View Full Version : The New Age Movement

18th July 2012, 09:53 PM
I don't agree with everything in this article but I do agree with a lot of it. Thought it was and interesting rant though.

I thought this quote was good. "The New Age Movement is an extremely large Satanic NETWORK, with no official leader, headquarters, or membership list and its influence is everywhere. Basically, what it comes down to is…if you’re not Christian, you’re New Age".


The New Age Movement is an extremely large Satanic NETWORK, with no official leader, headquarters, or membership list and its influence is everywhere. Basically, what it comes down to is…if you’re not Christian, you’re New Age. The philosophies of this ungodly movement have their roots in ancient occult traditions, dating back to Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. It is being called the “New Spirituality”, with open-arms to all religions, except those who believe in Jesus Christ. They believe that ALL roads lead to god. What is amazing is that they embrace EVERY false god there is in the whole world, EXCEPT THE TRUE GOD!

The NAM is both a religious and a social movement, where followers are told to “awaken” their god consciousness through Transcendental Meditation, Yoga, Hypnosis, visualization, etc. New Agers believe in the Universal ONENESS, with the idea that all of reality is essentially ONE (monism). The monist sees everything as a single organic whole and they believe that we are all part of each other and part of nature (Gaia worship) and that people are to awaken to the utopian bliss that their gurus are saying is coming on this earth. How ironic that they are actually paving the way for the One World Order, where the Antichrist will enslave every last person on earh in his Global Order (including the New Ager, who is preaching the gospel of THE ANTICHRIST!). The Bible tells us what will happen in the End and it IS NOT going to be a utopian bliss! Far from it! It will be a time of trouble such as has NEVER happened before. It’s called the Tribulation (read our article on the Great Tribulation).

New Agers are promoting the ‘inner space’ of the mind. Their focus is SELF; to go inside themselves to find their answers. It teaches that mankind has unlimited powers of the mind and are not to think of themselves as sinful, but instead as DIVINE and that THEY actually create god, through the powers of their own mind. This is ABSOLUTELY contrary to what the authoritative Word of God teaches, when it says “ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Humanity's problem is SIN…not ignorance of divinity!

Furthermore, let it be stated, that MAN has no powers. There are two powers in the Universe…GOD and Satan (and Satan’s power is no match to God’s…remember he still remains a CREATED foe and what awaits him is Hell). So if the New Ager thinks he has entered into the “powers of his own mind”, let him THINK AGAIN! He has, in REALITY, joined forces with the powers of DARKNESS and the TRUTH is NOT IN HIM!

I Corinthians 15:40 tells us there are celestial and terrestrial bodies. Mankind is TERRESTRIAL (earthy) and in no way is he CELESTIAL (Heavenly). Mankind was CREATED by God and made a little lower than the angels. He will NEVER ascend to the state of godhood! NEVER…not even in Heaven! There is ONE GOD, and there always will be FOREVER! Read Ezekiel 28 and learn of the punishment of the prince of Tyrus. Verse 2 says, “Thus saith the Lord God; Because thine heart is LIFTED UP and thou hast said I AM A gOD, I SIT IN THE SEAT OF GOD, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a MAN and NOT GOD….“ Read on in verses 8 and 9, “They shall bring thee down to the pit and thou shalt die the death of them that are slain in the midst of the seas. Wilt thou YET SAY before him that slayeth thee I AM gOD? But thou be a MAN, and NO God, in the hand of him that slayeth thee.“

Satan is clever; for through the New Age Movement, he is being worshipped as god without the unsuspecting New Agers even knowing it. When you reverence and worship ANY IDOL (including YOURSELF), you are actually worshipping Satan. Satan doesn’t care what name you worship him by, including your own name.

Satan’s purpose in establishing the New Age Movement, is to CHANGE the way people perceive things, by SHIFTING their thinking onto SELF and away from God. It is, by far, the most blasphemous belief system that ever arose out of the pits of Hell! What these DECEIVED people don’t know is that this worship of SELF will have to be set aside when the Tribulation happens, because the book of Revelation says the Antichrist will cause “ALL“ to worship HIM as god. (So much for the ‘short-lived’ worship of SELF, huh?)

The occult essence of the New Age Movement definitely fits the title given in Revelation 17:5, "Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of all harlots and abominations of the Earth.“ This is the Apostate church in all of its many facets. The Whore of Babylon is serving her purpose right now, with all her so-called “enlightened” answers, but when the Beast takes control, she is in for a rude awakening, because he will turn against her.
This End Time New Age religion sounds exactly like the Laodicean church, spoken of in Revelation 3:17, which says, “I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked.” People like Oprah Winfrey sure seem to be saying JUST THAT. Satan can give you the world and all of its possessions, but when it comes time for your body to die and your soul to enter Eternity, you will take NOTHING with you. Where you will go (Heaven or Hell) when you die, will be determined by the CHOICE you made while still in the body here on Earth. Only those who choose JESUS will enter Heaven. The rest will be given to the Eternal Fire (Satan’s final abode). EVERYONE though, will live FOREVER, but ONLY THOSE who asked Jesus into their hearts and lives, while on this Earth, will live forever in Heaven…in the MANSIONS that Jesus has prepared for those who love Him. The Bible says, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor even entered the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.” (I Corinthians 2:9).

Another one of their beliefs is that all things that we normally think of as 'reality' are mere ‘projections’ of the so-called true 'Ultimate Reality'. This 'Ultimate Reality' is seen as a 'Force'. Other names for this New Age Force are Awareness, Bliss, Principle, Being, Energy, Essence, Vibration, and Universal Consciousness.
New Agers have DENIED the Divinity of Jesus (that He is God)…and instead are saying SELF is god. They say that because God created mankind, then that makes them a part of God and if a part of God, then they “ARE” gods….Well, not only are they NOT gods, but they are NOT EVEN “PARTICALLY” a part of God; not even a SPECK! They are WORLDS APART form the True God of Creation. The ONLY thing that links mankind to God is JESUS CHRIST! The god New Agers serve is the god of THIS WORLD…Satan himself! So if you don’t have Jesus, God will say “I never knew you” when you stand before Him at the Great White Throne Judgment. By then it will be TOO LATE for you!
Jesus said “I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. NO MAN comes to the Father, but BY ME!” Jesus came down from Heaven and died for our SINS, because the Bible says “The wages of SIN is DEATH.” He took our sins and nailed them to the cross. Only through accepting Jesus as our Savior can we be accepted into Heaven. But if we are all gods and have no sin, than Jesus suffered and died for nothing….because if you are a god, then you can save yourself, right? WRONG!

The New Age Movement is a huge and well organized network, consisting of thousands of groups, trusts, foundations, clubs, lodges, and religious groups whose goal and purpose is to prepare the world to enter the coming "Age Of Aquarius." Their message is that the New Age of “enlightenment” is at hand, which coincides with the occult meaning of the Great Seal on the American One Dollar Bill, with the capstone above the unfinished pyramid ready to be lowered. The elite of the Illuminati believe that the world will then be “ILLUMINED“ and become ONE with the All Seeing Eye of Horus!

Just to name a few of the organizations of the New Age network, they are: Amnesty International, Zero Population Growth, California New Age Caucus, New World Alliance, World Goodwill, The Church Universal and Triumphant, The Theosophical Society, the Forum, Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose, the Club of Rome, Christian Science, and the Unity School of Christianity.
This list does not EVEN BEGIN to reveal the multitudes of organizations operating in economic, political, scientific and religious spheres of influence. It affects every culture of life -- sociology, psychology, medicine, the government, ecology, science, arts, education, the business community, the media, entertainment, sports, and the church. Hollywood has MANY followers of this occult doctrine…people like Oprah Winfrey (and her new guru, Ekhart Tolle), Dr. Phil, Shirley MacLaine, Tom Cruise, etc., and they all operate under the guise of good will. They have believed Satan’s LIES and are under his CONTROL.

This movement is endeavoring to establish a World Food Authority, World Water Authority, World Economic Order, and an entirely New World Order. Apparently, in order to enter this New Age, a person will have to take what is known as a "Luciferic Initiation," a kind of pledge of allegiance to the so-called New Age christ (the Antichrist in disguise) and to the New World Order. The New Agers are moving right into the hands of Satan and his plans for the New World Order of Antichrist! So who are we to believe? MAN or the GOD OF CREATION?

Shirley MacLaine, actress and prominent believer in New Ageism, made this blasphemous statement:

'You are everything. Everything you want to know is inside of you. You are the Universe. Maybe the tragedy of the human race was that we had forgotten that we were each divine. You must never worship anyone or anything other than self. For you are god. To love self is to love god. I exist- therefore I am. I know that the god Source exists- therefore it is. Since I am part of that Source, then I AM that I AM.' -Shirley MacLaine, Out on a Limb, 1983 Bantam Books, New York.

How to identify the New Age Movement:
Look for words like……….All is one….All is god….Humanity is god….A change in consciousness….All religions are one…. an impersonal god ”force”….that the nature of “matter is illusionary” (like Quantum Physics heresies)….reincarnations….the evolution of man into godhood….revelations from beings beyond this world….self as god….meditation (or other consciousness-changing techniques)…. occult practices (astrology, mediums, etc.)…..vegetarianism and holistic health….pacifism….one world (global) order; and syncretism (unity of all religions). The New Age also encompasses a wide array of notions: spiritualism, astrology, bioenergy, Chi energy, chakras, nirvana, Kabbalism, Christ-consciousness, Native American Spirituality, Prajna, out-of-body/near-death experiences, reincarnation, and the occult disciplines, as well as unorthodox psychotherapeutic techniques and pseudoscientific applications of the "healing powers" of crystals and pyramids. Some commonly used New Age terms are: guided imagery, reincarnation; positive thinking; human potential; holistic; holographic; synergistic; unity; oneness; transformation; awakening; networking; communal sharing; one-world/globalism/new world order (i.e., one language, one government, one currency, one religion); cosmic consciousness; etc.

Volumes could be written on the huge diversity of its Network. It is important for Christians to recognize even the smallest forms of the New Age Movement. Some New Age practices are: rebirthing; inner healing; biofeedback; yoga; I Ching; reflexology; black and white magic; fire-walking; trance-channeling; therapeutic touch; transpersonal psychology; witchcraft; parapsychology; Magick; Tai Chi; Shamanism; hypnotherapy; acupuncture/acupressure; TM; martial arts; Zen; Relaxation; Erhard Seminar Training; Silva Method (formerly Silva Mind Control); visualization; etc.

The following sums up the New Age Movement in a nutshell:
We are powerful spirit beings ~~~ We pre-existed before our present lives on earth ~~~ Reincarnation ~~~ The human species will evolve into its Christ consciousness or god state ~~~ God is a force, everyone and everything is part of this creative force ~~~ Because God is in everything, our collective thoughts create reality ~~~The mother earth is part of the force and she is a living entity (this is ‘Gaia worship)~~~ If the abuse of mother earth continues, she will have to defend herself with severe natural upheavals ~~~ We must reduce our population and eliminate all the negative thinking people by education or removal ~~~ Some in the New Age believe that alien life forms “seeded” us here in the beginning and that they will return.

What to stay away from:
Getting in touch with your inner self ~~~ Inner healing ~~~ Signs and wonders ministries ~~~ The course of miracles ~~~ Contact with ascended masters ~~~ Contact with aliens ~~~ Soul travel ~~~ Out of body experiences ~~~ Spirit guides ~~~ Near death experiences ~~~ Yoga ~~~ Positive confession ~~~ Possibility thinking ~~~ Your words have power, so you can speak things into existence (Quantum Physics) ~~~ Imaging ~~~ Evolution ~~~ Visions from Mary ~~~ Apparitions related to Mary ~~~ Crying statues ~~~ Slaying in the spirit ~~~ Laughing, barking and other strange out-of-control behavior ~~~ Schools, claiming to be Christian, that teach one how to become a prophet ~~~ Witchcraft ~~~ Shamanism ~~~ Altered states of consciousness ~~~ Hypnotism ~~~ Collective consciousness ~~~ Reaching Christ consciousness ~~~ Sweat lodges ~~~ The lord Maitreya ~~~ The Krishna ~~~ Iman Mahdi ~~~ Dalai Lama ~~~ Robert Schuller ~~~ The power of positive thinking ~~~ Gaia ~~~ The reincarnation of Christ in another body ~~~ There are many paths to God/all religion leads to God ~~~ Unity ~~~ Mormans ~~~ Masons ~~~ Scientology ~~~ Zen Buddhism ~~~ We are about to evolve to a higher life form ~~~ Animal rights and elevation of other species to the level of human beings ~~~ Alternate lifestyles ~~~ Rejection of Christian morality and beliefs ~~~ There are no moral absolutes ~~~Vegetarianism, health food, organic food products (as a higher lifestyle) ~~~ Holistic healing, alternative medicine (taken to mystic extremes) ~~~ Psychics, remote viewers, channelers, astrologers, fortune tellers ~~~ Team concepts (to replace individualism) ~~~ Personality typing and profiling ~~~ Diversity training ~~~ The basic goodness of man ~~~ Personal gurus ~~~ Self improvement seminars ~~~ Outcome based education ~~~ It takes a village ~~~ You can be anything you want to be ~~~ Abortion, birth control, family planning, the right to choose ~~~ Alien encounters ~~~ Psycho therapy ~~~ Dominionism ~~~ Latter Rain movement ~~~ Joel’s Army ~~~ Manifest Sons of God ~~~ Replacement Theology ~~~ Supersession Theology ~~~ The Force ~~~ Wizards ~~~ Edgar Casey ~~~ Pyramid power ~~~ Crystal power ~~~ New Spirituality ~~~ Kabbalah ~~~ The Secret ~~~ Alternate lifestyles ~~~ Feminism (hence Mother Gaia)~~~ All-Seeing Eye ~~~ Unicorn ~~~ Yin Yang ~~~ God is both masculine and feminine, the Rainbow (symbolizing the bridge between man and the Great Universal Mind, which is not God but Lucifer) ~~~ Goat Head on pentagram ~~~All paths lead to God.

This multi-facetted Network of deception is sweeping the Globe; it’s everywhere! At the center of this New Age spirituality is faith in MAN and in the so-called energies or ‘life force’ throughout the cosmos. This New Age philosophy, in all of its ‘modern sophistication’, is deceiving the world with NONE OTHER than the same words that Satan used to seduce Eve, when he said “Ye shall be as gods.” (Genesis)
As you read these words, it is still not too late for you….but time is running out! If you want to be guaranteed an eternal home in Heaven, please accept God’s only provision…Jesus Christ.

Celtic Rogue
18th July 2012, 11:58 PM
Yep... same mythical superstition that has controlled the masses for a very long time. No not the new Age so called movement. But the xenophobic hysteria that the so called christians always try to sell. Our god is the only way... anything that teaches us that we have potential to grow is banned and taught that is from satan.

I say BS! yes in the christian bible you say the devil seduced eve... to do what... eat from the tree of knowledge. What? Knowledge... that doesnt sound so bad to me? Whats wrong with knowledge? Oh I see.. with knowledge we would see through this jewdayo/ christian control device.... yea I know the devil made me post this too... bla bla bla..

Honestly an eternity with christians in heaven is how I envision my hell to be! 8-)

19th July 2012, 10:56 AM
I agree with pretty much everything written in this piece except for these examples and a few others:

What to stay away from:
~~~ Out of body experiences
~~~ Near death experiences
~~~ Yoga
~~~ Positive confession
~~~ Possibility thinking
~~~ Laughing, barking and other strange out-of-control behavior
~~~ The power of positive thinking
~~~ Vegetarianism, health food, organic food products (as a higher lifestyle)
~~~ Holistic healing, alternative medicine (taken to mystic extremes)

These things can be doe/used without being spiritual in nature. OOB experiences happen to a lot of people without them even wanting it to happen, etc.
Laughing is healthy. Barking is weird...

Also under things to avoid, was this statement:

~~~ God is both masculine and feminine, the Rainbow (symbolizing the bridge between man and the Great Universal Mind, which is not God but Lucifer)

The militant homosexual movement has highjacked the Rainbow and use it as their symbol for faggotry and lesbianism.

The Lord God created the Rainbow as a reminder for us all that He would never use a flood to destroy all human flesh again. Every time you see a rainbow, you are supposed to think of God and His promise to us. Instead, the faggots usurped the rainbow as their symbol.

But really that is a beautiful article that cuts to the heart of the matter. The author doesn't bother trying to prove the statements, and instead just states facts. The New age movement, and anything that is non-Christian is indeed a tool of soul-destruction for the great deciever, satan.

Thanks for posting Tumbleweed.

EDIT to add that as soon as I submitted this message, I looked at your post count for some reason and it was 777 Tumbleweed.
(I Didn't feel like searching out the 222 thread and posting a screen cap)

20th July 2012, 07:50 AM
Tumbleweed, there was no need to copy/past such a long article, because anything that is NOT in the bible is new age.... makes me smile....

The New Age also encompasses a wide array of notions: spiritualism, astrology, bioenergy, Chi energy, chakras, nirvana, Kabbalism...

okay next time lets analyze the kabbalistic referrences in the bible, old and new testatments. Compare all their ritual celebration dates borrowed from the pagans. See how many gods in myths have been cruxified... etc then maybe we will discover that ancient knowledge is here to stay

as a starter: all myths and religions have a Trinity, how can one explain this... because the TRIANGLE is a powerful shape in sacred geometry. The 3 dimensional version of the triangle is the tetrahedron... so the entire Universe IS geometical by nature. Maths ... all about maths.... and all religions/myths tell us this by just WORSHIPING a TRINITY.

The fact is that many people do not understand the allegories of their spiritual belief systems. But allegories always tell the same story.

Christianity started the age of Pisces, it is so obvious, yet go figure, "astrology" is evil...


20th July 2012, 08:09 AM
Honestly an eternity with christians in heaven is how I envision my hell to be! 8-)


Death makes angels of us all
And gives us wings
Where we had shoulders
Smooth as raven's

24th July 2012, 12:54 PM
another hint

12 apostles
12 signs of the zodiac
12 octaves
12 tribes of israel
12 calendar months
12 years of age was Jesus when He first appears in public (Luke 2:42)
There are 12 divisions of heaven called the Mazzaroth, which God uses for signs and seasons. (Psalms 19:1).
During the great tribulation, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel are saved, totaling 144,000 (Revelation 7).
The bride of Christ is pictured with a crown of 12 stars (Revelation 12:1).

really... we cannot get rid of astro-theology.... because everything is related to the Light and Matter IS 'compressed Light' and there seem to be 12 basic Light compressions and sounds in the Universe. Hence 12 dimensions.

other myths and pagan/pantheist religions also use lunar cycles. Thats precisely why we used to have 13 months in a year before Christianity was enforced.

book burning and witch hunting makes no sense

24th July 2012, 01:20 PM
What to stay away from:
Getting in touch with your inner self ~~~ Inner healing ~~~ Your words have power, so you can speak things into existence (Quantum Physics)..... hypnotherapy

of course as we are raised fearing Judgement Day, NWO, etc we do set them into motion...

why is 7 so praised in religions and myths?
The Seven Churches of the Revelation
or maybe do the 7 Churches represent the Chakras?

all religions and ancient myths tell us the same things in their own language.... the only one world religion that everybody fears is that very realization... so here we are marching toward "judgment day"... best of luck :(

of course hypnotherapy/channeling is evil... please quite asap praying for anyone from now on, because asking God a favor comes down to CHANNELING

quit also "group prayers" because reciting prayers out lout or silently is SELF-HYPNOSIS to access God' easier. Your consciousness is just plain evil when doing this.

Or wait, is there a double standard? Are self-hypnosis and channeling allowed when worshiping the Bible only?

Any true doctrine follower should embrace similarities in all religions because it would make him fearless of another faith take over. Its truly depends on one looks at it... there is an obvious upside here too.

24th July 2012, 01:52 PM
of course as we are raised fearing Judgement Day, NWO, etc we do set them into motion...

Since when do Christians fear Judgement day?

why is 7 so praised in religions and myths?
The Seven Churches of the Revelation
or maybe do the 7 Churches represent the Chakras?

Since when do they refer to the chakras as the Church of Philadelphia, Ephesus, Smyrna, Laodicea, Pergamus, Sardis and Thyatira?
And since when would a new-age occultist condemn all but two chakras for being imperfect?
Christ found fault in 5 out of the 7 Churches. If you actually read the first 3 chapters of revelation, you would know that. You could also search out my posts using the keyword "Smyrna" if you actually want to have a clue.

all religions and ancient myths tell us the same things in their own language.... the only one world religion that everybody fears is that very realization... so here we are marching toward "judgment day"... best of luck :(

You are part of the new one-world-religion that we have been warned about: Luciferian occultism. I pray for judgement day and the return of Christ.

of course hypnotherapy/channeling is evil... please quite asap praying for anyone from now on, because asking God a favor comes down to CHANNELING
quit also "group prayers" because reciting prayers out lout or silently is SELF-HYPNOSIS to access God' easier. Your consciousness is just plain evil when doing this.

Or wait, is there a double standard? Are self-hypnosis and channeling allowed when worshiping the Bible only?

Channeling is allowing a spirit to use YOUR BODY (which btw was generously created and given to you by the Lord) to communicate with other people via use of the physical vehicle.

Praying to God and glorifying His name is not even close to even being remotely comparable to acquiesing to voluntary demonic possession. Did you even proof-read this shit before you posted it? LOL.

Numbers are merely numbers. They are not intrisically powerful in themselves, regardless of what the boogyman cultists would have us believe. The occultists have favorites, but that means nothing to Christians.

The power of Christ destroys all witchery.

24th July 2012, 02:04 PM
thanks awoke for acknowledging double standards.... only christans do not do any demonic channeling

sorry the revelation is a part of the Bible, something we are learning when we are "kids", so fear seems to keep many in subliminal state of fear. But in the mind of christians that will be others (non christians) that will be responsible for it... thank to this massive world boomerang intolerance

regardless of what I say on number 7, I am no Bible scholar - but since you seem better than me at it... plz tell me why is the number 12 so recurrent?

ps: I am not seeking to be a scholar in anything... just following similarities/patterns and see where THEY lead me.

24th July 2012, 02:10 PM
thanks awoke for acknowledging double standards.... only christans do not do any demonic channeling

That's not what I said, deciever.

I never said "Only Christians don't channel demons" or anything like that. You play with words to try to bend my post into what you want people to think I am asserting.

You want lurkers to read "All non-Christians channel demonic spirits" from my post, when that is clearly not what I said.

You do your fathers work well.

24th July 2012, 04:20 PM
The significance of 12 is actually 6.

6 being the number of Love.

Even looking at the form of the number 6 it is more open than the Buddha/infinity number 8

It is the human being number defined,
and multiplied by the other significant number 2 becomes powerfully circular male and female 12 .

But if it was 9, would not matter to me.


25th July 2012, 12:54 PM
6 being the number of Love.


25th July 2012, 02:05 PM

Don't forget that 6 is the number of days it took for the Elohim to manifest Creation, resting on the 7th.

25th July 2012, 02:10 PM

Don't forget "days" are not "days" as we know them.

25th July 2012, 02:26 PM

Don't forget "days" are not "days" as we know them.

True enough; I was merely musing on the numerology of the number 6.

Genesis is FULL of numerological meanings and "sub"-meanings. This is quite clear in the original tongue.

Here is an excerpt from St. Augustine's "City of God" :

These works are recorded to have been completed in six days (the same day being six times repeated), because six is a perfect number—not because God required a protracted time, as if He could not at once create all things, which then should mark the course of time by the movements proper to them, but because the perfection of the works was signified by the number six. For the number six is the first which is made up of its own parts, i.e., of its sixth, third, and half, which are respectively one, two, and three, and which make a total of six. In this way of looking at a number, those are said to be its parts which exactly divide it, as a half, a third, a fourth, or a fraction with any denominator, e.g., four is a part of nine, but not therefore an aliquot part; but one is, for it is the ninth part; and three is, for it is the third. Yet these two parts, the ninth and the third, or one and three, are far from making its whole sum of nine. So again, in the number ten, four is a part, yet does not divide it; but one is an aliquot part, for it is a tenth; so it has a fifth, which is two; and a half, which is five. But these three parts, a tenth, a fifth, and a half, or one, two, and five, added together, do not make ten, but eight. Of the number twelve, again, the parts added together exceed the whole; for it has a twelfth, that is, one; a sixth, or two; a fourth, which is three; a third, which is four; and a half, which is six. But one, two, three, four, and six make up, not twelve, but more, viz., sixteen. So much I have thought fit to state for the sake of illustrating the perfection of the number six, which is, as I said, the first which is exactly made up of its own parts added together; and in this number of days God finished His work. And, therefore, we must not despise the science of numbers, which, in many passages of holy (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07386a.htm) Scripture, is found to be of eminent service to the careful interpreter. Neither has it been without reason numbered among God's praises, You have ordered all things in number, and measure, and weight. Wisdom 11:20 (http://www.newadvent.org/bible/wis011.htm#verse20) from http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/120111.htm

Here's an example of the "perfection" of 6:

Get a handful of pennies. (or any coin, as long as they are the same size)

Put one penny on a table.

Put another penny next to it, touching it.

Now put another penny down so that it touches both pennies, and continue doing this all the way around the first penny.

How many pennies did it take to *perfectly* encircle the first penny?

25th July 2012, 02:50 PM
How many pennies did it take to *perfectly* encircle the first penny?



25th July 2012, 03:00 PM
Properties of the number 6


Represent the imperfection, the sin, the Evil, according to the Bible. But it is also the number of the test, the work and the servitude in the Hebraic law, which ordered to work during six days, to sow the earth during six years and that a slave serves his master during six years.
Number of the "man-animal", the man "with a tail", still having his passions, being nonconscious of his divinity. But it is also considered as being quite simply the number of the man because it is the sixth day that God created the human couple (Gn 1,26).
Perfect number, according to Thibaut Of Langres. Our Lord was conceived on the sixth day, was born at the sixth age of the world and was crucified on the sixth day - the eighth age corresponding to the beatitude which will follow the resurrection of the bodies. Origen specifies that 6 is the symbol of the passion of the Christ who suffered the sixth day. According to Euclid, 6 is also the first perfect number because it is equal to the sum of its aliquot parts. Let us mention that the four other perfect numbers that follow are 28, 496, 8128 and 33550336.
Thibaut Of Langres attributes also this number to Venus, that is to say the fecundity because 6 is the product of the first even number by the first odd and that it is considered that all even number are female and all odd are male.
Its form is a continuous curve without angle, without line. It is the total love. It is almost spiral, it is on the point of going towards the infinity. 6 is also the form of the foetus in gestation.
Sign of the mediation between the principle and its manifestation.
Number of the indecision and the choice that is required.
Favorable number linked to the longevity.
Number of Neron, the sixth emperor.


The six jars in which the water was transformed into wine by Jesus at the wedding of Cana. (Jn 2,6)
The six days taken by God to create the creation, according to the Bible and the Koran. (Gn 2,2; Koran 10,9 and 32,3)
The six years taken by Joshua to conquer all the country of Canaan.
The catch of Jericho by Joshua was done in six days. (Jos 6, 11-14)
The six degrees that had the throne of Solomon (1 K 10,19) and the six nations which provided him wives or concubines: Egyptians, Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians, Hittites (1 K 11,1).
In the war led at Gath against Philistines, a warrior of big size had six fingers to each hand and at each foot. (2 S 21,20; 1 Ch 20,6)
The width of the gold statue that the king Nebuchadnezzar made build had six cubits. (Dn 3, 1)
It is to chapter 6 of the Genesis that God announces the Flood. And in 6,6 we read: "YHWH regretted having made human being on earth and was grieved at heart".


The lily, with its six petals placed in two rows of three equidistant, is, for the Christians, the emblem of saint Joseph and the Virgin Mary. The lily is also the mystical flower of the virgins....


D sciple
25th July 2012, 03:15 PM
1Kings 10:14 Now the weight of gold which came in to Solomon in one year was 666 talents of gold,


26th July 2012, 01:13 PM

actually 666 = 3x6 and comes from the pyramid angles... and since the 3 is related to the Trinity we have 3 times the Trinity... the number of expansive physical and spiritual creation (male+ female+ child, Holly spirit + God+ Son for example) in the universe according to sacred geometry.

26th July 2012, 01:25 PM
(male+ female+ child, Holly spirit + God+ Son for example) in the universe according to sacred geometry.

Holy Spirit has been circumcised into two shoulders.

actually 666 = 3x6 and comes from the pyramid angles

You meant to say triangle, as a pyramid has many more than (3) of those 60's & some 90's too.


You can often see a sky with five-cornered stars on a blue background in tombs.

If you lay a vertical section through the centre of a pyramid parallel to one square side, you get a (yellow) triangle. This triangle is almost the main triangle of a pentagon.
It is special that two diagonals of a pentagon divide each other in the golden ratio


27th July 2012, 08:33 AM
If they depreciate Yahshua as YHWH incarnate {Yah became my shua} then they are suspect. If they try to make His teachings equal to other teachers of so-called spirituality they are suspect. If they add {or take away from} to the WORD of God they are suspect. If they put away God's Law [ for example the first or fifth commandment ] and make up their own rules {rulemaker is one who makes rules for others to follow = a g - o - d} and them try to bind them on others, they are suspect.


27th July 2012, 10:49 AM
The Creator God takes second place to none. We are responsible for and have authority over what we create. Same with Him. His plan is to bring all to repentence, which simply means, a changed mind. A mind that no longer focuses on self and its limitations but on ALL which are without limitations. When ALL the created beings acknowledge the Lordship and Majesty of the One, the Maker of ALL, both spiritual and physical are united in the same effort under the same Law, there is peace and prosperity, with Wisdom, for ALL.

28th July 2012, 11:51 AM
You meant to say triangle, as a pyramid has many more than (3) of those 60's & some 90's too.

sorry yes, triangle... my mistake.

However worshiping a Triangle/Trinity has been around since eons.

28th July 2012, 12:03 PM
messianicdruid, sounds like the Oneness to me...

monotheism teaches God' separation from his creation but then urges reunification with God (after death)... while pantheism accepts the God's oneness from the start.... dont see much difference as the both converge at some point.

The Creator God takes second place to none. We are responsible for and have authority over what we create. Same with Him. His plan is to bring all to repentence, which simply means, a changed mind. A mind that no longer focuses on self and its limitations but on ALL which are without limitations. When ALL the created beings acknowledge the Lordship and Majesty of the One, the Maker of ALL, both spiritual and physical are united in the same effort under the same Law, there is peace and prosperity, with Wisdom, for ALL.

I for one sustain that it is this very spiritual divide that causes polarization/fragmentation, hence evil or the Devil. The Devil lurks on both sides of the spectrum. Somebody centered, emotionally and spiritually, cannot do any evil, regardless of what he learns or interacts with.

Every time somebody waves "the white vs black argument" (I am right because you are a Nazi) , that very somebody helps the evil stay alive.

Judaism wants Christianity to die...
Islam wants Christianity and Judaism do be destroyed... Christianity declares all other religions to be Satanist... Islam claims that all other doctrine followers are Infidels... Judaism could gladly crucify Jesus again... etc... and just talking of monotheistic religions here. I am sure we find the same fanatic preachings in almost every faith. Buddhist monks immolating themselves have too gone amok.

5th August 2012, 04:41 PM
The world is in the grip of Satanic forces right now with a great abundance of religions around the world doing what.

Yoga is the work of the devil????? Basically everything listed in OP outside of their own narrow thinking is the work of the devil....................

5th August 2012, 05:46 PM
The world is in the grip of Satanic forces right now with a great abundance of religions around the world doing what. Yoga is the work of the devil????? Basically everything listed in OP outside of their own narrow thinking is the work of the devil.................... I agree. Why not just worry about basic stuff like lying, cheating, stealing, killing, coveting, etc... which pretty much covers 100% of everyone already anyway. It just seems kind of superfluous to throw in yoga as being evil. It seems that evil needs to be constantly updated and redefined by the corporate media just to allow people to continue avoiding their own complicity in the evil that abounds all around. :)

5th August 2012, 06:37 PM
I think I'll hang to my yoga and my idea of Unity but y'all can keep the rest of that shitheap.

7th August 2012, 02:56 PM
yes, listing all the Eastern relaxation techniques as works of the Devil could be associated with mental issues... I am sorry for saying this.... now I have to say that the new age movement is being polluted/corrupted by $$ too, and I can see this in the monetization of everything it touches... we live in a sad state of affairs

7th August 2012, 07:08 PM
I agree. Why not just worry about basic stuff like lying, cheating, stealing, killing, coveting, etc... which pretty much covers 100% of everyone already anyway. It just seems kind of superfluous to throw in yoga as being evil. It seems that evil needs to be constantly updated and redefined by the corporate media just to allow people to continue avoiding their own complicity in the evil that abounds all around. :)

People basically fear what they dont understand..............