View Full Version : online ads are getting creepier

1st August 2012, 03:53 PM
first time i've noticed this, maybe it isn't new.

zerohedge always loads ads from places i've looked at, apmex, pan american silver, etc.

today i bought some gifts for people at apmex, and while there, i was trolling around the site looking at pre 1933 gold and silver dollars.

i just went back to zerohedge, and the the apmex flash ad is now flipping through every item i looked at while on the site.

and to think, that's just some basic ad software. :tinfoilhat:

1st August 2012, 04:03 PM
what about the news item a few days ago somewhere on bill boards that are coming with facial recognition so when you walk past they know who you are and you get an add aimed at you............................

1st August 2012, 04:07 PM
I browsed amazon for bike helmets, and for the next couple weeks, ads for those exact same helmets were showing up all over. It's totally annoying!

Twisted Titan
1st August 2012, 04:17 PM
Samething happened when I was looking for a laptop....

I would get a link at the bottom of all my emails. Pushing me to buy that model from.them

1st August 2012, 04:41 PM
For Firefox, I recommend AdBlock plus and ScriptBlock.

1st August 2012, 05:10 PM
Samething happened when I was looking for a laptop....

I would get a link at the bottom of all my emails. Pushing me to buy that model from.them

your EMAILs? Oh you mean that footer which the "free" email providers (yahoo, hotmail, gmail etc) put at the bottom? I've mostly used yahoo and the footer is always just some generic msg promoting yahoo- not custom ads. This is inserted in the body of the email? Or it's a banner ad which appears on say the inbox or read message page?

For Firefox, I recommend AdBlock plus and ScriptBlock.

Don't know about adblock, but I've been using NoScript with FF.

(free) CCleaner (http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download) is the main one I wouldn't want to be without - deletes everything, incl the "forever" cookies.

also see:
Thread: Java Super Cookies MUST READ ! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54607-Java-Super-Cookies-MUST-READ-%21)&


^ few posts down, find a radio interview with Katherine Albrecht where she outlines the GOOG's grand designs of knowing just about everything about everyone.

Albrecht helped in the development of startpage.com, and she said later this year they're rolling out a startmail, which alleges they don't spy on your email content in profiling you.

1st August 2012, 05:32 PM
I also recommend TACO for Firefox. (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/targeted-advertising-cookie-op/) It blocks tracking software including ad trackers.

1st August 2012, 05:39 PM
e.g. if it's APMex, deleting the APMex cookies will not stop web pages from showing APMex ads.

the tracking cookies i think have a different domain name.

only way i could find to stop it was to delete all the cookies.

1st August 2012, 08:20 PM
When surfing on the web, I keep CCleaner on the desktop and run it literally every 5 -10 minutes. It takes but a second and becomes habit in no time. Now if someone could write a script to this he could become a zillionaire.

1st August 2012, 08:47 PM
mamboni, +10

I've thanked you every time I've reached for CCleaner over the last 3 years! Its wipe free space is a gem of an "advanced tool, also."

Just used it ystdy as a matter of fact. Just "wiping free space" using CCleaner gave me back over 1.3G, besides all the other crap which it summarily dispatched with alacrity---all of which puts a smile on my face.


1st August 2012, 08:50 PM
^ I believe there are apps which delete all cookies every X mins while you surf. Not sure but the paid version of MAXA Cookie Manager may do that- I have the free version, and I must delete manually, and then it doesn't delete the "forever" cookies, just nags you to pay if you want that. CCleaner does it for free.

CCleaner won't clean certain aspects of your browser if the browser's running- prompts you to close browser or skip that aspect. I just checked, it's the cache which it won't clean while the browser's running. I guess it does remove the cookies though- including the forevers; I just checked MAXA cookie manager and it only shows 2 active cookies, from another messageboard I have open. Now I have to copy this msg to clipboard, coz I'm pretty sure it won't post now coz I deleted the GSUS cookie(s), :)

1st August 2012, 11:24 PM
what about the news item a few days ago somewhere on bill boards that are coming with facial recognition so when you walk past they know who you are and you get an add aimed at you............................

A place I worked for recently discussed deploying an advertisement campaign with an eye reader installed next to it. The eye reader would be able to give the client metrics of how many eyeballs saw the physical ad. It even breaks down demographics, man woman, young old

1st August 2012, 11:26 PM
For Firefox, I recommend AdBlock plus and ScriptBlock.

I use that. It even blocks YouTube ads on the videos.

1st August 2012, 11:26 PM
On that subject, PatColo, check out http://dee.su/liberte , this is an operating system that fits on a thumb drive, bootable, linux distro. TOR and anonymity is built in.

Another option I am considering soon is doing all my web traffic in a virtual machine.

2nd August 2012, 07:44 AM
^ I believe there are apps which delete all cookies every X mins while you surf. Not sure but the paid version of MAXA Cookie Manager may do that- I have the free version, and I must delete manually, and then it doesn't delete the "forever" cookies, just nags you to pay if you want that. CCleaner does it for free.

CCleaner won't clean certain aspects of your browser if the browser's running- prompts you to close browser or skip that aspect. I just checked, it's the cache which it won't clean while the browser's running. I guess it does remove the cookies though- including the forevers; I just checked MAXA cookie manager and it only shows 2 active cookies, from another messageboard I have open. Now I have to copy this msg to clipboard, coz I'm pretty sure it won't post now coz I deleted the GSUS cookie(s), :)

CCleaner will delete all of the INDEX.DAT files on each roboot only. So it is vital to set CCleaner to run automatically on startup.

Good info there PAT. You've taught me so much and I thank you.

2nd August 2012, 08:37 AM
^ Thx.

do you have an easy step-by-step for setting CCleaner to run (IE launch & "clean now", hands off) at startup?

Win7 here. I looked in the windoze menu, checked control panel, I don't see anything resembling the "start menu" which I recall in older windoze versions.

^ never mind, found it in the CCleaner menu:
Options > Settings > (check) Run CCleaner when computer starts :)

2nd August 2012, 12:11 PM
first time i've noticed this, maybe it isn't new.

zerohedge always loads ads from places i've looked at, apmex, pan american silver, etc.

today i bought some gifts for people at apmex, and while there, i was trolling around the site looking at pre 1933 gold and silver dollars.

i just went back to zerohedge, and the the apmex flash ad is now flipping through every item i looked at while on the site.

and to think, that's just some basic ad software. :tinfoilhat:

I occasionally come to GSUS And after reading this post I go to one of my favorite (unnamed) financial websites and there on the side is an ad for dominos pizza and another with a pyramid with the all seeing eye hovering above it. You wouldn't know anything about that .. now would you??

2nd August 2012, 12:12 PM
I occasionally come to GSUS And after reading this post I go to one of my favorite (unnamed) financial websites and there on the side is an ad for dominos pizza and another with a pyramid with the all seeing eye hovering above it. You wouldn't know anything about that .. now would you??

i work for the illuminati during my time off. we're branching out to subway next.