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13th August 2012, 03:44 PM
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The Great Culling has begun: Will your genetic lineage survive?

Friday, August 10, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com

(NaturalNews) The "Great Culling" of the human population has quietly begun. Covertly, insidiously, mercilessly, a global depopulation agenda has been launched. As this plays out, the vast majority of the human race will be removed from the gene pool. Genetically annihilated. Will you and your genetic lineage survive?

That's what this article explores:

WHAT are the real threats to your life, your offspring and your genetic integrity?

HOW can you protect yourself from those threats?

WHY is a global depopulation agenda being pursued?

The more you understand these answers, the greater your odds of surviving the great culling.

First, let's dismiss any idea that the great culling is some sort of fanciful conspiracy theory. World power brokers like Bill Gates and Ted Turner openly discuss reducing the world population by 90%. Bill Gates, in particular, happily funds infertility technologies, vaccines and GMOs, all of which are purposely designed to cause infertility and halt new baby births, thereby sharply contracting the human population.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, for example provided significant funding to the University of North Carolina to develop ultrasound infertility technology that could render human sperm unviable for up to six months. Reported by the BBC, this technology was proven effective on rats, and it's only one of 78 different research projects the Gates Foundation has funded under the guise of "global health programs."

Bill Gates famously explained his depopulation agenda through the use of vaccines with this quote, delivered to a live TED audience in 2010:

The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent. (http://www.naturalnews.com/029911_vaccines_Bill_Gates.html)

"Eliminate the weak"
That this is the desire of the global controllers is no secret. It's not debated. This is what today's politicians, bureaucrats and even some misinformed activists of the "environmental" movement wish to achieve -- the reduction of world population to under one billion people. To them, humanity is seen as a threat to the planet and even to itself.

From one point of view, this analysis may actually be correct. It's difficult to see how today's mindless masses of dumbed-down consumers -- steeped in video games, television and junk food -- can offer any meaningful contributions to the future of human civilization. So, from the point of view of the global controllers, "culling the herd" of humanity is actually a good thing. It makes humanity stronger, they say, in much the same way that culling the weaklings from a herd of wild animals improves the aggregate gene pool of the targeted species as a whole.

The globalists argue that today's human gene pool is stalled. The weak and the stupid reproduce just as much as everybody else -- if not more so. The human gene pool is actually devolving, they say, and the only way to bring it back to a point where we have a species capable of reaching for the stars is to eliminate those who aren't smart enough to deserve a spot in the human gene pool.

The word for this is, of course, eugenics. Adolf Hitler pursued the same philosophy: Improve the human race through genocide. Eliminate the weak, the ugly, the stupid. Fire up the incinerators, disarm the target race to be exterminated, and herd them into gas chambers or open pits.

Modern eugenics
Today's eugenicists are more subtle. They've learned, through experience, that openly gassing entire populations doesn't win over the hearts and minds of the public. So they've developed covert methods of accomplishing the same thing. These coverts methods include convincing people to eat genetically modified foods -- which promote infertility -- to drink fluoride, take vaccines, use synthetic chemicals, increase abortions and pursue other actions that either kill people outright or drastically reduce rates of reproduction.

The idea behind these is that, first off, the culling of the human race can now be accomplished without all the horrifying images of Nazi Germany's gas chambers. While the Jews in World War II had to be forcibly lined up and herded into railroad cars, today's eugenics victims willfully line up at pharmacies to be injected with flu vaccines containing stealth cancer viruses that accomplish the same thing: Death.

Death by vaccines is just slower and more covert than death by Zyklon B.

The great intelligence test
Importantly, the genocidal properties of vaccines, GMOs, chemical food additives, medications and other synthetic chemicals function as a sort of intelligence test for the population. Those who routinely take vaccines are, of course, stupid. Removing the stupid people -- the "useless eaters" -- from the gene pool is one of the goals of the global controllers. Thus, vaccine propaganda serves as the perfect filter for removing "stupid genes" from the human gene pool. This is no doubt why globalists so aggressively push vaccines on low-income families -- they equate "low income" with "not qualified to reproduce."

Importantly, vaccines contain stealth cancer viruses that are passed along through multiple generations. The SV40 viruses introduced to the population through polio vaccines in the 1950's still exists today in the grandchildren of those who were first vaccinated. This is openly admitted by top scientists who helped develop these vaccines (http://www.naturalnews.com/033584_Dr_Maurice_Hilleman_SV40.html).

Meanwhile, the efficacy of these vaccines is completely and utterly fabricated, as has been exposed by two whistleblower scientists who blew the lid on scientific fraud taking place at Merck (http://www.naturalnews.com/036328_Merck_mumps_vaccine_False_Claims_Ac...).

Many pharmaceuticals directly cause infertility, by the way. Propecia, a Merck baldness drug, has now been linked to infertility and ejaculation disorders (http://www.naturalnews.com/035568_male_baldness_propecia_infertility....).

The game is on: You are living a reality game called "Survivor"
The big picture here is this: The game is on. You are a contestant in a reality game called "Survivor." If you win, you survive and your genes go on to represent the future of the human race. If you lose, your genetic lineage is annihilated... permanently removed from the future of the human race.

My goal is to help you -- the intelligent reader of NaturalNews -- ensure that your genetic material remains in the "survivor" side of this equation. I want you to beat Bill Gates at his own game. And surviving is winning

Remember: the goal of the controllers is to kill off roughly 90% of the existing population, either through a fast-kill weapon release, or the "slow kill" method of causing global infertility. While Bill Gates only publicly mentioned 10% - 15% in his 2010 quote (above), Ted Turner publicly announced, on video, that he believes the population should be reduced by roughly 70% to the "two billion" level. You can see that astonishing video, filmed by Luke Rudkowski, at:

Behind the scenes at secret meetings, the real reduction levels being discussed are in the 90% range. If this is the real goal, it would mean a typical person only has a 1 in 10 chance of winning the survivor game.

In this article, I show you how to flip those odds, giving you roughly a 90% chance of winning the survivor game. That's the ultimate victory: Surviving, having healthy babies, and raising them to contribute to the betterment of human civilization. There's probably very little you or I can do to stop the culling of 90% of the population, as many people today seem bent on their own self destruction. But at least we can make sure we remain in the 10% of the survivors who go on to have healthy offspring and contribute to a future of liberty, freedom and spiritual advancement.

So, to begin, let's first explore the threats to your life and your fertility. These are things you must avoid if you hope to win the survivor game.

The 7 threats to your survival and fertility
1) GMOs - Engineered to grow poisonous chemicals right in the crops themselves, GMOs are also designed to cause reproductive failure in any mammal consuming them.

2) Vaccines - Loaded with stealth cancer viruses and chemical adjuvants, vaccines are the primary cause behind today's rising rates of infertility, birth defects and spontaneous abortions. Vaccines are aggressively pushed in minority neighborhoods and low-income areas.

3) Chemtrails - Formulated with aluminum, barium and other heavy metals, chemtrails cause human exposure to toxic metals that impair brain function and neurological function. This exposure may contribute to birth defects and deformities, but details need to be further explored.

4) Prescription medications - Prescription drugs and chemotherapy damage DNA, promote impotence and decrease both sperm quality and egg quality.

5) Chemical food additives - These chemicals damage DNA and egg quality, causing infertility to be passed down through multiple generations of females. What you eat today can damage the eggs of your great-great-great granddaughter. Poisons in the food supply right now include sodium nitrite (in nearly all processed meats), MSG, aspartame and chemical preservatives.

6) Biological weapons release - A possible "fast kill" scenario being explored by world governments, a biological weapons release can burn through the population with high kill rates while being conveniently blamed on any desired scapegoat such as a fictional terrorist group. "We are at war with Eurasia!"

7) Food fascism leading to starvation - Corporations like Monsanto are seeking total global domination (and corporate ownership) over the entire food supply. This concept is called "food fascism," and it would allow corporations and governments to determine who eats and who starves. Notice how home gardens are under attack? (http://www.naturalnews.com/032960_Julie_Bass_home_gardening.html) Raw milk centers are raided at gunpoint? (http://www.naturalnews.com/033220_Rawesome_Foods_armed_raids.html) Backyard ranching is being criminalized? (http://www.naturalnews.com/035585_Michigan_farms_raids.html) This is all part of the food fascism assault that's already underway in our world.

Those are the top threats to your survival and fertility. What follows next is how to beat them.

The 10 strategies for beating the odds and winning the survivor game

#1) Avoid all poisons -
These means eliminating all GMOs, fluoride, aspartame, MSG, artificial fragrances, chemical medications, chemical food additives and all other synthetic chemicals from your life. [EDIT: note that Cigarette Smoking is not listed which is wierd!] For most families, this means gutting your pantry, bathroom counters, garage chemicals and lawn care chemicals. Remember: The globalist controllers refuse to eat GMO and consume only organic foods. Ever wonder why? Because they know the chemical-laden, genetically modified foods are being used to kill off the uninformed masses.

#2) Use nutrition to protect your DNA -
This is absolutely crucial. Good nutrition (superfoods, high mineralization, antioxidants, plant concentrates, etc.) can prevent DNA damage from exposure to low-levels of radiation as well as toxic chemicals. Above all, good nutrition boosts reproductive health, sperm quality, egg quality, and even brain function (so you think more clearly and don't get suckered into globalist propaganda).

#3) Do not vaccinate your children -
This is a key defense against the great culling. Those who vaccinate their children condemn them to increased risks of infertility, thereby putting their entire genetic line at risk of annihilation. By avoiding vaccines and allowing your children to naturally experience the chicken pox or measles, you actually make them stronger and more resistant to future infections.

#4) Grow your own food -
The only food you can truly trust is food you grow yourself. Using heirloom seeds, ocean water trace mineral concentrates, soil probiotics and rainwater, grow food that nourishes your body and brain. Save your seeds and re-plant them each season. Over time, they will adapt to your specific soils and climate, improving yields and seed viability. See our heirloom survival seed solution at: http://www.supplysource.com/surthrival-seed-can

#5) Learn skills of self defense and physical security -
Be prepared to physically defend your life, home and property against tyrants, looters, criminals or even zombies (!). Learn the fundamental skills of self defense, weapon competency and marksmanship. I teach this information in a downloadable preparedness course at:

#6) Reject mainstream propaganda -
In order to protect your mind, you must refuse to subject yourself to the mind-numbing propaganda of the mainstream media. This means throwing out your television, shutting off cable news, and shifting to information sources such as truth-telling websites and books.

#7) Do not try to "save" everyone.
Most of the masses will be culled. They are already beyond hope, having been poisoned with fluoride, vaccines, GMOs and other chemicals into a state of total denial. Have compassion for them, for they are the last of their kind.

But do find other aware and informed survivors and get to know them. Share skills and knowledge. Form a community defense plan for a worst-case scenario possibility. Cross-train each other to spread skills across the group. There is strength in numbers.

#8) Follow a philosophy of core redundancies. Examine all the critical infrastructure necessary to support your life -- food, water, heat, shelter, emergency medicine, defense, communications, etc. -- and put at minimum a second layer of redundancy in place for each one.

#9) Train yourself for mental adaptability.
In order to survive, you must not allow yourself to ever be locked into the "tunnel vision" of narrow thinking. To survive, you must be able to adapt, solve problems, and use resources in innovative ways.

Training for this can include
----solving mental puzzles (including playing "problem solving" puzzle video games),
-----exploring the outdoors,
-------learning new skills (such as juggling), and
---------trying out new hobbies.
Do not let your mind stagnate. You will need it to be flexible.

#10) Avoid radiation exposure.
Nothing damages your DNA faster than radiation, and sources of radiation are all around us. From the TSA body scanners at the airport to the CT scans ordered by your doctor, these harmful, ionizing radiation procedures damage your DNA and compromise fertility. Avoid using cell phones, Smart Meters and even wi-fi, if possible. Especially avoid medical imaging scans, dental X-rays and security scans of all kinds. Radiation damage is cumulative, meaning it gets progressively worse over time as you are exposed to repeated doses of low-level radiation.

Don't be a victim, be a survivor

The point of all this information is simple: The "Great Culling" is upon us. That's also the name of a new documentary coming out that you'll see announced here on NaturalNews:
www.TheGreatCulling.org (http://www.TheGreatCulling.org)

Population reduction has begun. For many, it's already too late for their children and grandchildren because their DNA has been compromised beyond repair. They won't realize this until their children or grandchildren can't have their own children, but the damage has already been done now... today... in our time.

Remember: The eggs that produce a woman's granddaughter are formed inside the womb of her own daughter during the time that daughter is forming in her own womb. (Yeah, really.) What a pregnant woman eats today, in other words, directly shapes the egg quality of her granddaughter. This also means it takes, at minimum, two generations to recover from toxic chemical exposure.

Years ago, I coined the term "Genopocalypse." That genopocalypse is now under way, happening right in front of us. But most people aren't aware of it, so they easily fall victim to it. But through awareness, education and proactive strategies of self-preservation, we can each refuse to become a victim of the depopulation agenda.

You are a survivor. That's probably why you read NaturalNews. Now it's time to put your knowledge and awareness into action. Make the changes outlined in this article -- starting right now -- and safeguard not only your own future, but the future of your entire genetic line for generations to come.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036756_depopulation_agenda_eugenics_survivor.html# ixzz23T2qqefS


First article I've read with 10 steps to flip the odds favorably to a spot among the 10% who survive.

Also, the first article I've read with the SV40 Cancer Virus embedded in the polio vaccines of the 1950s. WOW, things our parents didn't teach us.

And #10 is certainly proof we are in the end game with the Fukushima Disaster on Steroids...CURRENTLY AT 168x the bomb dropped on Hiroschima in Aug 1945....168x the radiation spewing, just since 3.11.2011

Thank goodness for radiation mitigation protocols and post radiation exposure healing techniques.


13th August 2012, 03:47 PM
eliminate globalists

13th August 2012, 03:59 PM
That would CERTAINLY up the odds, Serpo!!

Since I don't know how to do that or implement that, I'm going to continue what George Herbert recommended:
"Living well is the best revenge."