View Full Version : Incredible 5 Second KO - Inside MMA

old steel
16th July 2012, 05:07 PM
Bang just like that second 5 second knockout in a row.


16th July 2012, 05:31 PM
I wasn't expecting two gals fighting...

Is that Ximmy? Maybe this is why she hasn't been posting much. She's been training MMA, and knocking gals out in the ring.

16th July 2012, 07:45 PM
Great fighter. Too bad she doesn't have any sex appeal.


16th July 2012, 07:51 PM
Great fighter. Too bad she doesn't have any sex appeal.


Oh man, hurt me woman.

old steel
16th July 2012, 08:23 PM
I wasn't expecting two gals fighting...

Is that Ximmy? Maybe this is why she hasn't been posting much. She's been training MMA, and knocking gals out in the ring.

Ximmy kicks ass too? :confused:

willie pete
16th July 2012, 08:26 PM
I'd hope she'd work on her defensive skills in the future

16th July 2012, 08:45 PM
Nothing turns me off more than a tattooed woman who desires to be a professional fighter.

Feminist, womans lib, cultural marxist BS.

16th July 2012, 08:47 PM
I'd hope she'd work on her defensive skills in the future

If she gets to defensive, she would not be fun to date. You want to jump into the sack with a gal like that. You don't want a defensive standoff, but more an aggressive romp in the hay.

16th July 2012, 08:59 PM
Nothing turns me off more than a tattooed woman who desires to be a professional fighter.

Feminist, womans lib, cultural marxist BS.

I used to think this way. Fall in love with a sweet gal, white picket fence and all...the feminists pretty much destroyed that dream of mine.

You are married. Us single guys have learned to adapt. You diffuse feminism by 1) not getting married and 2) not having kids. The feminists can't touch you then. Then..you just accept women. No point in getting labeled a misogynist. Just enjoy women as they come and go through life, and life is all good then. You have your bases covered.

16th July 2012, 09:13 PM
I used to think this way. Fall in love with a sweet gal, white picket fence and all...the feminists pretty much destroyed that dream of mine.

You are married. Us single guys have learned to adapt. You diffuse feminism by 1) not getting married and 2) not having kids. The feminists can't touch you then. Then..you just accept women. No point in getting labeled a misogynist. Just enjoy women as they come and go through life, and life is all good then. You have your bases covered.

So, the answer to Feminism wanting to get rid of the family unit is to....stop making family units?

make perfect sense...... -_-

16th July 2012, 09:24 PM
So, the answer to Feminism wanting to get rid of the family unit is to....stop making family units?

make perfect sense...... -_-

You are missing the point. It takes 2 folks, a man and a woman, to create the family unit. If all the woman are feminists, how could a man create a family unit?

As a single man, you can either be labeled a misogynist, or you can be smart about it, protect yourself, and enjoy being single, and enjoying women for who they are.

16th July 2012, 09:37 PM
Great fighter. Too bad she doesn't have any sex appeal.


OK, for the record, the above fighter is Ronda Rousey. The fighter in the original post is Veronica Rothenhausler, show below. Sorry for any confusion...


16th July 2012, 09:44 PM
You are missing the point. It takes 2 folks, a man and a woman, to create the family unit. If all the woman are feminists, how could a man create a family unit?

As a single man, you can either be labeled a misogynist, or you can be smart about it, protect yourself, and enjoy being single, and enjoying women for who they are.

First off all the women aren't feminists, just all the woman in Cali are.

Second, "enjoy woman for who they are" sounds like free love marxist rhetoric to me.

I've said this before, and I can't remember your response, but living in Cali and looking for a wife is like going to a titty bar expecting to find the future mother of your children and being depressed when you come out thinking they are all whores. It's not the good women don't exist, they just don't exist where you are looking for them.


16th July 2012, 10:21 PM
Lucky, I have to hand it to you, that video is damn funny. Funniest I've seen in a long time.

16th July 2012, 10:43 PM
Watching woman box is like watching men knitting sweaters. It just doesn't FIT

God says
1 Timothy 5:14 I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.

The stinkin' satanic run world system says the younger women should go to college, get a "career", be your OWN man, why be an help-meet TO a man like god DESIGNED them for when you can be your own man. Absolutely disgusting and sickening. Modern day woman's lib movement was started by Madamne Blavatsky's daughter BTW in the mid 1850's. That alone ought to tell you WHO is behind it. i.e. Satan

16th July 2012, 11:51 PM
Watching woman box is like watching men knitting sweaters. It just doesn't FIT

God says
1 Timothy 5:14 I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.

The stinkin' satanic run world system says the younger women should go to college, get a "career", be your OWN man, why be an help-meet TO a man like god DESIGNED them for when you can be your own man. Absolutely disgusting and sickening. Modern day woman's lib movement was started by Madamne Blavatsky's daughter BTW in the mid 1850's. That alone ought to tell you WHO is behind it. i.e. Satan
Sorry, God didn't say that, SoG!!!

Timothy, one of the early church's YOUNGEST, traveling preacher whose writings you quoted, used those words in one of his personal "counseling letters" in response to a specific young church's earnest, caring question...and now which you've weaponized out of context.

Those words were penned in regards to whatever is a woman [Greek translation:; young widow] going to do who finds herself a widow in a particular church / worship family with which he was familiar and obviously asked for his "in cathedra" opinion about. That is a a far cry from an epithet flung against young college educational pursuing young women in the new millenium as you have twisted it for your own mean and disgusting purposes.

1 Timothy 5:14 you just beat this thread with is found within the New Covenant, a.k.a., that is true enough

....But there are those of of who don't appreciate those who go around puttin' words into God's mouth that God didn't say. God doesn't need the blame and your extremely bad attribution for a personal letter young preacher Timothy's wrote, a novice preacher's "advice."

You MUST be a another male to have written such bilge about how horrible it is for females to be attending college. As a male, I'm embarrassed!!---doubly so considering we claim to be of the same faith system. Post high school educational institutions are where most young women with whom I'm acquainted in my social circles go to get their MRS degrees. It's been that way for decades, now that I think about it.

Oh, and I don't like boxing by either gender, truth be told, so I didn't click on the proferred link.

a revulsed beefsteak with two grown children, one of each gender.

17th July 2012, 12:56 AM
Talk about hot, Jesus.


Anyway, I have no problem with women fighting, two consenting adults blah blah blah.

17th July 2012, 09:10 PM
Lucky, I have to hand it to you, that video is damn funny. Funniest I've seen in a long time.

Cracked me up too. :)

17th July 2012, 09:22 PM
Lucky, I have to hand it to you, that video is damn funny. Funniest I've seen in a long time.

Something that may be lost on you, that author/host/creator,
parodies/mocks people with your views that are all over this forum.

WTF is with the avatar ?

4 sock puppet troll !

17th July 2012, 09:35 PM
Something that may be lost on you, that author/host/creator,
parodies/mocks people with your views that are all over this forum.

WTF is with the avatar ?

4 sock puppet troll !

Ah, shove it up your ass, Magnes. I can have any avatar I like. You asshole. If you can call me a troll, I can call you an asshole. Fair, is fair, in fact. Indeed, that felt good to say.

Back on topic...watch the video Lucky posted before commenting. It's funny, maybe you'll lighten up a bit around here and have a laugh.

17th July 2012, 09:38 PM
Ah, shove it up your ass, Magnes. I can have any avatar I like. You asshole. If you can call me a troll, I can call you an asshole. Fair, is fair, in fact. Indeed, that felt good to say.

Back on topic...watch the video Lucky posted before commenting. It's funny, maybe you'll lighten up a bit around here and have a laugh.

You have a history of personally attacking people on here like this, NO BAN , and worse.

4 SOCKS DOING THIS ! To the beginning of forum targetting Fred when you were " liquid " .

Anyone here with 4 Socks is not a legitimate member here.

What I stated is truth, RamzPaul outs the " cultural marxists " like yourself.
Just 2 of your recent posts would qualify for this.

Last 2 bans I got were, " full of shit " and " two faced " as you blatantly swear and do worse.

Even before you supposedly left sending me PM's as solid, freaking out, and issuing threats of violence,
2 of these that I know of, one recent, NO BAN, don't know what happened in thunderdome but people
sent me PM's about your breakdown.

You are an agitator. No threads, just bogus crap.

17th July 2012, 09:41 PM
Just 2 of your recent posts would qualify for this.

What about your posts? I reckon every single one of your posts has some sort of attack on others in it. You are the master at slandering folks.

It's a bunch of BS what you get away with on this site. Bunch of lies you spread, and get away with.

17th July 2012, 09:44 PM
Even before you supposedly left sending me PM's as solid, freaking out, and issuing threats of violence.

THIS is the lowest you've ever sank. I have NEVER threatened anyone on this forum. I NEVER threatened you through PM's. You, sir, are the biggest fucking liar on the internet.

EDIT: After a few minutes to calm down. I just like to say I take this very very personally. Magnes, I can forgive a lot, but I'll never forget such a backstabbing blatant lie. We both will go before God one day, you will have to answer to him for your lies. I never once sent you a freaked out PM threatening you. You have to live with that lie, not me.

18th July 2012, 12:53 AM
.....Just the original post, that's the kind thing you can do when you work out a lot. I bet she had a really nice power clean in the gym, because she exploded through with that punch.

Power Cleans: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Qs_iKw9-wJA/TslQ38fzOyI/AAAAAAAAFyI/jDyAplnS79M/s1600/2011CFGR_SouthWest_WomenEvent5_Miranda.jpg


18th July 2012, 07:45 AM
Ah, shove it up your ass, Magnes. I can have any avatar I like. You asshole. If you can call me a troll, I can call you an asshole. Fair, is fair, in fact. Indeed, that felt good to say.

Back on topic...watch the video Lucky posted before commenting. It's funny, maybe you'll lighten up a bit around here and have a laugh.

Solid, you seem to let things get to you wayyyy more than anyone else here. Put on your flamesuit, get thicker skin, whatever, and if Magnes says something you don't like, instead of de-railing the whole thread in a back and forth between you and Magnes, IGNORE IT. It's an internet forum for God's sakes. And yes, I will give you a warning, please no more personal attacks.