View Full Version : Whistleblowers on US Govt Time Travel & Teleportation

16th July 2012, 05:15 PM
not saying that what they say is true... keeping my mind open as knowing teleportation is very possible. However I am listening now...

Time travel and teleportation technologies are real, and the United States government has used them since at least the 1960s. So say our guests lawyer Andy Basiago and former special assistant to President Nixon Bernard Mendez. They know, because they say they were a part of these programs that sent them through time and space to the past, the future, and even to Mars! And they weren't alone. They report being with many others, including a young Barack Obama!

Laura Eisenhower, great-grandaughter of President Eisenhower also joins us to corroborate their stories of a secret space program hidden from the ordinary citizens of Earth.


16th July 2012, 09:45 PM
The Looking Glass Project involved a back-engineered Extraterrestrial device originally designed to be a portal opening mechanism for Stargate-type travel - which had (has) the capacity to bend time/space so that events over the forward and rear event horizons could be viewed. When it is paired up with a second device using the settings, events can not only be viewed but heard and more. This device was also being tested for communications protocols and transportation applications as recently as 2003-2004 before being dismantled for safety reasons as we enter further into the highly energetic space in and around the galactic plane. (source : http://www.eaglesdisobey.net/bio.htm)


I can buy teleportation, but think it would still take a determined amount of time.

Time to me is linear, and can only be traveled backwards by hindsight. IMO

16th July 2012, 10:11 PM
I listened but after 40mins I gave up, I simply didnt find the speakers compelling enough. Maybe I will listen to the other half tomorrow.

But many (reputable in the field) have said that the moon and mars is inhabited, so I could believe that teleportation already exists.

as for time travel, I'd guess that you may have a point.

17th July 2012, 01:27 AM
So I stayed the course and listened to it all. I've listened to some of the camelot stuff. I find it interesting that these people seem to talk off the cuff. For me, I think it is useful to make notes for talking points so I can make the points I need to, to give people a comprehensive grasp of what I am talking about. These people, despite years of doing these web radio shows, community meetups, presentations in town halls and all that kind of stuff, it was a free flowing directionless listen.

I think the chick is loopy and I doubt she has anything to do with anything these guys are talking about. She is clearly a string theory kind of person who is convinced the good guys will step in to save us from some kind of MAD event. In the meantime her weird dreams will continue to guide her life... who knows where.

The Diago (?) guy kept interrupting and going off on tangents every time the older guy got lined up on a particular thread and was about to impart something potentially useful.

Did they not scrounge a single grain of sand, piece of rock or photo from the surface of mars? Why would the US government send kids, basically thats what they are saying they were, onto other planets and not send a Stargate Team (special ops team) like they do for everything else military. It's not like the military is not expendable. It's their whole purpose to be expendable.

What was the name of one single alien grey, blue, red whatever colour? Surely one of them was called John or Fred.

The Diago (?) guy says he watched a video of the real cruxifiction of Christ, not the Mel version. I saw a movie just maybe 2 months ago. I think it was an Israeli movie. It was about time travel and these guys were hunting some guy, who got help from some people who got drawn into his problems. Turns out the goons were after a HandyCam which contained the video of Christs body in the tomb and would kill him for it. Turns out they couldn't kill him because he was the one who went back in time and made the video. Seems to me either the people who made the movie heard this guys tale or this guy watched the movie.

Going to other aspects of these ET stories. The Dulce wars as described by ET encounter survivors comes from a Sci Fi book I read as a kid and still have in my collection somewhere. Also the pictures of underground cities that have been posted around and as I pointed out on an earlier GIM were from the railway system in Switzerland, confirmed by another poster. So either I have been to switzerland and travelled on a train OR I have been to Dulce and seen the underground base with mine own eyes. I don't recall seeing any greys although the Grand Mufti (sic) might have been one perhaps..... or just a very genial and pleasant Swiss host.

I like these stories because in my imagination I like the possibilities but I see nothing so far that passes the smell test.

17th July 2012, 04:49 AM
So I stayed the course and listened to it all. I've listened to some of the camelot stuff. I find it interesting that these people seem to talk off the cuff. For me, I think it is useful to make notes for talking points so I can make the points I need to, to give people a comprehensive grasp of what I am talking about. These people, despite years of doing these web radio shows, community meetups, presentations in town halls and all that kind of stuff, it was a free flowing directionless listen.

that is quite of a review Glass, thanks... yes I concur, it was a free flowing directionless show. while I dont mind some digression every now and then, I like stories with a spine. Indeed Eisenhower's grand daughter of was far from being convincing and when I hear the Christ video segment I started wondering as if this show was taking itself seriously. They lost me.

I am going to download it and listen again when feeling in the mood later this week.

I really appreciate your input.

17th July 2012, 05:13 AM
I like these stories because in my imagination I like the possibilities but I see nothing so far that passes the smell test.

The Diago guy mentioned something as to the illuminati/cia making films and putting the hidden stuff right in front of people's faces, I guess this was a type of brainwashing? I don't buy it, But yes these two guys were very practiced in bouncing around a "typical" conversation, the girl seemed along for the ride.

Maybe they might use kids, as they could be easier to brainwash afterwards?

Still, I think they would have better use for those same kids when adults.

This could be the case in Obama has he seems to be plugin programmable. :)