View Full Version : Who is Dead Obama Staffer Alex Okrent?

General of Darkness
16th July 2012, 01:53 PM
Who is Dead Obama Staffer Alex Okrent?
by Kris Zane, Obama Files http://www.youtube.com/user/ObamaBC

A huge story on July 13 was the death of Obama campaign staffer Alex Okrent. Apparently he had been at Obama campaign headquarters in Chicago, fine one minute, dead the next. Witnesses say he collapsed, whereby paramedics were called, and the next thing everyone knows, he's dead.

Young, twenty-nine years old? Mysteriously dies?

Nothing to see here, move on...


Per the Obama campaign Okrent had been a staffer going all the way back to Obama's 2004 U.S. senate campaign—so being on staff for eight years. That's a long time.

The guy must have a lot of history. A lot of stories to tell.


Do a Google search. You will find the guy literally does not exist. Except for the story about his death, the guy does not appear anywhere. Even if he wasn't an Obama campaign staffer, anyone who has Google'd their own name knows everyone that walks the face of this Earth who has not lived in a cave all of their lives will be all over the Internet.

His existence wiped clean?

Oddly his Twitter account is still active. While his timeline shows him to be an Obama supporter, nothing, going all the way back to 2009, indicates he was an Obama staffer.

His does appear to be a gay marriage supporter, and while his timeline does not indicate he is gay, one photo dug up in an archived Twitter post seems to indicate he was gay. Also, the last person he tweeted is a suggestion to go to a popular Chicago bar frequented by lesbians and gays.

Another Obama gay connection?


Perhaps nothing to see here. Perhaps it is another right-wing conspiracy theory.

Of course we were told saying the birth certificate was a forgery was a conspiracy theory and that turned out to be true...

Could this be the link of Obama's anti-Israel, Marxist policies that Obama had to conveniently sweep away?

Given the ability of this President to cover up all of his radical connections, all of his past abominations, we may never know.

Alex Okrent only connection to Obama campaign, February 2008 blog post https://my.barackobama.com/page/community/blog/alexokrent

Alex Okrent Twitter account https://twitter.com/HeyAok

Alex Okrent deleted Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/okrent

Sarah Roberts, last person that Alex Okrent tweeted to https://twitter.com/sarahchristine

Jewish Voice for Peace, virulently anti-Israel website of which Alex Okrent's mother, Lynn Pollack, holds a leadership position http://jewishvoiceforpeace.org/

In the Lynn Pollack pro-Palestinian Video, the event is sponsored by Chicago Movement for Palestinian Rights, which is associated with CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), a terrorist-linked organization http://www.cairchicago.org/tag/palestine/

Bill Chambers in Lynn Pollack pro-Palestinian news segment is a self-identified anarchist http://battlefieldamerica.wordpress.com/2012/05/16/anarchy-day-16-anarchist-o... (http://battlefieldamerica.wordpress.com/2012/05/16/anarchy-day-16-anarchist-organizations-to-create-mayhem-at-nato-summit/)

Nexus of anti-Israel "social justice" groups like Jewish Voice for Peace and CODEPINK http://rabbibrant.com/category/jewish-voice-for-peace/

Jewish S.H.I.T. List website (Self-Hating and/or Israel-Threatening, listing both Alex Okrent and his sister Abigail Okrent http://www.masada2000.org/list-NOP.html

Trevor Loudon's Marxist watchdog website, listing Alex Okrent's sister, Abigail Okrent http://keywiki.org/index.php/Abigail_Okrent

'American Jews Oppose Israeli Policy in Gaza' petition signed by Alex Okrent's mother, Lynn Pollack http://faultlineusa.blogspot.com/2009/01/obama-appoints-new-me-envoy-urges-ga... (http://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Ffaultlineusa.blogspot.com% 2F2009%2F01%2Fobama-appoints-new-me-envoy-urges-gaza.html&session_token=k7S_1e1W60SvyrYiGrtA44oe0Qd8MTM0MjU1 NzY1OUAxMzQyNDcxMjU5)

Funeral schedule of Alex Okrent, listing Howard Friedland conducting services, who has been identified as an anti-Israeli Marxist
http://www.chicagojewishfunerals.com/funeral-detail-page?case=7C90CBC6-BFC5-4... (http://www.chicagojewishfunerals.com/funeral-detail-page?case=7C90CBC6-BFC5-438E-9E13-A6C451FA0C48)
http://calneocon.typepad.com/blog/2011/03/moment-of-truth-for-leftists-israel... (http://calneocon.typepad.com/blog/2011/03/moment-of-truth-for-leftists-israel-opinion-ynetnews.html)

Part 1


General of Darkness
16th July 2012, 01:53 PM
Part 2


16th July 2012, 03:40 PM
hopefully he has nothing to do with the Sheriffs information?

suddenly dropping dead seems a pretty popular thing to do these days. Too much energy drinks maybe.

16th July 2012, 04:30 PM
He knew author(s)



The Budda Walks Into A Bar; A Guide To Life For A New Generation by Lodro Rinzler