View Full Version : Here's why the Democratic ideology DESTROYS everything

General of Darkness
18th July 2012, 03:12 PM
Another Mishko rant.

So you've probably seen the Obongo "off teleprompter" rant if not here it is.

What the media is also showing is this clip of Elizabeth Warren, basically saying the same damn thing as Obongo, but this is from September of 2011


So what's the rub. Well I like to reverse engineer stuff. When these cock blowers say WE paid for that, I wanna know who is WE. Last year I got my statement that says I've paid in more than $400 fucking thousand dollars, JUST in SS and Medicare. So what does it look like?


If I make the assumption that the same amount of people existed in 1970 as in 2009 you have two simple conclusions

1 - Taxes are being raised
2 - People are making less money

I've been in the 5% bracket of earners now for about 20 years and regardless of the administrations I'm usually around 25 - 27% minus all the other fucking taxes, i.e sales, property etc, that's straight off the top. Now we're not even going to consider the impact of inflation. That SAME salary from 20 years ago and it's value today.

So the first conclusion that I come too is that people are making less money. It's as clear as day. My base salary has stayed the same for nearly 20 years, and the only reason I'm using myself it's the only thing I can factually say i.e. "This is a fact". So I keep thinking about this. What else impacts this, immigration, and welfare. Because these numbers are straight line. Number of people that actually pay taxes and the census.

That's where you get number 3

3 - Illegal aliens and welfare

Illegal aliens work under the table, no hablo, no taxes. Welfare folks, there are generations of people that are on welfare, they are a number that adds to the populous, while they don't provide any taxes into the system financially they do consume from it, while adding additional numbers.

So you come full circle. The Democratic Ideology, everyone has a vote. It's not like the vote at a stock holders meeting, because everyone has the same interests, i.e. success. In a Democratic society 51% of the people tell the 49% of the people what's GOING TO HAPPEN, and this is the key point, REGARDLESS IF THEY'RE VESTED INTO THE SYSTEM OR NOT.

Back to the two videos I posted. Nobody says the truth. Who built the railroads? The railroad companies. Why? To improve COMMERCE because it was in their interests. Who built the roads? Local, state and federal guberments. WHY? It was in their interest. HOW? COMMERCE because the PEOPLE wanted the roads and it also INCREASED TAXES. I wonder how many roads were built by the private sector?

Honestly the only dog I have in this hunt is that I'd like to dick and taint stab the lot of them.

18th July 2012, 03:26 PM
America has been totally screwed as far as wages attempting to keep up with inflation goes.

Wages dont seem like they have gone up much in twenty years overall ,meanwhile inflation has been running rampant over that time.

So another words you are getting only about half( a guess probably less) spending value General now to what you started out on.

Inflation is the hidden tax, inflation is the killer.....money printing.......the governbent has lied to everyone on this issue so lie back to them somehow with a clear conscience.

18th July 2012, 03:31 PM
Fuck Elizabeth Warren.

She's 1/32 Cherokee.

She even added her own recipe to a cook book for "Native Americans". Turns out Native Americans did crab omelets too.
Did Elizabeth Warren Plagiarize Her 'Pow Wow Chow' Recipes? (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/05/18/did-elizabeth-warren-plagiarize-pow-wow-chow-recipes)

18th July 2012, 03:34 PM
i can't even watch any of them anymore, because it make me want to smash things and hurt people.

18th July 2012, 03:41 PM
i can't even watch any of them anymore, because it make me want to smash things and hurt people.


No, listen here you commie bitch: Individuals decided to start their own business. Individuals decided to wake up early every single day and bust their ass for nothing to get it off the ground. Individuals put every penny they had into their own business and lived on nothing in the process to make something from nothing. Individuals raised kids and worked all day to run their own shop on crumbs and taxes. Individuals risked their asses to try and start a business from scratch, only to have the Vulture called Government circle their shop like a rotting carcass until there is no more blood to give. Individuals have made tremendous sacrifices in the face of absolute horror not knowing where they will land.

Individuals build prosperity, Government STEALS it.

18th July 2012, 03:58 PM

18th July 2012, 04:06 PM
As if without the state there would be no roads, no security, no education. And didn't that factory owner pay for all those things too? Isn't he part of the "we"? So why does he owe more since he already paid for it?

General of Darkness
18th July 2012, 04:20 PM
As if without the state there would be no roads, no security, no education. And didn't that factory owner pay for all those things too? Isn't he part of the "we"? So why does he owe more since he already paid for it?

Mad you have to understand the argument and now I get it. It's really the chicken or the egg the story, what came first. The problem that the socialists and these fucking Keynesian economists hate to address is that a "HEALTHY" society works in it's own interests.

Here's a perfect example. Some guy decides he wants to build widgets in Mishko county. The only place he can afford to buy that makes sense is Y miles from the labor force. The county as a community decides that they'd like to have that road because it will not only help THEM as in JOBS but it also helps in tax REVENUE. It's really that simple, but these fuckers in the media, politics etc just seem to complicate it. And WHY? It's in their interests to do so. Dumb down the conversation to the point where people either pick a "side", divide and conquer, or give up and go back to watching Amerikwan Idol.


18th July 2012, 04:23 PM
As if without the state there would be no roads, no security, no education. And didn't that factory owner pay for all those things too? Isn't he part of the "we"? So why does he owe more since he already paid for it?

Because of this:

#2. - A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

(Communist Manifesto)

18th July 2012, 04:52 PM
This country is sinking; why not grab a cash register en route to the life boat? I 'went Galt' and now mooch off the welfare. They will never see a red cent of the student loans again, I call them 'gifts'. How foolish this regime is to give me the very means to escape its grasp.

18th July 2012, 04:56 PM
Taxation never work as people always look for loopholes to escape them as much as they can.

18th July 2012, 05:13 PM

Yes its so fantastic to be able to pay taxes to a lying ,scheming governbent that is out to kill us all except all governbents have lied too us about the true rate of inflation for decades so they have been ripping us off as a result.Why should we listen too your lies now.

Isnt the next kid that comes along in debt to the tune off.....heaps for a start ,thanks too the gov.

At the moment nobody got rich on their own because nobody is getting rich anywhere.:{y

18th July 2012, 05:19 PM
elizabeth warren is a perfect example of why only land owners should be allowed to vote.

18th July 2012, 05:35 PM
The same reason why Gov. & Banks love Income tax, is precisely the same reason why it doesn't work in the long run.

It's static and unresponsive to the economy & ends having the same unresponsive effect when adjusted.

The founders had it right when they all explicitly agreed & stated it should be kept to market items.

18th July 2012, 05:38 PM
Lizzy is very familiar with land ownership.

18th July 2012, 05:38 PM
As if without the state there would be no roads, no security, no education. And didn't that factory owner pay for all those things too? Isn't he part of the "we"? So why does he owe more since he already paid for it?

That is so because the state is a gang of thieves writ large, and he owes more money simply because the gang can get away with taking it.

The marginal cost of using a state road is 0 because the money has already been confiscated, thus a private road could never compete. 'Security' is a misnomer unless one is using it in the context of pimping, likewise with 'education' and brainwashing.

Thus, they steal money and use it to maleficent ends while effecting a beneficent patina, and then employing the fallacy of 'cum hoc ergo proper hoc' to extort more money still.

18th July 2012, 05:42 PM
Lizzy is very familiar with land ownership.

holy crap, i have to forward that to some people.

mick silver
18th July 2012, 06:04 PM
is Amerikwan Idol on tonight . i hope i dont miss the show

18th July 2012, 06:45 PM
Holy crap.

Actually now we can probably safely say that they don't hide anymore.

"Democrats" came out of the closet and are now openly Communist.

18th July 2012, 07:08 PM
Holy crap.

Actually now we can probably safely say that they don't hide anymore.

"Democrats" came out of the closet and are now openly Communist.

Fascist, Communist, Socialist...

Is their really any difference?

18th July 2012, 07:42 PM
.....and people wonder why jobs/factory's move overseas.

18th July 2012, 07:53 PM
.....and people wonder why jobs/factories move overseas.

I recently advised my friend to study something that makes money, and not to worry about the loans. He will have to emigrate unless he wants to bus tables.

18th July 2012, 09:13 PM
I borrow money to oporate to produce food and try to produce something of value. The bank created the money out of thin air and made an entry on a ledger. I have to pay them interest. I work my ass off and sacrifice alot to produce something of value. If I make more than the cost to produce it the government wants me to pay them a tax so they can keep sitting on their asses making new regulations and making my life harder. After I've paid the interest and the taxes I hope I have enough left to break even. I'm getting pretty damned tired of these parasitic assholes. SOB's

18th July 2012, 10:42 PM

I wish they would give that speech to: Bill Gates, Buffet, Soros, Rockefeller and the Bushes then hold out there hand and try to collect LOL

18th July 2012, 11:39 PM
“He didn’t invent iron ore and blast furnaces, did he?”


“Rearden. He didn’t invent smelting and chemistry and air compression. He couldn’t have invented his Metal but for thousands and thousands of other people. His Metal! Why does he think it’s his? Why does he think it’s his invention? Everybody uses the work of everybody else. Nobody ever invents anything.”

She said, puzzled, “But the iron ore and all those other things were there all the time. Why didn’t anybody else make that Metal, but Mr. Rearden did?”

Atlas Shrugged, P1C9

19th July 2012, 08:34 AM
One more thing I just realized. All this talk about "giving back" after you've found success, every business owner in the world does this anyway! For example, let's say this factory owner owns a cement factory and is very successful. He is giving back to the community by providing them cement to make concrete which they will use to build their homes, schools, churches, etc. By providing goods that people need he is giving back to the community, taxes be damned.

19th July 2012, 08:35 AM
Yeah but he's SELLING cement...not GIVING away cement.

Giving all his employees a bonus would be giving back.
Renting out the Pavilion in a Park and inviting the town to celebrate the success would be giving back.

19th July 2012, 09:37 AM
Yeah but he's selling cement...not giving away cement.

He does not have to, because voluntary transactions are mutually beneficial. Thus, the factory owner has made others better off and has thus 'given back'.

19th July 2012, 10:05 AM
voluntary transactions are mutually beneficial.

Exactly. Every transaction is benefiting the buyer, or they wouldn't buy in the first place. Multiply that by thousands of buyers, and this factory owner is benefiting thousands of people, his proverbial "giving back".

19th July 2012, 10:26 AM
He does not have to, because voluntary transactions are mutually beneficial. Thus, the factory owner has made others better off and has thus 'given back'.

You're right...it benefits both parties. That's a business transaction...not philanthropy.
You mean the same way others buying cement from the factory owner are "giving back" to the business?

19th July 2012, 10:29 AM
Exactly. Every transaction is benefiting the buyer, or they wouldn't buy in the first place. Multiply that by thousands of buyers, and this factory owner is benefiting thousands of people, his proverbial "giving back".

Simply constructing a building that sells goods/services constitutes "giving back"?

19th July 2012, 10:37 AM
You're right...it benefits both parties. That's a business transaction...not philanthropy.
You mean the same way others buying cement from the factory owner are "giving back" to the business?

The customers are making the business owner, or its shareholders better off since they would rather have the cash than the cement. Furthermore, "giving back" implies that something has been taken that must be returned, hinting at a zero-sum game.

19th July 2012, 10:42 AM
The customers are making the business owner, or its shareholders better off since they would rather have the cash than the cement. Furthermore, "giving back" implies that something has been taken that must be returned, hinting at a zero-sum game.

But nothing has been taken. It was a transaction between willing participants. I don't owe Burger King anything other than $2.50 for a sandwich...and that's if I choose to transact with them.

I know it seems like I'm nitpicking...but I feel there is a very distinct difference between a transaction and this idea of "giving back".

19th July 2012, 10:44 AM
owned! the lot of you!


19th July 2012, 10:58 AM
Simply constructing a building that sells goods/services constitutes "giving back"?

No, constructing a building is of no matter to anyone but the owner. By seeing a need (the need for cement), and finding a way to fulfill that need (make the needed cement, trade the cement for money), he is benefiting everyone who needs cement. Those people value the cement more than they value their money, otherwise they wouldn't buy the cement. Like Skirnir said, it's mutually beneficial. Multiply this by thousands of businesses making millions of voluntary, beneficial transactions, and how can you not see that this is the greatest method of "giving back" there is?

19th July 2012, 11:08 AM
No, constructing a building is of no matter to anyone but the owner. By seeing a need (the need for cement), and finding a way to fulfill that need (make the needed cement, trade the cement for money), he is benefiting everyone who needs cement. Those people value the cement more than they value their money, otherwise they wouldn't buy the cement. Like Skirnir said, it's mutually beneficial. Multiply this by thousands of businesses making millions of voluntary, beneficial transactions, and how can you not see that this is the greatest method of "giving back" there is?

Maybe it's me. Please define "giving back".

19th July 2012, 11:35 AM
Maybe it's me. Please define "giving back".

A leach fuckers definition that they are not scamming enough out of your pocket. A catch phrase for entitlement mentality.

19th July 2012, 01:11 PM
Please define "giving back".

Serving your fellow man. Even better if you can make a buck while serving them.

When you go buy a new car, is the auto dealership not serving you? Are you not better off for their service by providing you a car that you needed? You want their money also? (not you undgrd, the gov't)

19th July 2012, 05:13 PM
One more thing I just realized. All this talk about "giving back" after you've found success, every business owner in the world does this anyway! For example, let's say this factory owner owns a cement factory and is very successful. He is giving back to the community by providing them cement to make concrete which they will use to build their homes, schools, churches, etc. By providing goods that people need he is giving back to the community, taxes be damned.

I agree and would go further - think about all of the jobs that he has provided to the local community. Yes, all of the factory and office jobs. But also the jobs/hours to support the demand for other products and services in town that spiked because of his factory being there (power, fuel, food, etc.). Plus, he is paying employer taxes on all of those people, so he is being robbed all the while he is giving back.

Wait, why did this guy want to be in business again?

19th July 2012, 06:08 PM
Here's what Business Owner provides:

1) jobs to people who live in the area (local employees)
2) jobs to local construction / electrical / service companies
3) various fees to local gov. leeches (fire hydrant, electrical, registrations, permits, school taxes etc. etc.)
4) goods if he sells locally
5) because he pays wages his employees buy local goods, services, real estate etc.
6) other incidentals: local donations, support of local schools, teams, events, newspapers etc. (in return for advertising)

There's more.

So on top of that socialist leaches want more taxation.

Police "service" is BS, I know a guy who owns a business building. He installed his own cameras, security etc. but teens kept breaking into the building, stealing stuff and once even damaging cameras. He had robbers recorded a few times and even had seen them in local grocery store. He even found local robbers selling his stuff on eBay. Cops just ignored. Then guy had to install a fence all around perimeter ($30K expense), until he did it couldn't get rid of the crime. Cops are useless in that regard, they don't even pretend to care.

General of Darkness
19th July 2012, 06:20 PM
Here's what Business Owner provides:

1) jobs to people who live in the area (local employees)
2) jobs to local construction / electrical / service companies
3) various fees to local gov. leeches (fire hydrant, electrical, registrations, permits, school taxes etc. etc.)
4) goods if he sells locally
5) because he pays wages his employees buy local goods, services, real estate etc.
6) other incidentals: local donations, support of local schools, teams, events, newspapers etc. (in return for advertising)

There's more.

So on top of that socialist leaches want more taxation.

Police "service" is BS, I know a guy who owns a business building. He installed his own cameras, security etc. but teens kept breaking into the building, stealing stuff and once even damaging cameras. He had robbers recorded a few times and even had seen them in local grocery store. He even found local robbers selling his stuff on eBay. Cops just ignored. Then guy had to install a fence all around perimeter ($30K expense), until he did it couldn't get rid of the crime. Cops are useless in that regard, they don't even pretend to care.


19th July 2012, 07:09 PM
Here's what Business Owner provides:

1) jobs to people who live in the area (local employees)
2) jobs to local construction / electrical / service companies
3) various fees to local gov. leeches (fire hydrant, electrical, registrations, permits, school taxes etc. etc.)
4) goods if he sells locally
5) because he pays wages his employees buy local goods, services, real estate etc.
6) other incidentals: local donations, support of local schools, teams, events, newspapers etc. (in return for advertising)

There's more.

So on top of that socialist leaches want more taxation.

Police "service" is BS, I know a guy who owns a business building. He installed his own cameras, security etc. but teens kept breaking into the building, stealing stuff and once even damaging cameras. He had robbers recorded a few times and even had seen them in local grocery store. He even found local robbers selling his stuff on eBay. Cops just ignored. Then guy had to install a fence all around perimeter ($30K expense), until he did it couldn't get rid of the crime. Cops are useless in that regard, they don't even pretend to care.

And idiots like Obama and that lady think that a businessman is "greedy" because on top of all this, he might, MIGHT, make a decent living.

19th July 2012, 10:49 PM