View Full Version : Bing now owns Babel fish. Am I the last to know?

18th July 2012, 04:08 PM
Furthermore, Bing's cut waaaaaaaay down on the number of languages that can be translated from. And there is no "button" for auto - translation of foreign websites. Seems as if this is a new form of control of the masses via confusion of the languages. God forbid decent people be able to talk to each other without a government authorized translator.

I've relied upon babel fish for years in order to communicate with my non-english speakin neighbors. I would type what I wanted to say in simple sentence structure, then copy paste to notepad. Then I would fold the printout in half and take it across the fence.

Am I the last to know about this microsoft takeover of babelfish?

What are the rest of GS' using that might come close to the old, reliable, easy-to-use functionality of [Alta Vista]Yahoo! Babel Fish?



18th July 2012, 04:12 PM
Babelfish has been reliable for 10, maybe 15 years? Great site. I'm surprised it's finally be acquired.

18th July 2012, 04:14 PM
Same o'strategy...buy the jewel, disrupt the masses, call it "new and improved." Hrrrrmph! I suspect the Alta Vista-Yahoo! Babel fish functionality will disappear completely before too much longer. This stinks!

18th July 2012, 04:20 PM
I just found out less than one hour ago. :(

Ovaj dečko zna bubnjati. ???

18th July 2012, 07:43 PM
There's some iPhone app that'd supposed to be as magical as the star trek universal translator, my wife's company uses it. I'll as her.

18th July 2012, 08:43 PM
What are the rest of GS' using that might come close to the old, reliable, easy-to-use functionality of [Alta Vista]Yahoo! Babel Fish?


18th July 2012, 08:44 PM
(Sorry, beef. Couldn't resist. :) )

25th July 2012, 04:43 PM
I know, Sparky, you just can't help yourself sometimes, yes? LOL

However, I think the funniest thing you said was in suggesting that we translate English using the English to English translation feature.

What a worl', eh?
