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mick silver
13th August 2012, 03:01 PM
Kim Dotcom Resists, Pussy Riot Protests and the Insane Clown Posse Sues ... Internet Reformation RollsMonday, August 13, 2012 – by Staff Report

Your life is precious ... precious, yeah
So don't you forget it, get it, no
You decide who you are
You decide who you are.
~ Kim Dotcom, lyrics to "Precious"
Dominant Social Theme: These people are all criminals! If only the world had a single corpus, we could throw everyone in jail at once.
Free-Market Analysis: As the power elite (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=610');) that wants to run the world continues to race against time more and more brutally, what we call the Internet Reformation (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=2195');) becomes ever more visible.
It is becoming more visible because as the elites shove the world toward global governance (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=2045');), people being shoved, some of them, push back.
In the past week, we've seen three high-profile instances of this sort of resistance. Kim Dotcom, CEO of destroyed Megaupload, has launched a website to proclaim his innocence and begun releasing surprisingly tuneful pop music to plead his cause and shape his public image.
Over in Russia, the punk girl band Pussy Riot is finishing up a trial that sees them accused of violating the sanctity and physical space of the Russian Orthodox Church to protest Vladimir Putin (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=2716');)'s endlessly authoritarian (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=2606');) reign. One of the members made an eloquent closing statement that we reproduce in part below.
Most recently, the Insane Clown Posse has filed a lawsuit against the FBI (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=2344');) declaring the group and its followers to be a "gang." We last wrote about the Insane Clown Posse here:
In Defense of the Insane Clown Posse (http://thedailybell.com/1657/www.youtube.com/stated...se)
It seems to us that the Internet Reformation is gaining traction, inevitably, as we long ago predicted. We first pointed to Congressman Ron Paul (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=859');) as an embodiment of the modern Reformation but as the powers-that-be push forward on all fronts, they are assaulting many other bright and courageous people who then step to the fore.
The initial Reformation was in part sponsored by the power elite, and the elites are trying to take over THIS reformation as well. But the trouble with taking over the Internet is that one has to do it in full VIEW of the Internet.
Confusion, therefore, is employed. "They" are using apparent false flags like Julian Assange (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=2624');), Anonymous and even faux alternative currency movements to undercut the tremendous progress that free-market thinking (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=596');) has made over the past decade.
But as we long ago predicted, the Internet Reformation is fairly unstoppable at the moment. The European Union (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=1891');) is falling apart, the global warming (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=1919');) scam is unraveling, the war on terror (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=1877');) has not gone as planned in Afghanistan and many other elite promotions have been exposed in detail on the Internet.
The ancient power elite, that evidently wants to run the world and uses its control of central banks (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=2958');) to fund its mania, is in no sense defeated but it is facing challenges that it has not faced since the Gutenberg Press (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=764');) itself began exposing the power structure 600 years ago.
Then, the Church was riven, a New World was discovered, two vast revolutions were initiated and the cause of freedom was at once massively advanced and then, after a time, retarded.
It took the elites about 400 years to fully control the damage. They didn't really overcome it until about the 20th century, and now the Internet Reformation has undone much of the globalist progress that was made.
Let's take these three examples cited above and analyze how they may be contributing to the current Reformation.
The violent raid on Kim Dotcom's mansion may soon be seen as disastrous overreach by US Federal authorities. It was no doubt thought that 400 pound Kim Dotcom was an easy target. He could be mocked and generally demonized as a greedy, overweight criminal.
But those in the upper reaches of this elite global conspiracy are still floundering when it comes to confronting the damage the Internet is doing to their plans.
Copyright was apparently invented by the power elite of the day to retard information flow from the Gutenberg Press. It was a brilliant stroke, at once slowing injurious information and placing many informed communicators on the side of the state itself because copyright would enrich them.
But in a 21st century Internet world we need only to turn to natural law (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=1908');) to decide how well copyright works now. Laws that demand egregious violent enforcement and then are STILL flouted are dysfunctional ones. They are in legal parlance "positive" rather than natural. Like prohibition, they don't work.
People sense that the powers-that-be are on the wrong side of the copyright issue, thus some of the sentiment supporting Kim Dotcom. You can see some of our articles here:
The Creepy Pursuit of Kim Dotcom by Corporate America and Why it Matters (http://thedailybell.com/4141/The-Creepy-Pursuit-of-Kim-Dotcom-by-Corporate-America-and-Why-It-Matters)
VIDEO: Internet Piracy – Who are the Thieves? (https://www.thedailybell.com/3525/VIDEO-Internet-Piracy-Who-Are-the-Thieves)
Both New Zealand and American authorities are being handed one defeat after another in this case, including a judicial invalidation of the very warrant that was executed on Kim Dotcom.
The elites behind this raid – the West's top dynastic families and their enablers and associates – may eventually come to regret making Kim Dotcom their number one target. He is big, increasingly angry and something of a marketing genius.
It may be that Vladimir Putin shall also regret HIS foray into further authoritarianism. Putin is worried about his legitimacy as a ruler and has decided that making a case against three pretty young women collectively called Pussy Riot will provide the shock value he needs to calm protest against him.
But late last week it backfired with Nadezhda Tolokonnikova's closing statement, which, in our humble view, is so good it's almost dumbfounding. You can find the full statement at Infowars and Business Insider. Here's a little:
We are absolutely not happy with—and have been forced into living politically—by the use of coercive, strong-arm measures to handle social processes, a situation in which the most important political institutions are the disciplinary structures of the state – the security agencies, the army, the police, the special forces and the accompanying means of ensuring political stability: prisons, preventive detention and mechanisms to closely control public behaviour.
Nor are we happy with the enforced civic passivity of the bulk of the population or the complete domination of executive structures over the legislature and judiciary. Moreover, we are genuinely angered by the fear-based and scandalously low standard of political culture, which is constantly and knowingly maintained by the state system and its accomplices.
Look at what Patriarch Kirill has to say: "The Orthodox don't go to rallies." We are angered by the appalling weakness of horizontal relationships within society. We don't like the way in which the state system easily manipulates public opinion through its tight control of the overwhelming majority of media outlets. A perfect example is the unprecedentedly shameless campaign against Pussy Riot, based on distorting facts and words, which has appeared in nearly all the Russian media, apart from the few independent media there are in this political system.
The full text of the speech has by now been broadcast and texted around the world. Putin, who is evidently and obviously an ally of the Western power elite (he just returned from an Israeli love fest) made a mistake going after these girls.
The FBI meanwhile made a mistake targeting Insane Clown Posse, which is now going to sue them for falsely labeling them and their followers as a "gang."
The Insane Clown Posse is not a gang. In any case, if the far more insane laws against drugs and other private practices were lifted there probably wouldn't be any gang violence, especially if monopoly central banking were done away with, along with public schools (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=2601');), so that the economy could recover and people could find jobs again.
The FBI also played a big role in the raid on Kim Dotcom and it is very likely as the Internet Reformation continues the FBI's increasingly aggressiveness on behalf of the power elite shall meet rising pushback from the Internet Reformation.
The FBI has been exposed on the 'Net for creating and fostering false-flag terrorist episodes and has evidently and obviously covered up whatever really happened on 9/11. Like the CIA (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=2401');), which evidently created al Qaeda (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=855');), the FBI's tactics have been exposed by the Internet and are increasingly transparent to the larger masses of people that might in a different era have been more trusting.
It is, after all, a matter of trust. What the Internet Reformation increasingly presents to viewers is a civilization that doesn't work as advertised ... and perhaps was designed not to work on purpose.
As this knowledge continues to percolate through the body politic, the ability of the powers that be to manipulate people via war, economic ruin and regulatory authoritarianism becomes increasingly difficult. The elites' dominant social themes (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=652');) are exposed along with their apparent one-world agenda.
The three examples we have examined here are just a small exhibit of the larger changes that are sweeping the world and making it increasingly difficult for those involved in a greater one-world conspiracy.
The last meme (javascript:showWindow(500,800,'/floatWindow.cfm?id=654');) to fall, in our view, will be one having to do with what we call "private justice" – which was the way societies handled internal quarrels and injustices for tens of thousands of years. Public justice is increasingly exposed for the unjust mechanism that it is. You can read an article on public and private justice here:
What Amanda Knox Tells Us About Justice (http://thedailybell.com/3043/What-Amanda-Knox-Tells-Us-About-Justice)
Conclusion: Times are changing but we don't see that the power elite has developed any effective tactics to control the damage to their plans. Right now, they're becoming increasingly authoritarian and violent. But we bet in time they'll be forced to take a step back.