View Full Version : Deputies shoot, kill man after knocking on wrong door

16th July 2012, 01:32 PM
LAKE COUNTY, Fla. - Lake County Sheriff's Office deputies shot and killed a man they assumed was an attempted murder suspect on Sunday, but they now know they shot the wrong man.

In the early-morning hours, deputies knocked on 26-year-old Andrew Lee Scott's door without identifying themselves as law enforcement officers. Scott answered the door with a gun in his hand.

"When we knocked on the door, the door opened and the occupant of that apartment was pointing a gun at deputies, and that's when we opened fire and killed him," Lt. John Herrell said. "Even though this subject is not the one we were looking for when he opened the door. He was pointing the gun at the deputy and if you put yourselves in the deputy's shoes. They were there to pick up someone who was wanted for an attempted homicide."

Officials said the deputies did not identify themselves because of safety reasons.

Deputies thought they were confronting Jonathan Brown, a man accused of attempted murder. Brown was spotted at the Blueberry Hills Apartment complex and his motorcycle was parked across from Andrew Scott's front door.

"It's just a bizarre set of circumstances. The bottom line is, you point a gun at a deputy sheriff or police office, you're going to get shot," Herrell said.

Residents said the unannounced knock at the door at 1:30 a.m. may be the reason why the tragedy happened.

"He was the wrong guy and he got shot and killed anyway. There's fault on both sides. I think more so on the county," Ryan Perry said. "I can understand why he [the deputy] did it, but it should have never gone down like that," Perry said.

Scott's friend, LeMac Blount said he thinks law enforcement acted too quickly.

"I think because his motorcycle was parked in front of Andrew's door, it wasn't safe to assume that that was where he was at. I think they should of took other precautions," said Blout.


16th July 2012, 01:49 PM
"When we knocked on the door, the door opened and the occupant of that apartment was pointing a gun at deputies, and that's when we opened fire and killed him," Lt. John Herrell said. "Even though this subject is not the one we were looking for when he opened the door. He was pointing the gun at the deputy and if you put yourselves in the deputy's shoes. They were there to pick up someone who was wanted for an attempted homicide."

I really have a hard time believing this. Sounds to me like these deputies are covering up their mistake. The victim may have answered the door with a gun in his hand, his right to do so, but only a person with a death wish would point the gun at several armed deputies. Makes no sense. The victim had no intent, just some innocent guy answering the door of his own home.

But, dead folks can't tell their side of the story.

16th July 2012, 02:36 PM
Damn so sad......Another dead American.

We will likely never know the truth, unless there are other witness besides the State and it's Pro Offensive Violence Protection Racket.

If a man points a gun at another man, that man has a right to defend his life. PERIOD. It doesn't matter if one of them is wearing a costume or not.

So if this guy did point a gun at these Cops, well he made a decision. The Cops reacted as they should have.

The thing Cops need to realize is the reason they have a right to defend themselves is because they are human. NOT because they are an Agent for the State, or because they are some special force or any other bullshit crap they think.

midnight rambler
16th July 2012, 02:49 PM
The one thing we can count on FOR SURE is that gangsters in costumes with badges are notorious liars when caught fucking up. I find it highly unlikely that this dead fellow intentionally pointed a gun at 'deputies', but WTF are they doing acting like jackasses at 1:30 AM? (rhetorical question, they're cops, and cops are professional jackasses generally speaking lol)

16th July 2012, 02:52 PM
I really have a hard time believing this. Sounds to me like these deputies are covering up their mistake. The victim may have answered the door with a gun in his hand, his right to do so, but only a person with a death wish would point the gun at several armed deputies. Makes no sense. The victim had no intent, just some innocent guy answering the door of his own home.

But, dead folks can't tell their side of the story.

Spot on. I don't believe for one second their tall tale. They shot and killed him, so they can say whatever they want and nobody can challenge it.

16th July 2012, 02:54 PM
I really have a hard time believing this. Sounds to me like these deputies are covering up their mistake. The victim may have answered the door with a gun in his hand, his right to do so, but only a person with a death wish would point the gun at several armed deputies. Makes no sense. The victim had no intent, just some innocent guy answering the door of his own home.

But, dead folks can't tell their side of the story.

Somebody is showing intellectual growth.

16th July 2012, 02:55 PM
So if this guy did point a gun at these Cops, well he made a decision. The Cops reacted as they should have.

What if you open the door and find a dozen people pointing guns at you.

16th July 2012, 02:56 PM
They knocked and waited for an attempted murder suspect? I thought no-knocks were all the rage now.

16th July 2012, 03:05 PM
Can't help but wonder if "policy of not announcing themselves due to concern for [their own] safety" will ever be re-evaluated. I mean, even Avon ladies announce themselves when they knock and someone inside says, who is it?

That's where I have a problem...the "knocking" bit. Somehow, yours truly doubts said "knock" was one of those polite little "knock, knock, knock" "Avon Calling" knocking deals....


midnight rambler
16th July 2012, 03:15 PM
That's where I have a problem...the "knocking" bit. Somehow, yours truly doubts said "knock" was one of those polite little "knock, knock, knock" "Avon Calling" knocking deals....


Of course, it was the 'cop knock'. If someone was POUNDING on your door at 1:30AM, what would any reasonable and prudent man do??

16th July 2012, 03:21 PM
Imagine if it was the wrong country.......................oooppppss........... .already happened ,a few times now......

16th July 2012, 03:21 PM
I can believe that the guy had a gun pointed at them. Have you guys ever had the police knock on your door? It sounds like someone is trying to break the door down. Especially if they did not announce themselves and were all cowboy to rein in a murderer.

Edit to add: I am not condoning the actions of the police in any fashion.

16th July 2012, 04:03 PM
What if you open the door and find a dozen people pointing guns at you.

Then your wife who is around the side window opens fire! Come on man! ;)

Uncle Salty
16th July 2012, 05:34 PM
What if you open the door and find a dozen people pointing guns at you.

Shit and piss your pants I would think.