View Full Version : September 11, 2001 Ground 0 Pictures.

11th August 2012, 08:16 PM

Amazing pictures of the collapsed World Trade Center.

Hatha Sunahara
12th August 2012, 09:07 AM
According to the official story, two airplanes caused all that damage. Looks like 3 nuclear explosions to me.


willie pete
12th August 2012, 09:29 AM
According to the official story, two airplanes caused all that damage. Looks like 3 nuclear explosions to me.


it's just hard for me to wrap my head around the nuclear explosion theory,(subterranean?) it'd seem to me if that had happened, there would've been a hell of a lot more collateral damage because I think an implanted nuclear device would've been almost impossible to control, and wouldn't that had created seismic waves that would've registered?

12th August 2012, 10:49 AM
it's just hard for me to wrap my head around the nuclear explosion theory,(subterranean?) it'd seem to me if that had happened, there would've been a hell of a lot more collateral damage because I think an implanted nuclear device would've been almost impossible to control, and wouldn't that had created seismic waves that would've registered?

9-11 did have a signature that was picked up on seismographs.

worth looking into, although at this point the 9-11 perpetrators have thoroughly muddied the waters.

i don't know if it was state of the art demolition using conventional explosives or a mini-nuke. my best guess is that the US & Israeli governments have focussed some development efforts, not just on the Megaton end of the spectrum, but also on the kilo-ton end - small nuclear devices with a bomb output comparable to a daisy-cutter/MOAB (30,000 pounds, 15 tons or explosive).

willie pete
12th August 2012, 11:24 AM
9-11 did have a signature that was picked up on seismographs.

worth looking into, although at this point the 9-11 perpetrators have thoroughly muddied the waters.

i don't know if it was state of the art demolition using conventional explosives or a mini-nuke. my best guess is that the US & Israeli governments have focussed some development efforts, not just on the Megaton end of the spectrum, but also on the kilo-ton end - small nuclear devices with a bomb output comparable to a daisy-cutter/MOAB (30,000 pounds, 15 tons or explosive).

I'd think even a small, comparatively speaking, conventional/nuclear explosion would have devastated more than just the towers, and where would've these explosives been placed? subterranean? in every vid I've seen, the twin towers collapsed from the point of plane impact damage downward in a sequenced fashion, just having trouble trying to fit a "nuke" into that, it'd seem to me if it were some type of nuke, the damage would be from the point of explosion outward.....right?

12th August 2012, 12:51 PM
I'd think even a small, comparatively speaking, conventional/nuclear explosion would have devastated more than just the towers, and where would've these explosives been placed? subterranean? in every vid I've seen, the twin towers collapsed from the point of plane impact damage downward in a sequenced fashion, just having trouble trying to fit a "nuke" into that, it'd seem to me if it were some type of nuke, the damage would be from the point of explosion outward.....right?

we saw an example of a 2000 pound bomb in the 1993 bombing of the WTC.

as far as a mini nuclear device, i am speculating when i say that i think this is an attractive design project for the War Toy industry.

if i was to say more, i would be over-speculating :)

as far an explosion event that demolishes a building, we saw an example of that in WTC 7.

fairly obviously, where explosives are placed is important - in the case of building demolition.

to some extent, nuclear bombs are rated according to how many pounds of conventional high speed explosives it would take to replicate their effect. a 1 ton mini-nuke would be comparable to 2000 pounds of TNT or similar explosive. if such a device was placed at the location of the 1993 WTC van-bomb, i dare say it would do similar damage.

i think we can deduce that location affects blast signature, whether it's conventional or nuclear.

i wonder if the 1993 bombing was a false flag.

it was disclosed that that guy had in his possession plans for an attack that included flying airplanes into the WTC.

12th August 2012, 01:04 PM
There was access to in between the floors and all the main structural supports from the elevator shafts.

The elevator upgrades on the towers was the largest of it's kind ever undertaken in scope, and duration, according to architectural digests.

Elevators are great at moving all kinds of stuff throughout the building.,

Silver Rocket Bitches!
12th August 2012, 01:26 PM
I'd like to know what melted those cars blocks away in such a strange manner. Cars with their front ends charred but the rear intact. If it was that hot, why no charred bodies?

So many questions we may never have the answers to. Sucks to have to speculate so.

12th August 2012, 01:49 PM
I'd like to know what melted those cars blocks away in such a strange manner. Cars with their front ends charred but the rear intact. If it was that hot, why no charred bodies?

So many questions we may never have the answers to. Sucks to have to speculate so.

Do an internet search for Judy Wood and 9-11 (she also references Hutchison's work about this). She covers this topic. Also check out some of Ralph Winterrowd's interviews of Judy Wood on Republic Broadcasting Network's archives of about a year or two ago.

12th August 2012, 02:11 PM
Do an internet search for Judy Wood and 9-11 (she also references Hutchison's work about this). She covers this topic. Also check out some of Ralph Winterrowd's interviews of Judy Wood on Republic Broadcasting Network's archives of about a year or two ago.

Here are some of the interviews of Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson at RBN:


Deana Spingola
Spingola Speaks, 2011-09-12
Spingola Speaks, 2011-03-11
Spingola Speaks, 2012-01-05
Spingola Speaks, 2011-04-14
Spingola Speaks, 2011-06-29
Spingola Speaks, 2011-06-02
Spingola Speaks, 2012-04-09
Spingola Speaks, 2011-05-02
Spingola Speaks, 2011-08-23

SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2010
SUNDAY, JULY 11, 2010

John Stadtmiller

12th August 2012, 02:42 PM
Definitely energy weapons.

12th August 2012, 03:20 PM
I'd like to know what melted those cars blocks away in such a strange manner. Cars with their front ends charred but the rear intact. If it was that hot, why no charred bodies?

So many questions we may never have the answers to. Sucks to have to speculate so.

human beings are uncomfortable with uncertainty.

they would rather believe a nice clean tidy official false conspiracy theory, and to ignore the hundreds of loose ends & un-explained occurrences, than to contemplate a messy but honest history, with large pieces of the puzzle fuzzy and/or missing.

"those G*dd*mn Muslims did it. i know nothing about WTC 7."

willie pete
12th August 2012, 03:30 PM
we saw an example of a 2000 pound bomb in the 1993 bombing of the WTC.

as far as a mini nuclear device, i am speculating when i say that i think this is an attractive design project for the War Toy industry.

if i was to say more, i would be over-speculating :)

as far an explosion event that demolishes a building, we saw an example of that in WTC 7.

fairly obviously, where explosives are placed is important - in the case of building demolition.

to some extent, nuclear bombs are rated according to how many pounds of conventional high speed explosives it would take to replicate their effect. a 1 ton mini-nuke would be comparable to 2000 pounds of TNT or similar explosive. if such a device was placed at the location of the 1993 WTC van-bomb, i dare say it would do similar damage.

i think we can deduce that location affects blast signature, whether it's conventional or nuclear.

i wonder if the 1993 bombing was a false flag.

it was disclosed that that guy had in his possession plans for an attack that included flying airplanes into the WTC.

explosives can take down bldgs no problem, plenty of examples of that, but in those examples they don't collapse like the twin towers did, in fact I've never seen a video of a controlled demo of a bldg as tall as the twin towers imploded from the top down.....it would seem to me the reason you don't see that is you loose control and the risk of collateral damage increases significantly, you have more control if you take out the base/foundation first....jmo

Silver Rocket Bitches!
12th August 2012, 05:00 PM
Do an internet search for Judy Wood and 9-11 (she also references Hutchison's work about this). She covers this topic. Also check out some of Ralph Winterrowd's interviews of Judy Wood on Republic Broadcasting Network's archives of about a year or two ago.

Judy Wood's stuff is definitely the most eye-opening. I never noticed the disintegrating spire until she pointed it out.
