View Full Version : In the end you have to throw your religion away for true freedom
3rd August 2012, 05:15 PM
You have to eventually have the courage to throw out everything that you believe in to find true freedom
Hanging on to anything no matter how great and fantastic it is and no matter how many people in the world believe it will mean nothing.
If you cannot see spiritual truth for yourself and need someone else to see this for you and write them down, you become a believer and will in most cases join a religion.
To me believing in other peoples insights, truths outside of myself is ludicrous and like but this is the way of the world and as you can see today ,the world is a mess.
Believe all you want , all Im saying is that eventually all beliefs have to be discarded as they basically clog up your true self which operates in a field of pure awareness.
Living with the truth isnt a pack of lies, nor is it a belief, it is how we are meant to be .
I dont need someone or an organization to teach me how to love.
We are not going anywhere as we are already here and if the moment is eternal than we live in eternity now.
There is no imaginary this or that ......this is it ,we are in it now ,there is no escape from ourselves.......
we can create our own heaven or hell and then invent some system to get out of this in the after life.......insanity.
Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened.
–Winston Churchill
3rd August 2012, 05:40 PM
Considering it puts a heaven/hell condition on every possible thought or action imaginable, I would say this is an accurate assessment.
And now I have sinned for even thinking this...bad bad. Must recondition asap....danger.
3rd August 2012, 05:52 PM
Considering it puts a heaven/hell condition on every possible thought or action imaginable, I would say this is an accurate assessment.
And now I have sinned for even thinking this...bad bad. Must recondition asap....danger.
Its called your conscience ,follow it and you will be Ok believe its faulty(according to who) and they will have ya.
3rd August 2012, 08:38 PM
Its called your conscience ,follow it and you will be Ok believe its faulty(according to who) and they will have ya.
Garbage in garbage out. If your conscience is supplied with error it will be untrustworthy.
3rd August 2012, 10:09 PM
Faith is an inner orientation towards the idea that something is out there. That it is possible to be saved from our current condition, through some means. Maybe you don't know what it is, but you have faith that it's possible.
Belief is supposed to be your current 'best guess' based on everything you know. If someone says their belief is totally set in stone, what it means is that they will not change their 'best guess' no matter what new information they receive.
3rd August 2012, 11:22 PM
To me believing in other peoples insights, truths outside of myself is ludicrous...
Then why are you offering these insights to us?
4th August 2012, 12:02 AM
You are rejecting the possibility of revealed truth (beyond which we are capable of determine through rational thought). You may be rejecting some very important insights (I would say actually you are).
4th August 2012, 12:14 AM
Hanging on to anything no matter how great and fantastic it is and no matter how many people in the world believe it will mean nothing.
And if you don't hold it, you don't own it.
Most organized religions are based wholly on sales of nothing.
4th August 2012, 12:27 AM
The problem described in the OP is that of "identification". Whenever someone says 'I am a Christian', 'I am an American', 'I am a Steelers fan', 'I am a conservative', 'I support GWB', 'I am a Protestant', 'I am an Apple user', etc, that is identification. Instead of being 'a field of pure awareness' as Serpo puts it, we become whatever thing we identify with.
Identification is fundamentally opposed to self-observation. We see ourselves as some thing or quality instead of what we really are, which is in fact indescribable. It is through self-observation which we become more conscious and self-aware.
4th August 2012, 12:48 AM
The problem described in the OP is that of "identification". Whenever someone says 'I am a Christian', 'I am an American', 'I am a Steelers fan', 'I am a conservative', 'I support GWB', 'I am a Protestant', 'I am an Apple user', etc, that is identification. Instead of being 'a field of pure awareness' as Serpo puts it, we become whatever thing we identify with.
Identification is fundamentally opposed to self-observation. We see ourselves as some thing or quality instead of what we really are, which is in fact indescribable. It is through self-observation which we become more conscious and self-aware.
A funny thought related to your post. If through self-observation, perhaps we should all apply for jobs at NSA and CIA and then watch OURSELVES all day for a little something something. I hope you see the humor :)
4th August 2012, 01:53 PM
You have to eventually have the courage to throw out everything that you believe in to find true freedom
Hanging on to anything no matter how great and fantastic it is and no matter how many people in the world believe it will mean nothing.
If you cannot see spiritual truth for yourself and need someone else to see this for you and write them down, you become a believer and will in most cases join a religion.
To me believing in other peoples insights, truths outside of myself is ludicrous and like but this is the way of the world and as you can see today ,the world is a mess.
Believe all you want , all Im saying is that eventually all beliefs have to be discarded as they basically clog up your true self which operates in a field of pure awareness.
Living with the truth isnt a pack of lies, nor is it a belief, it is how we are meant to be .
I dont need someone or an organization to teach me how to love.
We are not going anywhere as we are already here and if the moment is eternal than we live in eternity now.
There is no imaginary this or that ......this is it ,we are in it now ,there is no escape from ourselves.......
we can create our own heaven or hell and then invent some system to get out of this in the after life.......insanity.
Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened.
–Winston Churchill
This is so loaded it ain't funny, coming from Serpo too, LOL !
I'll make this simple , Serpo is Goldies Mini Mee, very similar MO, always anti Christian from the days of GIM.
What about Patriotism ? Serpo had many related comments, reads like Goldie.
Serpo was one of the last people on GIM to tell me to beat it, etc, when I posted my thread, in religion section, that was one of my last acts as Ezra Pound, right after working throwing life preservers, we were motivated for a reason, you will never see Serpo give us credit, EVER !
" GIM Promotes the Occult " " Very Anti Christian " ( 2_417lo.jpg)!&p=186817&viewfull=1#post186817 (
I never held a grudge against him, treated him fairly on here,
but never did Serpo reciprocate, ever, from the beginning.
He is not a student, he has learned nothing on here.
If you challenge what he is posting he gets upset, many times he has done this.
Posting about aliens even makes him upset when you challenge him.
China's Savage War With Space Aliens (
He is also clueless to the NeoCons, Jews, MIC, etc.
Western Man had a leader, we would not exist without him.
Jews agree, our enemies.
Serpo is one of their Nihilists that refuses to acknowledge Western History.
Serpo never gives sources for many of his finds because he finds them on
Occult New Age type forums, the kind of forum Goldie ran which was also
promoted by Skyvike, linked and shown many many times.
Since when has reality been important around here..................
Albert Pike Speaks. Albert Pike stole a device from Plato, he negates his entire work
with just one statement, the joke is on his followers, Plato does something similar, he
builds a Utopian Society, and destroys it in the end, he does full circle, with one line,
" I would never be able to exist " etc, he is questioning, thinking, challenging, encouraging
involvement, the most important things. He does full circle, Plato makes no accidents,
there is no line misplaced according to historians, and Pike stealing this device is no accident, he is in stark contrast to Plato, deliberately, Plato is The West.
See Gonzo thread on Pike going back, Morals and Dogma.
4th August 2012, 02:29 PM
Old Herb Lady
4th August 2012, 02:44 PM
Good God Magnes. I'm a Christian and like Serpo's posts.
He's not a Christian, and ?? He's not allowed to post his insights without getting eaten up like that ?
Chill out.
Keep posting Serpo, all you were talking about is love and that you don't have to know about every detail of every past
minute of history that's happened to believe in unconditional love & to be free from the chains of religious doctrine.
I understand what you meant, Christian or not.
You don't have to be a Christian to post your thoughts on GSUS as far as I know, right ? Yup.
I like Serpo and I like Magnes. Magnes will be mad at me now and Serpo will stay the same--peaceful.
Sheesh, and I thought I was over-the-top-hyper.
If a person is Christian or non-Christian on here----their insights are still very valuable & appreciated & help people think----either way.
You are both appreciated for your efforts over the years. OK ?
Thanks, hug.
4th August 2012, 02:54 PM
Good God Magnes.
I give Serpo credit, many times, thanked him many times, I linked to a thread where I do this again, you will never see Serpo do the same from the very beginnings of this forum, Serpo has another side, he truly is Goldie's Mini Mee, has a lot of bogus threads, posts, comments, he hangs around Occult/NewAge type forums, that is where he gets his many " weird " finds from, and David Wilcox bullshit, might as well post Sorcha Fail regularly, people here don't accept that, why should we accept same from others ?
Serpo tells people what to believe, he is a total Nihilists, " singular me " , if our forefathers did what Serpo suggests, we would not be here right now.
I stand by everything I said and I made a case, and there is more.
I outed Goldie on here, nobody else, starts from GIM, she became more blatant,
to a ridiculous degree since she came back with her first thread in GD, I see these
connections many of you do not. Many of these people are allied on here, they all
became more blatant on here, when we first came to these forums when things were
hot they did not defend themselves but waited for later for opportunities and when
things got cooler.
Old Herb Lady
4th August 2012, 03:06 PM
Serpo tells people what to believe, he is a total Nihilists, " singular me " , if our forefathers did what Serpo suggests,
we would not be here right now.
I stand by everything I said and I made a case.
He tells people what to believe ? Or does he just post and let people decide it for themselves ?
If someone is on GSUS then they should be smart enough to know that they can't be just told something & automatically believe it.....
I don't see him being pushy /pushing his beliefs on anyone. He's just posting/sharing his thoughts...
4th August 2012, 03:25 PM
You have to eventually have the courage to throw out everything that you believe in to find true freedom
indeed, I concur... and this may be the only "one world religion", being ironic here, that is worth following in my point of view
4th August 2012, 03:29 PM
Identification is fundamentally opposed to self-observation. We see ourselves as some thing or quality instead of what we really are, which is in fact indescribable. It is through self-observation which we become more conscious and self-aware.
one of the main arguments of Krishnamurti...
4th August 2012, 03:35 PM
You have to eventually have the courage to throw out everything that you believe in to find true freedom
Hanging on to anything no matter how great and fantastic it is and no matter how many people in the world believe it will mean nothing.
If you cannot see spiritual truth for yourself and need someone else to see this for you and write them down, you become a believer and will in most cases join a religion.
there is a fellowship that comes from people worshipping together, or just from meeting as part of a book-reading club.
4th August 2012, 03:35 PM
I outed Goldie on here, nobody else, starts from GIM, she became more blatant,
to a ridiculous degree since she came back with her first thread in GD, I see these
connections many of you do not. Many of these people are allied on here, they all
became more blatant on here, when we first came to these forums when things were
hot they did not defend themselves but waited for later for opportunities and when
things got cooler.
You didnt out me... I just took a 2 year vacation because I had plenty of things to do, and pondering "dualities" surely helped me understand you better, why some are just so as small minded as you.
4th August 2012, 04:57 PM
This is so loaded it ain't funny, coming from Serpo too, LOL !
I'll make this simple , Serpo is Goldies Mini Mee, very similar MO, always anti Christian from the days of GIM.
What about Patriotism ? Serpo had many related comments, reads like Goldie.
Serpo was one of the last people on GIM to tell me to beat it, etc, when I posted my thread, in religion section, that was one of my last acts as Ezra Pound, right after working throwing life preservers, we were motivated for a reason, you will never see Serpo give us credit, EVER !
" GIM Promotes the Occult " " Very Anti Christian " ( 2_417lo.jpg)!&p=186817&viewfull=1#post186817 (
I never held a grudge against him, treated him fairly on here,
but never did Serpo reciprocate, ever, from the beginning.
He is not a student, he has learned nothing on here.
If you challenge what he is posting he gets upset, many times he has done this.
Posting about aliens even makes him upset when you challenge him.
China's Savage War With Space Aliens (
He is also clueless to the NeoCons, Jews, MIC, etc.
Western Man had a leader, we would not exist without him.
Jews agree, our enemies.
Serpo is one of their Nihilists that refuses to acknowledge Western History.
Serpo never gives sources for many of his finds because he finds them on
Occult New Age type forums, the kind of forum Goldie ran which was also
promoted by Skyvike, linked and shown many many times.
Albert Pike Speaks. Albert Pike stole a device from Plato, he negates his entire work
with just one statement, the joke is on his followers, Plato does something similar, he
builds a Utopian Society, and destroys it in the end, he does full circle, with one line,
" I would never be able to exist " etc, he is questioning, thinking, challenging, encouraging
involvement, the most important things. He does full circle, Plato makes no accidents,
there is no line misplaced according to historians, and Pike stealing this device is no accident, he is in stark contrast to Plato, deliberately, Plato is The West.
See Gonzo thread on Pike going back, Morals and Dogma.
4th August 2012, 05:13 PM
I give Serpo credit, many times, thanked him many times, I linked to a thread where I do this again, you will never see Serpo do the same from the very beginnings of this forum, Serpo has another side, he truly is Goldie's Mini Mee, has a lot of bogus threads, posts, comments, he hangs around Occult/NewAge type forums, that is where he gets his many " weird " finds from, and David Wilcox bullshit, might as well post Sorcha Fail regularly, people here don't accept that, why should we accept same from others ?
Serpo tells people what to believe, he is a total Nihilists, " singular me " , if our forefathers did what Serpo suggests, we would not be here right now.
I stand by everything I said and I made a case, and there is more.
I outed Goldie on here, nobody else, starts from GIM, she became more blatant,
to a ridiculous degree since she came back with her first thread in GD, I see these
connections many of you do not. Many of these people are allied on here, they all
became more blatant on here, when we first came to these forums when things were
hot they did not defend themselves but waited for later for opportunities and when
things got cooler.
Serpo this serpo that old exactly are you Magnes. 8 or 10
I have never told anyone what to believe as there is nothing to believe in
Yes Magnes has outed me as he is the great outer.............
Where did I say I wasnt a christian...................
Where did I say I wasnt a Buddhist
Where did I say I wasnt a Islamist
Where did I say I wasnt a Hindu
I am all things at the same time
I can go to any church or temple and feel at home because they are all talking about the creator...........
Just like I can go to different restaurants and eat different food .....they all nourish the body
I respect all peoples and all beliefs and all religions greatly, most everyone that has religious belief has basically a good heart
Its not something I like to talk ( can see why )about and only brought it up as there where a lot of religious threads appearing.
4th August 2012, 05:15 PM
I give Serpo credit, many times, thanked him many times, I linked to a thread where I do this again, you will never see Serpo do the same from the very beginnings of this forum, .
You are so full of it........
When you post something that isnt idiotic and juvenile ,Ill thank you for the post.................
I didnt take you for a lying type of person M but now you seem to be making things up so they fit with your distorted beliefs
4th August 2012, 05:24 PM
He is not a student, he has learned nothing on here.
You are correct on this one because Ive learnt it all before I arrived on these forums(except about money) its called life and my experiences .
I fully experienced the complete and total spiritual experience at the age of 18 some 39 years ago that has shaped my whole life and outlook.
Its not something to put into words but it is true and real and is not something discoverable through organized religion.
4th August 2012, 05:27 PM
Maybe I will join up they look like such an inviting lot,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
4th August 2012, 05:28 PM
there is a fellowship that comes from people worshipping together, or just from meeting as part of a book-reading club.
That is true and its fantastic
4th August 2012, 05:31 PM
This might clear things up,
Serpo, what do you think if we all put our gold into a pot, melt it down and create a calf we can dance around?
4th August 2012, 05:32 PM
He tells people what to believe ? Or does he just post and let people decide it for themselves ?
If someone is on GSUS then they should be smart enough to know that they can't be just told something & automatically believe it.....
I don't see him being pushy /pushing his beliefs on anyone. He's just posting/sharing his thoughts...
Its because what I say stabs Magnes in the heart to think that whatever he believes in maybe a pack of made up stories and he will hang on to these above all else ,even if it means destroying me in the process.
4th August 2012, 05:33 PM
This might clear things up,
Serpo, what do you think if we all put our gold into a pot, melt it down and create a calf we can dance around?
Wha......please continue
4th August 2012, 05:34 PM
indeed, I concur... and this may be the only "one world religion", being ironic here, that is worth following in my point of view
Sorry but there is nothing worth following but your own heart.
4th August 2012, 05:36 PM
Good God Magnes. I'm a Christian and like Serpo's posts.
He's not a Christian, and ?? He's not allowed to post his insights without getting eaten up like that ?
Chill out.
Keep posting Serpo, all you were talking about is love and that you don't have to know about every detail of every past
minute of history that's happened to believe in unconditional love & to be free from the chains of religious doctrine.
I understand what you meant, Christian or not.
You don't have to be a Christian to post your thoughts on GSUS as far as I know, right ? Yup.
I like Serpo and I like Magnes. Magnes will be mad at me now and Serpo will stay the same--peaceful.
Sheesh, and I thought I was over-the-top-hyper.
If a person is Christian or non-Christian on here----their insights are still very valuable & appreciated & help people think----either way.
You are both appreciated for your efforts over the years. OK ?
Thanks, hug.
& to be free from the chains of religious doctrine.
4th August 2012, 05:40 PM
4th August 2012, 05:41 PM
Garbage in garbage out. If your conscience is supplied with error it will be untrustworthy.
Thats not what we call a clear conscience then is it.
4th August 2012, 05:43 PM
Then why are you offering these insights to us?
This is related too religion and I havnt offered one
4th August 2012, 05:53 PM
We are here to share the insights. It could be said that each and every insight is part of the whole river.
Ouuuwhuumm... .. - .
It has as much strength as a leaderless rebellion, we could create a religion.
4th August 2012, 06:11 PM
You are rejecting the possibility of revealed truth (beyond which we are capable of determine through rational thought). You may be rejecting some very important insights (I would say actually you are).
Thanks for the insight JQP......its not really a rejection of any revealed truth as it is something I had a passion for from a young age and it is not possible normally through rational thought to have insights and see truth or reality.
Its just that the truth is to be reveled through us and experienced during our lives , to believe others insights is like believing what I say..............whats the point because its my experience and not yours.
4th August 2012, 06:15 PM
We are here to share the insights. It could be said that each and every insight is part of the whole river.
Ouuuwhuumm... .. - .
It has as much strength as a leaderless rebellion, we could create a religion.
There you have it ....religions are created ....
.by whom for what and has any of them succeeded in their goal or do we just become followers.............
ps we dont need another religion
4th August 2012, 06:19 PM
Which religion do you approve of MAGNES..........
A group of monotheistic traditions ( sometimes grouped with one another for comparative ( purposes, because all refer to a patriarch named Abraham (
Main article: Bábism (
Azali (
Main article: Christianity (
See also: List of Christian denominations (
Catholicism Main article: Catholicism (
Assyrian Church of the East (
Eastern Orthodox Church (
Oriental Orthodox Church (
Roman Catholic Church (
Protestantism Main article: Protestantism (
Other groups
Bible Student movement (
Christian Universalism (
Latter Day Saint movement (
Nontrinitarianism (
Swedenborgianism (
Unitarianism (
The Creativity Movement (
Main article: Gnosticism (
See also: List of Gnostic sects (
Christian Gnosticism
Ebionites (
Cerdonians (
Marcionism ( (not entirely Gnostic)
Colorbasians (
Simonians (
Early Gnosticism
Borborites (
Cainites (
Carpocratians (
Ophites (
Hermeticism (
Medieval Gnosticism
Cathars (
Bogomils (
Paulicianism (
Tondrakians (
Persian Gnosticism
Mandaeanism (
Manichaeism (
Bagnolians (
Syrian-Egyptic Gnosticism Main article: Syrian-Egyptic Gnosticism (
Sethians (
Basilidians (
Valentinians (
Bardesanites (
Main article: Islam (
See also: Islamic schools and branches (
Kalam Schools Main article: Kalam (
Ash'ari (
Kalam (
Maturidi (
Murji'ah (
Mu'tazili (
Kharijite Main article: Kharijite (
Ibadi ( (Only surviving sect)
Azraqi (
Haruriyya (
Sufri (
Shia Islam Main article: Shia Islam (
Ismailism (
Mustaali ( / Bohra (
Nizari (
Jafari (
Twelvers (
Akhbari (
Shaykhi (
Usuli (
Alawites (
Alevi ( / Bektashi (
Zaidiyyah (
Sufism Main article: Sufism (
Bektashi (
Chishti (
Mevlevi (
Naqshbandi (
Jahriyya (
Khufiyya (
Nimatullahi (
Tariqah (
Quadiriyyah (
Sufi Order International (
Sufism Reoriented (
Suhrawardiyya (
Tijani (
Universal Sufism (
Dances of Universal Peace (
Sunni Islam Main article: Sunni Islam (
Hanafi (
Barelvi (
Deobandi (
Gedimu (
Yihewani (
Xidaotang (
Hanbali (
Maliki (
Shafi'i (
Other Islamic Groups
Ahl-e Hadith ( or Salafi (
Ahl-e Haqq ( or Yarsan (
Ahl-e Quran
Ahmadiyya (
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (
Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement (
Al-Fatiha Foundation (
Canadian Muslim Union (
Druze (
European Islam (
Five Percenters (
Ittifaq al-Muslimin (
Jamaat al-Muslimeen (
Jadid (
Liberal Muslims (
Muslim Canadian Congress (
Moorish Science Temple of America (
Mahdavia (
Gohar Shahi (
Messiah Foundation International (
International_Spiritual_Movement_Anjuman_Serfarosh an-e-Islam ( an-e-Islam)
Nation of Islam (
Nazati Muslim (
Nuwaubianism (
Progressive British Muslims (
Progressive Muslim Union (
Qur'an Alone (
Tolu-e-Islam (
United Submitters International (
Wahabi (
Zikri (
Main article: Judaism (
See also: Jewish Denominations (
Rabbinic Judaism Main article: Rabbinic Judaism (
Orthodox Judaism (
Haredi Judaism (
Hasidic Judaism (
Modern Orthodox Judaism (
Conservative Judaism (
Masorti (
Conservadox Judaism (
Union for Traditional Judaism (
Reform Judaism (
Progressive Judaism (
Liberal Judaism (
Karaite Judaism Main article: Karaite Judaism (
Falasha or Beta Israel ( Modern Non-Rabbinic Judaism
Alternative Judaism (
Humanistic Judaism ( (not always identified as a religion)
Jewish Renewal (
Reconstructionist Judaism (
Historical groups
Essenes (
Pharisees ( (ancestor of Rabbinic Judaism)
Sadducees ( (possible ancestor of Karaite Judaism)
Zealots (
Sicarii (
Sects that believed Jesus was a prophet
Ebionites (
Elkasites (
Nazarenes (
Sabbateans (
Frankists (
Rastafari movement
Main article: Rastafari movement (
Mandaeans and Sabians
Main articles: Mandaeism ( and Sabians (
Mandaeism (
Sabians (
Sabians of Harran (
Mandaean Nasaraean Sabeans (
Main article: Samaritanism (
Indian religions
Main article: Indian religions (
Religions that originated in India and religions and traditions related to, and descended from, them.
Main article: Ayyavazhi (
Bhakti movement
Main article: Bhakti movement (
Kabir Panth (
Sant Mat (
Ravidassia Religion (
Main article: Schools of Buddhism (
Nikaya schools ( (which have historically been called Hinayana ( in the West)
Theravada (
Sri Lankan Amarapura Nikaya (
Sri Lankan Siam Nikaya (
Sri Lankan Ramańńa Nikaya (
Bangladeshi Sangharaj Nikaya (
Bangladeshi Mahasthabir Nikaya (
Burmese Thudhamma Nikaya (
Vipassana tradition of Mahasi Sayadaw ( and disciples
Burmese Shwekyin Nikaya (
Burmese Dvaya Nikaya (
Thai Maha Nikaya (
Dhammakaya Movement (
Thai Thammayut Nikaya (
Thai Forest Tradition (
Tradition of Ajahn Chah (
Mahayana (
Humanistic Buddhism (
Madhyamaka (
Prāsangika (
Svatantrika (
Sanlun ( (Three Treatise school)
Sanron (
Maha-Madhyamaka (Jonangpa (
Nichiren (
Nichiren Shū (
Nichiren Shōshū (
Nipponzan Myōhōji (
Soka Gakkai (
Pure Land (
Jodo Shu (
Jodo Shinshu (
Tathagatagarbha (
Daśabhūmikā ( (absorbed into Huayan)
Huayan school ( (Avataṃsaka)
Hwaeom (
Kegon (
Tiantai (
Tendai (
Cheontae (
Yogācāra (
Cittamatra ( in Tibet
Wei-Shi ( (Consciousness-only school) or Faxiang ( (Dharma-character school)
Beopsang (
Hossō (
Chan / Zen ( / Seon / Thien
Caodong (
Sōtō (
Keizan ( line
Jakuen ( line
Giin ( line
Linji (
Rinzai (
Ōbaku (
Fuke Zen (
Won Buddhism ( Korean Reformed Buddhism
Kwan Um School of Zen (
Sanbo Kyodan (
Vajrayana (
Shingon Buddhism (
Tibetan Buddhism (
Bön (
Gelukpa (
Kagyupa (
Dagpo Kagyu (
Karma Kagyu (
Barom Kagyu (
Tsalpa Kagyu (
Phagdru Kagyu (
Drikung Kagyu (
Drukpa Kagyu (
Shangpa Kagyu (
Nyingmapa (
Sakyapa (
Jonangpa (
New Buddhist movements
Aum Shinrikyo ( (now known as Aleph)[4] ( te-3)
Diamond Way (
Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (
New Kadampa Tradition ([5] ( te-4)
Share International (
True Buddha School (
Vipassana movement (
Din-i-Ilahi (
See also: Hindu denominations (
Swaminarayan (
Shrauta (
Lingayatism (
Shaivism (
Shaktism (
Tantrism (
Ananda Marga ([6] ( te-5)
Smartism (
Vaishnavism (
Gaudiya Vaishnavism (
ISKCON ( (Hare Krishna ([7] ( te-6)
Hindu reform movements (
Arya Samaj ([8] ( te-7)
Brahmo Samaj (
Ramakrishna Mission (
Satya Dharma (
Satsang of Thakur Anukulchandra (
Matua Mahasangha (
Hinduism in Indonesia (
Major schools and movements of Hindu philosophy Main article: Hindu philosophy (
Nyaya (
Purva mimamsa (
Samkhya (
Vaisheshika (
Vedanta ( (Uttara Mimamsa)
Advaita Vedanta (
Integral Yoga (
Vishishtadvaita (
Dvaita Vedanta (
Yoga (
Ashtanga Yoga (
Bhakti Yoga (
Hatha yoga (
Siddha Yoga (
Surat Shabd Yoga (
Tantric Yoga (
Sahaja Yoga (
4th August 2012, 06:20 PM
Jainism Main article: Jainism (
Digambara (
Bisapanthi ([9] ( te-Httpwwwjainworldcomsocietiesjainsectsasp-8)
Digambar Terapanth (
Taran Panth (
Kanji Panth ([9] ( te-Httpwwwjainworldcomsocietiesjainsectsasp-8)
Gumanapantha ([9] ( te-Httpwwwjainworldcomsocietiesjainsectsasp-8)
Totapantha ([9] ( te-Httpwwwjainworldcomsocietiesjainsectsasp-8)
Shvetambara (
Svetambar Terapanth (
Murtipujaka ( or Deravasi (
Sthanakvasi (
Meivazhi (
Sikhism Main article: Sikhism (
Khalsa (
Nihang (
Amritdhari ( original and real Sikhs
Namdhari ( or Kuka Sikhs
Sahajdhari ( Sikh
Ravidasi (
Iranian religions Main article: Iranian religions (
Bábism (
Bahá'í Faith (
Mandaeism (
Manichaeism (
Mazdakism (
Mithraism (
Yazdânism Main article: Yazdânism (
Alevi (
Yarsani (
Yazidi (
Zoroastrianism Main article: Zoroastrianism (
Zurvanism (
East Asian religions Main article: East Asian religions (
Confucianism Main article: Confucianism (
Neo-Confucianism (
New Confucianism (
Shinto Main articles: Shinto ( and Shinto sects and schools (
Taoism Main article: Taoism (
Caodaism (
Chinese folk religion (
Chondogyo (
Falun Gong (
Hoa Hao (
I-Kuan Tao (
Jeung San Do (
Mohism (
Oomoto (
Seicho-No-Ie (
Tenrikyo (
African diasporic religions See also: African diasporic religions (
African diasporic religions are a number of related religions that developed in the Americas among African slaves and their descendants in various countries of the Caribbean Islands and Latin America, as well as parts of the southern United States. They derive from African traditional religions (, especially of West and Central Africa, showing similarities to the Yoruba religion ( in particular.
Batuque (
Candomblé (
Dahomey mythology (
Haitian mythology (
Kumina (
Kahje (
Macumba (
Mami Wata (
Obeah (
Oyotunji (
Quimbanda (
Santería ( (Lukumi)
Umbanda ([10] ( te-9)
Vodou (
Indigenous traditional religions See also: Paganism ( and Folk religion (
Traditionally, these faiths have all been classified "Pagan", but scholars prefer the terms "indigenous/primal/folk/ethnic religions".
African Main article: African traditional religions (
West Africa
Akan mythology (
Ashanti mythology ( (Ghana)
Dahomey (Fon) mythology (
Efik mythology ( (Nigeria, Cameroon)
Igbo mythology ( (Nigeria, Cameroon)
Isoko mythology ( (Nigeria)
Yoruba mythology ( (Nigeria, Benin)
Central Africa
Bushongo mythology ( (Congo)
Bambuti (Pygmy) mythology ( (Congo)
Lugbara mythology ( (Congo)
East Africa
Akamba mythology ( (East Kenya)
Dinka mythology ( (Sudan)
Lotuko mythology ( (Sudan)
Masai mythology ( (Kenya, Tanzania)
Southern Africa
Khoisan religion (
Lozi mythology ( (Zambia)
Tumbuka mythology ( (Malawi)
Zulu mythology ( (South Africa)
American Main article: Native American mythology (
Abenaki mythology (
Anishinaabe (
Aztec mythology (
Blackfoot mythology (
Cherokee mythology (
Chickasaw mythology (
Choctaw mythology (
Creek mythology (
Crow mythology (
Ghost Dance (
Guarani mythology (
Haida mythology (
Ho-Chunk mythology ( (aka: Winnebago)
Hopi mythology (
Inca mythology (
Indian Shaker Church (
Inuit mythology (
Iroquois mythology (
Keetoowah Nighthawk Society (
Kuksu (
Kwakiutl mythology (
Lakota mythology (
Leni Lenape mythology (
Longhouse religion (
Mapuche mythology (
Maya mythology (
Midewiwin (
Miwok (
Native American Church (
Navajo mythology (
Nootka mythology (
Ohlone mythology (
Olmec mythology (
Pomo mythology (
Pawnee mythology (
Salish mythology (
Selk'nam religion (
Seneca mythology (
Southeastern Ceremonial Complex (
Sun Dance (
Tsimshian mythology (
Urarina (
Ute mythology (
Wyandot religion (
Zuni mythology (
Eurasian Main article: Eurasian Indigenous Religions (
Bon (
Chinese mythology (
Japanese mythology (
Korean shamanism (
Koshintō (
Siberian Shamanism (
Tengrism (
Asatru (
Estonian mythology (
Eskimo religion (
Finnish mythology ( and Finnish paganism (
Marla faith (
Odinism (
Hungarian folk religion (
Sami religion ( (including the Noaidi (
Tadibya (
Wotanism (
Australian Aboriginal mythology (
Austronesian beliefs (
Balinese mythology (
Javanese beliefs (
Melanesian mythology (
Micronesian mythology (
Modekngei (
Nauruan indigenous religion (
Philippine mythology (
Anito (
Gabâ (
Kulam (
Polynesian mythology (
Hawaiian mythology (
Maori mythology (
Maori religion (
Rapa Nui mythology (
Moai (
Tangata manu (
Cargo cults Main article: Cargo cults (
John Frum (
Johnson cult (
Prince Philip Movement (
Vailala Madness (
Historical polytheism Further information: Prehistoric religion ( and History of religion (
Ancient Near Eastern Main article: Ancient Near Eastern religions (
Ancient Egyptian religion (
Ancient Semitic religions (
Mesopotamian mythology (
Arabian mythology ( (pre-Islamic)
Babylonian and Assyrian religion (
Babylonian mythology (
Chaldean mythology (
Canaanite mythology (
Canaanite religion (
Hittite mythology (
Persian mythology (
Sumerian mythology (
Indo-European Main article: Proto-Indo-European religion (
Proto-Indo-Iranian religion (
Historical Vedic religion (
Zoroastrianism (
Baltic polytheism (
Celtic polytheism (
Brythonic mythology (
Gaelic mythology (
Germanic polytheism (
Anglo-Saxon religion (
Continental Germanic religion (
Norse religion (
Greek polytheism (
Finnish polytheism (
Hungarian polytheism (
Roman polytheism (
Slavic polytheism (
Hellenistic Main article: Hellenistic religion (
Mystery religions (
Eleusinian Mysteries (
Mithraism (
Orphism (
Pythagoreanism (
Gallo-Roman religion (
Mysticism and Occult Esotericism and mysticism Main articles: Esotericism ( and Mysticism (
Anthroposophy (
Christian mysticism (
Esoteric Christianity (
Hindu mysticism (
Tantra (
Vaastu Shastra (
Martinism (
Meher Baba ([11] ( te-10)
Rosicrucian (
Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis ([12] ( te-11)
Rosicrucian Fellowship (
Sufism (
Theosophy (
Conscious Spirituality (
Occult and magic Main articles: Occultism (, Magic (paranormal) (, and Magick (
Ceremonial magic (
Enochian magic (
Goetic magic (
Chaos magic (
Hoodoo ( (Rootwork)
New Orleans Voodoo (
Kulam ( – Filipino witchcraft
National Socialism and Occultism (
Pow-wow (
Seiđr ( – Norse sorcery
Thelema (
Wicca (
Witchcraft (
Neopaganism Main article: List of Neopagan movements (
Main article: Paganism (contemporary) (
Adonism (
Church of All Worlds (
Church of Aphrodite (
Feraferia (
Neo-Druidism (
Reformed Druids of North America (
Neoshamanism (
Neo-völkisch movements (
Technopaganism (
Unitarian Universalist (
Baltic Neopaganism (
Celtic Neopaganism (
Finnish Neopaganism (
Germanic Neopaganism (
Hellenic Neopaganism (
Kemetism (
Roman Neopaganism (
Semitic Neopaganism (
Slavic Neopaganism (
Taaraism (
New religious movements Main article: List of new religious movements (
Creativity (religion) (
New Thought Main article: New Thought (
Christian Science (
Divine Science (
Religious Science (
Unity Church (
Jewish Science (
Seicho-no-Ie (
Khumeticism (
Shinshukyo Main article: Shinshūkyō (
Church of World Messianity (
Konkokyo (
Oomoto (
PL Kyodan (
Seicho-No-Ie (
Tenrikyo (
Left-hand path religions Main article: Left-Hand Path and Right-Hand Path (
Satanism (
LaVeyan Satanism (
Symbolic Satanism (
Theistic Satanism (
Demonolatry (
Luciferianism (
Setianism (
Fictional religions Main article: List of fictional religions (
Parody or mock religions
Church of Euthanasia (
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (
Church of the SubGenius (
Dudeism (
Iglesia Maradoniana (
Invisible Pink Unicorn (
Jashinism (
Kibology (
Landover Baptist Church (
Last Thursdayism (
Butter Boy (comic strip) (
Black Hebrew Israelites (
Cult of the Supreme Being (
Deism (
Discordianism (
Eckankar (
Ethical Culture (
Fellowship of Reason (
Fourth Way (
Humanism (
Jediism ([13] ( te-12)
Juche (
Meher Baba (
Native American Church (
Naturalistic Pantheism (
Pantheism (
Scientology (
Secular Humanism (
Subud (
Unitarian Universalism (
Universal Life Church (
4th August 2012, 06:23 PM
Most religions are running a protection racket. Nothing more, nothing less. A little more of a 'soft machine' than what the mob runs, but the same thing in the end.
Ever read "Kissing Hank's Ass"? A pretty acurate assessment of the whole thing.
4th August 2012, 06:40 PM
There you have it ....religions are created ....
.by whom for what and has any of them succeeded in their goal or do we just become followers.............
ps we dont need another religion
Are you sure, because I was about to give an address to send the gold to,
I will start on the calf moulde anyways...
4th August 2012, 06:41 PM
Are you sure, because I was about to give an address to send the gold to,
I will start on the calf moulde anyways...
A few droppings will be enough........
4th August 2012, 06:55 PM
A few droppings will be enough........
I get the feeling you're not that enthusiastic,
We need measures hundred weight and penney pound!!!
For when the man comes around...
4th August 2012, 07:17 PM
Isaiah 45:9 Woe unto him that strives with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth.
Shall the clay say to him that fashions it, What do you make? or of your work, He has no hands?
4th August 2012, 07:33 PM
Just say what you really mean horn instead of speaking in code and now verses also.....
4th August 2012, 08:37 PM
4th August 2012, 08:44 PM
serpo never gives sources for many of his finds
wtf........Examples please my ceaseless attacker
what BS you write , that you have been so nice to me and thanked me ,makes me sick when all you do is attack the very fabric of my being many times and I have never attacked you once in your threads because Im not that ignorant.
I do respond when attacked though.
4th August 2012, 09:13 PM
Serpo, I really like your contributions to this forum. You are a valued member.
My only beef with religion, is when folks use it as an excuse. A man cheats on his wife, then claims "the devil made me do it...I've repented! found God I've been saved!". Everyone nods, chants, he's been saved!
No, it doesn't work that way. Every person has to own up to their actions. You can't use any excuses like that.
I believe in God, and I know I'll answer to him one day. I'll take the hard road, and own up to my own actions and decision. I think God would understand that.
4th August 2012, 10:31 PM
Not to worry, Sam is here to share the load :)
4th August 2012, 10:41 PM
Its called your conscience ,follow it and you will be Ok believe its faulty(according to who) and they will have ya.
Not according to born-agains that I have met. Apparently one must go to church and meet in small groups to reinforce everyone's delusions in order to be saved.
Living a life based on morals is not enough.
5th August 2012, 12:09 AM
Main article: Jainism (
...New Thought
Main article: New Thought (
Christian Science (
Divine Science (
Religious Science (
Unity Church (
Jewish Science (
Seicho-no-Ie (
Khumeticism (
Main article: Shinshūkyō (
Church of World Messianity (
Konkokyo (
Oomoto (
PL Kyodan (
Seicho-No-Ie (
Tenrikyo (
Left-hand path religions
Main article: Left-Hand Path and Right-Hand Path (
Satanism (
LaVeyan Satanism (
Symbolic Satanism (
Theistic Satanism (
Demonolatry (
Luciferianism (
Setianism (
Fictional religions
Main article: List of fictional religions (
Parody or mock religions
Church of Euthanasia (
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (
Church of the SubGenius (
Dudeism (
Iglesia Maradoniana (
Invisible Pink Unicorn (
Jashinism (
Kibology (
Landover Baptist Church (
Last Thursdayism (
Butter Boy (comic strip) (
Black Hebrew Israelites (
Cult of the Supreme Being (
Deism (
Discordianism (
Eckankar (
Ethical Culture (
Fellowship of Reason (
Fourth Way (
Humanism (
Jediism ([13] ( te-12)
Juche (
Meher Baba (
Native American Church (
Naturalistic Pantheism (
Pantheism (
Scientology (
Secular Humanism (
Subud (
Unitarian Universalism (
Universal Life Church (
If you believe all these worship the Creator, then back to school for you, Serpo! Some are explicitly against the Creator.
5th August 2012, 12:17 AM
If you believe all these worship the Creator, then back to school for you, Serpo! Some are explicitly against the Creator.
No its about Religion ....they are all religions......
I see what you mean some are satanic and yet still fall under being a religion .......not really a recommendation.
Back to school you say mmmmm OK as long as it has girls of course....
5th August 2012, 11:20 AM
Who's will be left to marry you to your wife, Serpo?
The State?
5th August 2012, 11:47 AM
Yours truly has done some reading along the train of thought about the lack of necessity for the state to be involved in marriage, period.
I learned a couple things by studying prior family history as well as accounts by others.
One involved a public declaration, a private intimate ceremony vow exchange where the couple were the only ones in attendance and then went forth from that moment forward representing themselves as husband and wife. I believe this has common law roots if I'm not mistaken. A theme and variation on 'my word is my bond' enactment.
Another variation was to have said private ceremony recorded in the Family Bible after it was completed. Not even a minister was in attendance. Witnesses may have been required for this one, I'm not too clear on that detail.
A third option was open to the church goers and still IS in effect in various ecclesiastical circles to this day...
One announces to the folks gathered at worship in 2 consecutive weekly services their intent to be married. After that second announcement, they were then considered married and were treated that way by their group. Said activity has an ecclesiastical name of some type assigned to it, and is probably codified in various religious dogma somewhere. I don't remember name nor religious denomination.
I have heard that this latter method has been utilized by various gays and lesbians in their "open and welcoming congregational places of worship" and sidestepped for years, the whole "gay marriage" thing that so polarizes others. Haven't heard if it reduces stress in those who find themselves confronted by such open and canon law - covenant activities on the part of other individuals who are not like themselves and therefore slaves to the state.
Perhaps there are other customs here stateside. Perhaps those who know of some of the 'great great grandparents did it this way so I've been told' anecdotes will come forth. I'm always fascinated by what is considered marriage ritual in other cultures and lands. Just a private curiousity of mine, that's all. I've long held there has to be something more humane than the club and dragging by the hair coupling often carricatured in pen and ink across the years.
The "state" and matters of the heart seem antithetical in so many respects.
5th August 2012, 11:57 AM
I forget the name of the person who married me. I do know she wasn't affiliated with any church or state.
It all took place in a close relatives backyard, ofcourse taking place after paperwork was filed and formalities were practiced with the justice.
Either way the divorce took much longer. lol
5th August 2012, 04:32 PM
Who's will be left to marry you to your wife, Serpo?
The State?
Married over 30 years ago now......we just signed the dotted line at the time but plenty of marriages in OZ and NZ get done by justice of the peace in backyards.
5th August 2012, 04:44 PM
Married over 30 years ago now......we just signed the dotted line at the time but plenty of marriages in OZ and NZ get done by justice of the peace in backyards.
If there was any state I would like to be held prisoner in, it would be Oz. :)
6th August 2012, 09:20 AM
I can go to any church or temple and feel at home because they are all talking about the creator...........
Just like I can go to different restaurants and eat different food .....they all nourish the body
I respect all peoples and all beliefs and all religions greatly, most everyone that has religious belief has basically a good heart
Its not something I like to talk ( can see why )about and only brought it up as there where a lot of religious threads appearing.
Thanks for saying this... amen... I have never been against any religionper se since I like to uncover the similarities in all of them (including old myths), yet it is perceived by some as anti-christian/pro-masonic... It is very sad to see that those ubber-christians dont understand that their verbal aggression would cause anybody to be upset and lash out at their belief system (including myself especially 2 years ago).... There are many christians like OHL out there and it makes me feel relieved.
really I wont be falling into this ubber-christian trap any longer.
You have to eventually have the courage to throw out everything that you believe in to find true freedom
This is my path... a tough one. It is only when all hopes are perceived as vain and futile, it really becomes "self-evident".
6th August 2012, 09:46 AM
Which religion do you approve of MAGNES..........
ooh thanks for posting this... but I'd like also to mention the number of factions within the Roman Church which endorse different Bibles ...
7th August 2012, 07:13 PM
Serpo is one of their Nihilists that refuses to acknowledge Western History.
niˇhilˇism (n, n Philosophy a. An extreme form of skepticism that denies all existence.
b. A doctrine holding that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated.
2. Rejection of all distinctions in moral or religious value and a willingness to repudiate all previous theories of morality or religious belief.
3. The belief that destruction of existing political or social institutions is necessary for future improvement.
4. also Nihilism A diffuse, revolutionary movement of mid 19th-century Russia that scorned authority and tradition and believed in reason, materialism, and radical change in society and government through terrorism and assassination.
5. Psychiatry A delusion, experienced in some mental disorders, that the world or one's mind, body, or self does not exist.
More rubbish,
its the only way you can operate M is by having to categorize people into this or that pigeon hole.
Im not a Nihilist either............
reading 4 and 5 it indicates a nihilist maybe a terrorist nutcase and may be an assassin............
7th August 2012, 07:23 PM
Thanks for saying this... amen... I have never been against any religionper se since I like to uncover the similarities in all of them (including old myths), yet it is perceived by some as anti-christian/pro-masonic... It is very sad to see that those ubber-christians dont understand that their verbal aggression would cause anybody to be upset and lash out at their belief system (including myself especially 2 years ago).... There are many christians like OHL out there is it makes me feel relieved.
really I wont be falling into this ubber-christian trap any longer.
This is my path... a tough one. It is only when all hopes are perceived as vain and futile, it really becomes "self-evident".
A true Christen ...............has awakened to the Christ consciousness of ones own this respect I regard myself as a true ,living Christian and not a puesdo christen.
I cannot pretend when my soul is involved ,it has to be the truth ,the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
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