View Full Version : Iowa Republican says government illegitimate, declares herself U.S. Senator

16th July 2012, 06:31 PM

An Iowa woman who was running for a state Senate seat has dropped that bid after deciding the U.S. government is a sham, and has instead unilaterally declared herself a U.S. Senator from the Republic of Iowa in an alternative government, the Republic for the United States of America.

As Jason Noble of the Des Moines Register first reported, the candidate, Randi Shannon, had been running for the state’s 34th Senate district. However, she recently came to believe that the real U.S. government was replaced with an illegal one after the Civil War so, rather than continue her state-level pursuit, she dropped that bid and named herself a Senator of the what she thinks is the true government.

In a letter fittingly posted to her campaign’s Facebook page on July 4, Shannon wrote that the country was founded as the Republic for The United States for America in 1787, and that it remained as such until the 1860s, when it was abandoned during the Civil War. Once the war ended, she wrote, the government was replaced by the, “UNITED STATES CORPORATION,” [sic] which has endured to this day as the nation’s farcical governing body.

In a statement riddled with curious capitalization meant to emphasize the government’s foibles, Shannon derides the federal government for, she claims, stomping out entrepreneurship, infringing on personal liberties, and just generally being an unconstitutional entity. Perhaps worst, she says, are the elected lawmakers who have perpetuated this system and in doing so have, “committed the most egregious acts against ‘We the People.’”

“Therefore, in order to affect the most good on behalf of The People of Iowa’s 34th District and in keeping with my conscience, I have accepted the position of U.S. Senator in The Republic of The United States of America, where I may better serve You and All of The People of Iowa,” Shannon wrote. “I want you to know I have taken an Oath to Uphold, Support and Defend The Constitution of The United States of America. This I will do to the best of my ability, So Help Me God.”

Shannon, who describes herself as a Ron Paul supporter, backs many of the same policy positions famously espoused by the Libertarian-leaning Texas congressman. She advocates eliminating the Department of Education (following its transfer to the Republic of the United States) and drastically cutting taxes while ending foreign occupations and stopping the Affordable Care Act. And, since she believes the government has been a false one for a century and a half, she considers all amendments to the Bill of Rights from the 14th on to be invalid.

“Again, Remember, where the de jure Republic of The United States of America exists the de facto UNITED STATES CORPORATION, having no standing, must go away!,” Shannon wrote.


16th July 2012, 08:23 PM
yeah, kind of strange stuff going on. Wonder if this has anything to do with that conspiracy of military gathering up all the bad politicians and installing Ron Paul as president (pipe dream? haha) anyways, made fox news also, so.......


16th July 2012, 08:39 PM
quote.............the government we have has to go
A like the way she campaigns ....straight to the point... hahahaha

Gee that was hard................

What ever happened to a good ol civil war ect but it just took the stroke of a pen as thats how they took America in the first place ....with a stroke of a pen......“UNITED STATES CORPORATION,” is now defunct.;D\uu\bring on the Republic for the United States of America.{**}

16th July 2012, 08:43 PM
You guys may be unaware but I am actually the US President. I generally don't make a big deal about it, but since the topic got brought up......

16th July 2012, 09:08 PM
I wonder if she is thinking about a run in 2016? I'd vote for her.

17th July 2012, 04:34 AM
I think she is being a bit harsh.

The present government occupies a plane separate from the constitutional plane. Evidence that you are in this plane is found in your wallet or purse. If you trade in FRNs you are bound to find yourself in this commercial plane that many are complaining about. It certainly does no good to fight it because it is you (and her) that enable it. Facts are facts and you are either in it and looking for a way out or happy with it (contented as a cow) or swear off the FRNs in favor of constitutional money (specie) and leave the commercial crap behind. If you do the latter then you have removed your reason to bitch and moan. The unconstitutional commercial plane can exist but

Culpa est immiscere se rei ad se non pertinenti. It is a fault to meddle with what does not belong to or does not concern you.

is the common law rule that applies to joinder.

17th July 2012, 04:38 AM
You guys may be unaware but I am actually the US President.

Someone has to be responsible for the debt. Glad you took on the responsibility.

Hatha Sunahara
17th July 2012, 08:49 AM
Is Iowa a hotbed of Freemen/Sovereigns/Constitutionalists?

And congratulations LS on your status as POTUS. Just don't do anything to mess with my inalienable rights, or I'll usurp your office.


17th July 2012, 09:00 AM
I think she is being a bit harsh.

The present government occupies a plane separate from the constitutional plane. Evidence that you are in this plane is found in your wallet or purse. If you trade in FRNs you are bound to find yourself in this commercial plane that many are complaining about. It certainly does no good to fight it because it is you (and her) that enable it. Facts are facts and you are either in it and looking for a way out or happy with it (contented as a cow) or swear off the FRNs in favor of constitutional money (specie) and leave the commercial crap behind.

The current "law" in Canada is that it is "Vagrancy" is "illegal". As I understand it, teh "law" here defines vagrancy to be a person with no money and/or no fixed address.

So they can throw you in jail (In their "plane") for not having fiat on you. lol.

17th July 2012, 09:23 AM
You guys may be unaware but I am actually the US President. I generally don't make a big deal about it, but since the topic got brought up......
then what are you doing? put that nigger you have in the house to work shining your shoes or something useful!

17th July 2012, 02:56 PM
Is Iowa a hotbed of Freemen/Sovereigns/Constitutionalists?

In my county John Brown planned the raid on Harpers Ferry that kicked off the (un)civil war.

17th July 2012, 03:00 PM
The current "law" in Canada is that it is "Vagrancy" is "illegal". As I understand it, teh "law" here defines vagrancy to be a person with no money and/or no fixed address.

So they can throw you in jail (In their "plane") for not having fiat on you. lol.

I always carry a $5 gold piece with me for the vagrancy (minted in 1878). As to the address, placing a c/o in front of the box location (care of) and either not using the zip code, surrounding the zip code with brackets [], writing "close to but not in ___zip ___", or writing the zip code as "cf___zip___cf" (cf stands for constructive fraud ... postmaster once blanched when I told him this one) ... any of these gets you an address not in the federal plane.

General delivery should be considered as well. The postmasters have been taught to tell great fibs to keep you from using this approach.

17th July 2012, 03:04 PM
All this time I have been forgetting to put the zip code in brackets, no wonder they won't leave me alone!

17th July 2012, 03:10 PM
All this time I have been forgetting to put the zip code in brackets, no wonder they won't leave me alone!
My guess is you volunteer into the jurisdiction in other ways. Mail is just one aspect (but an important one). There are penalties that result from opening other peoples mail.

17th July 2012, 03:16 PM
Coincidentally, I too, carry a $5 gold piece with me on a daily basis. But nobody has ever really cared much about it, nor have I ever had the chance to prove that I was not a vagrant by presenting it to an accuser.

17th July 2012, 04:08 PM
nor have I ever had the chance to prove that I was not a vagrant by presenting it to an accuser.

I don't believe I would be presenting mine to anyone. Might show it though if the matter of lawform and plane ever comes up.

17th July 2012, 08:03 PM
then what are you doing? put that nigger you have in the house to work shining your shoes or something useful!

Let me clarify, when I say I'm President I mean I'm President of the Republic for the United States. It's kinda the same but kinda different. It's pretty cool you can really just kind of pick which position you want, just name it and claim it. (You should pick yours quick, spots are being filled quickly)

Hatha Sunahara
19th July 2012, 06:24 PM
You guys may be unaware but I am actually the US President. I generally don't make a big deal about it, but since the topic got brought up......

I just ran into this:

http://dev.republicoftheunitedstates.org/message-from-leadership/ This guy claims that the United States of America, the original one set up by the constitution still exists, but none of its elected offices are occupied, and instead, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc has all its offices occupied and runs the government. He's got an outstanding description of the history he believes here:


I'm not sure who elected this guy to be president, but if you want to be in this guy's office, I'll vote for you.


19th July 2012, 06:33 PM
I just ran into this:

http://dev.republicoftheunitedstates.org/message-from-leadership/ This guy claims that the United States of America, the original one set up by the constitution still exists, but none of its elected offices are occupied, and instead, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc has all its offices occupied and runs the government. He's got an outstanding description of the history he believes here:


I'm not sure who elected this guy to be president, but if you want to be in this guy's office, I'll vote for you.


Thank you for your vote! :)

I have to laugh at these articles though. If I don't some fuses may get blown.

I don't think these people get it, it doesn't matter who was elected to what position, who killed who to get where or why. Obama could declare himself King and WTF would you do about it? Nothing. Not jack shit, they have the military the cops, all the guns, drones, bombs, nukes etc. So it's like "Oh geez Congress did something unconstitutional today, that means it's illegal and null and void!" As if aliens are going to come save us all from people who don't abide by the Constitution.

Guess what GWB was right, the Constitution is just a ******* piece of paper, it doesn't kill people who disobey it, it sits there under glass. This is what a tyranny is, there are no rules, they make the rules and you follow them end of story. They want you to pay 35% of your income, you suck it up and pay it, you really think you wouldn't just grab your ankles if it was 75%? They want to send you to war, you go, or your rot in jail. They can do anything they want to you, including torture, indefinitely detain and kill you. So what can you do to them? Vote? LOL, Get real.

Hatha Sunahara
19th July 2012, 06:58 PM
Governments require legitimacy. If they don't have it, they fall. Doesn't matter how much power they have. It all goes 'poof'.


19th July 2012, 07:16 PM
So what can you do to them? Vote? LOL, Get real. To the extent that you are a principal you are permitted to cancel their agency. After you do this what do you care what they do? They don't represent you.

19th July 2012, 08:46 PM
To the extent that you are a principal you are permitted to cancel their agency. After you do this what do you care what they do? They don't represent you.

Can you put this in real world terms?

19th July 2012, 09:07 PM
Randi Shannon.

Sounds like a porn stars name. :)

19th July 2012, 09:31 PM
Don't complain about the plane
It's too plain for your brain
It's the debt that you get
When you work, what you bet

Don't be a vagrant or seek rent
In agency you will get bent
Keep a fiver in your pocket
Rock the house like Davy Crockett

Avoid not just planes
But also ships of maritime
And frilly flags administered
By black robed cross dressers

And don't forget the King's forest
Is not in your ZIP code
If you choose not to contract
with the King's Coppiceman

You will never clear title
Because your name is in Caps
Corporations are people
and people take Craps

On the way to the store
Do not find yourself
In dishonor with the honey
Or the bees will bite you

Please don't ask me to explain
Your strawman is too dense
You could easily be a Freeman
But you're lacking fifty cents


19th July 2012, 09:45 PM
Let me clarify, when I say I'm President I mean I'm President of the Republic for the United States. It's kinda the same but kinda different. It's pretty cool you can really just kind of pick which position you want, just name it and claim it. (You should pick yours quick, spots are being filled quickly)

Put me down for "Secretary of Fermentation".

19th July 2012, 11:23 PM
Demanding original jurisdiction government is actually a fine way to generate redress.

20th July 2012, 03:05 AM
Can you put this in real world terms?

The principal takes responsibility for his agent. The agent needs to be indemnified for his acts of wrongdoing by his principal. They operate in a limited liability world. The U.S. (your agent) wants to maintain a war in Iraq. It does so by not declaring war but operating a police action. This comes to a crashing end when Iraq insists upon holding war criminals responsible for their acts.

G.W. Bush just had an interview in which he comes out as a closet recluse just wanting to avoid attention. Yet he had to cancel a trip to Switzerland due to the likelihood that a warrant for his arrest as a war criminal would be served.

As a willing participant in government you are personally responsible to hold your agents in check. You fail miserably at this job then expect others to clean up your mess. You personally have no limited liability. As the principal all liability is on you. Your agent (Nancy Pelosi/ Harry Reid et al) seem to think they can do no wrong. What are your plans to straighten them out? My plan is to cut them free. Let them operate as principals on their own as nothing they have done represents my will.

20th July 2012, 03:08 AM
Don't complain about the plane...
Good one!!!

Hatha Sunahara
20th July 2012, 10:11 AM
To the extent that you are a principal you are permitted to cancel their agency. After you do this what do you care what they do? They don't represent you.

Do you use the word 'principal' as a euphemism for a Sovereign? The sense I get from this sentence is what Michael Badnarik described in his book Good To Be King. That all Americans are sovereigns, and the government is their agent. Not the other way around. Once you cancel the government's agency, and the government goes on to do evil things, what is your defense when the government (and the people collectively) are held accountable for those evil things? I'm looking it from the viewpoint of a German after Hitler was defeated in WW II. Practically, once you renounce the government and adopt your sovereignty, you can still be held accountable with all those who supported the government. Sure the government doesn't represent you, but try to convince the victorious enemies of the government of that. It may be better to put physical distance between yourself and your errant former 'agent'. If that is possible.


20th July 2012, 10:57 AM
Do you use the word 'principal' as a euphemism for a Sovereign? Rather as the state itself. A self-governing state needs no external governance or agents.

The sense I get from this sentence is what Michael Badnarik described in his book Good To Be King. That all Americans are sovereigns, and the government is their agent. Not the other way around.
Sovereigns get that way by submitting the issue to wager of battel. I know of no other method to resolve a problem in favor of the sovereign.

Once you cancel the government's agency, and the government goes on to do evil things, what is your defense when the government (and the people collectively) are held accountable for those evil things? Consentientes et agentes pari poena plectentur. Those consenting and those perpetrating are embraced in the same punishment.

Practically, once you renounce the government and adopt your sovereignty, you can still be held accountable with all those who supported the government. The sovereign is the one who WINS the battel.

Sure the government doesn't represent you, but try to convince the victorious enemies of the government of that. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

It may be better to put physical distance between yourself and your errant former 'agent'. If that is possible. As in Roman times, there is no place on earth where the hand of the government cannot come out of nowhere and pluck you back into their sphere. Rather than cut and run make yourself known to them and aware that you have no fear.