View Full Version : Who Really Controls the world? NEW INFO... Historical Research

Spun Gold
16th July 2012, 12:08 PM

I am halfway through the interview, and it's just about the most interesting thing
I have ever read.

Get some food and drink, it's long, detailed, and fits together many pieces...

"You've gotten familiar with the role played by, for instance, the Khazarian Zionists (who invented the word 'Jew' to disguise their adopted heritage, as distinguished from the biblical Judeans), or the role played by the Banksters (banking gangsters) controlling the economies of the world, by the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Committee of 300 (the 17 wealthiest so-called 'elite' families)--the Rothschild's in England and Rockefellers in America and Bronfman's in Canada, and on and on, comprising the physical power structure of the New World Order puppets under the direction of darkly motivated, other-dimensional 'master deceivers' commonly known as Lucifer or Satan and their 'fallen angel' cohorts.

While all of those details contribute to understanding the Larger Picture, what you are about to read fills in a most important Missing Link in this entire structure. And I don't mean a little side issue; I mean a link so central-yet so well hidden from general public view, and for so long-that even the most studied of 'conspiracy theory' scholars probably have not put together much of the information that is going to be presented here."

16th July 2012, 02:12 PM
I've read that before somewhere... a lot of interesting history, and fascinating speculations about world government and the Jesuits. However, a lot of it seems like a stretch, perhaps more fantastical than accurate.