem comes from the N-word because I honestly have no problem with black people. I have black employees. I have a black friend. I will even use the same bathroom as a black person.

“It’s the Jews I can't stand. Not even my accountant is a Jew. I don’t think Seinfeld is funny. I'd even prefer an Oriental over a Jew any day.”

When Garver asked Deen if her comments about Jews would further harm her public image, Deen sounded dismissive.

“It doesn't matter because Jews have it in for Southern Christian white people like me,” she added. “I suppose if I was an Oriental transgender lesbian prostitute with seven half-breed kids from Mexico, they’d forgive me.”

When contacted by phone, a publicist for Deen said she could not comment on the radio interview because she had just "parted ways" with her client.

SOURCE: dailycurrant

LOL, it seems like political correctness doesn't come natural to her!

20th December 2018, 06:24 AM
It seems "The Great Taboo" is effectively scrubbed! All links above dead, & I didn't find on http://bitchute.com :(

Adam Green's new "God's Chosen People" is very similar... patchwork of "in their own words" clips. 2.5hrs,


^ but after a few seconds of loading page, all I get is sound, on a blank/white page; no video console in sight. Anyone else?

it DOES play properly when I pull it up by a title search, and launch it from that search results page,