View Full Version : A Message from Acting ATF Director Todd Jones

20th July 2012, 04:24 PM
The vid gets good at about 1:49. "Accelerated Change".

This is the "Eighth ChangeCast" too.



Wow, the telescreen is starting to get harsh.

20th July 2012, 04:29 PM
You got a transcript, sweetpea?

20th July 2012, 04:34 PM
You got a transcript, sweetpea?

Gotta have everything don't ya...

ATF's videotaped message to employees on reporting wrongdoing (http://www.washingtonguardian.com/atfs-btodd-jones-his-own-words)

Acting ATF boss warns agents there will be 'consequences' if they report wrongdoing outside the 'chain of command.'

UPDATED 15:53 PM EDT, July 18, 2012 | By Washington Guardian staff

Transcript of Acting ATF Director B. Todd Jones’ videotaped comments to employees July 9, 2012:

“Over these last six months, we’ve provided you with a lot of information in these first eight change casts. We’ve talked about our leadership philosophy. We’ve talked about the pace and challenge of change. We’ve talked about roles, missions and functions, both as a law enforcement organization with a regulatory function, and within the Department of Justice. I hope that they have been informational to you about our strategic view of the way forward.

I want to close out this first set by talking about, quite frankly, a less pleasant topic, but one that is critical to the functioning of any organization, particularly one with a public safety mission, like ATF’s, and that’s choices and consequences. And when I’m talking about choices and consequences, I’m talking about a disciplinary process. Our last Changecast, we laid out some clear expectations about organizational discipline. One ATF, everyone working together, exemplifying one of the pieces of our leadership philosophy: that being teamwork. I want to make it clear in this last Changecast, before we start doing specific topics, what my expectation is, as the acting director, when it comes to the disciplinary process.

Choices and consequences simply means that, as an employee of ATF, should you decide not to abide by the standards of conduct or the rules of the road, should you decide that you’re not going to play by the rules, there will be consequences. We spent some time over the last six months reinvigorating our PRB. Katie Torres has worked very diligently to make sure that our Office of Professional Responsibility and our Internal Affairs unit responds quickly to hot spots around the country and in headquarters when they find something wrong.

Choices and consequences means simply that if you make poor choices, that if you don’t abide by the rules, that if you don’t respect the chain of command, if you don’t find the appropriate way to raise your concerns to your leadership, there will be consequences because we cannot tolerate, we cannot tolerate an undisciplined organization. I wanted to make this very clear to everyone as we turn the page with our first set of Changecasts.

The information you provide us on the website is invaluable, and the next time that we talk, we’ll start to grind down on some of the specifics about how we’re going to actually follow through on this accelerated change that we’ve been implementing here at ATF over the last nine months. Thank you for your attention. Keep your comments coming in. And we’ll talk to you again real soon.

20th July 2012, 04:36 PM
Yeah right................... please call in so we know who to f*ck over next.

20th July 2012, 04:41 PM
Does this mean that from here on, all ATF agents who are found to be insubordinate to the "chain of command" will have taser wires permanently grafted to their testicles? Or renditioned to a Camp in Northern Idaho for indefinite periods of time?

General of Darkness
20th July 2012, 05:03 PM
Jesus H Christ, there's a fucking Leroy or jew in all positions of power these days.

midnight rambler
20th July 2012, 05:05 PM
jesus h christ, there's a fucking communist in all positions of power these days.


20th July 2012, 05:10 PM
Leroy, jew, communist..... redundent..

Reminds me of a joke-- a negro, a crack head, a c*ck sucker and a communist walk into a bar. Bartender sez 'what it'll be Mr. President'?

Twisted Titan
21st July 2012, 06:09 AM

21st July 2012, 03:14 PM
Leroy, jew, communist..... redundent..

Reminds me of a joke-- a negro, a crack head, a c*ck sucker and a communist walk into a bar. Bartender sez 'what it'll be Mr. President'?


21st July 2012, 05:17 PM
I think it means that if you are an ATF-goon and have some moral left and refuses to screw up the life of a decent person, you will get your life screwed up...