View Full Version : police firing at women and children in LA 'riot' as they battle angry mob over man's

23rd July 2012, 01:25 AM
Shocking video has emerged which depicts police officers firing rubber bullets into a rioting crowd which includes women and children.

The footage also shows a police dog rushing in to the fray and nearly knocking over a mother who was pushing her baby in a stroller.

The violent scenes came in the wake of an incident where a 24-year-old man was shot dead after running away from police, two of whom have now been suspended.


23rd July 2012, 05:48 AM

23rd July 2012, 06:20 AM
Keep it up cock suckers, sooner or later it won't be bottles and rocks witnesses will throw at you but straight up start firing on you.

23rd July 2012, 06:40 AM
Are Cops really that stupid? Crowd? Near riot? Nope! Just a gang of official cock suckers in riot gear shooting women and kids.

23rd July 2012, 06:40 AM
Shocking now, but this time next year it will look completely normal.

I wonder how many times that exact situation played out for those same guys in a neighborhood in Iraq? That's where they got their training, after all.

willie pete
23rd July 2012, 08:14 AM
the cops are out of control, and why would you send the dog after people?

23rd July 2012, 11:01 AM
the cops are out of control, and why would you send the dog after people?

Because they can.

General of Darkness
23rd July 2012, 11:27 AM
I'm not going to defend the cops but Anaheim is a mestizo shit hole.

23rd July 2012, 11:59 AM
I'm not going to defend the cops but Anaheim is a mestizo shit hole.

I had questions about this.

1) Were the rioters illegals?

2) Why would you take your baby or children to a riot?

I can't be for sure but I don't think we know the whole story here..

23rd July 2012, 02:05 PM
We never get the whole story.

That video does not look good for the po po.

23rd July 2012, 02:10 PM
We never get the whole story.

That video does not look good for the po po.

Yes and we can probably agree that these days the police conduct themselves dishonorably a majority of the time, but my questions still stand..

23rd July 2012, 02:22 PM
Yes and we can probably agree that these days the police conduct themselves dishonorably a majority of the time, but my questions still stand..

Ooops, sorry.

1) I don't know. Probably at least some were illegal, the dumb ones. If I was an illegal, I wouldn't stick my neck out to protest. I'd try to stay under the radar.
2) No.

General of Darkness
23rd July 2012, 02:25 PM
Ooops, sorry.

1) I don't know. Probably at least some were illegal, the dumb ones. If I was an illegal, I wouldn't stick my neck out to protest. I'd try to stay under the radar.
2) No.

Kaos remember that here in L.A. it's basically a sanctuary county. These SOB's get away with everything now so they have no reason to hide.

23rd July 2012, 02:38 PM
I had questions about this.

1) Were the rioters illegals?

2) Why would you take your baby or children to a riot?

I can't be for sure but I don't think we know the whole story here..

They take their children because there is no one to watch them, like when people bring all of their sub 5 year olds to the Mexican restaurant, (then ask them what they want to eat.)

Either that or they think its cute, Babies first riot

23rd July 2012, 02:53 PM
Ooops, sorry.

1) I don't know. Probably at least some were illegal, the dumb ones. If I was an illegal, I wouldn't stick my neck out to protest. I'd try to stay under the radar.
2) No.

No prob, sweetpea.:)

Illegals have no right whatsoever to riot..

mick silver
23rd July 2012, 03:00 PM
here me take ......... they have more rights then the people born here ...... just a sayinggggggggggggggggggggg

willie pete
23rd July 2012, 03:06 PM
I had questions about this.

2) Why would you take your baby or children to a riot?

I can't be for sure but I don't think we know the whole story here..

I think it said in the vid that this occured outside an apartment complex, I'm thinking the people live there

23rd July 2012, 03:08 PM
here me take ......... they have more rights then the people born here ...... just a sayinggggggggggggggggggggg

Only because we allowed our sorry a## government to do that.

23rd July 2012, 03:17 PM
Illegals have no right whatsoever to riot..

Sounds like they came there to protest, but when the cops showed up and started shooting their rubber bullets, it turned into a riot. How else do people act when fired upon with rubber bullets? I bet it was a peaceful protest before then, probably safe for kids too. Also, it doesn't seem right to me to assume they are illegals. As other have said, we don't know the full story.

I am curious about the initial officer involved shooting.

What baffles me is the dog. That cop had no control over the dog, you can see the cop trying to get the dog off of the guy. It seems he lost control of his dog, which is strange. Those k-9 dogs are extremely well trained, and from what I've seen, very well under control.

General of Darkness
23rd July 2012, 03:37 PM
What baffles me is the dog. That cop had no control over the dog, you can see the cop trying to get the dog off of the guy. It seems he lost control of his dog, which is strange. Those k-9 dogs are extremely well trained, and from what I've seen, very well under control.

It depends. I venture to guess that he jacked the dog up, I do that by just saying "where is he" in close to a whisper and it's on. Understand that in L.A. there are very few if any good protection dog trainers. And getting a dog to bite hard is about about genetics, getting the dog to let go is training and even then, if you move again the dog will bite again.

23rd July 2012, 04:46 PM
Illegal or not, Mexican or not I think is beside the point when trying to understand what this situation as it played out really means.

This topic has come up several times on this board, and a few takes on it have really resonated with me.

The scenario is described as the cops stepping over the line, finally committing an atrocity that the local folks can't ignore, and they decide to step up and confront the cops. Many folks say that the cops will respond to any isolated form of resistance with overwhelming force in order to discourage anyone else from getting uppity.

Viola! ("Vwah lah", not the instrument)

There you have it.

23rd July 2012, 05:32 PM

23rd July 2012, 05:44 PM
The scenario is described as the cops stepping over the line, finally committing an atrocity that the local folks can't ignore, and they decide to step up and confront the cops.

When the cops outnumber the people involved in the protest, it easy for them to step over the line.

Looks like they forgot their riot helmets, probably too hot for the donut eaters.

23rd July 2012, 06:21 PM
It seems to me there is a lot of cop wrongdoing videos popping up lately (sorta like the zombie sh*t). Bad American cops, bad British cops, here in Canada massive falling apart of the RCMP facing a multitude of accusations of coverup and corruption. Are we being trained to hate all cops? They all can't be bad, can they? Zombies and cops are the enemy? Hmmmmm.............

24th July 2012, 03:48 AM
It seems to me there is a lot of cop wrongdoing videos popping up lately (sorta like the zombie sh*t). Bad American cops, bad British cops, here in Canada massive falling apart of the RCMP facing a multitude of accusations of coverup and corruption. Are we being trained to hate all cops? They all can't be bad, can they? Zombies and cops are the enemy? Hmmmmm.............

Which mergers into............ZOMBIE COPS

24th July 2012, 04:07 AM
Keep watching this.

The entire community was upset about the shooting mentioned above, and demanded answers from the NWO pigs.
In answer, the NWO pigs called up more of their gang members, and then proceeded to "Serve and Protect" the community members who were demanding accountability.

After this shooting, I had a facebook update the same night that all this shit went down, and the update said that the people of Anahiem stormed the police station. That was around 11est, which would make it about 8pm pacific. I haven't been around a computer much, so I haven't been able to post details.

24th July 2012, 05:27 AM
Are we being trained to hate all cops? They all can't be bad, can they?

I hang out with child molesters. We go out on the weekends and party, have some drinks and play pool. At around 11pm when my buddies want to go find some little boys to kidnap and molest, I usually call it a night and go home to my family.

Im not a bad person, because when my friends go hunting for another victim, i know that is wrong, so i choose to go home.

Please dont judge me on my character and who i choose to hangout with, im a good person who wants to do good things.

*Your intentions mean NOTHING, it is your actions that count. When we are faced with a chance to either fight evil or join it, it is our ACTIONS that determine whether we are living by a moral compass or not. By default, Cops are not operating within any type of moral standards. They are doing what they are told, and this is very antithesis of moral absolutes.

24th July 2012, 06:16 AM
Looks like the APD may have declared war on the local community?

Anaheim police kill another man, cops filmed firing on women & children at protest


24th July 2012, 06:57 AM
Sui Juris, I get what you're doing with that post, but that is creepy still.

24th July 2012, 07:02 AM
I hang out with child molesters. We go out on the weekends and party, have some drinks and play pool. At around 11pm when my buddies want to go find some little boys to kidnap and molest, I usually call it a night and go home to my family.

Im not a bad person, because when my friends go hunting for another victim, i know that is wrong, so i choose to go home.

Please dont judge me on my character and who i choose to hangout with, im a good person who wants to do good things.

*Your intentions mean NOTHING, it is your actions that count. When we are faced with a chance to either fight evil or join it, it is our ACTIONS that determine whether we are living by a moral compass or not. By default, Cops are not operating within any type of moral standards. They are doing what they are told, and this is very antithesis of moral absolutes.

Thats way over the sarcastic line. We know the cops have evil leaders and we know that "some" cops are bad apples, but, is the picture being painted that "all" cops join up to be criminals, I think not. Though the picture being painted is that all are crooked. So what you're saying is that all are bad and no one should be a cop? It's a tainted barrel. Then I guess anyone that wishes to join politics to effect change (doubtful) shouldn't because "all" politicians are criminal. I know some asshole accountants, should we label all accountants as assholes? I'm sure that when SHTF, there will be some that stand up to their masters and refuse to comply to unjust orders. Maybe, its wishful thinking, but, I won't blanket label a demographic because of the actions of a few. For every shitty video there has to be acts of decency as well..........

24th July 2012, 09:02 AM
I can honestly say that I have never once in my life been protected or served by a cop. They have never once "kept me safe". In fact it has been just the opposite.

I have been extorted and bullied on numerous occasions though.

24th July 2012, 09:32 AM
I can honestly say that I have never once in my life been protected or served by a cop. They have never once "kept me safe". In fact it has been just the opposite.

I have been extorted and bullied on numerous occasions though.

...like that time i almost got arrested for agreeing with a cop's request?? lol good thing you were there to interpret for me! lmao!!

24th July 2012, 09:37 AM
Here's a quote taken slightly out of context that offers some insight into why cops do what they do.

I am a cop. I have been one all my career and still feel that I am.

I retired at 50 years of age with a full retirement and benefits that I will have until the day I die. My spouse will also receive those benefits for the rest of her life. Can you as a civilian? Long range planning is a must, live for tomorrow not just for today.

24th July 2012, 10:02 AM
I can honestly say that I have never once in my life been protected or served by a cop. They have never once "kept me safe". In fact it has been just the opposite.

I have been extorted and bullied on numerous occasions though.

Yeah me too.

I've also been harrassed and bullied by illegals also..

24th July 2012, 10:16 AM
Yeah me too.

I've also been harrassed and bullied by illegals also..

Yeah well the next step in their plan is to make the illegals into the domestic police force, so you will be harrassed by illegals that are in teh blue gang as well.

24th July 2012, 01:37 PM
Thats way over the sarcastic line. We know the cops have evil leaders and we know that "some" cops are bad apples, but, is the picture being painted that "all" cops join up to be criminals, I think not. Though the picture being painted is that all are crooked. So what you're saying is that all are bad and no one should be a cop? It's a tainted barrel. Then I guess anyone that wishes to join politics to effect change (doubtful) shouldn't because "all" politicians are criminal. I know some asshole accountants, should we label all accountants as assholes? I'm sure that when SHTF, there will be some that stand up to their masters and refuse to comply to unjust orders. Maybe, its wishful thinking, but, I won't blanket label a demographic because of the actions of a few. For every shitty video there has to be acts of decency as well..........

So I am bad because i hang out with child molesters, but cops arent bad even though they hang out with brutal murdering torturing scumbags? Im REALLY trying to understand here....So child molesting is worse than unlawful murdering and torture? Is that the gist here?

If not all Cops are bad, then not all 'friends of child molesters' are bad either. No matter how much knowledge they have about the crimes their friends have committed.

You see i actually believe in moral absolutes. Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong, no matter how many people you get to vote against it, no matter how many costumes and badges are presented, and no mattter how many corrupted Politicians try and tell me otherwise.

This isnt 1952 anymore, do you see Peace Officers wearing ties? NO. You see Paramilitary GOONS who use proactive violence to solve EVERY problem they come upon. The ONLY reason you 'think' there are still good Cops, is because you personally havent seen those Cops do bad things, so they are good people until you get your confirmation.

Well guess what? The confirmation is the daily bombardment of Unlawful orders, Lack of Due Process, the blatant violation of oath and the willingness to hangout with criminals and get paid for it.

Part of being a Cop or Military is that you do what your told. Right or Wrong, you do it. Good ot bad you do it. Truth or Lies, you do it. This is NOT a recipe for morals truth and justice. This is a recipe for Despotism and Tyrany = EXACTLY what we have. Is this because of all of the 'Good' Cops we have running around? LAUGHABLE.

If you were a Cop and had any morals whatsoever, you wouldnt last 5 minutes. Same with the Military. If there were real good Cops, there would be a massive Union of them with the power to change the way Police are used against the citizens.

If i get pulled over and i have other people in the car, and those people are found to have criminal records, i am automatically under suspicion. This is a fact you can ask any Cop. But the minute you apply this same line of thinking to them, then people like you try and change the magical doors of morals around to suit your comfort zone.

Hey, not all of the Communist Jews under Stalin were bad. Even though they raped, murdered, tortured robbed and assaulted at will. Some of them were good people, and Im sure their friends and family would agree that they were not Monsters. PUKE.

Reality would have a different point of view though.

I would rather live in Anarchy and complete and total chaos, then have to live with the STATE trying to run my life. The term Civilization is a trick to get you to sucomb to criminals for the good of the people.

24th July 2012, 02:22 PM
So I am bad because i hang out with child molesters, but cops arent bad even though they hang out with brutal murdering torturing scumbags? Im REALLY trying to understand here....So child molesting is worse than unlawful murdering and torture? Is that the gist here?

If not all Cops are bad, then not all 'friends of child molesters' are bad either. No matter how much knowledge they have about the crimes their friends have committed.

You see i actually believe in moral absolutes. Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong, no matter how many people you get to vote against it, no matter how many costumes and badges are presented, and no mattter how many corrupted Politicians try and tell me otherwise.

This isnt 1952 anymore, do you see Peace Officers wearing ties? NO. You see Paramilitary GOONS who use proactive violence to solve EVERY problem they come upon. The ONLY reason you 'think' there are still good Cops, is because you personally havent seen those Cops do bad things, so they are good people until you get your confirmation.

Well guess what? The confirmation is the daily bombardment of Unlawful orders, Lack of Due Process, the blatant violation of oath and the willingness to hangout with criminals and get paid for it.

Part of being a Cop or Military is that you do what your told. Right or Wrong, you do it. Good ot bad you do it. Truth or Lies, you do it. This is NOT a recipe for morals truth and justice. This is a recipe for Despotism and Tyrany = EXACTLY what we have. Is this because of all of the 'Good' Cops we have running around? LAUGHABLE.

If you were a Cop and had any morals whatsoever, you wouldnt last 5 minutes. Same with the Military. If there were real good Cops, there would be a massive Union of them with the power to change the way Police are used against the citizens.

If i get pulled over and i have other people in the car, and those people are found to have criminal records, i am automatically under suspicion. This is a fact you can ask any Cop. But the minute you apply this same line of thinking to them, then people like you try and change the magical doors of morals around to suit your comfort zone.

Hey, not all of the Communist Jews under Stalin were bad. Even though they raped, murdered, tortured robbed and assaulted at will. Some of them were good people, and Im sure their friends and family would agree that they were not Monsters. PUKE.

Reality would have a different point of view though.

I would rather live in Anarchy and complete and total chaos, then have to live with the STATE trying to run my life. The term Civilization is a trick to get you to sucomb to criminals for the good of the people.

You do have a point. I've been trained to give people the "benefit of the doubt". Maybe its just another misnomer I have to rid myself of. The future's looking pretty bleak.............

24th July 2012, 02:46 PM
I can honestly say that I have never once in my life been protected or served by a cop. They have never once "kept me safe". In fact it has been just the opposite..

I bet you have Awoke, you just didn't see it happen. Cops tend to help folks indirectly, without people realizing it.

24th July 2012, 02:53 PM
Yeah me too.

I've also been harrassed and bullied by illegals also..

Do you mean Obama...................:)

24th July 2012, 02:55 PM
Cops tend to help folks indirectly, without people realizing it.

Are we talking about specific carte blanche given to certain CIA drug/gun runners, or something else?

The hidden hand, only arriving at the scene of a crime?

24th July 2012, 03:01 PM
I see CBS made a copyright claim on the video. They can go fuck themselves with this cucumber.

http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/8039/cucumberamerican.jpg (http://www.sendspace.com/file/7esk7l)

General of Darkness
24th July 2012, 03:15 PM
Enzo says this shit burns but in a happy way.


24th July 2012, 03:41 PM
Enzo says this shit burns but in a happy way.

Almost statist as Book, and not nearly gifted as mamboni. :o

Bueno no menos.

24th July 2012, 03:56 PM
Enzo says this shit burns but in a happy way.


What is Glenn Beck doing with your dog?

24th July 2012, 04:39 PM

24th July 2012, 05:25 PM
I have never been harrassed, beaten, detained or summoned by an accountant. I know a whole bunch of the bastards, too.

Cops are bad. Child molesters are bad.

Therefore Cops are Child molesters.

24th July 2012, 05:28 PM
I have never been harrassed, beaten, detained or summoned by an accountant. I know a whole bunch of the bastards, too.

Cops are bad. Child molesters are bad.

Therefore Cops are Child molesters.

If you're trying to play a game of 'guess that logical fallacy', you should have said so.

General of Darkness
24th July 2012, 05:29 PM
What is Glenn Beck doing with your dog?


24th July 2012, 09:59 PM

EDIT - This guy Tim is recording everything he can. I just watched one of his updates and the cops were shooting at him and his collegue Amber with Non-lethal (Pfft) projectiles when they tried to get footage of the fires.

He hid and came out with his press pass showing and his hands up, and the pigs still continued to shoot at him.

25th July 2012, 02:26 AM
Supposed Anonymous video:


25th July 2012, 09:24 AM
Any word on this since I posted this morning?

25th July 2012, 11:35 AM
At the end of that original video it was stated the police offered to buy peoples cell phone videos of the incident.


Wonder how much they were offering?