View Full Version : Chinese lorry driver left dangling after truck almost drives off bridge

20th July 2012, 01:26 PM
Hanging on for dear life! Chinese lorry driver left dangling after truck almost drives off bridge

A lorry driver was left dangling off a bridge after his leg got wedged under his overturned truck in China

His trapped leg saved him from a deadly fall to the ground 30 feet below
Firefighters took three hours to rescue him
The driver is now recovering in hospital

By Alex Ward (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Alex+Ward)
PUBLISHED: 14:26 GMT, 20 July 2012 | UPDATED: 14:30 GMT, 20 July 2012


This truck driver is lucky to be alive after he was left hanging precariously upside down off when his lorry flipped, landing on the edge of a bridge.
Driver Dong Yinan was thrown from the truck’s cab when his heavy vehicle crashed through bridge barricades and flipped while travelling through Xuanma town in China’s Gansu province.
With his right leg wedged between the truck and the bridge, Mr Yinan’s lucky landing saved him from a deadly fall to the ground, 30 feet below.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/07/20/article-2176508-1423FE27000005DC-94_634x569.jpg Dangling dangerously: Truck driver Dong Yinan dangled precariously after his lorry overturned, trapping his leg but saving him from falling 30 ft to the ground below

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/07/20/article-2176508-1423FE2E000005DC-996_634x309.jpg Teetering: The truck carrying 30 tons of coal crashed through the bridge while travelling through Xuanma town in China's Gansu province

Passers-by looked on as Mr Yinan flailed as he hung on to ropes with his legs split in midair.
The truck, carrying 30 tons of coal, threatened to topple over the edge leaving Mr Yinan holding on for dear life.


Firefighters had the tricky task of reaching him safely from under the teetering truck.
It took them three hours to rescue the driver who is now recovering in hospital.
The accident comes as the safety of trucks on Chinese roads was questioned following a heavy duty truck carrying construction materials overturned while turning at an intersection in Beijing on Sunday morning.
Tons of soil spilled out onto the road, covering and killing a female cyclist.
Transport experts have put the spotlight on heavy duty trucks saying these types of accidents are all too common.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2176508/Hanging-dear-life-Chinese-lorry-driver-left-dangling-truck-drives-bridge.html#ixzz21CFEdezk