View Full Version : I'm officially part of the "I dont have cable" club!

9th August 2012, 09:29 PM
Well after finally having finished school, Im moving out on my own tomorrow and starting my job soon after. After 23 years of having the tel-avision with my family and with my roommates during school, I'm proud to say no more :). Never really watched it these last few years, but itll be refreshing to not even have to even bother with the thing

Twisted Titan
9th August 2012, 09:47 PM
I havent had Kay-Bull for about 3 years and I must admit I do miss Nat geo, Science, Discovery and history Channel but I rest a hell of alot easier knowing my Wee Ones bright mind is not exposed to the mental mush passing for TV.

9th August 2012, 09:48 PM
Well after finally having finished school, Im moving out on my own tomorrow and starting my job soon after. After 23 years of having the tel-avision with my family and with my roommates during school, I'm proud to say no more :). Never really watched it these last few years, but itll be refreshing to not even have to even bother with the thing

Congrats AndreaGail, on these big changes in your life, in the right direction. It's exciting, indeed. You won't miss the TV. I tossed a TV overboard once, it felt great. :)

10th August 2012, 12:04 AM

Did the same thing after figuring out how to unlock satellites.

Once I saw behind "the curtain", I realized what a massive rip off it all was.

Would have probably cost me $1000/month to get to that level, and it was still a huge pile of shit.

5 going on 6 years later...don't really miss anything, saved myself a bunch of cash, and my IQ has risen by leaps and bounds.

10th August 2012, 12:27 AM
Good for you! My husband stopped watching it long before i did but after a while I realized we were spending $100 a month just to leave it on for the dog during the day. What a colossal waste of money and brain cells!

Hatha Sunahara
10th August 2012, 12:52 AM
Thank you for the inspiration AndreaGail. I get cable bundled with my internet service, but I have been thinking for months now about getting rid of it. Most of what I watch I can get with an antenna on my roof and an $8 a month subscription with Netflix. So the cable is going to bite the dust. I thought of getting Satellite service instead, but that is pretty much the same 500 channels of mindless drivel that Cable is. Unplugging the tube is the first step in unplugging from the evil system.


10th August 2012, 05:48 AM
Congrats on finishing school, moving out, and landing the job, AndreaGail! Bonus: getting away from television!

10th August 2012, 05:52 AM
5+ years here. after you don't have it for awhile, and then you're sitting in the dentist's office or wherever and it's on, you're immediately conscious of how it sucks you in and begins to program you, even after a few minutes.

10th August 2012, 05:53 AM
Welcome to the club!


Your IQ probably went up a few points.


10th August 2012, 05:58 AM
Congratulations on completing your advanced schooling! Sounds like you analyzed things well and planned accordingly. What career path have you chosen that has the rosey job opportunities for you that you sound confident you will land?

+1 Andrea Gail!


10th August 2012, 06:30 AM
5+ years here. after you don't have it for awhile, and then you're sitting in the dentist's office or wherever and it's on, you're immediately conscious of how it sucks you in and begins to program you, even after a few minutes.

Exactly. And I can't believe how loud the GAY agenda has become.

Heed my warning, bitchezzzzz. If you keep watching that shit, you're gonna turn into a packer fan. :o

10th August 2012, 06:54 AM
i guess i've been a member of that club without knowing it !

i talked to some telecom companies about ditching my current phone provider.

it's amazing what they charge - especially when you consider that Moore's law applies to telecom as well as computers.

computers are getting cheaper - why isn't phone service ?

of course, even if it was free, cable TV would be too expensive.

do they have ads on cable TV ?

10th August 2012, 08:28 AM
Thanks everyone! yeah its definitely a liberating feeling, and itll keep some extra money in my wallet. I always am amused by the fact that people have those 500 channel mega packages and complain that there is nothing on (they are probably the same people that complain that there is nothing to eat when their fridge is full). In both cases they are probably sifting through junk

I havent had Kay-Bull for about 3 years and I must admit I do miss Nat geo, Science, Discovery and history Channel but I rest a hell of alot easier knowing my Wee Ones bright mind is not exposed to the mental mush passing for TV.

If you havent seen the history channel for a few years you wouldnt recognize it now it is ALL reality TV. There is a pawn show, alien show, trucker show, swamp people show, and to top it off a show following "pickers" involving two jews traveling through America ripping old retired folks off of their Americana for bottom of the barrel prices. No modern marvels, how it was made, etc anymore

Congratulations on completing your advanced schooling! Sounds like you analyzed things well and planned accordingly. What career path have you chosen that has the rosey job opportunities for you that you sound confident you will land?

+1 Andrea Gail!


Hey Beefsteak thanks, it will be a job in accounting, I start monday

10th August 2012, 08:32 AM
congrats andrea. one of my maxims as to why the country is so screwed up is that most people "can't do 5th grade math." kudos to not being one of them anymore! :D

10th August 2012, 08:34 AM
Good for you! My husband stopped watching it long before i did but after a while I realized we were spending $100 a month just to leave it on for the dog during the day. What a colossal waste of money and brain cells!

It was definitely a shock seeing how much they were asking for just the basic cable when I was going to get my internet all set up. Everywhere I lived for school had offered "free" cable as a perk for living at the apartments so I never even gave it a thought of how much it might cost

10th August 2012, 08:39 AM
congrats andrea. one of my maxims as to why the country is so screwed up is that most people "can't do 5th grade math." kudos to not being one of them anymore! :D

If I had a dollar for every time I saw people break out their calculators for a simple 7 x 6 math equation haha. and these were the "smart" people

my grandpa was an actuary so at a very young age he always enjoyed testing me on math equations, so now I can do most equations in my head

10th August 2012, 08:43 AM
Almost 15 years cable free, and since I'm in the boonies I almost can't get internet. I have to use a MIFI which means limited streaming so no Netflix or Youtube either. From the outside looking in, the programing is obvious. Last night I was over at the neighbor's house and she had the TeeVee on for no one. Just background noise. I went in the house to grab a beer and there was a comedy show playing. The comedian's backdrop was a wall with graffiti all over it. The most prominent peice of "art", one that showed from every angle, was a large eye.

10th August 2012, 08:46 AM
If I had a dollar for every time I saw people break out their calculators for a simple 7 x 6 math equation haha. and these were the "smart" people

Hey, sevens are hard! Oh, do I wish I was kidding. I write very sophisticated algorithms on a daily basis, but those 7's and 8's timetables still give me grief.

10th August 2012, 08:46 AM
It was definitely a shock seeing how much they were asking for just the basic cable when I was going to get my internet all set up. Everywhere I lived for school had offered "free" cable as a perk for living at the apartments so I never even gave it a thought of how much it might cost

When I called to canel it they try (of course) to find a way for you to keep it, the cheapest they "could" get it was $60 a month. There is absolutely nothing on tv that is worth $60 a month.

Congrats on your new job and good luck!

10th August 2012, 08:49 AM
Hey, sevens are hard! Oh, do I wish I was kidding. I write very sophisticated algorithms on a daily basis, but those 7's and 8's timetables still give me grief.

Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9. wa wa wa...

10th August 2012, 09:15 AM
Hey, sevens are hard! Oh, do I wish I was kidding. I write very sophisticated algorithms on a daily basis, but those 7's and 8's timetables still give me grief.

ok maybe that was a bad example

how about 6 x 4 ;) :D

10th August 2012, 10:25 AM
Thank you for the inspiration AndreaGail. I get cable bundled with my internet service, but I have been thinking for months now about getting rid of it. Most of what I watch I can get with an antenna on my roof and an $8 a month subscription with Netflix. So the cable is going to bite the dust. I thought of getting Satellite service instead, but that is pretty much the same 500 channels of mindless drivel that Cable is. Unplugging the tube is the first step in unplugging from the evil system.


The cable companies are figuring this out so that they don't make it very cost beneficial for you to "unbundle". With time, the Internet service component will get more expensive, while phone and TV will become less expensive add-ons. But they will remain expensive if you want them separately.

10th August 2012, 10:29 AM
If I had a dollar for every time I saw people break out their calculators for a simple 7 x 6 math equation haha. and these were the "smart" people

my grandpa was an actuary so at a very young age he always enjoyed testing me on math equations, so now I can do most equations in my head

Every now and again I like to impress the gas station attendants by coming up with a beef jerky or other snack and when they total me up, I deduct that amount from a $20 in my head and ask for that amount of fuel. For instance, if my total was $1.73 I would then ask for $18.27 in gas and they're amazed when the total is an even $20. I've even had one lady ask me how I did that. I laughed and said "math".

10th August 2012, 10:30 AM
$70/month for comcast internet for me. No phone or tv. They offered to upgrade me from 12 Mbps to 22 Mbps for adding their tv or movie whatever service. Not willing to pay 1 dime for tv though. It costs time.

10th August 2012, 10:44 AM
I have cable, so I am exposed to the propaganda. But as they say, "Know your enemy." ;)

Actually, I don't watch that much. It's 95% crap. But I like the other 5%.

Eventually TV and internet will be completely integrated so you won't have a choice to opt out of TV. You might not watch it, but you'll be paying for it. They're very clever.

10th August 2012, 10:48 AM
Hey, sevens are hard! Oh, do I wish I was kidding. I write very sophisticated algorithms on a daily basis, but those 7's and 8's timetables still give me grief.

Like they say, there are 3 kinds of people: Those who can do math, and those who can't.

10th August 2012, 10:53 AM
Like they say, there are 3 kinds of people: Those who can do math, and those who can't.

I thought that there were 10 kinds... those who know binary and those who don't.

10th August 2012, 02:58 PM
Kill your Tel-Avi-Zion!

3rd November 2012, 05:51 PM
Q&A: The Price of Paying Attention

3. Have you noticed a proliferation of amateurism and incompetence in financial media in recent years? If so, which media type (i.e. web, print, cable, etc) has deteriorated the most?

Television News is just awful, cable especially. We switched off the TVs in the office about 5 years ago and never looked back. CNN is mostly idiotic, Fox News actually makes you uninformed + filled with wrong info, and CNBC has turned into this money-losing shout fest.

“Lose the News” was a column I wrote in 2005, and its more apt than ever (here (http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/06/apprenticed-investor-lose-the-news-2/))

The WSJ, once the greatest paper in the world, has lost a good chunk of credibility in my eyes since Murdoch took it over. The reason is his blatant bias – anything with a remotely political relevance is now 100% untrustworthy. Its still an excellent news source for me, but so long as he owns it, there is an asterisk attached to every article. MAY BE EDITED FOR POLITICAL REASONS. Forget the phone hacking scandal, that old bastard should go to jail for what he did to the paper. I hope NWS Corp spins it out so it can go back to being the best paper in America.

http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/11/information-sources/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheBigPicture+%28The+Big+Pict ure%29

4th November 2012, 05:05 AM
ok maybe that was a bad example

how about 6 x 4 ;) :D

how about, 500 x $32 - the approximate cost of a monster box.

16,000 smackers.

4th November 2012, 07:25 AM
I haven't paid for TV in years. I did however mount a flat screen on the forward bulkhead. It's hooked into my sound system for watching movies. Those little dc gold 4" speakers sound amazing.

Since moving to the small town, I get no local channels. I used to pick up a few local channels in the city, and would watch the local news occasionally. Now zip, nothing, a blank screen. It would be nice to pick up the local news in case there's a local emergency.

4th November 2012, 07:41 AM
I haven't paid for TV in years. I did however mount a flat screen on the forward bulkhead. It's hooked into my sound system for watching movies. Those little dc gold 4" speakers sound amazing.

Since moving to the small town, I get no local channels. I used to pick up a few local channels in the city, and would watch the local news occasionally. Now zip, nothing, a blank screen. It would be nice to pick up the local news in case there's a local emergency.

Get a police scanner?

4th November 2012, 07:53 AM
what? another gsus member has gone rogue! ....call dhs and get him back into the fold...internment if neccessary.....reprogramming definitely!

4th November 2012, 09:50 AM
You'll just have to get your subliminal programming RIGHT HERE!!!!



4th November 2012, 01:20 PM
do they have ads on most cable shows ?

i gave up on TV in general in about 1997.

i remember watching some Star Trek show, 5 minutes of show, then about 8 ads, then 5 more minutes of show ... etc.

so now my TV access is Netflix.

Netflix still has ads, but you can time things to avoid it.

sometimes the DVD has 5 to 10 minutes of ads for other shows, but you can miss it by putting the DVD in a half hour early and letting it play its ads to an audience of zeno one watching.

8th November 2012, 08:08 PM
Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0195526/

The Cable Club


The TV antennas are removed from the roof of the building. Since no one can watch TV, the inhabitants begin to talk together. They decide to start up a antenna club, to get a new antenna for all of them. But this turns out to be much more complicated than could have been anticipated. Written by Kynde

8th November 2012, 10:20 PM
Only thing I miss is Formula One.

The people from whom I steal my wi-fi signal don't have enough bandwith to stream live video. Cheap bastards.