View Full Version : the only purpose of this ammo can be for use against the American people.At the same

14th August 2012, 04:32 PM
At the same time politicians in Washington are openly talking about banning online ammo sales to American citizens, the government itself is arming to the teeth. And not in a military sense, either: The Department of Homeland Security is stockpiling insane quantities of anti-personnel "hollow-point" ammo of all calibers, including #00 tactical shotgun ammo, anti-personnel pistol rounds and match-grade .308 sniper rounds. As the DHS fights no foreign wars and only has jurisdiction in the United States, the only purpose of this ammo can be for use against the American people.

The most recent DHS solicitation contract is seeking massive quantities of anti-personnel ammunition for the "DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRNG CTR." The PDF document showing this is available at:

We have made a backup copy on NaturalNews at:

There's good coverage of this story, by the way, at:

As you can see for yourself, this DHS contract requests huge quantities of all the following ammunition (and much more):

• Over one million rounds of hollow-point .223 rifle ammo
• Over half a million rounds of non-hollow-point .223 rifle ammo
• 220,000 rounds of 12 gauge shotgun #7 ammo (target ammo)
• Over 200,000 rounds of 12 gauge shotgun #00 buckshot ammo (tactical anti-personnel ammo)
• 66,000 rounds of 12 gauge shotgun slugs (tactical anti-personnel, anti-vehicle rounds)
• Over two million rounds of hollow-point .357 Sig JPH (hollow-point) pistol ammo (anti-personnel)
• Over four million rounds of .40 S&W JPH (hollow-point) pistol ammo (anti-personnel)
• Over 60,000 rounds of .308 match grade anti-personnel sniper rounds (BTHP)
• Plus, hundreds of thousands of additional rounds of .38 special, .45 auto, 9mm, 7.62x39 (AK rifle) ammo, and others.

This is on top of the massive 450 million .40 S&W hollow point rounds the DHS has already requisitioned (http://www.naturalnews.com/035649_DHS_ammunition_domestic_war.html).

The only rational conclusion: DHS is training a domestic army for war with the American people
There is only one rational conclusion to all this: The Department of Homeland Security is training a domestic army -- an army of pedophiles, perverts, child porn distributors and drug dealers -- to wage a shooting war with the American people.

I have warned about the rise of the Nazi-like power of the DHS (http://www.naturalnews.com/035607_government_checkpoints_Martial_Law....), and now we're seeing the result of a runaway power grab that will, before very long, be used to engage in mass shootings of American protestors.

What protestors, you ask? The protestors who will take to the streets immediately following the collapse of the global banking fraud, of course. And if that's new information to you, you need to get ahead of the curve on real-time history in the making. The global banking cartel is based on a pyramid of total financial fraud, and it's going to come crashing down within the next 24 months, according to some estimates (see Keiser, below). Imagine Chase, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs all bankrupt, their stock worth zero. Suffocated under endless trillions of fraudulent derivatives. That's what's coming, it seems, and if you want the hard-hitting analysis of this situation, listen to this recent interview between Max Keiser and Alex Jones entitled, "We're in A Financial Holocaust"

Ron Paul warns about all this in his own video released on May 10, 2012, which describes the coming financial collapse and martial law:

I also highly recommend this interview between James Wesley Rawles and Alex Jones:

The U.S. government clearly sees the writing on the wall. What lays ahead for America is a day of unbearable reckoning. The financial collapse will wipe out savings accounts, pensions, investment funds and equities of the working class, all across the nation. Imagine bank accounts being reset to zero, "bank holidays" enforced at gunpoint. That will unleash a wave of violent protests, social chaos and even talk of revolution. The government will almost certainly respond with a declaration of Martial Law, the rolling out of highway checkpoints, and before long, the use of live ammo on unruly protesters.

What is about to unfold in America will make the Kent State incident of 1970 look like a peace rally. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings)

As the government stockpiles ammo, so do the citizens
What's happening behind the scenes in America right now is a massive armament build-up of epic proportions. The government itself is arming to the teeth, but at the same time, sales of guns and ammo to private citizens have smashed through all historical records. Ammunition prices are rising steadily and rifles, handguns and shotguns are out of stock everywhere. Gun manufacturers are running double and triple shifts in their own factories, trying to keep up with demand, and some have simply cancelled all new orders for the next few months until they get caught up.

I've even noticed myself getting caught up in the rush. Every time there's another shooting in the USA, people like Obama, Bloomberg and Schumer call for gun restrictions, and I find myself immediately buying another firearm. Why? Because people want what they perceive will soon be unavailable. It's basic human psychology. That's why many gun shops in the USA credit Obama as being "salesperson of the year." Nobody has caused more guns to be sold to more U.S. citizens than President Obama. His power to cause citizens to arm themselves at breakneck speed is legendary. Every time he opens his mouth, it seems, citizens flood the gun shops with cash at the ready.

The result of all this is a massive nationwide escalation of firepower, and the potential for serious conflict on the issue of liberty versus government power. The government, of course, wants to control everything and turn citizens into obedient minions. Many citizens have a problem with that, and they demand a restoration of Constitutional liberties (which have been stripped away by nearly everyone in Washington, including Bush, Obama and yes, even the new VP candidate Paul Ryan, who voted for the NDAA). (http://www.naturalnews.com/034537_NDAA_Bill_of_Rights_Obama.html)

At this point, my personal belief is that we're sadly already past the point of no return. I see the very high possibility of the U.S. government engaging in a shooting war with the U.S. population within the next 24 months. Obviously, my wish is that no such acts of violence take place, but history has shown that when the population wakes up and realizes how royally they've all been ripped off, deceived and enslaved, it results in a spontaneous outburst of rage against the system. History has shown this is the stuff of revolutions, and revolutions are rarely peaceful.

My advice to NaturalNews readers? As I've said for years, don't join in angry protests because from here forward, they are likely to be very, very violent. We are going to see literal blood in the streets, and I don't want you anywhere near that.

Hunker down at your home, farm or apartment. Defend yourself, support the effort to keep the peace in your local community, and at every opportunity work to de-escalate violence and seek the restoration of liberty through peaceful means. Fight with words, not guns, wherever possible.


14th August 2012, 04:40 PM


Uncle Salty
14th August 2012, 05:32 PM
Yep. Just getting ready for Martial Law. They have to cover the financial collapse with a false flag and then during the collapse, keep the people in line with threats of death. It is so fucking obvious, it's not funny. Hunger isn't funny either. Or thirst. Better get prepped soon because doom is only six months away.