View Full Version : Littleton Family Returns Home After Months Away, Finds no hablo's Living In House

General of Darkness
15th July 2012, 01:21 PM
I'm sorry, if it was me, I would have gotten my 45 and shot every muther fucker in the house.

Video at link. Does anyone believe this fucking beaner no hablos?

Littleton Family Returns Home After Months Away, Finds People Living In House

LITTLETON (CBS4) – A judge in Arapahoe County gave a Littleton family permission to move back in to their home after squatters took possession and lived there for eight months.

The illegal occupants of the home were given 48 hours to leave the premises after their claim to occupy the home by “adverse possession” was shot down in court.

After 12 years living on Mabre Court in Littleton, Troy Donovan got a job with a racing team in Indiana. Donovan left Colorado in March, 2011, his wife Dayna and their two children followed a few months later in August. After months of trying to sell the house, the Donovan’s winterized their home, turned off the utilities, and left for Indiana.

The Donovans say their plan was always to return to Colorado. But that turned out to be quite difficult. While still in Indiana, the Donovan’s former neighbors on Mabre Court told them people were living in their house.

Donovan recalls asking the occupants to leave when they returned to Littleton.

“We show up at the house and we say ‘Look, I’m Troy Donovan, this is my wife Dayna, we own this home,’ ” he told CBS4.

The people inside wouldn’t budge, so the Donovans were forced to move into a relative’s basement in Greeley.

The people living inside, Veronica Fernandez-Beleta and Jose Rafael Leyva-Caraveo, claimed they bought the home. They told Littleton police they paid a man named Alfonso Carillo $5,000 for some legal paperwork called a deed of “adverse possession.”

Carillo is a former realtor whose license has been revoked. Carillo also faces criminal charges in Denver and has been connected to a string of homes occupied by squatters up and down the Front Range. The homes vary in size and price, but all have connections to Carillo through various court documents CBS4 has obtained.

RELATED: More Recent Stolen Home Reports By CBS4 (http://denver.cbslocal.com/tag/stolen-homes/)

After seeing previous CBS4 stories on stolen homes, the Donovans confronted the people living in their home.

“I told her ‘What you’re doing is wrong, it’s illegal. I would really like you to move out of the home or we will take legal action against you,’ ” said Dayna Donovan.

On Thursday a judge ordered that the Donovans get their home back.

Fernandez-Beleta told CBS4 in Spanish, “I am sad and confused and distressed.”

The Donovans say they are thankful they can finally return home.

“We get to get out of the basement, get a full home to live in,” Dayna said. “A home we created and worked very hard in as well.”

15th July 2012, 01:31 PM
Dam, another nail in wheel of the sovereign citizen, movements road!

15th July 2012, 01:38 PM
I'm sorry, if it was me, I would have gotten my 45 and shot every muther fucker in the house.

Does anyone believe this fucking beaner no hablos?

What part of this..

The people living inside, Veronica Fernandez-Beleta and Jose Rafael Leyva-Caraveo, claimed they bought the home. They told Littleton police they paid a man named Alfonso Carillo $5,000 for some legal paperwork called a deed of “adverse possession.”

Carillo is a former realtor whose license has been revoked. Carillo also faces criminal charges in Denver and has been connected to a string of homes occupied by squatters up and down the Front Range. The homes vary in size and price, but all have connections to Carillo through various court documents CBS4 has obtained.

On Thursday a judge ordered that the Donovans get their home back.

...do you not understand?

General of Darkness
15th July 2012, 01:41 PM
What part of this..

...do you not understand?

SO you're saying these putos didn't know it was a scam? For 5K you can buy a house in Littleton? Give me a fucking break. And the best was when the piece of shit mestizo said, "No Hablo", RIIIIGGGHHHHTTTTT.

15th July 2012, 01:52 PM
SO you're saying these putos didn't know it was a scam? For 5K you can buy a house in Littleton? Give me a fucking break. And the best was when the piece of shit mestizo said, "No Hablo", RIIIIGGGHHHHTTTTT.

There is a legal process for good reason. Your lack of acknowledgement of this fact is evidence for such a default system.

General of Darkness
15th July 2012, 01:54 PM
There is a legal process for good reason. Your lack of acknowledgement of this fact is evidence for such a default system.

My "PERSON" recognizes the system, the "HUMAN" does not.

15th July 2012, 02:02 PM
Did he say "No Hablo" I didn't see that?

No, I don't think they would have give someone 5K for nothing.

They should relocate to Detroit where houses are $25.

15th July 2012, 02:05 PM
Good grief sounds like some people on here are siding with the fucking beaners! They knew what they were doing was wrong. If they did not they are way too stupid to be of any use to anyone. Now if I was so poor that I needed to squat in someones house I would do it but: I would not disturb anything and leave it cleaner than I found it and second of all if the owner came back I would pack up my shit and go and say thank you.

15th July 2012, 02:06 PM
My "PERSON" recognizes the system, the "HUMAN" does not.

What are you bi-polar? :D

15th July 2012, 02:10 PM
Good grief sounds like some people on here are siding with the fucking beaners! They knew what they were doing was wrong. If they did not they are way too stupid to be of any use to anyone. Now if I was so poor that I needed to squat in someones house I would do it but: I would not disturb anything and leave it cleaner than I found it and second of all if the owner came back I would pack up my shit and go and say thank you.

Oh well I guess that makes it O.K. and you should get a pass..PFFF RIIIIGGGHHHHTTTTT.

15th July 2012, 02:17 PM
F*K you! im taking my house back right then and there! if a struggle ensues blow their worthless Asses away.

midnight rambler
15th July 2012, 02:17 PM
Dam, another nail in wheel of the sovereign citizen, movements road!

I thought you knew better than to drink and post.

15th July 2012, 02:19 PM
Oh well I guess that makes it O.K. and you should get a pass..PFFF RIIIIGGGHHHHTTTTT.

Makes what exactly OKAY?

Please clarify your stance in this issue..

Are you on the side of the squatters in this case or not?

15th July 2012, 02:19 PM
I thought you knew better than to drink and post. Sorry, have been dry going on 7 months now, and liking it! I posted that because it sounded just like what one of the sc movement has and are doing.

midnight rambler
15th July 2012, 02:23 PM
Sorry, have been dry going on 7 months now, and liking it! I posted that because it sounded just like what one of the sc movement has and are doing.

That was such a completely asinine comment I just had to ask.

15th July 2012, 02:24 PM
F*K you! im taking my house back right then and there! if a struggle ensues blow their worthless Asses away.

That's what I was gonna say.

We are way past the time of 'call the police' bullsh*t. And not just in this situation..

General of Darkness
15th July 2012, 02:30 PM
Did he say "No Hablo" I didn't see that?

Horn, watch the video at the link. At the end the reporter confronts the mestizos and the man says, "No Hablo".

mick silver
15th July 2012, 02:33 PM
start with were did the chilli pickers get 5 thousand .

General of Darkness
15th July 2012, 02:33 PM
Read the comments.

Apparently this is the owner.


Troy Donovan 19 hours ago (http://denver.cbslocal.com/2012/07/12/littleton-family-returns-home-after-months-away-finds-people-living-in-house/#comment-588218014)

Troy Donovan here the actual owner, Yes we had a Judge rule in our favor and gave them 48 hrs to vacate. They aren't budging. They are STILL living there and won't move out!! They were aware that they were being scammed the second we got back to Colorado because we told them. That was 6 weeks ago. Let alone when we found out they were living there in March we sent Littleton PD over to our house and thats when they produced the phony documents and were allowed to stay there. They have had plenty of time to move. They are running this thing to the very very end. We now have to pay Arapahoe County Sherriffs to evict them, but we can't do anything until Monday then we will get a date of when they will go there and physically remove them. So in short , NO WE DID NOT GET OUR HOME BACK IN 48 HRS. This is an outrage !!!

midnight rambler
15th July 2012, 02:36 PM
F*K you! im taking my house back right then and there! if a struggle ensues blow their worthless Asses away.

If you're paying 'property taxes' on *your house*, then it's not really *your* house. Read your mortgage, you're referred to as a 'tenant'.

15th July 2012, 02:38 PM
Horn, watch the video at the link. At the end the reporter confronts the mestizos and the man says, "No Hablo".

This reminds me of an old saying a redneck/nazi friend of mine once shared with me. He said that there were two different kinds of communication styles, if you will. 'Talking with the mouth' and 'talking with the hand'. Given that the meztizo 'no hablo', it was time to 'talk with the hand'.

15th July 2012, 02:39 PM
Makes what exactly OKAY?

Please clarify your stance in this issue..

Are you on the side of the squatters in this case or not?

It's not O.K. That was sarcasm towards Hillbilly's case of exceptionalism.

The squatters are clearly wrong.

And I don't believe killing everyone in the house is acceptable either.

Are we clear?

15th July 2012, 02:41 PM
It's not O.K. That was sarcasm towards Hillbilly's case of exceptionalism.

The squatters are clearly wrong.

And I don't believe killing everyone in the house is acceptable either.

Are we clear?

Yes. Thanks..

15th July 2012, 02:43 PM
If you're paying 'property taxes' on *your house*, then it's not really *your* house. Read your mortgage, you're referred to as a 'tenant'.

There ya go folks. You signed on the dotted line. And them frns aren't your money! Go ask Jesus.

15th July 2012, 02:44 PM
It's not O.K. That was sarcasm towards Hillbilly's case of exceptionalism.

The squatters are clearly wrong.

And I don't believe killing everyone in the house is acceptable either.

Are we clear?

Yes the squaters are wrong! I would be wrong too for squating but Like I said I would do it if I had to but. I would leave it better than I found it and would leave when asked and be polite something that these and most foreigners don't seem to understand.

15th July 2012, 02:50 PM
Yes the squaters are wrong! I would be wrong too for squating but Like I said I would do it if I had to but. I would leave it better than I found it and would leave when asked and be polite something that these and most foreigners don't seem to understand.

Ignorance is no excuse of the law.

15th July 2012, 02:51 PM
Heard this one the other day. A guy I know owned a bunch of houses in Kansas City. One had a tenant in that refused to pay so he and his attorney took her to court. The court agreed with the tenant so he figured he would be stuck with her not paying for at least another 9 months.

His equity in the home was three grand. Upon hearing the courts decision he had his lawyer fill out a quit claim deed for the property while still in court. He then asked to approach the bench and handed the judge his quit claim. The judge looked at it and asked "what is this?" He told the judge that he didn't give legal advice but in the real estate profession it was called "delivery and acceptance". The judge then looked at his lawyer (they were neighbors) and asked "can he do this?" to which his lawyer replied "he did it".

Problem solved. The non-paying tenant was now the courts problem.

You got to know when to fold 'em.

15th July 2012, 02:55 PM
Ignorance is no excuse of the law.

You miss-understand me. I know full well that my squating in that house would be illegal and so do the people in this case I'm sure. All I'm saying is that I wold do it if I had to take care of my family but when the rightful owners came back I would move because I do not and will not take care of myself or family at the expense of someone else.

15th July 2012, 03:11 PM
You miss-understand me. I know full well that my squating in that house would be illegal and so do the people in this case I'm sure. All I'm saying is that I wold do it if I had to take care of my family but when the rightful owners came back I would move because I do not and will not take care of myself or family at the expense of someone else.

Time is money, no?

Would you agree that the owner of the house has a claim to damages/loss?

15th July 2012, 03:11 PM
Ignorance is no excuse of the law.

Wrong. The topic of ignorance is covered here:


Ignorance of law, consists in the want of knowledge of those laws which it is our duty to understand, and which every man is presumed to know.

What has been drilled into you from childhood is wrong. It was done for a purpose. Learn to question what you have been taught.

midnight rambler
15th July 2012, 03:13 PM
Time is money, no?

Would you agree that the owner of the house has a claim to damages/loss?

How would one go about getting a judgment against an illegal alien?? ???

General of Darkness
15th July 2012, 03:13 PM
Wrong. The topic of ignorance is covered here:


What has been drilled into you from childhood is wrong. It was done for a purpose. Learn to question what you have been taught.

Palani, don't waste your time Golden Snake is a shill.

15th July 2012, 03:28 PM
Wrong. The topic of ignorance is covered here:


What has been drilled into you from childhood is wrong. It was done for a purpose. Learn to question what you have been taught.

I am. It is inherent the duty be the price you pay for understanding. To merely want something does not warrant action.

Old Herb Lady
15th July 2012, 03:33 PM
How dumb. The wife and family had to move with him for a mere " several months". The husband should have went and worked out of town and left the wife with some good lessons on how to hold the fort down till I get back home, honey.
(I lived for a freakin year BY MYSELF in my home while my old man was out working out of state to protect what is mine, my not-owned-by-me-house ! )

I don't leave my home / my castle for 5 days straight without having a friend/ family member stay there or check on it every single day and report back to me ANYTHING that looks weird ! You don't leave your house for months and expect it to be the same when you get back. Period. You pay someone trustworthy to watch your shit or these kinds of these are bound to happen. Doesn't anyone think ahead of time ? No, just start shooting when you come home because of your own irresponsibility ??

The squatters should have left immediately, but you can't go shooting those retarded people because you left your gold sittin all alone for months on end !

See ya when I see ya honey buns, Im stayin here, I gotz da guns and da ammo and I'll talk to you everyday on the phone and we will come visit on some weekends ....

They didn't care enough all those months to get a report on how their house was doing ?
I'm shocked that people are that naive to believe that something like this couldn't happen.....much much worse could have happened ! Naive "homeowners" !

15th July 2012, 03:33 PM
Palani, don't waste your time Golden Snake is a shill.

Ha! Coming from you that's a compliment.

15th July 2012, 03:39 PM
How would one go about getting a judgment against an illegal alien?? ???

For the record I'm not a lawyer and I do not understand Colorado laws.

Would have asking the Sheriff for advice first been a better idea?

What are your thoughts rambler?

15th July 2012, 03:43 PM
Owning property in this country appears to be replete with geopolitical risk. Between eminent domain, ordinances, and now vagabond Mexicans taking over houses with lawyers, it does not seem wise.

midnight rambler
15th July 2012, 03:43 PM
For the record I'm not a lawyer and I do not understand Colorado laws.

Would have asking the Sheriff for advice first been a better idea?

What are your thoughts rambler?

Generally when one asks a 'legal' question of a *public servant* the stock reply is: "We/this office don't/doesn't give legal advice. Contact an attorney."

willie pete
15th July 2012, 04:28 PM
should've gassed their asses, no; not with zyklon-B, pump the house full of OC-pepper spray ;D

Old Herb Lady
15th July 2012, 04:37 PM
should've gassed their asses, no; not with zyklon-B, pump the house full of OC-pepper spray ;D

Good one ! It's gonna need fumigated anyways !

15th July 2012, 04:54 PM
Here in Costa if you leave your place, and someone squatts there for a year they have more right to it then you do... :)

All things considered (if it is yours and not the banks) the bank would be sure to have someone squatting there.

Laws the law, in this case the real estate guy is breaking it.

15th July 2012, 08:27 PM
I guess "if you don't hold it..." applies to houses as well.

15th July 2012, 08:41 PM
A judge in Arapahoe County gave a Littleton family permission to move back in to their home

Since when did one need permission to enter and vacate their own homes? I don't want to sound like a keyboard commando, but they would have been out of that house the day I found them.

Read the comments.

Apparently this is the owner.

Troy Donovan 19 hours ago (http://denver.cbslocal.com/2012/07/12/littleton-family-returns-home-after-months-away-finds-people-living-in-house/#comment-588218014)

Troy Donovan here the actual owner, Yes we had a Judge rule in our favor and gave them 48 hrs to vacate. They aren't budging. They are STILL living there and won't move out!! They were aware that they were being scammed the second we got back to Colorado because we told them. That was 6 weeks ago. Let alone when we found out they were living there in March we sent Littleton PD over to our house and thats when they produced the phony documents and were allowed to stay there. They have had plenty of time to move. They are running this thing to the very very end. We now have to pay Arapahoe County Sherriffs to evict them, but we can't do anything until Monday then we will get a date of when they will go there and physically remove them. So in short , NO WE DID NOT GET OUR HOME BACK IN 48 HRS. This is an outrage !!!

This guy is so nutless he can't defend his own family against invaders, but would rather sit on the sideline for weeks/months while other folks solve the problem for him.

15th July 2012, 09:11 PM
His recourse is murder, which is against the man's law and also the natural law. A more reasonable solution would be to make the place so obnoxious as to drive the rodents out. That failing, you ensure the safety of the inhabitants and then BURN IT.

15th July 2012, 09:23 PM
You don't have to shoot them, but why not just show up with guns and kick them out? If it's your home, defend it. Getting the courts involved is too much paperwork. You can't just move into someone else's home and claim it as yours. Anyone with a right mind can understand that. Anyone that doesn't understand it, should be removed at gunpoint. They should understand then.

midnight rambler
15th July 2012, 09:51 PM
I'm wondering how the beaners got the utilities turned on without legitimate documentation.

15th July 2012, 10:27 PM
Getting the courts involved is too much paperwork.

They should be able to take deed or (copy of) to police & they would do it thru a lawyer.

That's if it is their house,, if its the banks on a recent mortgage nobody knows who's it is.... :)

16th July 2012, 04:59 AM
Since when did one need permission to enter and vacate their own homes? I don't want to sound like a keyboard commando, but they would have been out of that house the day I found them.

This guy is so nutless he can't defend his own family against invaders, but would rather sit on the sideline for weeks/months while other folks solve the problem for him.

Thank goodnes the voice of reason here. I get the idea that some on this thread are defending the squatters.

One important question though---Were the owners paying an insurance policy on the place and were the premiums current?

16th July 2012, 05:19 AM
I'm wondering how the beaners got the utilities turned on without legitimate documentation.

probably the same way all the other beaners do it.

Old Herb Lady
16th July 2012, 05:59 AM
NOBODY here would EVER take the side of the squatters. We must remember that we are living in America. The freakin squatters have rights now !!
If the government sees the house as abandoned ( utilities turned OFF, grass not cut, unkempt property, etc.) they could deem the house/property abandoned.
It does not take very long at all for your property/house to look like shit if it's not cared for.
If contact was trying to be made with the owners and NO ONE could reach them/find them....what duration of time would then be considered as abandoment
even if the mortgage was still being paid or insurance, etc ...... If NO ONE is there the squatters might be able to be there LEGALLY !!!
It's called ADVERSE POSSESSION. You can't claim adverse posession on public property, only private property...

They could have changed the locks & have everything in their names . "Occupancy" might be another keyword, too in all that mumbo jumbo paperwork because
the owners weren't occupying it or renting it. Every state has their own adverse posession laws.

Your home is not yours ! ( and if you're away for any extended length of time----the gov't has squatter laws/ rights ! ) SCAM !!!!



16th July 2012, 06:05 AM
This is why home sitting is a profitable occupation (pun intended).

16th July 2012, 06:29 AM
The freakin squatters have rights now !!

Only because some people say they do..

16th July 2012, 06:40 AM
Only because some people say they do..

Consider a home purchase. You don't use money to buy a home. You use money to attract the previous tenant into moving someplace else so that you can move in and occupy the home. Except it is not really money. It is a FRN that you don't own.

Everyone is a squatter according to the government. In Texas they have a web site on abandoned property. They say the one who owns the property is the one who pays the tax on it. In all states, don't pay the tax and find out how long it takes government to find a new tenant.

Old Herb Lady
16th July 2012, 06:57 AM
Protect your gold. Know where it's at. Check in on it occasionally , make sure it's still yours and hasn't been taken from you. If someone tries to steal it from you, get your gun out. defend yourself, your family and your property ! But if they steal it from you and you find out 8 months later and get mad at them and want to shoot them whose fault is it , yours or theirs ? If they took illegal ownership of it because you weren't responsible enough for it ...... You lose.
We are in a time where we have to guard what is ours. If you're not there to guard it, it can be taken. Somebody should have been in that house or watching it to notify the owners of imminent trouble ! What kind of neighbors take 8 months to inform the owners , that hey u gotz squatters in yo house ! guard your shit people ! Common sense stuff ! I know LOTS of people who own houses that have been empty for YEARS ....and they all check on them constantly especially in the city where the empty houses turn into places where the drug addicts and homeless can sniff out in a heartbeat .

Relying on papers you signed at the bank or tax papers saying it's yours on paper
is like keeping all your money in the bank and expecting the bank to always take care of and guard your money for you .....you can lose it in a blink of an eye....keep your schtuff closer than that. Everybody here knows that by now.

midnight rambler
16th July 2012, 07:32 AM
Protect your gold. Know where it's at. Check in on it occasionally , make sure it's still yours and hasn't been taken from you. If someone tries to steal it from you, get your gun out. defend yourself, your family and your property ! But if they steal it from you and you find out 8 months later and get mad at them and want to shoot them whose fault is it , yours or theirs ? If they took illegal ownership of it because you weren't responsible enough for it ...... You lose.
We are in a time where we have to guard what is ours. If you're not there to guard it, it can be taken. Somebody should have been in that house or watching it to notify the owners of imminent trouble ! What kind of neighbors take 8 months to inform the owners , that hey u gotz squatters in yo house ! guard your shit people ! Common sense stuff ! I know LOTS of people who own houses that have been empty for YEARS ....and they all check on them constantly especially in the city where the empty houses turn into places where the drug addicts and homeless can sniff out in a heartbeat .

Relying on papers you signed at the bank or tax papers saying it's yours on paper
is like keeping all your money in the bank and expecting the bank to always take care of and guard your money for you .....you can lose it in a blink of an eye....keep your schtuff closer than that. Everybody here knows that by now.

Somewhere, somehow this couple got the mistaken impression that the govt. and the court system works for them - they likely got this misconception in the Public Fool System.

16th July 2012, 07:33 AM
Public Fool System.

How delightfully pithy.

16th July 2012, 08:40 AM
This is why we are f7cked as a nation and a people.

There's no racial or ethnic solidarity whatsoever. Especially as evidenced on this thread..

16th July 2012, 08:53 AM
So, we see the problem here isnt the mexies....its the cops! If they were not involved the generals' clint eastwood style would have solved the problem in moments.

16th July 2012, 09:32 AM
His recourse is murder, which is against the man's law and also the natural law. A more reasonable solution would be to make the place so obnoxious as to drive the rodents out. That failing, you ensure the safety of the inhabitants and then BURN IT.



16th July 2012, 12:28 PM
^ so gross! I would have 10 terriers with a problem like that.

16th July 2012, 02:34 PM
^ so gross! I would have 10 terriers with a problem like that.

This (same) farm had quite the infestation...


16th July 2012, 03:12 PM
I would never watch that without the dogs. They are having a blast!