View Full Version : Indians should reduce gold tributes to God – RBI Deputy Governor

23rd July 2012, 02:17 PM
Indians should reduce gold tributes to God – RBI Deputy Governor;D
‘In order to keep gold prices under check, the practice of giving gold as dowry or as an offering at religious places must be curbed, as should gold jewellery purchases, suggests a senior official at India’s central bank.’ These are the sort of TRICKS those in high places in govt have to resort to in the GREAT BAMBOOZLE. We can also see how Chakrabarty has taken the WARREN BUFFET GOLD PLAYBOOK…. HOOK, LINE AND SINKER. I find it simply amazing that these clowns have nothing better to do than try and resist the natural forces of gravity…. complete folly in my book. I believe the Indian public is probably a great deal more aware of the merits of REAL MONEY, than the Royal Bank of India’s Deputy Governor and his crew of orthodox accountant cronies.
From (MINEWEB (http://www.mineweb.com/mineweb/view/mineweb/en/page34?oid=155562&sn=Detail&pid=102055))
Gold offerings at temples have come under the scanner of the Reserve Bank of India. Deputy Governor K C Chakrabarty has called for a reduction in demand for gold as an offering to the deities.
“Ninety percent of the gold demand is jewellery or to offer to God. Both have to stop,” said the official of the apex bank. The deputy Governor noted that Indian society’s obsession with gold was an archaic idea of pre-historic times when India was a rich society of abundance.
“Wearing gold as an ornament was a culture when you were a rich society, when you were contributing to 30% of the GDP of the world. Today, we have become a poor country, we need to change our culture,” he added.
Going even further to drive in his point, Chakrabarty claimed there was no `intrinsic value’ in the `speculative’ investment of gold. He urged those in the financial world like chartered accountants to explain to the people the non-productivity of investing in gold.
Hitting another nail, he added the precious metal cannot be used for anything productive and gains in value only because of a “mad rush” for the commodity among speculators. The day this will end, the price will fall sharply, he said

23rd July 2012, 02:21 PM
AND THIS.........

Swedish Propaganda ‘Research’ Advocates EU Ban of Silver Products (http://www.silverdoctors.com/sd-ira-take-control/)

A Sweedish research team has released a propaganda hit piece on silver titled Silver: A Toxic Threat to Our Health and Environment, and urges municipalities, governments, and the EU to take action by banning silver products, and consumers to actively avoid any product containing dangerous silver. The study concludes by strongly advocating consumers ‘stay informed and avoid any product labeled to contain silver’, and encourages hospitals to train their staff to avoid purchasing medical products containing silver. As the ‘research’ team made zero disclosures regarding the funding of the study, we have sent an official inquiry to the authors requesting clarification as to if the study was funded by Pfizer, Merck, AstraZeneca, or JP Morgan. The ‘research’ claims silver is toxic to all living cells, silver contributes to antibiotic resistance (in fact the opposite is true- synthetic antibiotics contribute to bacterial adaptation and resistance), silver causes permanent skin damage, silver chokes fish to death, silver disturbs bacterial activity when cleaning sewage (actually that’s true- silver destroys the bacteria in sewage and sanitizes the water), silver prevents the use of sludge as a fertilizer (this is only a bad thing for companies in need of cheap public disposal of their toxic waste), and finally claims that mining of silver is intimately associated with environmental contamination of toxic heavy metals such as mercury and lead and therefore silver mining is toxic to the environment. Full report from Uppsala University (http://ec.europa.eu/research/environment/pdf/hylanderhaxton_not_2906_en.pdf) in Sweden below:

Silver: A toxic threat to our health and environment •Silver is toxic to all living cells
•Silver contributes to antibiotic resistance
•Silver is deposited around nerves and in deeper skin layers and may
cause permanent skin damage
•Silver is intimately associated with environmental contamination of
other toxic heavy metals such as mercury and lead
•Silver sticks to fish gills, potentially choking them to death
•Silver disturbs bacterial activity when cleaning sewage
•Silver prevents the use of sludge as fertilizer, needed for nutrient
recycling New uses for silver
Our emerging problems with antibiotic resistance and fear of multi-resistant bacteria
have opened the door for toxic heavy metals. Silver has quickly spread from soaps
to full room concepts in hospital wards in recent years. It can now be found in:
• Wound dressings, Band-Aids
• Catheters, endotracheal tubes
• Grafts, implanted heart valves, bone cement
• Sutures
• Soaps, disinfectants
• Sanitary ware, toilet seats, door handles, furniture, paints
• Textiles, carpets, clothes, shoes
• Refrigerators, washing machines, telephones, keyboards, pocket calculators
• Children’s toys, pacifiers
The most toxic forms of silver are added to these products. This development
coincides with a pronounced decrease (25-40%) in silver use by the photo industry
due to digital cameras. Mediating antibiotic-resistant
With a wide and uncontrolled use of silver products, it is likely that not
only silver-resistant
but also antibiotic- and biocide-resistant bacteria will emerge. These
bacteria would certainly pose a threat to the public health. Furthermore,
if we kill the good bacteria, the ecosystem will collapse. Mining and largest consumers
Only one third of silver produced originates from dedicated silver
mines and two thirds is received as a by-product from production
of copper, gold, lead, and zinc. Most silver production results in
large emissions of mercury to air, soil, and water. Where silver is
extracted by small-scale miners, large quantities of mercury are
used, resulting in large health and environmental damages.
Hospitals are large consumers of specific products with silver
added. In five years the silver-based wound dressing market has
gone from zero to 200 million Euros in Europe, and the estimated
yearly growth of the ‘anti-bacterial market’ is 40% with specified
areas such as wound care and foreign bodies leading the trend.
Most silver is still used for electronics, jewellery, silverware,
mirrors, but the risks from this usage are much smaller than the
newly emerging usages due to already established recycling. How to act?
Buy products free of silver. The silver added has generally no
positive effects, and can be more detrimental for your health
than the same product without silver. Consumers should be
informed and demand clear and easily visible labelling when
silver has been added.
To educate the general public and health care staff about the
potential negative health and environmental effects is central.
To confront purchasing staff with the selling strategy of
commercial companies should be included in the training.
Municipalities, governments and
EU need to take appropriate actions. Colloidal silver
Do not ingest colloidal silver sold as food supplement in health
food stores, unless you want your skin to have an incurable
greyish taint like the lady to the left in the picture above. The full study by Uppsala University can be viewed here: http://ec.europa.eu/research/environment/pdf/hylanderhaxton_not_2906_en.pdfhttp://www.silverdoctors.com/swedish-propaganda-research-advocates-eu-ban-of-silver-products/

Those interested in expressing their thoughts to the study authors may contact them at:

23rd July 2012, 03:08 PM

Gold offerings at temples have come under the scanner of the Reserve Bank of India. Deputy Governor K C Chakrabarty has called for a reduction in demand for gold as an offering to the deities.

Then this snippit......

“Ninety percent of the gold demand is jewellery or to offer to Ggod.

GS'ers know that the gold used in religious diety worship "there" are nothing more than a few scraps of gold leaf purchased specifically for that purpose in order for it to be affordable to all worshippers regardless of their station in life/caste.

If overseers got too "hardnosed"...the faithful could always buy dinky eBay "novelty" gold-leaf vials...whether genuine flake or not. When lathering up the toe of the diety, do you truly think the government would know the difference?


23rd July 2012, 03:12 PM

Looks as though they are getting desperate beef steak

23rd July 2012, 04:01 PM
astounding lies.

23rd July 2012, 06:48 PM
AND THIS.........

Swedish Propaganda ‘Research’ Advocates EU Ban of Silver Products (http://www.silverdoctors.com/sd-ira-take-control/)

A Sweedish research team has released a propaganda hit piece on silver titled Silver: A Toxic Threat to Our Health and Environment, and urges municipalities, governments, and the EU to take action by banning silver products, and consumers to actively avoid any product containing dangerous silver. The study concludes by strongly advocating consumers ‘stay informed and avoid any product labeled to contain silver’, and encourages hospitals to train their staff to avoid purchasing medical products containing silver. As the ‘research’ team made zero disclosures regarding the funding of the study, we have sent an official inquiry to the authors requesting clarification as to if the study was funded by Pfizer, Merck, AstraZeneca, or JP Morgan. The ‘research’ claims silver is toxic to all living cells, silver contributes to antibiotic resistance (in fact the opposite is true- synthetic antibiotics contribute to bacterial adaptation and resistance), silver causes permanent skin damage, silver chokes fish to death, silver disturbs bacterial activity when cleaning sewage (actually that’s true- silver destroys the bacteria in sewage and sanitizes the water), silver prevents the use of sludge as a fertilizer (this is only a bad thing for companies in need of cheap public disposal of their toxic waste), and finally claims that mining of silver is intimately associated with environmental contamination of toxic heavy metals such as mercury and lead and therefore silver mining is toxic to the environment. Full report from Uppsala University (http://ec.europa.eu/research/environment/pdf/hylanderhaxton_not_2906_en.pdf) in Sweden below:

Silver: A toxic threat to our health and environment •Silver is toxic to all living cells
•Silver contributes to antibiotic resistance
•Silver is deposited around nerves and in deeper skin layers and may
cause permanent skin damage
•Silver is intimately associated with environmental contamination of
other toxic heavy metals such as mercury and lead
•Silver sticks to fish gills, potentially choking them to death
•Silver disturbs bacterial activity when cleaning sewage
•Silver prevents the use of sludge as fertilizer, needed for nutrient
recycling New uses for silver
Our emerging problems with antibiotic resistance and fear of multi-resistant bacteria
have opened the door for toxic heavy metals. Silver has quickly spread from soaps
to full room concepts in hospital wards in recent years. It can now be found in:
• Wound dressings, Band-Aids
• Catheters, endotracheal tubes
• Grafts, implanted heart valves, bone cement
• Sutures
• Soaps, disinfectants
• Sanitary ware, toilet seats, door handles, furniture, paints
• Textiles, carpets, clothes, shoes
• Refrigerators, washing machines, telephones, keyboards, pocket calculators
• Children’s toys, pacifiers
The most toxic forms of silver are added to these products. This development
coincides with a pronounced decrease (25-40%) in silver use by the photo industry
due to digital cameras. Mediating antibiotic-resistant
With a wide and uncontrolled use of silver products, it is likely that not
only silver-resistant
but also antibiotic- and biocide-resistant bacteria will emerge. These
bacteria would certainly pose a threat to the public health. Furthermore,
if we kill the good bacteria, the ecosystem will collapse. Mining and largest consumers
Only one third of silver produced originates from dedicated silver
mines and two thirds is received as a by-product from production
of copper, gold, lead, and zinc. Most silver production results in
large emissions of mercury to air, soil, and water. Where silver is
extracted by small-scale miners, large quantities of mercury are
used, resulting in large health and environmental damages.
Hospitals are large consumers of specific products with silver
added. In five years the silver-based wound dressing market has
gone from zero to 200 million Euros in Europe, and the estimated
yearly growth of the ‘anti-bacterial market’ is 40% with specified
areas such as wound care and foreign bodies leading the trend.
Most silver is still used for electronics, jewellery, silverware,
mirrors, but the risks from this usage are much smaller than the
newly emerging usages due to already established recycling. How to act?
Buy products free of silver. The silver added has generally no
positive effects, and can be more detrimental for your health
than the same product without silver. Consumers should be
informed and demand clear and easily visible labelling when
silver has been added.
To educate the general public and health care staff about the
potential negative health and environmental effects is central.
To confront purchasing staff with the selling strategy of
commercial companies should be included in the training.
Municipalities, governments and
EU need to take appropriate actions. Colloidal silver
Do not ingest colloidal silver sold as food supplement in health
food stores, unless you want your skin to have an incurable
greyish taint like the lady to the left in the picture above. The full study by Uppsala University can be viewed here: http://ec.europa.eu/research/environment/pdf/hylanderhaxton_not_2906_en.pdfhttp://www.silverdoctors.com/swedish-propaganda-research-advocates-eu-ban-of-silver-products/

Those interested in expressing their thoughts to the study authors may contact them at:

My Wife and I have been taking colloidal silver for a while now and it works great. I'm allergic to Cipro and Colloidal Silver is the only thing that helps my prostatitis and I have not turned blue yet LOL