View Full Version : Chemo Could Spread Cancer

7th August 2012, 03:38 PM
August 7, 2012 by Sam Rolley (http://personalliberty.com/author/samrolleypl/)


Chemo kills cancer, but in doses high enough it kills people too.

For decades the medical establishment’s go-to treatment for cancer has been small doses of chemo paced out in cycles.
Doctors have long believed that the low doses of chemo can kill cancer cells while allowing healthy cells to rebuild between treatments. Unfortunately, this heavy reliance on chemo has meant that any gains in survival rate among cancer victims have been offset by terrible sickness and a low quality of life during treatment.
Now, new research (http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/248661.php) published in Nature Medicine shows that chemotherapy can actually be extremely counterproductive in treating cancer as it could spur healthy cells to release a compound that actually stimulates cancer growth.
According to the researchers, the effect is caused by the impact of chemotherapy drugs on healthy connective tissue cells called fibroblasts which when blasted with chemo can pump out a cancer facilitating protein at a rate of 30 times more than they normally would.
“Cancer cells inside the body live in a very complex environment or neighborhood. Where the tumor cell resides and who its neighbors are influence its response and resistance to therapy,” said senior author Peter S. Nelson, M.D., a member of the Hutchinson Center’s Human Biology Division.
Nelson contends that the reasoning behind believing chemo is an effective treatment against all forms of cancer is not faulty. Chemo kills cancer, but in doses high enough to irradiate cancer from a person in one blast, the patient would certainly die.
“In the laboratory we can ‘cure’ most any cancer simply by giving very high doses of toxic therapies to cancer cells in a petri dish. However, in people, these high doses would not only kill the cancer cells but also normal cells and the host,” Nelson said.
As a result the small-dose option is used for solid cancer tumors such as those of the breast, prostate, lung and colon by practitioners of mainstream medicine, leading to a chance that the cancer could spread more rapidly through the body in some cases than if no treatment were given.
Alternative medicine has long shunned chemotherapy as a viable option for cancer treatment because of its harmful effect on the rest of the body and immune system.


7th August 2012, 04:06 PM
(NaturalNews) Ever since chemotherapy was introduced into the practice of western medicine, doctors and oncologists have been trying to answer this nagging question: Why does chemotherapy seem to work at first, but then cancer tumors cells grow back even more aggressively while the body becomes resistant to chemotherapy?

It turns out that chemotherapy damages healthy cells, causing them to secrete a protein that accelerates the growth of cancer tumors. (http://ca.news.yahoo.com/chemotherapy-backfire-boost-cancer-growth-st...)

This protein, dubbed "WNT16B," is taken up by nearby cancer cells, causing them to "grow, invade, and importantly, resist subsequent therapy," said Peter Nelson of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. He's the co-author of the study that documented this phenomenon, published in Nature Medicine.

This protein, it turns out, explains why cancer tumors grow more aggressively following chemotherapy treatments. In essence, chemotherapy turns healthy cells into WNT16B factories which churn out this "activator" chemical that accelerates cancer tumor growth.

The findings of the study were confirmed with prostate cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer tumors. This discovery that chemotherapy backfires by accelerating cancer tumor growth is being characterized as "completely unexpected" by scientists.

The chemotherapy fraud exposed
As NaturalNews has explained over the last decade, chemotherapy is medical fraud. Rather than boosting the immune response of patients, it harms the immune system, causing tumors to grow back. This latest researching further confirms what we've known for years in the holistic health community: That chemotherapy is, flatly stated, poison. It's not "treatment," it's not medicine, and it's not prevention or a cure. It's poison with virtually no medicinal value except in perhaps one to two percent of cancer cases.

The No. 1 side effect of chemotherapy is, by the way, cancer. Cancer centers should technically be renamed "poison centers" because they are in the business of poisoning patients with a toxic cocktail of chemicals that modern science reveals to be a cancer tumor growth accelerant!

Old Herb Lady
7th August 2012, 07:00 PM
yep yep yep ! chemo & radiation both cause cancer & kill you faster than if you opted out !

I could never understand the premise of poisoning everything in the entire body to HEAL it !!
the REAL scary part----if the cancer is gone after a person was able to live thru it (chemo & rad.)-----
when it comes back the 2nd time the immune system has been ruined & the cancer comes back with a vengeance & worse &
kills quick.

warning on labels:

7th August 2012, 07:20 PM
To be honest I'd rather live with cancer than receive chemo

7th August 2012, 07:57 PM
I had cancer in my late twenties and refused radiation and chemo. I had the cancer removed through surgery and kept my alkalinity high, mostly with alot of lemon juice. I was already exercising at a high level and continued as I could. I also thought positive and used visualization through meditation. In my minds eye I would picture a large vortex turning slowly, draining the shit from my body. I still do this today.

8th August 2012, 01:33 AM
There have been many treatments of cancer that have a higher success rate than chemo but of course these are ignored .

Old Herb Lady
8th August 2012, 05:54 AM
The problem is the understanding of the illness....
the tumor is NOT the cancer , the tumor is a just a symptom of the cancer.
The whole body is sick not just the localized area/organ where the tumor is.
The tumor is just growing /manifesting in the weakest/most abused area/most sickest area in the body.
start fixing the health of the body as a whole and the tumor will go away.

Chemo and rad focus on killing the tumor but kill the person because they don't understand the body, just
cut, poison and burn. That's all they know.

8th August 2012, 12:39 PM
I had cancer in my late twenties and refused radiation and chemo. I had the cancer removed through surgery and kept my alkalinity high, mostly with alot of lemon juice. I was already exercising at a high level and continued as I could. I also thought positive and used visualization through meditation. In my minds eye I would picture a large vortex turning slowly, draining the shit from my body. I still do this today.

Alkalinity is the answer. Very simple yet rarely (if not at all) talked about by your doctors. Question everything..............