View Full Version : Jane Burgermeister warning of another flu bio-weapon hoax

22nd July 2012, 03:48 AM
this vid's around a month old, 15 mins, but also see the 90 min commercial free radio appearance with Dr. Rebecca Carley, from just a few days ago.



Published on Jun 26, 2012 by women4truth (http://www.youtube.com/user/women4truth)
~Shocking Testimonies About Vaccines!: http://youtu.be/K6VwL0HJUrI ~reupload from: http://youtube.com/nerim Jane Bürgermeister's blog: http://birdflu666.wordpress.com

Hundreds of reports have appeared in the mainstream media in the past couple of days hyping the danger of a new bioengineered bird flu virus which is transmissible between humans as the Globalists try to condition humanity to accept a new pandemic emergency and a mass vaccination campaign with a toxic pandemic jab.

http://goo.gl/DAxZF & http://goo.gl/D4BWg

Yet again, the people of the world are facing the monolithic threat of a mass vaccination campaign with a pandemic vaccine now proven beyond a doubt to cause harm.
In 2011, the danger of a new pandemic emergency declaration was increased when Big Pharma was allowed to get significant control of the WHO pandemic virus warning system.

~more info: http://goo.gl/jAC2f

In a clear conflict of interest, Big Pharma is now in a perfect position to hype a new virus and also call for speedy vaccinations which the drugs companies also stand to profit the most from.

In 2009, Baxter created a similar type of deadly bioweapon when it contaminated 72 kilos of the transmissible seasonal flu with the deadly bird flu virus in its biosecurity level 3 facilities in Orth an der Donau and sent it to 16 labs in four countries. A police investigation was halted in September 2009 just before a mass pandemic vaccination campaign with a vaccine now confirmed by the governments of Ireland, Sweden, Finland and Norway to have caused narcolepsy.

The way Big Pharma used its financial clout to influence WHO to declare a pandemic emergency level 6 in 2009 has been well documented.

In spite of the scandal, the world is facing the same national pandemic plans. Once more we are facing forced vaccination with the same toxic jab and quarantine.
The mainstream media and the false flag alternative media led by Alex Jones are once more hyping the new super virus as a killer and downplaying the vaccine danger.
The new bird flu virus is no killer. The whole story: http://goo.gl/mD3mK

New Mass Vaccine Propaganda June 2012 update - Jane Burgermeister

The Unsolicited Opinion with Dr Carley 2012.07.19 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2012/07/the-unsolicited-opinion-with-dr-carley.html)

http://thelightofdayradioshow.com/archives/RBN-BACKUP/New-Carley-Pic.jpg (http://thelightofdayradioshow.com/archives/RBN-BACKUP/New-Carley-Pic.jpg)
Dr Carley talks to Jane Bürgermeister about the coming flu pandemic planned by the Elite Jewish Supremacist, by way of their lackeys in the WHO,CDC and UN.
NOTE: Dr Carley and Jane expose Alex Jones in his role in orchestrating his handlers plans back in 2009. 1:16:55 into the broadcast.

Jane Bürgermeister's blog (http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/)

Dr Carley's site (http://www.drcarley.com/)

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k005.kiwi6.com/hotlink/0wapniicg4/the_unsolicited_opinion_with_dr_carley_2012_07_19. mp3)

Download (http://k005.kiwi6.com/hotlink/0wapniicg4/the_unsolicited_opinion_with_dr_carley_2012_07_19. mp3)

Old Herb Lady
22nd July 2012, 05:19 AM
Thanks Pat. Sars, Bird Flu, Swine Flu.....all hoaxes....get ready what r they gonna name this one ?
Anyhoo, mark my word, once they get this thing going, the biggest fear tactic they will use (again)
is to tell us there is a shortage of the vax to make you scared and make you want it.
In reality they have soo much of it on hand to poison the population it's not even funny.

I saw people lining up to get the swine flu vax and getting it for their kids like
innocent little baby lambs lining up for the slaughter house.

Disgusting. Here we go again. I look for the fear tactic to be worse this time.

mick silver
22nd July 2012, 10:50 AM
back up for more to read ... thanks pat

General of Darkness
22nd July 2012, 10:59 AM
I've watched her videos in the past, she seems to be very honest and sincere.

22nd July 2012, 03:23 PM
Excellent and informative interview with Dr. Carley and Dr. Burgermeister!

They were also tying together the rabies vaccine (being dropped into wilderness areas) to the cannibalism incidents. Good Stuff!

23rd July 2012, 11:34 AM
Remember when SARS came out, 95% of the victims were Asian. In China, this seemed normal.

But when the disease spread to canada and 95% of the victims were still asian, then they began to suspect that a race-specific bio-weapon had been produced...

24th July 2012, 12:48 AM
Excellent and informative interview with Dr. Carley and Dr. Burgermeister!

They were also tying together the rabies vaccine (being dropped into wilderness areas) to the cannibalism incidents. Good Stuff!

Also see:
Thread: Gwen Olsen | Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55074-Gwen-Olsen-Confessions-of-an-Rx-Drug-Pusher&highlight=confessions+drug+pusher)
great podcast re EEEEvil Big Pharma

24th July 2012, 01:19 AM
commercial free mp3 below,

Spingola Speaks 2012.07.23 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2012/07/spingola-speaks-20120723.html)

http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg (http://www.spingola.com/)
This is a rerun from 2012.06.26

Dr. Patricia Jordan (http://dr-jordan.com/), author of Mark of the Beast; Vaccines - unsafe for man and beast

Get her free book here (http://k005.kiwi6.com/hotlink/c11i062j3c/mark_of_the_beast_hidden_in_plain_sight_dr_patrici a_jordan.rar)

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k005.kiwi6.com/hotlink/hc52h393jk/spingola_speaks_2012_06_26.mp3)

Download (http://k005.kiwi6.com/hotlink/hc52h393jk/spingola_speaks_2012_06_26.mp3) MP3

Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)

Spingola Specials (http://www.spingola.com/SpingolaSpecials.html)