View Full Version : Disturbing: 9year old beats and attacks toddlers at daycare!

General of Darkness
22nd July 2012, 08:29 AM
This kid needs to be put down like dog.


willie pete
22nd July 2012, 08:43 AM
This kid needs to be put down like dog.


I hate to say it, but the first thing I thought when I read this post title was, I'll bet it's a negro.........."he bad, but he don't fight little babies" "he also have a problem, he take medicine everyday and........he just a normal child" .....yea, right....::)

22nd July 2012, 08:45 AM
Holy crap, that is disturbing! They're arresting the daycare workers, but it's obvious that the bad kid was being really sneaky about it. That kid needs a cage, and I am worried about what's going on in his home. It is no where near normal for a 9 year old to abuse toddlers. The fact that he's hiding it means that he knows it's wrong - but because he continues to do it means that he's sick.

General of Darkness
22nd July 2012, 08:53 AM
Holy crap, that is disturbing! They're arresting the daycare workers, but it's obvious that the bad kid was being really sneaky about it. That kid needs a cage, and I am worried about what's going on in his home. It is no where near normal for a 9 year old to abuse toddlers. The fact that he's hiding it means that he knows it's wrong - but because he continues to do it means that he's sick.

Kaos, and what happens when this kid grows up? For 9 he looks pretty big, lets say he grows up to be 6'5" 250 lbs? He's going to kill an innocent person or rape a few women. I say euthanize it before it's too late.

22nd July 2012, 09:10 AM
Kaos, and what happens when this kid grows up? For 9 he looks pretty big, lets say he grows up to be 6'5" 250 lbs? He's going to kill an innocent person or rape a few women. I say euthanize it before it's too late.

9 more years and he can apply to the US military.

22nd July 2012, 11:28 AM
..it DOES boil down to genetics and breeding. How long will it be till people connect behavior with breeding in humans the way they do with dogs?? This is science being ignored, not hyperbole!

22nd July 2012, 11:42 AM
9 more years and he can apply to the US military.
And in 26 more years he can become selected elected President of the United States of Amurika.

22nd July 2012, 12:06 PM
That is really disturbing, I almost didn't watch it, and kind of wish I had't. That is one sick kid! No surprise he turned out that way if the family thinks "he's just a normal kid" wtf?

What I didn't understand in the small explanation was the 'man' that hit a kid.... Did a man hit the 9yr old for hitting his daughter or was that a separate story? If that was my niece I can't imagine what I might do to that kid.

General of Darkness
22nd July 2012, 12:17 PM
What I didn't understand in the small explanation was the 'man' that hit a kid.... Did a man hit the 9yr old for hitting his daughter or was that a separate story? If that was my niece I can't imagine what I might do to that kid.

The man hit another kid that he thought was a kid in the video. So he basically hit a kid that he thought was the original psychopath.

22nd July 2012, 12:44 PM
And in 26 more years he can become selected elected President of the United States of Amurika.

if they can doctor Obama's birth certficate, they can disappear this video.

22nd July 2012, 03:06 PM
if they can doctor Obama's birth certficate, they can disappear this video.

It took all of one minute to download the .mp4 (4'449kb, 640 x 360); nothing is getting 'disappeared'.