View Full Version : Mayor of Boston putting the squeeze on Chick-fil-A

25th July 2012, 05:05 PM
Looks like he cc'd the property owner at the intended location as well.

Chick-fil-A spokesperson commented that they are "trying to curb the rash of effeminate groups of men coming into the restaurant, ordering buckets of drumsticks, then acting very "unnatural", and "peculiar" while eating them in front of each other."

http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/2009/03/gam_menino_580.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/Pykye.png (http://imgur.com/Pykye)

25th July 2012, 05:10 PM

25th July 2012, 05:18 PM
BPD murder case clearance rate is ?

But the murder-clearance rate continued to stagnate: Boston police solved 23 of the 62 homicides, or 37 percent, that occurred in 2011. The national average usually hovers at more than 60 percent.

Boston Graduation rate is ?

Data released by Boston Public Schools (BPS) show the district’s four-year graduation rate continues to climb to a record high. Of the students who entered high school in the 2007/2008 school year 64.4% graduated within four years. This 2011 data is an increase of 1.2 percentage points from 2010 and more than six percentage points since 2007. The data also show the district’s graduation rate is six percentage points higher as a result of credit recovery initiative.

Everything is good in Boston.
We don't need no stinkin jobs here.
Screw Chick-fil-A and their "Homophobia" !

25th July 2012, 06:35 PM
and I thought it was the name of a full service gas station chain staffed by Chicks. We're all part of the rainbow of diversity.

26th July 2012, 10:50 AM
Thomas Menino is a lilly-livered, sissfied hypocrite. Why not just say it as it is.

"I support men licking each others A-Holes and sticking their #$#%$ in any orifice they can with each other.

But NOoooo, he uses words that make disgusting sodomite sex perverts some "nice" sounding respectful type of people.
Gay = HAPPY, not a sticking, filthy, depraved sex pervert

1 Kings 14:24 And there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.


1 Kings 15:12 And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.

General of Darkness
26th July 2012, 04:16 PM
Is it time yet?

26th July 2012, 04:59 PM
The entire state issued marriage scheme is a statists, and bankers wet dream.

26th July 2012, 07:05 PM

27th July 2012, 04:51 PM
Boston Mayor Claims His Fight Against Chick-fil-A Saved Millions of Lives (http://www.thedailyrash.com/boston-mayor-fights-chicken)

“It was the moment he’d been waiting for his entire life and he did not hesitate, he did not flinch. For the moment was not about him, but about the citizens of Boston who look to him for guidance regarding right and wrong. Most of all, the moment was about the gay men and women, bisexual and transgendered folks that the mayor has fought alongside of in the war against the bigots, the haters and anyone who doesn’t think like them. This day was about freedom and Mayor Menino was prepared to rise to the occasion.”

Baxter said the Mayor met with his staff before speaking to the press. “When the meeting concluded, Mayor Menino stood in front of a mirror and straightened his tie. Then he took a deep breath, turned to us and said, “C’mon! Let’s go win one for the fairies!”

not quite the onion.

27th July 2012, 06:13 PM
Looks like a heart attack cover up story.

We all know he was beaten to death by an angry mob of half naked gay men wielding giant rubber dildos.


"Don Perry, head spokesman for Chick-fil-A, has died.

The Atlanta-based company said Perry died "suddenly" Friday morning. Perry, who most recently was vice president of public relations, had worked with the chain for nearly 29 years, according to Chick-fil-A."


27th July 2012, 06:31 PM
Looks like a heart attack cover up story.

We all know he was beaten to death by an angry mob of half naked gay men wielding giant rubber dildos.

Has chick-fil-a launched a new store in China lately? :D

28th July 2012, 07:35 PM
So, you stopped Chick-fil_a because the owner thought homosexuality is wrong. Tell me, when are you going to stop buying from OPEC because they put homosexuals to death.

28th July 2012, 07:44 PM
Chick-Fil-A PR Director Dies of Heart Attack

Posted on July 27, 2012 at 3:15pm by http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/userphoto/279425.thumbnail.jpg Becket Adams (http://www.theblaze.com/blog/author/becketadams)
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Comments (217) (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/chick-fil-a-pr-director-dies-of-heart-attack/#comments)

Donald A. Perry, Chick-fil-A’s Vice President of Corporate Public Relations, died of a heart attack Friday morning, according to WRBL News 3 (http://www2.wrbl.com/news/2012/jul/27/chick-fil-s-vice-president-corporate-public-relati-ar-4220290/) in Columbus, Georgia. (Related: ‘Absolute Intolerance’: Santorum Steps in to Defend Chick-Fil-A (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/absolute-intolerance-santorum-steps-in-to-defend-chick-fil-a/))
News of his death comes as the company is dealing with heavy fallout from comments made by CEO Dan Cathy about his support for traditional marriage.

http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/PR-VP.png (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/chick-fil-a-pr-director-dies-of-heart-attack/pr-vp/)Image courtesy The University of Georgia Following his passing, Chick-fil-A Inc. released the following statement:

We are saddened to report the news to you that our dear friend Don Perry, vice president of public relations, passed away suddenly this morning.
Don was a member of our Chick-fil-A family for nearly 29 years. For many of you in the media, he was the spokesperson for Chick-fil-A. He was a well-respected and well-liked media executive in the Atlanta and University of Georgia communities, and we will all miss him.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Perry was an active member of his faith community. As an elder of Hillcrest Church of Christ, he enjoyed “leading his church fellowship cell group, as well as working to help maintain harmony in the congregation,” according to the church’s online information (http://hillcrestcoc.net/donperry.pdf).
“One of the challenges sometimes is helping to reconcile differing views among members,” Perry said, according to the church, “but we work to keep unity of the faith.”
(Related: Chicago Alderman Vowing to Block Chick-Fil-A Suggests Company Discriminates Against Gays (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/chicago-alderman-vowing-to-block-chick-fil-a-suggests-company-discriminates-against-gays/))
Perry’s alma mater, the University of Georgia, describes him a hard-working faith-based man: “Perry grew up on a farm in Valdosta watching ‘Bewitched’ and knew that he wanted a job that required a briefcase … When he started working for the family-owned company 28 years ago, he was the PR staff.”
“I came on board in 1983 to literally start the public relations function here, because the company was young, growing and emerging,” he told Georgia Magazine (http://uga.edu/gm/ee/index.php?/single/category/books/1573/).
“The company was trying to move beyond just a small, regional family chain to become a national brand,” he added.
Perry was instrumental in helping Chick-fil-A achieve that goal.
“We’ve seen Chick-fil-A certainly grow up and progress over the years,” he added.

Celtic Rogue
29th July 2012, 03:04 AM
Honestly I am sooooo sick and tired of this who;e in your face homosexual agenda. EVERYONE is free to think the way they do. And NOBODY has the right to push thir beliefs on anyone else. So fucking what that this guy bekieves the way he does. The are his personal beliefs and it angers my when the homosexual mob attacks anyone who disagrees with them Fuck them and anyone else. I believe that we all have the right to pursue our happiness... but not at the expense of others. Chic a fila has not refused service of treated anyone wrongly.

I really am sick of this gay bullying that this militant gay movement is causing. Come on all of you gay primadonna biatches get into your head that you are the minority and not the majority in this society. Quit injecting your lifestyles as normal ... and live your lives realizing that other people do not accept you as the normal way of life... get over it and live your lives ... be happy and stay out of my pursuit of happiness!

29th July 2012, 10:10 AM
Apparently August 1st is chic fil a day...

I agree. I am really sick of people making a huge deal because of ones opinion. It is counter productive and ridiculous!

29th July 2012, 10:22 AM
I really am sick of this gay bullying that this militant gay movement is causing. Quit injecting your lifestyles as normal ... and live your lives realizing that other people do not accept you as the normal way of life... get over it and live your lives ... be happy and stay out of my pursuit of happiness!

THANK YOU x 1000000!!

29th July 2012, 03:57 PM
Honestly I am sooooo sick and tired of this who;e in your face homosexual agenda. EVERYONE is free to think the way they do. And NOBODY has the right to push thir beliefs on anyone else. So fucking what that this guy bekieves the way he does. The are his personal beliefs and it angers my when the homosexual mob attacks anyone who disagrees with them Fuck them and anyone else. I believe that we all have the right to pursue our happiness... but not at the expense of others. Chic a fila has not refused service of treated anyone wrongly.

I really am sick of this gay bullying that this militant gay movement is causing. Come on all of you gay primadonna biatches get into your head that you are the minority and not the majority in this society. Quit injecting your lifestyles as normal ... and live your lives realizing that other people do not accept you as the normal way of life... get over it and live your lives ... be happy and stay out of my pursuit of happiness!

Damn straight!

1st August 2012, 04:13 PM
Mumbles fail.

Chick-fil-A supporters turn out in droves for ‘Appreciation Day’
After several weeks of protests and mayoral catcalls stemming from Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy's controversial public comments against same-sex marriage, supporters of the fast-food chain--and traditional marriage--turned out in droves on Wednesday, jamming many of Chick-fil-A's 1,600 U.S. stores. And protesters, for the most part, stayed away.

In Englewood, Colo., an overcapacity lunch crowd spilled into the Chick-fil-A parking lot while dozens queued up inside.

By 11 a.m., 14 cars filled the drive-thru lane. A half hour later, the back-up had tripled: At one point, 37 vehicles slowly pushed through the parking lot in serpentine fashion, transforming the lot into a makeshift drive-thru. Three employees clad in neon-green parking vests directed traffic and took orders.

"As far as Chick-fil-A is concerned, it's business as usual," Vicki Getz, a supervising employee, told Yahoo News, declining further comment.


1st August 2012, 04:16 PM
A bunch of guys at work went at lunch and said they couldnt get within a mile of the place it was so packed. Multiple News helicopters circling, literally.

This seems to have backfired, or backdoored.....

big country
1st August 2012, 04:49 PM
Went for lunch but couldn't get food for my lunch hour, just have been 100 people in line (mall store) the line was back into the mall clogging the walkways.

Went for dinner (non-mall store) since I had the spare time, 25 cars in the drive thru, lined up on the road waiting to pull in. 100ish people in line, took me 45 minutes to get a chickfila sandwich and coleslaw. The atmosphere and energy in the place was indescribable. A woman in front of me was trying to give a donation because she "couldn't eat enough food for the amount of money she wanted to give to chickfila." They wouldn't let her donate because they weren't set up for donations. She bought $1000 in gift cards...must have been 50 cards.

The employees remarked it had been like that all day.

There were 10 protestors, 2 adults and 8 high school age kids. The local news station was of course interviewing them and not the packed crowd at chickfila.

1st August 2012, 06:15 PM
I went after work as well. Was there about 30 minutes total but the line and the drive through line tripled in the time I was there. Police were directing traffic out front. It is on an already busy corner and I have never seen traffic like that there. The news was there as well but not interviewing anyone yet. No protesters.


I would like to see the numbers of what they made today.


1st August 2012, 07:10 PM
I went after work as well. Was there about 30 minutes total but the line and the drive through line tripled in the time I was there. Police were directing traffic out front. It is on an already busy corner and I have never seen traffic like that there. The news was there as well but not interviewing anyone yet. No protesters.


I would like to see the numbers of what they made today.

Looks like GLAAD is doing a protest in protest of the protesting. It is a 'National Same-Sex Kiss Day'. No joke....

Proponents of same-sex marriage have organized a simple counter-protest for Wednesday, asking people to donate the approximate cost of a Chick-fil-A meal, about $6.50 to gay and lesbian rights groups, according to the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).

Friday's protest promises to be the more visible, as GLAAD is backing a "National Same-Sex Kiss Day" to be held at Chick-fil-A restaurants nationwide and encourages participants to take and post photos to the Internet.

This is going to get ugly, real quick.

1st August 2012, 07:12 PM
Will be interesting to see the turn out Friday and the coverage of it as well.

Found another you tube video.


2nd August 2012, 12:27 PM
It's interesting to notice all this hoopla is about the CEO's opinion.

Chick-fil-a still openly serves, and employs everyone without discrimination.


2nd August 2012, 12:33 PM
I wonder when these fagcists will start protesting outside Islamic mosques who openly call for the executions of homosexuals.


Oh wait that's different. Only Whites and/or Christians are capable of hate.


2nd August 2012, 01:01 PM
There's an interesting irony to this story that seems to be missing.

Chick-fil-A sandwiches contain MSG, HFCS and anti-foaming chemicals

According to Chick-fil-A's menu, their classic chicken sandwiches are made with the following chemicals and ingredients: (http://www.chick-fil-a.com/Food/Menu-Detail/ChickfilA-Chicken-Sandwic... (http://www.chick-fil-a.com/Food/Menu-Detail/ChickfilA-Chicken-Sandwich#?details=ingredients))

• monosodium glutamate (twice!)
• soybean oil
• sodium aluminum phosphate
• dimethylpolysiloxane (an anti-foaming chemical)
• high fructose corn syrup
• ammonium sulfate
• soy lecithin
• sodium benzoate
• polysorbate 80
• yellow 5
• blue 1
• potassium sorbate

2nd August 2012, 04:07 PM
They might want to change their hiring policies. These sick homo bastards will start infiltrating and start putting special sauce on your sandwich!

14th April 2017, 07:09 PM
Mark Dice,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Ll3f_PLeuEA/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=336&h=188&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=67&sigh=feioEhunHw8PknLbHM8Pjn6VEw4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll3f_PLeuEA) 3:57
College Students Scared of Chick-Fil-A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll3f_PLeuEA)

10 minutes ago

14th April 2017, 09:57 PM
chick-fil-a is like crack to the 14-25 yo generation - OFF THE CHARTS popular. skype hate that they adhere to Christian values, and disparage it as much as they can. the kidz don't care -- they are the #1 fast food joint for that demo. suck it skype

wall street just figured that out


If you’ve recently found yourself frustrated by trying to decipher the mind of an American teenager, Piper Jaffray has some good news. A recent survey of 5,500 teens revealed exactly what teens like, and the answer is simple: Chick-fil-A, Nike Inc

While marketers scramble to appeal to the maturing Millennial generation, the younger Generation Z represents the future American consumer. Generation Z is comprised of Americans born since the mid-1990s, and several companies have already earned its loyalty.
Fave Eats

According to Piper Jaffray, Chick-fil-A topped the list of teens’ favorite restaurants, followed by Starbucks Corporation
SBUX 0.12%
and Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.
CMG 1.15%
. In addition, the firm noted that McDonald’s Corporation
MCD 0.38%
scored relatively well but “remains below peak levels seen in prior survey periods.”

The firm also reported strong performances from Five Guys and Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, Inc.
RRGB 0.17%

15th April 2017, 01:58 AM
chick fil a sucks.

15th April 2017, 05:13 AM
Actually Boston sucks!
chick fil a sucks.

15th April 2017, 08:45 AM
Actually Boston sucks!

My wife and I went to Chick Fil A in Castle Rock, Colorado last November. We we disappointed. The price was high and the orders were small.

15th April 2017, 09:24 AM
I do not have much to say on this particular subject except that when I see the word Boston I immediately recall the Boston Marathon "Bombing" and "Boston Strong" and how the whole huge city LIED, including all the doctors and medical universities and hospitals that fake-treated the 16 fake cirisis actor amputees.

Can anything good come out of Boston?

15th April 2017, 12:17 PM
remember skype screeching in pain over chick fil a defending their Christian values. the people's response to skype boycott attacks was a massive surge in business for chick. skype then stfu when they saw the outpouring of support and lines a mile long at their restaurants. epic skype overreach + fail


Public polling

In August 2012, Rasmussen Reports published the results of a telephone survey indicating that 61 percent of likely voters held a favorable view of Chick-fil-A, while 13 percent indicated they would participate in a boycott.[65]

Other notable public figures came to Chick-fil-A's defense, including former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin,[66] former US Senator Rick Santorum,[67] and Ann Coulter;[68] while New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg,[69] and the American Civil Liberties Union[70] publicly disagreed with Cathy's positions but defended his right to express them under the First Amendment.
Financial effect

Sales increased after the controversy. According to news coverage following the controversy:[71]

Chick-fil-A's sales soared 12 percent, to $4.6 billion, in 2012. The good fortune follows several years of impressive expansion and strong sales, which have pushed the privately held company's valuation north of $4.5 billion, making billionaires out of its founders ... These latest sales data are just further proof that all that negative coverage didn't hurt demand for chicken sandwiches among Chick-fil-A's core consumers.
— Joe Satran, The Huffington Post

15th April 2017, 02:53 PM
Can anything good come out of Boston?

Baked beans.

15th April 2017, 04:06 PM
Lies are common on Boston believe me, I was born and brought up there
I do not have much to say on this particular subject except that when I see the word Boston I immediately recall the Boston Marathon "Bombing" and "Boston Strong" and how the whole huge city LIED, including all the doctors and medical universities and hospitals that fake-treated the 16 fake cirisis actor amputees.

Can anything good come out of Boston?

15th April 2017, 04:07 PM
Not hardly! The best baked beans come in a can
Baked beans.