View Full Version : Butler "the war on silver"

Large Sarge
28th July 2012, 04:04 AM

28th July 2012, 04:59 AM

28th July 2012, 09:14 AM

Lastly, it never hurts to let the regulators know what type of a job they are doing.Ted Butler
July 18, 2012
ggensler@cftc.gov (ggensler@cftc.gov) Chairman Gensler
bchilton@cftc.gov (bchilton@cftc.gov) Commissioner Chilton
jsommers@cftc.gov (jsommers@cftc.gov) Commissioner Sommers
somalia@cftc.gov (somalia@cftc.gov) Commissioner O’Malia
mwetjen@cftc.gov (mwetjen@cftc.gov) Commissioner Wetjen
dmeister@cftc.gov (dmeister@cftc.gov) Enforcement Director Meister

28th July 2012, 03:01 PM

One strategy is to read the first half of each sentence at the beginning of each paragraph.

mick silver
1st August 2012, 10:29 AM
This war is coming to an end and when it does, the wisdom of owning silver will become obvious. Lastly, it never hurts to let the regulators know what type of a job they are doing.

1st August 2012, 10:58 AM

This is the most powerful article I have read by Butler. He comes right out and charges the CFTC and government with criminal collusion with the large banks to suppress the price of silver for private gain. Butler has for years been a straight-shooting by-the-numbers analyst who adamantly assumed that the CFTC and government were on the up and up. Collusion and corruption on their part never entered his ken. Now, his opinion on the matter has made a sea change, a full 180 degree turn. He is outraged and saddened. For Butler, the revelation of systemic corruption of financial market reaching all the way to the top echelons of government has finally arrived. Amen!

Silver is the buy of the century, perhaps the millenium. That the government and large banks have devoted so much time, money and energy to suppress the silver price is all the proof you need.

1st August 2012, 11:19 AM
"That the government and large banks have devoted so much time, money and energy to suppress the silver price is all the proof you need."

This is the part my wife calls "gloom and doom" and "you can't believe what you read on the internet".
But you are absolutely right.

Uncle Salty
1st August 2012, 12:21 PM
Teddy finally woke up to reality.

The media is complicit with the price rigging as well. I can hardly wait for the collapse and all those financial retards head's exploding with the new reality they never saw coming.

mick silver
1st August 2012, 12:23 PM
you mean all those financial retards jumping from windows

1st August 2012, 12:55 PM
you mean all those financial retards jumping from windows

Yes... we need more! ;D

1st August 2012, 01:12 PM
This is the most powerful article I have read by Butler. He comes right out and charges the CFTC and government with criminal collusion with the large banks to suppress the price of silver for private gain. Butler has for years been a straight-shooting by-the-numbers analyst who adamantly assumed that the CFTC and government were on the up and up. Collusion and corruption on their part never entered his ken. Now, his opinion on the matter has made a sea change, a full 180 degree turn. He is outraged and saddened. For Butler, the revelation of systemic corruption of financial market reaching all the way to the top echelons of government has finally arrived. Amen!

Silver is the buy of the century, perhaps the millenium. That the government and large banks have devoted so much time, money and energy to suppress the silver price is all the proof you need.

Been reading Butler since 2006 even before I joined GIM. Summer 2006 was crash course,
and I stopped reading Butler for that, looking for how to capitalize at that point.

Butler has always known. He just never said it outright, Agents of the FED and GOV are behind it all.
Even some court cases to prove and show this. Posted on GATA. Like that great one where ABX
uses as a defense, " sovereign immunity " and it is only a little gold shop suing them, they plead uncle.
The greatest manipulation is in the futures market, don't need to be a genius to understand that,
if ABX can get away with screwing their shareholders, many large institutional, always high PE,
anything is possible, they are all in on it, corruption pervades. That is just one case but a good one.

Butler has always known, his main goal I believe was to do his best to document everything as
much as possible. Put it on record. Butler is one of the key players in Old School COT Analysis,
it wasn't hard, or was not till SI broke support at 22.

Butler was one of the main pillars in education, SI totally rigged market.
Throw in LeMetro COT Analysis, other commentary, analysis, ZEAL School
of correcting metals markets, trading strategies, you got the makings of
some great trades based on solid analysis, on top of the basic tech.

1st August 2012, 06:47 PM
I would like to take a moment to congratulate each and every member here,

on their wisdom of seeing Silver as King of investments.