View Full Version : Mark Dice @ b0hemian Gr0ve 2012

17th July 2012, 01:47 PM
Oh sh*t...LOL!!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtLrdKHz88A&feature=autoplay&list=UUzUV528 3-l5c0oKRtyenj6Q&playnext=1

Bunch more on his channel...


17th July 2012, 08:07 PM
Does Mark Dice strike anyone else as a douche?

I'm not really talking about this video, just in general. He reminds me of like Alex "arabs own hollwood" Jones's cousin or something, like Alex said to him at a reunion "Oh yeah I make many millions selling information that is readily available for free online, shouting through a bullhorn, you should really give it a shot"

17th July 2012, 08:25 PM
Does Mark Dice strike anyone else as a douche?

I dislike his videos where he tries to sell a gold eagle for $50.00 or whatever. I know he is cherry picking who shows up in his video, to make the sheep look even more ignorant than they are. If anyone did say sure, I'll buy your coin, you know he'd renig.

17th July 2012, 09:31 PM
Why are the cops letting him do that?

18th July 2012, 05:39 AM
Does Mark Dice strike anyone else as a douche?

I dislike his videos where he tries to sell a gold eagle for $50.00 or whatever. I know he is cherry picking who shows up in his video, to make the sheep look even more ignorant than they are. If anyone did say sure, I'll buy your coin, you know he'd renig.

Nope, anyone willing to antagonize the faggotry Lucifarians gets my respect. In fact, I'd label the "douche" as the one NOT willing to pick up a bullhorn and give 'em hell. His gold videos are about education, and yes, there are sheep more ignorant than even he highlights, I see it everyday.

18th July 2012, 09:26 AM
Why are the cops letting him do that? because he is controlled opposition imo.