View Full Version : Research Your Robo-Signer Docs Here

24th July 2012, 04:10 AM
Here is your chance to examine hundreds (or thousands) of documents.


We have collectively noticed that the signatures of the the lawyers, notaries, and purported bank officials vary even among the same exact signer. we have communicated with attorneys, regulators, the FBI and many many homeowners (many of which are doing their own signature analysis by simply looking at the documents and seeing the vast array of problems. Lynn Syzmoniac whom we respect very much was a keynote speaker at the Florida Bar association meeting on foreclosure fraud a couple years back. This is where we started looking into the land record ourselves and focusing on the documents being filed into courthouses across the country purporting to have the authority to transfer real property.

This site allows for consumers and attorneys and other distressed homeowner advocates to have one specific location specifically created to house, serve and compare these public record documents.

AssignmentDetective.com was created for consumers and attorneys to share or compare pleadings, signatures, and transcripts in a foreclosure process. This site does not purport to report that any of the signatures or documents are fraudulent. That is to be decided by the authorities or the judicial system. We are not attorneys and we do not give legal advice.

24th July 2012, 04:18 AM
For example ...


Twisted Titan
24th July 2012, 11:47 AM